


















This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education






This thesis writen by Tinuk Mei Dyawatiwas approved on January, 27th2014.


Advisor II. Advisor I.



This thesis was defended in front of examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang and

accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana degree in English Education

on January, 27th 2014

approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr.PoncojariWahyono, M.Kes

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Dr.Sudiran, M.Hum 1. ... 2. Rahmawati KhadijahMaro,S.Pd, M.PEd 2. ...

3. Dr.Masduki, M.Pd 3. ... 4. Drs.MunashFauzie Anwar, M.M 4. ...


Motto and Dedication

B ersegeralahterhadapsesuatu yang bermanfaatbagimu, danjanganlahmerasalemah.”

( Al-Hadist )

K arenasesungguhnyasesudahkesulitanituadakemudahan.Sesungguhnyasesudahkesulitanit unadakemudahan

( QS. Asy-Syarh: 5-6)

H anyakepadaEngkau-lah kami menyembahdanhanyakepadaEngkau-lah kami

mohonpertolongan.” (QS. Al-Fatihah: 5)

This thesis dedicated to my beloved;

Father and mother who always support me to finish this thesis. To my brother who always supports me. To my beloved someone who always support me to finish this thesis.For all my friends and for all the reader of this thesis.




Alhamdulillah, praised to God Allah SWT, the almighty and merciful. By the guidance blessing, the writer can finish this thesis. My sholawat and salam will always be give to the beloved Our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness era, namely Islam.

First of all, I would like to convey my deep thankful to the Almighty God, Allah SWT.

To share my depth and thank, I would sincere appreciate the following individuals from whom I received valuable thinks from beginning up to the last process of writing this thesis, they are:

1. My best father who inspired me to do the best and always be patient (Mujiono). My mother who always gives me love, advice, prays and supports (Ngatinah). My brother who always give supports and advices (Nobita Ozzora).

2. My First advisor Dr.Masduki, M.Pd the biggest to her for worthy advice and suggestion, helpful correction to complete and finish this thesis.

3. My second advisor Drs.Munash Fauzie Anwar, M.M for worthy advice and suggestion, helpful correction to complete and finish this thesis.

4. My wonderful part of my life who always cherish and adore me (A’an Hadi Ridwan).

5. My friends: cicitcuitss and my classmate E2 (for share anything and this project), my friends from kossahabat who always give supports and kindness (especially, Anna Faramida and Maya Anggita), and all of my friends that I can’t mention all.





This study aimed to analyze code switching in the album sexy, free & single by super junior. It answered the following research problems: 1) what kinds of code switching are found in the super junior songs? 2) What is the meaning of code switching employed in super junior’s song? This study purpose to find the kind of code switching and meaning of code switching found in Super Junior songs”Sexy, Free, & Single album”.

The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. The instrument used was popular culture document, namely audio recording. Based on the data analysis, it was found three kinds of code switching used in super junior songs. There were inter-sentential code switching, intra-inter-sentential code switching, and tag-switching. The writer found the meaning of code switching employedused that were by super junior in bahasaindonesia.

It is expected that this study can be used for sociolinguistic teacher to give material with real-life proof. For the student, this study can be used as information in understanding code switching and the example of code switching. For future researchers, the writer hopes that they can find code switching in other form.

Key words: (code switching. Super junior. Song)

Advisor I Malang, Januari 2014










CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3 Research Objective ... 4

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of key Terms ... 5


2.2 Language ... 7

2.3 Bilingualism ... 7

2.4 Codes ... 8

2.5 Code Switching ... 9

2.5.1 Kinds of Code Switching ... 10

2.6 Meaning ... 12

2.6.1 Kinds of Meaning ... 12

2.7 Song as Literary Works ... 13



3.2 Approach ... 14

3.3 The Object of the study ... 15

3.4 Data of study ... 15

3.5 Data Collection and Research Instruments... 15

3.5.1 Data Collection ... 15

3.5.2 Research Instruments ... 16

3.6 Data Analysis ... 17

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Findings ... 18

4.1.1 The Type of Code Switching in Super Junior Songs ... 18

4.1.2 The Meaning of code switching employed by Super Junior ... 33

4.2 Discussion ... 37


5.2 Suggestion ... 40

5.2.1 For the lecturer ... 40

5.2.2 For the students ... 41

5.2.3 For future researchers ... 41





Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta

Fong, Choy Wai. 2011. Functions and Reasons for Code- Switching on Facebook by UTAR English-Mandarin Chinese Bilingual Undergraduate. Thesis. Kuala Lumpur . Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Hamidah, F.N. 2011. A Study of Code Mixing found in Bukan Empat Mata Program Trans 7 Television Channel. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Hidayati, Lilik. 2006. A Study on Code Switching Employed by the Psicolinguistics Lecturer in Teaching at English Department of University of UMM. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Kurniawati, Ekaningtyas. 2007. The Comparison of Figurative Language between Duran Durans song lyrics “ (Reach up for the) Sunrise” and The Killer’s song Lyrics “Mr.Brightside”. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Marasigan, Elizabeth. 1983. Code-switching and Code Mixing in Multilingual Societies. Singapore; Singapore University Press.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. United Kingdom:Blackwell Publising Ltd

Mardikasari, H.E.2011. the Analysis of Code Mixing Found in Advertisement Broadcasting in Radio Elfara FM Malang. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Maś, Małgorzata. 2007. Gramatical and Ohonological Outcome of Bilingual

Encounter: Code-Switching by Poles in the US and Germany. Bielefeld. University of Bielefeld.

Pranoto, Cokro Dwi 2008 an Analysis of Code Mixing Used in “Empat Mata” Program Trans TV. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Putri, Riska Trianda. 2012. Study the Use of Code Switching Employed by EYL Teacher in English Class of SD Muhammadiyah 9 Malang. Skripsi tida di publikasikan.Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Quinn, Edward. 2006. Dictionary of Literary and Thenatic Terms. United State of America: Newburry House.


Rahardi, Kunjana. 2001. Sosiolinguistik Kode dan Alih Kode. Yogyakarta; Pustaka Pelajar.

Rahmawati, Dyah.2011. an Analysis of Code Switching in Cinta Laura Song’s. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Sugiyono. 2010. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung; Alfabeta.

Velásquez, Maria Cecilia. 2010.Language and Identity: Code-Switching in Spanish-English Interviews. Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. United Kingdom:Blackwell Publising Ltd.

Yletyinen, Hanna. 2004. The Function of Code Switching in EFL Classroom Discourse. Thesis. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä.

Kearns, Kate. 2000. Semantics. New York: ST.Martin’s Press LLC.

Filip, hana. 2008. What is semantics, what is meaning. (online), (

Hardiyanto. 2008. Semantik. (online),(

Ligghter, J. E. 1994. Dictionary of American Slang Volume1. New York: Random House.

Makkai, Adam, Boatner.M.T, Gates.J.E.1995. A Dictionary of American Idioms Thirrd Edition. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.

Sabilah, Fardhini. 2003. The Introduction of Sociolinguistics. Modul. Malang: UMM Pres.

Mesthrie, Rejend., Joan Swann., Andrea Deumert. And William L. Leap. 2000. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.

Echols, John M ., Hassan Shadily. 1992. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Amalia, Atika. 2012. A Study of Code Mixing Found in Rubric Celeb of Aneka Yess Magazine. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Hermanto, Rudy. 2006. Figurative Language in GN?R Lyric Songs. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.




In this chapter, the writer presents background of this study, statement of problem, research objective, and significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

Language has functions for communication and interaction among society. Almost all people have at least two languages; a mother language or local language and also national language. Language is very important to make good relationship with other person. Some people did not use conversation or speech for communication, but they use gesture for communicate each other. Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gesture symbols that enable members of given community to communicate intelligibly with one another and system of arbitrary verbal symbol (Wardhaugh, 1997 in Hidayat, 2006).

According to Weinrich (1982), “The practice of alternatively using two languages is will be called bilingualism, and the person involved bilingual. Unless otherwise specified, all remarks about bilingualism apply as well to multilingualism, the practice of using alternately three or more”. In bilingual or multilingual societies, people may create certain codes because people want to make the communication run well.



Code is a term for any variety of language, usually stressing the linguistic rules that under pin the variety (Mesthrie, 2000:490 in Mardikasari, 2011). Code may be also called a language. It refers to language or variety of a language. There are two kinds of codes. They are code mixing and code switching. Thelander (Cokro, 2008) differentiates code switching from code mixing. If utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a distinctive function, it is called code switching. Conversely, if an utterance, either phrase or clause, consists of a clause or phrase does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing.

The phenomenon of code switching happens not only in local language and national language, but also in another country. In Indonesian, the people are usually bilingual and even multilingual. They use local language in their area. They use national language in other area. In the other hand, they use international language if they speak with foreigners. Sometimes they switch more one language in one conversation. Code switching is the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation (Hoffmann, 1991:110 in Putri, 2009).

Nowadays, the use code switching is very diverse, both in speech or conversation and written form. We can find in conversation or speech such as actors, presenters, singers like Daniel Mananta, Agnes Monica, Cinta Laura, and etc. Meanwhile, the written form we can find in media, for example status in Facebook and twitter, newspaper, text books and lyric of songs.



lot of songs containing code switching. Song’s components such as sounds in rhythm, lyric, and counterpoints, which are sounds and lyric, are famous for any people in this world.

Creating attractive teaching and learning atmosphere is significant to do by a teacher. The objective is making variation in delivering material for the students, so that it can be understandable. In addition, the use of song is helpful to cover limited of the teacher in teaching and attract the students to be focus of material.

Furthermore, using the media as a tool to help educational process can improve students’ motivation in study. Moreover, it also can reduce the stress which can disturb education process. A song can be introduced into lesson in order to make the lesson easier to be memorised and understood by the students, so the song can be an alternative education.

The previous research has been done by the students at University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Rahmawati (2011). Shows that 32 of code switching were divided in 3 kinds of code switching. The kinds of code switching are; Intra-sentential code switching found 15 items; Inter- sentential code switching 11 items; and Emblematic found 6 items. The previous research shows that the phenomenon code switching happens in the lyric of songs. And, the most dominant kinds of code switching used by the analysis is intra-sentential code switching. The difference about this previous research with the writer research is the previous research found three kinds of code switching used by Hoffmann (1991), that is, inter-sentential code switching, intra-sentential code switching, and emblematic. Whereas the writer



analysis will find three kinds of code switching used by Poplack (1980), that is, inter-sentential, intra-inter-sentential, and tag-switching.

The writer wants to analyze code switching employed in super junior song in an album “sexy, free, & single”, because this songs is interesting. This songs becomes teenagers favourite songs because it can be enjoyed to listen, it also consist of good dance, good style, and good face. super junior is boy band is the most influential in the world boy band k-pop. Super junior has fans spread evenly across the whole world and all information related to super junior is very interesting for the talks.

1.2Statements of problems

1. What are the kinds of code switching found in Super Junior songs?

2. What are the meanings of code switching employed in Super Junior’s song?

1.3Research objective

1. To find kind of code switching are found in super junior songs

2. To find the meaning of code switching employed in super junior songs.

1.4Significance of the study

Theoretically, this is expected to add the study of sociolinguistics, especially in term of code switching. Practically, this study is hope to increased English department students understanding about the phenomenon of code switching Koreans songs.



1.5Scope and limitation

Scope: the scope of the study focused on the use of code switching only lyric of super junior song’s, Sexy, Free & Single, From U, Gulliver, Now, Rock star, Butterfly, and Day Dream.

Limitation: this analysis is limited on the songs taken from the third album that is Sexy, Free and Single that was released in 2010. This album consists of ten songs, and the writer focused in the seven songs that related with code switching.

1.6Definition of key terms

There are several key terms used in this study. The writers define the key terms as follows:

Code is a term for any variety of language, usually stressing the linguistic rules that underpin the variety (Mestrie, 2000)

Code switching is a phenomenon in language usage of a bilingual speaker who speaks a language and then switches to the other one (Sabilah, 2000).

Album is one or more recordings issued together; originally released on 12-inch phonograph record and later on cassette audiotape and compact.

Super junior is the name of a boy band from Korean. Their songs consists of sociolinguistics. Mostly, their song containing code switching.



Rahardi, Kunjana. 2001. Sosiolinguistik Kode dan Alih Kode. Yogyakarta; Pustaka Pelajar.

Rahmawati, Dyah.2011. an Analysis of Code Switching in Cinta Laura Song’s. Skripsi tidak di publikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Sugiyono. 2010. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung; Alfabeta.

Velásquez, Maria Cecilia. 2010.Language and Identity: Code-Switching in Spanish-English Interviews. Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. United Kingdom:Blackwell Publising Ltd.

Yletyinen, Hanna. 2004. The Function of Code Switching in EFL Classroom Discourse. Thesis. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä.

Kearns, Kate. 2000. Semantics. New York: ST.Martin’s Press LLC.

Filip, hana. 2008. What is semantics, what is meaning. (online), (

Hardiyanto. 2008. Semantik. (online),(

Ligghter, J. E. 1994. Dictionary of American Slang Volume1. New York: Random House.

Makkai, Adam, Boatner.M.T, Gates.J.E.1995. A Dictionary of American Idioms Thirrd Edition. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.

Sabilah, Fardhini. 2003. The Introduction of Sociolinguistics. Modul. Malang: UMM Pres.

Mesthrie, Rejend., Joan Swann., Andrea Deumert. And William L. Leap. 2000. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.

Echols, John M ., Hassan Shadily. 1992. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Amalia, Atika. 2012. A Study of Code Mixing Found in Rubric Celeb of Aneka Yess Magazine. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Hermanto, Rudy. 2006. Figurative Language in GN?R Lyric Songs. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.




In this chapter, the writer presents background of this study, statement of problem, research objective, and significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

Language has functions for communication and interaction among society. Almost all people have at least two languages; a mother language or local language and also national language. Language is very important to make good relationship with other person. Some people did not use conversation or speech for communication, but they use gesture for communicate each other. Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gesture symbols that enable members of given community to communicate intelligibly with one another and system of arbitrary verbal symbol (Wardhaugh, 1997 in Hidayat, 2006).

According to Weinrich (1982), “The practice of alternatively using two languages is will be called bilingualism, and the person involved bilingual. Unless otherwise specified, all remarks about bilingualism apply as well to multilingualism, the practice of using alternately three or more”. In bilingual or multilingual societies, people may create certain codes because people want to make the communication run well.



Code is a term for any variety of language, usually stressing the linguistic rules that under pin the variety (Mesthrie, 2000:490 in Mardikasari, 2011). Code may be also called a language. It refers to language or variety of a language. There are two kinds of codes. They are code mixing and code switching. Thelander (Cokro, 2008) differentiates code switching from code mixing. If utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a distinctive function, it is called code switching. Conversely, if an utterance, either phrase or clause, consists of a clause or phrase does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing.

The phenomenon of code switching happens not only in local language and national language, but also in another country. In Indonesian, the people are usually bilingual and even multilingual. They use local language in their area. They use national language in other area. In the other hand, they use international language if they speak with foreigners. Sometimes they switch more one language in one conversation. Code switching is the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation (Hoffmann, 1991:110 in Putri, 2009).

Nowadays, the use code switching is very diverse, both in speech or conversation and written form. We can find in conversation or speech such as actors, presenters, singers like Daniel Mananta, Agnes Monica, Cinta Laura, and etc. Meanwhile, the written form we can find in media, for example status in Facebook and twitter, newspaper, text books and lyric of songs.

Songs can be media for listening, because English songs consist of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and literary works, especially code switching. There are a


lot of songs containing code switching. Song’s components such as sounds in rhythm, lyric, and counterpoints, which are sounds and lyric, are famous for any people in this world.

Creating attractive teaching and learning atmosphere is significant to do by a teacher. The objective is making variation in delivering material for the students, so that it can be understandable. In addition, the use of song is helpful to cover limited of the teacher in teaching and attract the students to be focus of material.

Furthermore, using the media as a tool to help educational process can improve students’ motivation in study. Moreover, it also can reduce the stress which can disturb education process. A song can be introduced into lesson in order to make the lesson easier to be memorised and understood by the students, so the song can be an alternative education.

The previous research has been done by the students at University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Rahmawati (2011). Shows that 32 of code switching were divided in 3 kinds of code switching. The kinds of code switching are; Intra-sentential code switching found 15 items; Inter- sentential code switching 11 items; and Emblematic found 6 items. The previous research shows that the phenomenon code switching happens in the lyric of songs. And, the most dominant kinds of code switching used by the analysis is intra-sentential code switching. The difference about this previous research with the writer research is the previous research found three kinds of code switching used by Hoffmann (1991), that is, inter-sentential code switching, intra-sentential code switching, and emblematic. Whereas the writer



analysis will find three kinds of code switching used by Poplack (1980), that is, inter-sentential, intra-inter-sentential, and tag-switching.

The writer wants to analyze code switching employed in super junior song in an album “sexy, free, & single”, because this songs is interesting. This songs becomes teenagers favourite songs because it can be enjoyed to listen, it also consist of good dance, good style, and good face. super junior is boy band is the most influential in the world boy band k-pop. Super junior has fans spread evenly across the whole world and all information related to super junior is very interesting for the talks.

1.2Statements of problems

1. What are the kinds of code switching found in Super Junior songs?

2. What are the meanings of code switching employed in Super Junior’s song?

1.3Research objective

1. To find kind of code switching are found in super junior songs

2. To find the meaning of code switching employed in super junior songs.

1.4Significance of the study

Theoretically, this is expected to add the study of sociolinguistics, especially in term of code switching. Practically, this study is hope to increased English department students understanding about the phenomenon of code switching Koreans songs.


1.5Scope and limitation

Scope: the scope of the study focused on the use of code switching only lyric of super junior song’s, Sexy, Free & Single, From U, Gulliver, Now, Rock star, Butterfly, and Day Dream.

Limitation: this analysis is limited on the songs taken from the third album that is Sexy, Free and Single that was released in 2010. This album consists of ten songs, and the writer focused in the seven songs that related with code switching.

1.6Definition of key terms

There are several key terms used in this study. The writers define the key terms as follows:

Code is a term for any variety of language, usually stressing the linguistic rules that underpin the variety (Mestrie, 2000)

Code switching is a phenomenon in language usage of a bilingual speaker who speaks a language and then switches to the other one (Sabilah, 2000).

Album is one or more recordings issued together; originally released on 12-inch phonograph record and later on cassette audiotape and compact.

Super junior is the name of a boy band from Korean. Their songs consists of sociolinguistics. Mostly, their song containing code switching.