Research Ethics on Vulnerable Populations and Children


2.7 Piloting the Research Instruments

Piloting the research instruments was conducted prior to the data collection. The main objective of the piloting was to implement research instruments in a real situation so that challenges could be identified and overcome, and adjustments could be made. Piloting was carried out after the assessor training workshop in 6 targeted districts. Each assessor team carried out a pilot in 1 school, which resulted in a total of 18 schools. The activity was completed in 3 days, with details as explained in Table 2.5. Table 2.5: Piloting the Research Instruments After the pilot program, no major adjustments were made on the research instruments except for a few minor changes in the flow of the SSME questions to make the interviews flow smoothly.

2.8 Data Collection

A Computer Assisted Personal Interview CAPI was applied using Nexus Tablet. Research instruments were loaded into the electronic device. The main reason for applying the CAPI technique was two-fold. First, it was more efficient as the data was automatically punched and stored in the Myriad server. In other words, no data entry was required. Second, quality Children Parents Teacher Head Teacher Papua Biak Numfor 3 3 60 60 6 3 Jayawijaya 3 3 60 60 6 3 Jayapura 3 3 60 60 6 3 Mimika 3 3 60 60 6 3 Papua Barat Manokwari 3 3 60 60 6 3 Sorong 3 3 60 60 6 3 Total 18 18 360 360 36 18 Number of Respondents in the Pilot Province District Number of Assessor Team Number of School in the Pilot 27 control of the data collection could be optimized as the date, time, and GPS of the school location could be monitored from the device. The step-by-step activities that were carried out by each assessor team in each school are as follows: a. The assessors introduced themselves and sought permission from the head teacher upon their arrival. The team leader explained the purpose of the assessment. A room for assessment was requested, such as in the library, an extra curricula room, empty classroom, etc. b. The assessor team selected the second grade classroom with the mechanism that was explained in the previous sub-section. If required, third grade students were also involved. A simple random sampling was applied. c. The assessor team chose 20 students from the selected classrooms. The names of the students were listed on two separate lists: boys and girls based on their seating arrangement. The assessor team requested random numbers from their electronic device in order to select the students. d. Selected students were then taken to the assessment room one by one until all 20 students completed the interviews. e. Two teachers from the selected classroom observing gender balance were randomly chosen using a simple random sample method. Teacher interviews were conducted after the students were interviewed. f. Lastly, the head teacher was interviewed. g. Parallel with the school assessment, two assessors from the team started interviews with the parents or the caregivers. Home interviews were conducted. The addresses of the selected students were requested from the head teacher. h. Each assessor team assessed one school for 3 days. Therefore, the total number of survey days was around 30 days. For the in-depth interviews, the following are the step-by-step activities: a. The key informants were identified and then approached to be interviewed. Children and their parents were selected from the sample of the quantitative survey. The same