Table 2: Pleasure of the Main Characters Data No Pleasure Page Explanation Pleasure 1 A. Pleas ure of obser ving 30 To begin with, they weren’t children at all. Not all of them, at least. There were small boys and big boys, fathers and grandfathers. Perhaps a few uncles too. And some of those people who live on their own on everybody’s road but don’t seem to have any relatives at all. They were everyone. ‘Who are they?’ asked Gretel, as open-mouthed as her brother often was these days. ‘What sort of place is this?’ ‘I’m not sure, ‘said Bruno, sticking as close to the truth as possible. ‘But it’s not as nice as home, I do know that much’ Bruno and Gretel feel the pleasure of observing the new environment.

E. The Technique of Data Collection

The technique of data collection is needed to help the researcher to obtain the data and to classify the data. The researcher needs to follow the steps to obtain the data effectively and to analyze the data through the data classification of The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas. The first step referred to close reading and re-reading the novel as an effort to find the significant data. In this step, the researcher had to read the text comprehensively and thoroughly to obtain the significant the data. Re- reading the text was necessary to convince the researcher’s interpretation upon the text and to gain a deeper understanding of the text. While reading the text, the researcher took notes to any important data and classified them to a certain category to help researcher draw conclusion at the end. The second step was done to categorize the raw data. The raw data were collected through few steps: 1 identifying, interpreting, and labeling them into two kinds of categories: the dark themes and the pleasure in the dark themes and 2 re-examining the classified data whether the accurate data were already placed in appropriate category. Those two data tables played an important part to formulate the data.

F. Data Trustworthiness

To obtain authentic and trustful data, the researcher needs to provide triangulation to guarantee the quality of the data. In ensuring the data trustworthiness Julien 2008:121 states that validity and reliability is the key to gain prominent result of co ntent analysis. In this research, the researcher’s first and second supervisors helped in checking the data. In addition, to provide data trustworthiness, the researcher was helped by two graduate students under the same concentration in literature and us ed children’s literature as their thesis topics. These scholars played an important part in data triangulation.