66 BPN associated with the Spatial and rampant conversion of agricultural land in Badung namely coordinating relationships created maps each - each party, Bappeda has maps and spatial BPN has maps of land ownership. Both maps are interrelated and a reference associated with granting permission soil amendments. In terms of land use change permits the applicant filed a petition to the BPN and then technical considerations land committee conducted a review of the location. If the land petitioned to change the land to non agriculture to construction of private residential houses with an area of 5000 m2 is then given permission change of use of land and if the land applied for the change of use of agricultural land to non-agricultural to housing built by a legal entity or developer with a land area exceeding 1 ha then the permission granted that permission locations. Local Government through SKPD Local Government Unit control efforts is through the mechanism of licensing and monitoring efforts is through the actions of monitoring, evaluation and reporting measures. If violations are found in the field by the public, it can be worn disincentives, and if the breach was caused by the Local Government officials who give permission, it can be subject to criminal or disciplinary punishment 35 . If you look at the chronology of the case in the county this naughty look between HR enforcement of rules with the rule itself does not occur kesepamahan, because of the government agency that gives permission for the change of agricultural land into land for settlements.

IV. Conclusions

In essence the government has given guarantees protection of agricultural land through the State Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 2009 on the Protection of Agricultural Land Husbandry, which is followed by the birth of Government Regulation No. 12 of 2012 on Agricultural Land Protection Incentives Sustainable and Government Regulation No. 30 Year 2012 About Financing Sustainable Agricultural Land Protection, but it can not be denied on the governments efforts to keep agricultural land is still a lot going on agricultural land conversion phenomenon caused by several factors, such as economic factors, the need for housing and government policy itself. May mean that local government policies that permit conversion of agricultural land is a clear evidence that there is inconsistency in government policy on the protection of agricultural land for the sake of food security.

V. Suggestions

So from this we provide input for both central and local government to jointly committed to ensuring that agricultural land for the sake of food security, related to the phenomenon of conversion of agricultural land each year has increased the role of the regional government here is very important in terms of supervision, licensing and prosecution of phenomena agricultural land conversion, by publishing a Local Regulation on the prevention of agricultural land conversion with strict sanctions in case of conversion, both the perpetrators and local government agencies that provide agricultural land conversion permit. 35 Ibid 67 References Yuni Lestari, Made dkk, Pengaturan Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Untuk Lahan Permukiman Di Kabupaten Badung, Penelitian Bagian hukum Administrasi Universitas Udayana Denpasar Biro Pusat Statistik, Angka Kelahiran Total Fertility Rate, TFR, Statistik Indonesia BPS Tahun 2014 ------------------------, Angka Kematian Bayi rate of infant mortality Statistik Indonesia BPS Tahun 2010 Kelompok Tani Desa Cepaka Kabupaten Tabanan, wawancara tentang pendorong alih fungsi lahan pertanian , Bulan Mei 2015 68 THE INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF FOOD PRODUCTION IN BALI I Ketut Arnawa Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, Denpasar, Indonesia Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the development and improvement of food production that are successfully implemented through integrated farming systems program in Bali. This research is a descriptive study. It was conducted on farmer group participants integrated farming systems in 2012. The study found that the activities program integrated farming systems successfully develop and improve crop production, horticulture, cattle farms, fisheries and plantations. Food production program of integrated farming system does not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Consequently, it is safe for consumption for human health, food production activities can be done in a sustainable and environmentally safe. For the success of an integrated farming system program, determining the location and the participants of the program should be more selective, especially for the carrying capacity of the biophysical and socio-economic support farmers. Keywords: food production, integrated farming system.

I. Introduction