40 in yield and fruit quality of new development areas have been carried out by Sumantra 2013. The results were obtained Gulapasir salak plants grown in Tabanan and Karangasem showed good variation in phenotype 0:58 - 0.93 and genotype 0.50 - 0.80. The study gives the meaning that the difference in the location causes a variation in Gulapasir salak. Gulapasir salak yield potential cultivars nenas, nangkat and gondok and improvement efforts have been made by Sumantra et al. 2012. The results were obtained fruits of Nangka Gulapasir types derived from Karangasem heavier and fruit quality thick meat, fruit volume, moisture, texture, vitamin C, the ratio of TPT total acid higher. Factors planting location and real soil affects weight-1 fruit trees and fruit quality. Soil components that affect the weight and quality of fruit are: levels of N, P content, CEC, KB, the percentage of sand, silt and clay, organic-C levels and soil pH Sumantra 2013. But from the research that has been done is not yet known about the properties of their espective tolerant cultivars to drought stress conditions as well as excellence in depth cultivars no information salak plant developed especially in the area of new development. This is important given the fluctuations in yield and a very large diversity of properties such as shape, size and taste of the fruit caused by climatic factors and the soil in which the plants grow. Differences in results and a great diversity of results caused by limited water either from rainfall or from irrigation water. Limitations of this water is mainly experienced by farmers in production periods gadu season, causing the development of flowers became distracted and failed to form fruit bunches so that the plants do not bear fruit Gulapasir continuously.


1. Gulapasir salak have the advantage of thick flesh , sweet taste like sugar despite the young age of the fruit , seeds small , pure white flesh color and flesh of the fruit is not attached to the seed Wijana , 1990 2. The Expansion of crop cultivation of Gulapasir salak cause phenotypic diversity variation with phenotype similarity level 58.62 - 93.10 Sumantra , 2013 its also driven by seed plant propagation, so it appears new variants of Gulapasir salak. 3. There are three different variants of Gulapasir salak and it is very important to preserv the continuity of plantation and also the adoption of drought soil condition. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research funded by Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education through the proposal competion and will conduct since 2015 until 2016. Related to the permision and the funding, the research team say thank you and very pleased to Rector of Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar and also all of the team members who have already excist and give the assistantance to make this reaesarch success. Finally thanks to the farmer group in Pupuan District for their allowence to conduct research in their area, and for all of the inkind support to the research teams. REFERENCES Ashari 2002. On the agronomy and botany of Salak Salacca zalacca. PhD Thesis Wageningen University. pp. 126. 41 Bangerth F. 2000. Abscission and thining of young fruit and their regulation by plant hormones and bioregulators. Plant Growth Regulation. 31 : 43 – 59. Gardner, F.P., R.B. Pearce, R.L. Mitchell. 1991. Fisiologi tanaman budidaya. Terjemahan H.Susilo. UI-Press. pp.428. Kinet,J.M., R.M. Sach, G.B. Bernier. 1985. The development of flowers. In The Physiology of Flowering. Volume III. Florida:CRC Press. Inc. pp. 274. Levitt, J. 1980. 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The addition of organic materials can be done to improve the productivity of the land through the use of market waste. In 2011 the volume of waste in Bali average 10.005.83 cubic meters per day and is increasing from time to time. Utilizing market waste to increase land productivity will be able to overcome the problems of waste management and simultaneously improve national food security. Is a multi-year research needs to be done to find the way of making and the way the application of organic fertilizer is the most easy to follow farmers, to get a dose of organic market waste fertilizer optimum used in an effort to improve rainfed rice production that can increase water absorption and provide optimal nutrition for rice plants. Besides that some rice varieties tolerant to drought will be tested in this study to obtain a combination of organic fertilizer market waste doses with rice varieties that have the highest productivity for rainfed. The research conducted in the laboratory to determine the content of C- organic, N-total, P-available, K available, soil pH, and other micro-nutrient content, while research in the field in the form of demonstration plots with drought-resistant rice varieties adapted to the number of replications analysis. Analyses were performed by Anova is a randomized block design RBD, and equipped with regression correlation analysis. Keywords: rainfed, market waste, organic fertilizers, water availability, productivity of rice

I. Introduction