5. The researcher selected and classified the valid and relevant data based on the categorizations. 6. The researcher transferred the data into the data sheet.

D. Research Instruments

The research instrument was human instrument including the theoretical knowledge. As it is stated by Burns 1994: 295, the role of researcher in the qualitative research is as an instrument. The researcher is involved in all of the processes of the research observation, analyzing and interpreting of the data. This is in line with what Moleong 2010: 211 states; the key instrument in qualitative research is the researcher. The researcher takes a role as the designer or planner, data collector, data analyst, data interpreter and reporter of the research findings Moleong, 2010: 212. Furthermore, Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 211 argue that the researcher is the interpreter of the selected text or texts. The researcher’s interpretation is only one of many possible valid interpretations of a given text as there are an infinite number of possible interpretations of any given text and each interpretation is equally valid to the extent that it reflects the meanings attributed to the text by the interpreter. Therefore, the researcher’s own interpretation is salient. Thus, in this research, the primary instrument was the researcher. The secondary instrument of this research was the data sheet. A data sheet was used to classify the data which eased the researcher to analyze the data from the novel. Coding was also used in the data sheet to ease the researcher and the readers to find the data. It is a process of organizing data and obtaining data reduction Wiersma, 1995: 217. For example, Mec00110 is a code for the datum of metaphor which is realized in the form of visible metaphor and found in page 001 and line 10. The data sheet is in the form of a table of types and realizations of transference of meaning, and reflected themes of Liar and Spy novel. Table 1. The Sample Data Sheet of Types and Realizations of Transference of Meaning, and Reflec ted Themes in Rebecca Stead’s Liar and Spy No Code Data Sy Me Mt Si Theme Explanation a b c d e f g h i 1 Mec 00110 Mr. Landau, seventh-grade science teacher, has unrolled a beaten-up poster of the ignorant tongue map, and hes explaining about how people have misunderstood the science of taste since the beginning of time. √ School life The ignorant tongue map is a humanizing metaphor example since ignorant trait is possessed by human and it is realized in visible metaphor as both the target and source are clearly realized. It illustrates the theme of school life as it describes the condition at Georges’ school and how he thinks about his science class. He compares the tongue map with ignorant trait as he believes that people have misunderstood the science of taste. Notes : Code : TypeRealizationPageLine Types of Transference of Meaning Sy : Synecdoche Me : Metaphor Mt : Metonymy Si : Simile Realizations a : Part representing the whole b : The whole representing its part c : Visible metaphor d : Invisible metaphor e : Associated concepts f : Producer and the produced g : Institution and its location h : Product and its brand i : Comparative words

E. Data Analysis Techniques