Method of the Research

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter discusses the objective of the research, place and the time of the research, population and sample, method of the research, data collection, and data analysis. A. Objective of the Research The objective of the study is to describe the effectiveness of the visual media developed and used in English teaching at first semester of SMP Negeri 1 Ciputat academic year 2006-2007. Therefore, the writer wants to prove some theories whether it is true that visual media can motivate and stimulate students in learning English. G. Place and Time of Research This research is held at seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ciputat, which is located on Jl Cireundeu Raya No. 2 Ciputat, with some reasons. First, this school is a place where the writer did Teaching Practice PPKT. A teaching practice program for English department students of Islamic State University in some formal school. Second, the English teachers seldom use visual media in their teaching. Third, there is never a research that is related to the development of visual media in line with English themes of even semester. The research is held from October until November 2006. The subject of the research is the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ciputat. The population is about 400 students in 10 classes. The writer takes class of VII-1 and VII-2 as sample of research. He takes 20 students in experiment class and 20 students in controlled class as sample.

C. Method of the Research

The writer uses experiment study. It means that the experiment is carried out in order to explore the strength of relationships between variables 36 . In the experiment research, there is a control which is done by the researcher accidentally to the variable. Gay stated, in Sukardi, 2003, control is an effort on the part of researcher to remove the influence of any variable other than the independent variable 36 David Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning, USA: Cambridge Univesity Press, 1992, p. 24-25 that effect performance on a dependent variable 37 . Therefore, there are two classes; experiment class and controlled class. In experiment class, the writer used visual media in his teaching, while, in controlled class, he taught without using visual media. H. Teaching Procedures To make the teaching learning process more effective, teacher is supposed to able to manage the class and use variety of teaching method. The uses of visual media are more effective to make the students are easy to understand the materials. The teacher shows the pictures, flash card, and real objects to the students. So, they get the idea easily and clearly. Then the teacher asks them to imagine what they would do with these media. It is related on unconscious knowledge mental aspect, since they see the object and it can add their attention to the subject, the media can also illustrate each situation. The uses of method also have essential part in teaching learning process. It is very useful to help students in understanding the material. They should use variety of method to avoid the students feel bored and lazy. Therefore, the teachers use visual media and communicative approach in teaching material based on the English themes. In teaching English by using visual media in line with English themes, the writer does the following steps: 1. First step The teacher shows the visual media to the students that related to the theme and ask them to mention what the visual media mean. 37 Prof. Dr. Syamsudin AR. MS and Dr. Vismain. S. Damaianti, M. Pd, Metode Penelitian Pendidikian Bahasa, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosadakarya, 2006, p. 151-152 2. Second step The teacher reads a text or dialogue to students and asks them to listen what teacher reads. And then, they are asked to find the difficult words, from the text or the dialogue and write them in their books. 3. Third step After they write the difficult words in their books, ask for volunteers to write them on the white board, and check their spelling and pronunciation.

D. Data Collection