Ego Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis about Personality Structure

push for expression and gratification “no matter what”, without considering whether what is desired is realistically possible. 18

2. Ego

The ego represents the individual’s picture of physical and social reality, of what will lead to what and which things are possible in the world as it is actually perceived. 19 It develops soon after birth when the infant realizes that all of she or he wants will not automatically come to her or him, that she or he will have to figure out a way to get what she or he wants. The ego is conscious control system that is formed in the child as someone becomes aware of social demands. A person with the strong ego has ability to plan ahead, to tolerate frustration, to work for delayed gratification, and to adapt with social norms. The ego is the realistic personality process, therefore ego is said to obey the reality principle : the gratification of impulses must be delayed until the appropriate environmental conditions are found. It is essentially the “executive” of the personality, in that it decides what actions are appropriate and which id impulses will be satisfied in what manner. The ego mediates among the demands of the id, the relatives of the external circumstances, and the demand of the superego. External circumstances, however, can not be ignored. A thirsty person can not satisfy his need simply by imaging a glass of water. Consequently, the ego develops out 18 Philip G. Zimbardo and Floyd L. Ruch, Psychology and Life, 9 th edition USA: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1975 p. 414 19 Ibid p. 414 the id as a means of dealing with reality. The ego attempts to control the id, delaying gratification until conditions are appropriate. 20 Freud saw the ego as part of person that must resolve conflict between id and superego. The ego must find the realistic way to satisfy the demands of the id without offending the superego. 21 Ego as a part of personality is responsible for controlling behavior in socially life. The very important aim of ego is to maintain individual’s life proliferation. It conducts and controlled the action, also choose the environment which will be responded, then decides what instinct that will be satisfied and how the way are.

3. Superego