The Understanding of Vocabulary

2. Passive Vocabulary: refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening. It is also called as receptive vocabulary. 4 Active vocabularies are vocabularies or the words that we use in speaking and writing, two of language skill. These vocabularies are often called as productive vocabularies because they are in case of speaking, have to be said by good pronounced in order that our rival can understand what we mean. In case of writing we have to write by good letter in order to avoid misunderstanding from readers. To use the active vocabulary or productive vocabulary we have to know and be able to use grammar of the target language, we are hoped to familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words too. This vocabulary is more prominent in the first level of a course. Passive vocabulary is vocabulary used in two kinds of language skill that is reading and listening. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening, and also called as receptive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary is more useful when the student in higher level of study such as intermediate level or advanced level. b. Based on its form and function John Read in his book, Assessing Vocabulary, mentioned two kinds of vocabulary based on its form and function, they are: 1. Function Words These are the words, which only have a full meaning when they are integrated with other word. It includes articles, preposition, pronoun, conjunction, auxiliaries, etc. 4 Ruth Grains and Stuart Redman, Working with Words a Guide to Teaching and Learning, New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 65 2. Content Words These are the words, which have a full meaning and provide links within sentences. It includes noun, full verb, adjectives, and adverb. c. Used for Communication S.H. Burton and J. A. Humphries in A.M Zainuri, there are two kinds of vocabulary used by the people for communication, namely: 1. General Vocabulary :It is of the words used in general. There is no limited of fields or users, terms general that the writer means is general in meaning and using. 2. Special vocabulary : It is used in certain field, job, profession or special science. For example; politicians, journalist, and lawyers. 5 So, no matter how many experts classify vocabulary, words are a part of language elements or language tools of communication which are used by a people.

3. The Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary

Some techniques in presenting vocabulary can be used to explain the meaning of words and the way in teaching vocabulary will depend much on individual characteristics. But the teachers have to determine the best techniques to teach or explain the meaning of words to the learners. Teaching vocabulary to student seems to be the simplest thing to do. In fact, it requires more than translating some words from one language to another. Students need something fun and easy to access the vocabulary quickly when it is required for use. In this section, some techniques to teaching and learning vocabulary are offered to facilitate students’ need in accessing vocabulary. 5 A. M. Zainuri, Vocabulary 1, Jakarta: English Department, 2003, p. 1. According to Jeremy Harmer, there are seven techniques in presenting vocabulary: a. Realia One way of presenting words is to bring the things they represent into the classroom by bringing “Realia” into the room. Words like “postcard”, “pen”, “ball”, etc. can obviously be presented in this way. The teacher holds up the object or points to it, says the words and then gets the students to repeat it. b. Picture Pictures can be board drawing, wall pictures and charts, flashcards, magazine pictures and any other non-technical visual presentation. Picture can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items: teachers can draw things on the board or bring in pictures. c. Mime, Action, and Gesture It is often impossible to explain the meaning of words and grammar either through the use of realia or picture. Actions, in particular, are probably better explained by mime. Concepts like running or smoking are easy to present in this way. d. Contrast We saw how words exist because of their sense relations and this can be used to teach meaning. We can present the meaning of “empty” by contrasting it with “full”. We may present these concepts with pictures or mime, and by drawing attention to the contrast in meaning we ensure our students’ understanding. e. Enumeration We can use this to present meaning. We can say „clothes’ and explain this by enumerating or listing various items. The same is true of „vegetable’ or „furniture’, for example. f. Explanation Explaining the meaning of vocabulary items can be very difficult, especially at beginner and elementary levels. But with more intermediate students such a technique can be used. It is worth remembering that explaining the meaning of a word must include explaining and facts of words use which are relevant. g. Translation Translation is a quick and easy way to present the meaning of words but it is not without problems. In the first place it is not always easy to translate words, and in the second place, even where translation is possible, it may make it a bit too easy for