environment he has to deal with. When Bruno’s family leaves Berlin for Out- With, that is the time when Bruno starts to show the dark side of him. In this case, Bruno is forced to leave Berlin and his best friends. B runo’s explosion of anger and surprise can be seen in the datum below. ‘Say goodbye to them?’ he asked, staring at her in surprise. ‘Say goodbye to them?’ he repeated, spluttering out the words as if his mouth was full of biscuits that he’d munch into tiny pieces but not actually swallowed yet. ‘Say goodbye to Karl and Daniel and Martin?’ he continued, his voice coming dangerously close to shouting, which was not allowed indoors. ‘But they’re my three best friends for life.’ Boyne, 2007:7 In this novel, Bruno shows the hardship of separation. As a form of a spontaneous action, Bruno lets out his anger when he hears the news that he will moves from Berlin. The thought of leaving his three best friends also makes him burst in anger. As a child, Bruno is attached to his three best friends as they always spent time together. When he hears the news, he automatically protests his mother. Children’s reaction to a sudden separation could be in different ways. Anger is one of the most common emotion children could feel as a form of rejection. Anger also could be a form of confusion because children feel the anxiety of having a different routine. In the quotation below, it shows how Bruno reacts to his new house after he moves. ‘Everything here is horrible,’ he said out loud, even though there was no one present to hear him, but somehow it made him feel better to hear the words stated anyway. ‘I hate this house, i hate my room and i even hate the paintwork. I hate it all. Absolut ely everything.’ Boyne, 2007:55 Bruno’s expression of disappointment is shown as he sees his new house. He observes his new environment and compares it to his old house in Berlin. There are huge differences between his old and new house. He feels as if there is no one to hear him. No one agrees to him that the place is horrible. Bruno’s expression of anger is understandable as he is new to his environment and it takes time for him to accept the new situation. Furthermore, parents are the helpers of children to adapt to their new surroundings. As adults, they should make children comfortable with their new environment. In Bru no’s case, adults around him more care to their own problem rather than helping the children to be comfortable. Moreover, Bruno does not get a proper explanation from his parents on why their family should move to another place. Adults tend to underestimate children’s feeling and their ability of understanding. When children involve in any family situation and matters, it helps them to gain trust from adults. In Bruno’s family, the situation is completely different. Children are not involved in any decision-making and their voices are mostly neglected by their parents. As a result, Bruno grows as a boy who is often timid around people older than him. He tends to hide his feelings from his parents because he is afraid that he will get into trouble. The timid personality and even unheard voices in children’s family could lead into a further effect. The datum below is one of the examples.