Further Discussion of Data Analysis

C. Further Discussion of Data Analysis

After describing the scenes of the racial practices in Mississippi Burning Film, the writer knows the factors why American white people did the discrimination towards the blacks and other ethnics like Jews, Turks, Mongols, Tartars, Orientals nor Negroes. In the history, the oppressing towards the color ethnics especially to the blacks had been exist as slave since 17 century, and written in the bible of Christian. The first scene is talked about intimidation by KKK activists toward the Civil Rights Workers when they finished their job to collect the data of Blacks for President Election. On the road, the KKK activists tried to stop the Civil Rights Workers. They intimidated the Civil Rights Workers on their car without let them out from their car. The intimidation continues and the Klan doesn’t want the Civil Rights Workers see their face then shot them all. The white people, who joined in some community based color like Ku Klux Klan, fraternal organization, make intimidation, kidnapping , and lynching the black who try to register. This case related with the theory which the writer choose for. The intimidation was one of KKK way to scare and to threaten the African-American. The second scene is showed the intimidation and violence towards a Negro kid by the Klan activists. The Klan caught, kicked and threatens the kid because the Klan guesses he give the information to the FBI agent which sat with him in the restaurant. After that, they kidnap him and get into cotton cage until the morning. The third scene shows us the racial practice continues toward a kid. The violence can get in everywhere, even that in front of the church. In picture 5 and 6 we can see the Klan activists attacked the Negroes when they out from the church. All people get the violence even a kid. But the kid just shows his patient and prays God when he got some kicks from a Klan. Religious racism had already established the causality by which God gives better heredity to Christians, and this argument could now be adapted to assert the genetic superiority of the so-called white race. The genetic superiority of the so-called white race was now believed in axiomatically by nearly all social theorists. The cultural superiority of Europeans white automatically consists of. Cultural superiority was mainly, though not entirely, considered to be an effect of racial superiority. The fourth scene shows us the atmosphere in the court session. Three of KKK activists who mixed up of the burning the Blacks ghetto arrested and sit on the court. But the defendants got protected from the judge because he guesses this all because of the provoked by outside influences. And the judge punishes them with five years in jail, but the judge will suspend the sentences. From this case the discrimination seen in this scene, because the judge help the white race even them did wrong, and ignore the Blacks who wants the justice from the court. The next scene showed the interview with Clayton Townley as the entrepreneur and the chief of KKK. He hated Jews because they reject Christ. The mean of the first sentence, is Jews and other colored ethnics reject the Anglo-Saxon Christian because this system were not fair according to the colored people. The bible said: God had created white people, in a region which Europeans considered to be their own cultural hearth: the Bible Lands.” And these countries which Townley said are not believe in Anglo-Saxon democracy and the countries will be supposed to falling down the superiority of white American as Anglo-Saxon followers. After a brief scuffle with Ward, the two FBI agree that they will work together and bring down the Klan using both mens approach to the investigation. The ending shows several scenes of the takedown of the Klan heads: • The new tactics begin when an African American man abducts the mayor. The abductor threatens the mayor with castration and tells a story about a man who was castrated by the Klan for the color of his skin. Using information from the mayor, the agents get more detailed information on the murders. It is revealed that the African American abductor is a special operative for the FBI. • Next, Anderson pays a visit to the barber shop and gives the Deputy Sheriff an enormous beating and thereby punishes him for abusing his wife. • Following this, some FBI members disguise themselves as Klan members and chase another Klan head, before cornering him and pretending to lynch him. The FBI suddenly shows up and chases them away, before offering the head protection from the Klan if he co-operates. The final scene shows each Klan member arrested and detailing their sentences. Related with the scenes above, in the scene sixth is the last scene and the writer thinks this is the extreme action than the others. Lynching till the dead. From the picture 9 above we can see a people lynch on the tree with the KKK activists. This case related with the James M. Blaut Theory, Cultural Racism. Racist practice, like all practice, is cognized, rationalized, justified, by a theory, a belief system about the nature of reality and the behavior which is appropriate to this cognized reality. Since racism as practice, that is discrimination, is an essential part of the system, we should not be surprised to discover that it has been supported by a historical sequence of different theories, each consistent with the intellectual environment of a given era.