A major Review of Public Administration RPA was launched by the Executive The Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland 2025 provides an This Chapter emphasises the importance of engaging external stakeholders at Consultation is at the heart of t

7 prudent use of natural resources, with at the same time high and stable levels of economic growth. Promoting Sustainable Living - A Discussion Paper on Proposals for a Sustainable Development Strategy for Northern Ireland was published by the DoE in 2002. Impact assessments

7.17 All policies need to be proofed or have their impact assessed against a wide

range of criteria. All policies where screening indicates that it is necessary need to undergo Equality Impact Assessment under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Proofing is also necessary in relation to New TSN and Human Rights, and there are requirements introduced either by the Executive or as a result of UK Government or international obligations for environmental, rural, regulatory and health impact assessments. Sustainability assessment is also likely to be a requirement in the future.

7.18 OFMDFM has developed an Integrated Impact Assessment tool IIA to help

policy makers undertake the various impact assessment processes and provide a structured format for the presentation of their results. This tool is now available for piloting by departments, with a view to refining it for full introduction by early 2004. The tool, which is available on the OFMDFM Policy Link website, also includes links to detailed guidance on the various forms of impact assessment. Review of Public Administration

7.19 A major Review of Public Administration RPA was launched by the Executive

to develop a system of public administration which fully meets the needs of the people in Northern Ireland. The review will examine the existing arrangements for the accountability, administration and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland, and bring forward options for reform. If you are considering establishing a new public body to support the delivery of your policy, you should consult the RPA team. 42 Regional Development Strategy

7.20 The Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland 2025 provides an

overarching statutory strategic planning framework to address a range of economic, social, environmental and community issues, which are relevant to delivering the objectives of achieving sustainable development and social cohesion in Northern Ireland. Importantly, it provides a framework within which choices can be made on key decisions about the infrastructural development of Northern Ireland. Regional Planning and Transportation Division of the Department for Regional Development will provide any additional guidance and advice as necessary. 43 Engaging external stakeholders

8.1 This Chapter emphasises the importance of engaging external stakeholders at

the right times and in the right ways. It looks firstly at consultation in general and then at the arrangements for consultation with other institutions of Government. Consultation

8.2 Consultation is at the heart of the Executives commitment to openness and

inclusivity. It is firmly embedded in the culture of the public service in Northern Ireland and is particularly important in the context of the statutory duties on equality and good relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

8.3 Consultation is not an end in itself. The most fundamental reason for consulting