B. The Curriculum

SDN Pondok cabe Ilir III used “Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir III ”. This curriculum is made based on the pedagogical principles and the instruction of composing curriculum which is not separated from “Standar Isi” and based on the situation, condition and environmental needs. The teachers must made syllabus and sets of teaching learning’s administration based on the curriculum.

C. The English Textbooks

In choosing the lesson books, the headmaster and the teachers in SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir III used the books from “Department Pendidikan N asional” for teaching learning process. For English lesson, the government gave the book b y Edi Atmawinata “Rainbow, a Fun Way to Study English, Bandung: Acarya Media Utama, 2007. Besides that book, the teacher also used another books related with the English material such as the book “Basic English” was published by Yudhistira and written by S.B. Sulaiman dkk. LKS also is used to give the exercises for the students. The material in the teaching learning process is taught based on the curriculum which is directed to face the National Exam.

D. The Methods of Teaching

As the writer observed, the teaching method of English teacher in fourth grade students of SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir III may be categorized into the translation method. It might be shown from several teaching techniques the teacher used that without involving the students. The teacher dominates the class, and a lot of memorizing activities. Heshe used the translation method, for instance heshe reads the book and translate it than the students write the translation for the students to memorize it. This affected them bored and full of stress.


In this chapter the writer presents the description of the research method used in the study. It consist the methodology of the research, it consists of the objective of the research, the method of the research, the place and time of the research, the population and sample of the research, the techniques of data collecting, and the techniques of data analysis.


1. The Objective of the Research The objective of the research is to collect information and to answer the research and to know the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary using picture. The writer expects that this method will result in a better student’s English achievement.

2. The Method of the Research

This “Skripsi” discusses a set of experiments for teaching vocabulary using pictures. These activities involved two classes, namely controlled class and experiment class. The writer takes 25 students from each class. 3. The Place and Time of the Research This study was conducted at fourth grade, SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir III, Jl. Talas II Pondok Cabe Tangerang-Selatan, the 2 nd Semester of the 2010-2011 academic years. The research was held over a period of time from March, 15 th 2011 to April, 8 th 2011.

4. The Population and Sample of the Research

The population of the research is the fourth grade students of elementary school at Pondok Cabe Ilir III Tangerang Selatan. The total numbers of the population were 105 students who are divided into three classes, A, B, and C. The sample of research is two classes, they are 70 students. The writer used purposive cluster sampling technique decides the sample. Class IV.A which is employed 36 students as the control class and class IV.C which is employed 34 students as the experiment class. It will be taken only 25 students from each class because a few of the students were absent at that time. The writer collects the data by giving the students the same test 20 questions for both experiment and control class.

5. The Techniques of Data Collecting

Collecting data is an important thing in this research that can be determined. The kind of the research in the form of a test, they are: 1. Pre-Test The writer gives pre-test for the students in the first step of teaching because she wants to know the capacity of the students intelligent or they are different. The writer also wants to know how far the student’s achievement in understanding the vocabulary about parts of face before the writer gives the treatment to the students. The pre-test for the students is carried out to get the score between control class and experiment class. The writer made the same question for pre-test and post-test. The writer made 20 items divided by two categories: 10 multiple choices the score is 1 for each item. 5 fill in the blanks the score is 2 for each item. 5 complete these sentences the score is 3 for each items. To get the final score is 35 x 10 = 100. 3.5