Memorandum of Understanding MoU New Partnership and Existing Cooperation

175 i. University of Oxford e-Research Center; ii. University of Surrey; iii. Trend Micro CSIRT, Taiwan; iv. Myung Information Technologies Co. Ltd MIT Korea; and v. CERT-UK. CyberSecurity Malaysia also received several working visits from foreign organizations who have the similar objectives, such as from: i. International IT University, Kazakhtan; ii. The Republican State Enterprise Technical Service. Kazakhtan; iii. Ministry of Awdaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait; and iv. Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, Saudi Arabia

3.2. Memorandum of Understanding MoU

Listed below are the official collaborations in the area of cyber security between CyberSecurity Malaysia and international organizations: i. Information Technology Promotion Agency, Japan; ii. National Agency For Computer Security NACS Republic Of Tunisia; iii. National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center Of China CNCERTCC; iv. CERT Australia, Australia; v. The National Information Technology Development Agency of Nigeria NITDA; vi. King Saud University of Saudi Arabia; vii. Traffic Observation and Management Ltd, Ireland; viii. Decision Group Inc, Singapore; ix. Military College of Signals – National University of Sciences Technology MCS-NUST Humayun Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; x. The State Technical Service Republican Enterprise Founded On The Right Of Economic Competence Of The Agency Of The Republic Of Khazakhstan On Communication And Information; and xi. Indonesia Security Incident Response Team On Internet Infrastructure Coordination Centre ID-SIRTIICC, Indonesia.

3.3. New Partnership and Existing Cooperation

176 Amongst the potential partnerships and existing cooperation in the area of cyber security that CyberSecurity Malaysia is involved is: i. Permanent Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation - Computer Emergency Response Team OIC-CERT, CyberSecurity Malaysia is facilitating cooperation and interaction among the member countries; and ii. Chair of the World Trustmark Alliance WTA. 4. FUTURE PLANS Since the establishment of CyberSecurity Malaysia, the agency strives to improve the service capability and encourage local Internet users to report security incidents to Cyber999 help centre. Development of new and better reporting channels, and further promotion of services through the mass media are aspects that will proactively be intensified. In order to achieve the world-class capability, CyberSecurity Malaysia will relentlessly encourage its staffs to be information security certified. This will assist the staffs to improve their contribution by sharing of their knowledge and experience in the security field. This is done by attending trainings, presentations and publications in international security events. Development of in-house tools in mitigating security threats are planned and developed to assist the public and industry to secure and utilize their computer when performing online activities. To encourage safer cyber environment, CyberSecurity Malaysia realizes the need to work together with local and international security organizations through the establishment of formal arrangement such as Memorandum of Understandings MoU, seminars and conferences such as: i. Hack in the Box Conference; ii. International Conference on Prevention and Suppression of Hi-Tech Crime; iii. Malaysian Internet Governance Forum; and iv. The Meridian Conference and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection; The agency will continue to organize events such as the Cyber Security Malaysia - Award, Conference and Exhibition CSM-ACE, the annual event to provide awareness, training and awards to information security professionals, and the National ICT Security Discourse to boost the cyber security awareness among the youth. 177 With such understanding, CyberSecurity Malaysia supports newly established Computer Security Incident Response Team CSIRT by providing advise and assistance especially in becoming members to international security community such as APCERT, FIRST and OIC-CERT. 5. CONCLUSION CyberSecurity Malaysia, observes an increase in computer incidents that were reported to Cyber999 Help Centre in 2014 compared to the previous year. This agency will continuously working with the constituencies and international allies to generate useful cooperation in safe guarding the cyber environment. In line with the Malaysian National Cyber Security Policy that is emphasis on capacity and capability building, mitigation of cyber threats and international collaboration, CyberSecurity Malaysia will continue to develop new and enhance existing cyber security processes, human capability and technology. CyberSecurity Malaysia will also continue its commitment to seek for new edges in cyber security and to be a catalyst in developing the industry. International cooperation and collaboration is an important facet in mitigating other cyber security issues. As the cyber environment does not conform to the physical boundary of countries, international relations will remain an important initiative. CyberSecurity Malaysia will continue to establish and support cross border collaboration either through bilateral or multilateral platforms such as the APCERT and the OIC-CERT. New cooperation between CyberSecurity Malaysia and other security organization had been created especially concerning mobile security and malware threats. CyberSecurity Malaysia will continuously pursue new cooperation with cyber security agencies in this region and globally in its effort to make cyberspace a safer place for all. 178 NCSC New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre – New Zealand 1. About NZ NCSC

1.1. Introduction