



Ika Lara Kusuma 07360022








" Think first that what you wants to do before doing it Believe that God always listens and helps you"

DEDICATION: I dedicated this thesis to Allah SWT, lecturers, my beloved father and mother, my sister, and my soulmate





Each variation of language has different style and characteristic to show their identity. The variation is influenced by social factors such as age, sex, job, family relationship, economic, and educational background, etc. The appearance of language variation is caused by the variety oflinguistic style that use by society. One of language variety is diglossia. It is to figure out the condition of a society where containing two varieties from one language which consist in side and each of them have the specific play in role, namely: the high (H) variety is for prestigious, powerful variety; the low (L) variety lacks prestige and power.

The purpose of the study is to know the kinds of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film, and to describe the meaning of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film.

This study used qualitative research because the data were the words used to answer the questions. In collecting the data, the researcher watched The King’s Speech film, searched the script of the film to understand the utterances well, replayed and re-watched the film well to understand the contexts, selected the data which were categorized as diglossia, and rewrote all of the data about diglossia.

The results of this study showed that diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film contained H (high) and L (low) variety. H (high) variety in this film was not only used in formal situation, it was also used in conversation. While L (low) variety was used in common conversation only. The meaning of the diglossia in H (high) variety showed to make the language prestigious and more respected, showed to respect the listener, and showed to make the beauty of language as the heritage literature. Meanwhile, the meaning of the diglossia in L (low) variety which were used by the main characters in common conversation showed to make close and informal situation between the speaker and the listener.

It can be concluded that this film contains the H (high) and L (low) variety of diglossia which occur in formal and informal situations.

Key Words: Diglossia and the Main Characters.

Advisor I, The Writer,









CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.3 Purposes of the Study ... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7


2.1.1 Dialect ... 9

2.1.2 Idiolect ... 11

2.1.3 Speech Style ... 11

2.1.4 Diglossia ... 12 Definition of Diglossia ... 12 Topics of Diglossia ... 15

2.2 Film ... 17

2.2.1 Elements of Film ... 17 Character ... 17

(8) Setting ... 19 Dialogue ... 20

2.2.2 Kinds of film ... 22 Action Film ... 22 Adventure film ... 23 Comedy Film ... 23 Crime film ... 23 Drama Film ... 24 Epic Film ... 24 Horror Film ... 24 Musical/dance Film ... 25 Science-fiction Film ... 25 War (and anti-war) Film ... 25 Western Film ... 26

2.3 The King’s Speech Film... 26


3.2 Research Object ... 29

3.3 Research Instrument ... 29

3.4 Data Collection... 29

3.5 Data Analysis ... 30


4.1.1 The Kinds of Diglossias Used by Main Characters in The King’s Speech Film ... 31 High Variety ... 32


4.1.2 The Meanings of Diglossias Used by Main Characters in The King’s

Speech Film ... 48 The Meanings of Using H Variety of Diglossia ... 48 The Meanings of Using L Variety of Diglossia ... 52

4.2 Discussions ... 55


5.2 Suggestions ... 58




Ary, D., Jacobs, and Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education Sixth Edition. US: Thomson Wadsworth Inc.

Brown, Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language pedagogy. Second Edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Pearson Education Company. San Fransisco State University.

Vaillete & Stewart (2001 Stewart, 2001

Ahmadu. 2011. A Diglossic Investigation of the Use of English and Jukun Languages in Wukari Metropolis, Taraba State

Syukra. 2010. A Study of the Use of Diglossia by the Main Character of Precious Movie.

Stam, Robert. 2000. Film Theory: An Introduction. Malden. Blackwell Publishing. Sinulingga, 2009

Wardaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Fifth Edition. Malden. Blackwell Publishing.

(Brown, 2000

Yule, George. 2006. The Study of Language. Third Edition. New York. Cambridge University Press.

Barlow, M. 2012. Individual Usage: A Corpus-Based Study of Idiolects. New Zealand. University of Auckland. Retrieved on July 24, 2013 from http//www.

Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Introducing Sociolinguistics. New York. Routledge.

Klarer, Mario. 2006. An Introduction to Literary Studies: Second Edition. London. Routledge.

Arp, Thomas, R. & Johnson, Greg. 2006. Perine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. Boston. Thomson Wardsworth.


Hartiningsih, Sri. 2001. Introduction to Literature. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Iwuchukwu, 2008 Adewoye (2008 Dirks (2010



This chapter contains of some section such as: background of the study, statement of problem, putrpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1. Background of study

Communication becomes an important tool in our daily life to interact with others and to survive in our life, in this case, communication is relevant with almost every aspect of our life, wether it is oral or written communication. It assists us in building and sustaining personal relationship and participating in social and ativities. So, as a tool of communication, language has an important role for human daily life in society.

Language is a means of communication. People can imagine how difficult life without language. ‘Language is a system om arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another’ (Brown, 2000:5). People use language to communicate with others no matter it uses words, spoken, wriyyen, or combine of them. By language, people not only get information, but also use it to express feeling. Sometimes, when people describe a person as a good communicator, they are likely



thingking of the way he/she speaks and feels their expression. From the definition above there is relationship between language and society.

The differences of society in social dimension cause language varieties. The language varieties are created to make the language more interesting and unique, the language varieties are not only as a sign of differentiating its speech community but also as an indication of language situation and reflect purposes, topics, norms, and modes of language. Hudson (in Wardaugh, 2006: 25) defines a variety of language is ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution’. Each variation of language has different style and characteristic to show their identity. In fact, this variation is influenced by social factors such as age, sex, job, family relationship, economic, and educational background, etc. The appearance of language variation is caused by the variety oflinguistic style that use by society. One of language variety is diglossia.

According to Ferguson (in Sinulingga, 2009) The term ‘diglossia’was firstly introduced into English from French by Ferguson. Ferguson used the technical terms of diglossia to figure out the condition of a society where containing two varieties from one language which consist in side and each of them have the specific play in role. As Ferguson defined above, there are two variations from one language from in diglossia. The variations are H (High) and L (low). The ‘ High ‘ variety (High = H) and the ‘ Low ’ variety (Low = L). The H variety is prestigious, powerful variety; the L variety lacks prestige and power. Formal domains such as publick speaking, speech, religius, text and practice, education, meeting,and other prestigious kind of usage are dominated by the H variety; the L variety is used for informal conversation,



jokes, street, and market, the telephone, and other domains not reserved for H variety. The usage of High and Low are found in film too because film is a reflection of social life. It means that the language used in the film contains language variety such as low and high variety because a film tells about relationship between humans and all their problems. As Feuillade (in Stam, 2000) describes film as slice of life representing people and things. Thus, film is like real life situation, including the usage of language in conversation.

Further, Stam (2000, 328) explains that filmic and literary fictions inevitably bring into play everyday assumption not only about space and time but also about social and cultural relationships. It indicates that film is not only about time and space which are set and made, but it tells the story which is a reflection of life and, of course, needs the language use like real life situation. Therefore, film can be an object of the study to be analyzed in terms of its language variety, including its diglossia.

In this study, the writer chose The King’s Speech film to be analyzed because there are many formal and informal languages used in this film. For example, when the King had speech and speaking in an important meeting where he met many colleagues and important people, he uses formal language. The formal languages that are used by the King such as ‘I have received from his majesty’, ‘I’m willing to work hard, Dr. Louge’. The words that are used by the king are high because he speaks with the same status person and be respected person in formal situation. Another when he was at home when talking with his wife and his friends use the informal language to look more close and relaxed. The informal language that are used by the



king such as ‘can’t I be a penguin instead’, ‘now girls, time to bed’, ‘everyone natters to themeselves occasionally, Bertie’. The King use Low variety of words because, his wife and his friends are close person and relax situation. It was directed by Tom Hooper, and starred by Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Geoffrey Rush as the actress. The King’s Speech film was released by Weinstein Co. in November 26th, 2010 (Limited) and December 25th, 2010 (Expands Wide).

Related to this study, Syukra (2010) conducted a study entitled “A Study of the Use of Diglossia by the Main Character of Precious Movie “. He focused on the diglossia situations in which exoglossia and endoglossia are used by the main character of Precious movie and the attitudes for endoglossia and exoglossia used by the main character of Precious movie. It was found that the language used by the main character of Precious movie was Standard American English and African American Vernacular English. Precious movie used exoglossia to the educated and respected persons like teacher and doctor to maintain the relationship among student and teacher also patient and doctor. Precious movie used endoglossia to her friends and mother who was African American. Moreover, the varieties of language have the different aspect such as variety learned, prestige, use in the community and distinct or same language which belong to attitudes toward diglossia.

Then, there is another previous study conducted by Ahmadu (2011) entitled “A Diglossic Investigation of the Use of English and Jukun Languages in Wukari Metropolis, Taraba State”. It focused on the relationship between context of situation and language use in the society and the impact of diglossia in relation to human



communicative behavior. The finding showed that there is a statistically significant interplay between language use and contextual, demographic, sociological and stylistic variables. Diglossia also could have a significant impact on the growth and development of the Jukun language and therefore called for a greater use of the Jukun language in the metropolis.

The previous studies above have a similarity with this study because they discussed the same topic, namely diglossia. The first previous study took movie as the object of the study as this study. It analyzed about diglossia in which exoglossia and endoglossia are used in precious movie. Meanwhile the second previous study focused on the relationship between context of situation and language use in the society and the impact of diglossia in relation to human communicative behavior.

Different from those studies, the writter analyzes diglossia situation in formal and informal language. That are called an diglossia are High (H) and Low (L) variety used by main characters in “The King’s Speech” film. “The King’s Speech” film was chosen because the main characters often use many diglossia in their daily activity and social life. Therefore, the writter wants to know the kinds and the meaning of diglossia; also in what scene those phenomena of diglossia are used by the main characters.

1.2. Statement of the Problem



2. What are the meanings of diglossias used by main characters in The King’s Speech film?

1.3Purpose of the Study

1. To know the kinds of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film.

2. To describe the meaning of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film.

1.3 Significance of Study

Theoritically, this study will be useful for the future diglossia researchers. This study can be use as a reference and gives description about diglossia.

Practically, this study gives examples of diglossia, which can be seen in the utterances uttered by the main character of The King’s Speech film to the readers in order to make them easy to understand the kind of language with their community and gives the contribution to the teachers and students who want to study about diglossia deeply.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is diglossia used by the main characters in the film. The limitation of the study is diglossia that used in just the main characters found the



dialouges in “The King’s Speech” film in 2010 by Tom Hooper director, it consist of three main characters they are King Bertie, Elizabeth, and Lionel Logue.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

The following definitions of the key terms are intended to avoid ambiguty or misinterpretation. These terms are :

1. Diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which in addition to the primary dialects of the language which may include a standard or regional standard, there is a very divergent, highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learned largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any section of the community for ordinary conversation. (Ferguson, in Wardaugh, 2006)

2. Main character is the most important character in a story, but he cannot stand on his own and needs other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike (Koesnosoebroto, 1988).

3. Film is means of photographic depiction far surpass the means of portrayal in the theater, which deals with material aspects such as camera angle, editing, slow or fast motion, and sound, etc. (Klarer, 2006).

4. The King’s Speech is a film written by David Seidler and directed by Tom Hooper released in 2010 (http//


thingking of the way he/she speaks and feels their expression. From the definition above there is relationship between language and society.

The differences of society in social dimension cause language varieties. The language varieties are created to make the language more interesting and unique, the language varieties are not only as a sign of differentiating its speech community but also as an indication of language situation and reflect purposes, topics, norms, and modes of language. Hudson (in Wardaugh, 2006: 25) defines a variety of language is ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution’. Each variation of language has different style and characteristic to show their identity. In fact, this variation is influenced by social factors such as age, sex, job, family relationship, economic, and educational background, etc. The appearance of language variation is caused by the variety oflinguistic style that use by society. One of language variety is diglossia.

According to Ferguson (in Sinulingga, 2009) The term ‘diglossia’was firstly introduced into English from French by Ferguson. Ferguson used the technical terms of diglossia to figure out the condition of a society where containing two varieties from one language which consist in side and each of them have the specific play in role. As Ferguson defined above, there are two variations from one language from in diglossia. The variations are H (High) and L (low). The ‘ High ‘ variety (High = H) and the ‘ Low ’ variety (Low = L). The H variety is prestigious, powerful variety; the L variety lacks prestige and power. Formal domains such as publick speaking, speech, religius, text and practice, education, meeting,and other prestigious kind of usage are dominated by the H variety; the L variety is used for informal conversation,


jokes, street, and market, the telephone, and other domains not reserved for H variety. The usage of High and Low are found in film too because film is a reflection of social life. It means that the language used in the film contains language variety such as low and high variety because a film tells about relationship between humans and all their problems. As Feuillade (in Stam, 2000) describes film as slice of life representing people and things. Thus, film is like real life situation, including the usage of language in conversation.

Further, Stam (2000, 328) explains that filmic and literary fictions inevitably bring into play everyday assumption not only about space and time but also about social and cultural relationships. It indicates that film is not only about time and space which are set and made, but it tells the story which is a reflection of life and, of course, needs the language use like real life situation. Therefore, film can be an object of the study to be analyzed in terms of its language variety, including its diglossia.

In this study, the writer chose The King’s Speech film to be analyzed because there are many formal and informal languages used in this film. For example, when the King had speech and speaking in an important meeting where he met many colleagues and important people, he uses formal language. The formal languages that are used by the King such as ‘I have received from his majesty’, ‘I’m willing to work hard, Dr. Louge’. The words that are used by the king are high because he speaks with the same status person and be respected person in formal situation. Another when he was at home when talking with his wife and his friends use the informal language to look more close and relaxed. The informal language that are used by the


king such as ‘can’t I be a penguin instead’, ‘now girls, time to bed’, ‘everyone natters to themeselves occasionally, Bertie’. The King use Low variety of words because, his wife and his friends are close person and relax situation. It was directed by Tom Hooper, and starred by Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Geoffrey Rush as the actress. The King’s Speech film was released by Weinstein Co. in November 26th, 2010 (Limited) and December 25th, 2010 (Expands Wide).

Related to this study, Syukra (2010) conducted a study entitled “A Study of the Use of Diglossia by the Main Character of Precious Movie “. He focused on the diglossia situations in which exoglossia and endoglossia are used by the main character of Precious movie and the attitudes for endoglossia and exoglossia used by the main character of Precious movie. It was found that the language used by the main character of Precious movie was Standard American English and African American Vernacular English. Precious movie used exoglossia to the educated and respected persons like teacher and doctor to maintain the relationship among student and teacher also patient and doctor. Precious movie used endoglossia to her friends and mother who was African American. Moreover, the varieties of language have the different aspect such as variety learned, prestige, use in the community and distinct or same language which belong to attitudes toward diglossia.

Then, there is another previous study conducted by Ahmadu (2011) entitled “A Diglossic Investigation of the Use of English and Jukun Languages in Wukari Metropolis, Taraba State”. It focused on the relationship between context of situation and language use in the society and the impact of diglossia in relation to human


communicative behavior. The finding showed that there is a statistically significant interplay between language use and contextual, demographic, sociological and stylistic variables. Diglossia also could have a significant impact on the growth and development of the Jukun language and therefore called for a greater use of the Jukun language in the metropolis.

The previous studies above have a similarity with this study because they discussed the same topic, namely diglossia. The first previous study took movie as the object of the study as this study. It analyzed about diglossia in which exoglossia and endoglossia are used in precious movie. Meanwhile the second previous study focused on the relationship between context of situation and language use in the society and the impact of diglossia in relation to human communicative behavior.

Different from those studies, the writter analyzes diglossia situation in formal and informal language. That are called an diglossia are High (H) and Low (L) variety used by main characters in “The King’s Speech” film. “The King’s Speech” film was chosen because the main characters often use many diglossia in their daily activity and social life. Therefore, the writter wants to know the kinds and the meaning of diglossia; also in what scene those phenomena of diglossia are used by the main characters.

1.2. Statement of the Problem


2. What are the meanings of diglossias used by main characters in The King’s Speech film?

1.3Purpose of the Study

1. To know the kinds of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film.

2. To describe the meaning of diglossia used by main characters in The King’s Speech film.

1.3 Significance of Study

Theoritically, this study will be useful for the future diglossia researchers. This study can be use as a reference and gives description about diglossia.

Practically, this study gives examples of diglossia, which can be seen in the utterances uttered by the main character of The King’s Speech film to the readers in order to make them easy to understand the kind of language with their community and gives the contribution to the teachers and students who want to study about diglossia deeply.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is diglossia used by the main characters in the film. The limitation of the study is diglossia that used in just the main characters found the


dialouges in “The King’s Speech” film in 2010 by Tom Hooper director, it consist of three main characters they are King Bertie, Elizabeth, and Lionel Logue.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

The following definitions of the key terms are intended to avoid ambiguty or misinterpretation. These terms are :

1. Diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which in addition to the primary dialects of the language which may include a standard or regional standard, there is a very divergent, highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learned largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any section of the community for ordinary conversation. (Ferguson, in Wardaugh, 2006)

2. Main character is the most important character in a story, but he cannot stand on his own and needs other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike (Koesnosoebroto, 1988).

3. Film is means of photographic depiction far surpass the means of portrayal in the theater, which deals with material aspects such as camera angle, editing, slow or fast motion, and sound, etc. (Klarer, 2006).

4. The King’s Speech is a film written by David Seidler and directed by Tom Hooper released in 2010 (http//