The Analysis Of Protagonist Found In “Cloud Atlas” By David Mitchell







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I, Siti Fiqih Fauziah, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Name : Siti Fiqih Fauziah

Title of Paper : The Analysis of Protagonist Found In “Cloud Atlas” By David Mitchell

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

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The paper entitled “The Analysis of Protagonist Found in Cloud Atlas by

David Mitchell” is about protagonist characters that found in Cloud Atlas novel.

Cloud atlas consists of six stories that connected each other. In the first story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Adam Ewing is a notary from San Francisco, California living in the nineteenth century, and Autua is a member of the native Moriori people of the Chatham Islands. In the second story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Robert Frobisher is a young Englishman in 1931, has been disowned by his father, kicked out of the University, and has an army of creditors eager to find him and Eva van Outryve de Crommelynck is a seventeen years old daughter of 4 protagonist characters. Luisa Rey is a gossip columnist for the Spyglass, a monthly magazine of National Inquirer-type reputation. Joe Napier is the head of security for the Seaboard Corporation. Rufus Sixsmith is the correspondent, friend, and accomplice of And Isaac Sach is an engineer working for Seaboard. In forth story, the writer just found one character, Timothy Cavendish is a divorced vanity book publisher in his seventies, the owner of Cavendish Publishing. In the fifth story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Somni-451 is a type of clone known as a "fabricant", whom the reader meets as a dinery server, and Hae Joo Im A post-graduate student at Taemosan University. In the sixth story, the writer found 3 protagonist characters. Zachry is a member of a tribe called the Valleymen, Meronym is a woman of the a year in order to learn about their society and customs, and The Abbess the chief religious official and educator in Zachry's valley. All the protagonist character can be found by: what they say about themselves, what the other character was said about them, what the narrator or author was said about them, reaction of another character, the character’s reactions to certain situations, the reaction of the character to environment, physical characteristic and the shape of their bodies, the way they dressed, accent or their social position, their attitudes, their education, and the last is customs and the mood of their souls.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Analysis of Protagonist Found in Cloud

Atlas by David Mitchell” ini membahas tentang karakter-karakter protagonist

yang ditemukan di novel Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas terdiri dari enam cerita yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Di cerita pertama, penulis menemukan 2 karakter. Adam Ewing adalah seorang notaris San Francisco, California yang hidup pada abad ke 19, dan Autua adalah anggota penduduk asli Moriori di Pulau Chatham. Di cerita kedua, penulis menemukan 2 karakter. Robert Frobisher adalah seorang pemuda Inggris di tahun 1931, yang telah dibuang oleh ayahnya, dikeluarkan dari Universitas dan dikejar-kejar untuk wajib militer, dan Eva van Outryve de Crommelynck dalah seorang putri berusia tujuh belas tahun dari Vyvyan dan Jocasta Ayrs. Dalam cerita, ketiga penulis menemukan 4 karakter protagonis. Luisa Rey adalah kolumnis gosip untuk Spyglass, sebuah majalah bulanan wartawan bereputasi Nasional. Joe Napier adalah kepala keamanan untuk Seaboard Corporation. Rufus Sixsmith adalah koresponden, teman, dan kaki tangan Robert Frobisher sebagai seorang pemuda di awal 1930-an. Dan Isaac Sach adalah seorang insinyur yang bekerja untuk Seaboard. Di balik cerita, penulis hanya menemukan satu karakter, Timothy Cavendish adalah seorang penerbit buku yang sombong dan sudah bercerai tujuh puluhan, pemilik Cavendish Publishing. Dalam kisah kelima, penulis menemukan 2 karakter protagonis. Somni-451 adalah jenis klon yang dikenal sebagai "Fabricant", yang ditemukan pembaca sebagai pelayan restauran, dan Hae Im Joo adalah seorang mahasiswa pasca-sarjana di Universitas Taemosan. Dalam kisah keenam, penulis menemukan 3 karakter protagonis. Zachry adalah anggota suku yang disebut Valleymen, Meronym adalah seorang wanita dari Prescients yang datang untuk hidup dengan Valleymen selama setahun untuk belajar tentang masyarakat dan adat istiadat, dan Kepala Biara adalah pemimpin agama dan pengajar di lembah Zachry. Semua karakter protagonist dapat ditemukan dengan cara: apa yang mereka katakan tentang mereka sendiri, apa yang dikatakan karakter lain tentang mereka, apa yang dikatakan narator atau penulis tentang mereka, reaksi dari karakter lain, reaksi karakter terhadap situasi tertentu, reaksi karakter terhadap lingkungannya, fisik karakter dan bentuk tubuh mereka, cara mereka berpakaian, aksen atau posisi sosial, tingkah laku mereka, budaya dan perasaan jiwa mereka.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God Allah SWT for blessing and giving me opportunity, health, and ability to accomplish this paper. Afterwards, invocations and greetings I deliver to the last Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has brought us into the time of humanities.

I would like to thank to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A. as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. Then, I would like to thank to Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, M. A., the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my supervisor, Drs. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE. and my reader, Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A. for the valuable time to give the correct and give constructive criticisms in completing this paper. Then, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for their valuable guidance and knowledge that they have gave to me during my study.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father,

Heri Fristanto and my mother, Siti Aminah who have given me love, cares, advices, supports, and always pray for me in order to get my best. To my beloved my sisters Dian Utami and Tria Putri, thanks for the love, cares, advices, and motivations that you have given to me. Special thanks to Muhammad Ichsan Nasution for your love, advices, and motivations which you have given during my study. Then, I would like to thank to all of my friends in faculty of science


culture for your cares, advices, and supports. Also thanks to my friends at English Diploma III 2010 thank you very much for all of you, for your attention and support to me.

Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticisms and suggestions towards to this paper.

Medan, th, 2013 The writer,

Reg. No. 102202057 Siti Fiqih Fauziah


Table of Contents in Paper







1. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ………1

1.2Problem of the Study………...4

1.3Purpose of the Study………...4

1.4Scope of the Study………..4

1.5Reason for choosing the topic……….4

1.6The Method of Research……….5


2.2 PLOT………...6

2.3 CHARACTER………..8

2.4 SETTING………..9

2.5 POINT OF VIEW………...10

3. THE ANALYSIS OF PROTAGONIST 3.1 The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing………...11

3.2 Letters from Zedelghem………..13

3.3 Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery………...15

3.4The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish………...19

3.5An Orison of Sonmi~451………...20

3.6Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After………..22






The paper entitled “The Analysis of Protagonist Found in Cloud Atlas by

David Mitchell” is about protagonist characters that found in Cloud Atlas novel.

Cloud atlas consists of six stories that connected each other. In the first story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Adam Ewing is a notary from San Francisco, California living in the nineteenth century, and Autua is a member of the native Moriori people of the Chatham Islands. In the second story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Robert Frobisher is a young Englishman in 1931, has been disowned by his father, kicked out of the University, and has an army of creditors eager to find him and Eva van Outryve de Crommelynck is a seventeen years old daughter of 4 protagonist characters. Luisa Rey is a gossip columnist for the Spyglass, a monthly magazine of National Inquirer-type reputation. Joe Napier is the head of security for the Seaboard Corporation. Rufus Sixsmith is the correspondent, friend, and accomplice of And Isaac Sach is an engineer working for Seaboard. In forth story, the writer just found one character, Timothy Cavendish is a divorced vanity book publisher in his seventies, the owner of Cavendish Publishing. In the fifth story, the writer found 2 protagonist characters. Somni-451 is a type of clone known as a "fabricant", whom the reader meets as a dinery server, and Hae Joo Im A post-graduate student at Taemosan University. In the sixth story, the writer found 3 protagonist characters. Zachry is a member of a tribe called the Valleymen, Meronym is a woman of the a year in order to learn about their society and customs, and The Abbess the chief religious official and educator in Zachry's valley. All the protagonist character can be found by: what they say about themselves, what the other character was said about them, what the narrator or author was said about them, reaction of another character, the character’s reactions to certain situations, the reaction of the character to environment, physical characteristic and the shape of their bodies, the way they dressed, accent or their social position, their attitudes, their education, and the last is customs and the mood of their souls.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Analysis of Protagonist Found in Cloud

Atlas by David Mitchell” ini membahas tentang karakter-karakter protagonist

yang ditemukan di novel Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas terdiri dari enam cerita yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Di cerita pertama, penulis menemukan 2 karakter. Adam Ewing adalah seorang notaris San Francisco, California yang hidup pada abad ke 19, dan Autua adalah anggota penduduk asli Moriori di Pulau Chatham. Di cerita kedua, penulis menemukan 2 karakter. Robert Frobisher adalah seorang pemuda Inggris di tahun 1931, yang telah dibuang oleh ayahnya, dikeluarkan dari Universitas dan dikejar-kejar untuk wajib militer, dan Eva van Outryve de Crommelynck dalah seorang putri berusia tujuh belas tahun dari Vyvyan dan Jocasta Ayrs. Dalam cerita, ketiga penulis menemukan 4 karakter protagonis. Luisa Rey adalah kolumnis gosip untuk Spyglass, sebuah majalah bulanan wartawan bereputasi Nasional. Joe Napier adalah kepala keamanan untuk Seaboard Corporation. Rufus Sixsmith adalah koresponden, teman, dan kaki tangan Robert Frobisher sebagai seorang pemuda di awal 1930-an. Dan Isaac Sach adalah seorang insinyur yang bekerja untuk Seaboard. Di balik cerita, penulis hanya menemukan satu karakter, Timothy Cavendish adalah seorang penerbit buku yang sombong dan sudah bercerai tujuh puluhan, pemilik Cavendish Publishing. Dalam kisah kelima, penulis menemukan 2 karakter protagonis. Somni-451 adalah jenis klon yang dikenal sebagai "Fabricant", yang ditemukan pembaca sebagai pelayan restauran, dan Hae Im Joo adalah seorang mahasiswa pasca-sarjana di Universitas Taemosan. Dalam kisah keenam, penulis menemukan 3 karakter protagonis. Zachry adalah anggota suku yang disebut Valleymen, Meronym adalah seorang wanita dari Prescients yang datang untuk hidup dengan Valleymen selama setahun untuk belajar tentang masyarakat dan adat istiadat, dan Kepala Biara adalah pemimpin agama dan pengajar di lembah Zachry. Semua karakter protagonist dapat ditemukan dengan cara: apa yang mereka katakan tentang mereka sendiri, apa yang dikatakan karakter lain tentang mereka, apa yang dikatakan narator atau penulis tentang mereka, reaksi dari karakter lain, reaksi karakter terhadap situasi tertentu, reaksi karakter terhadap lingkungannya, fisik karakter dan bentuk tubuh mereka, cara mereka berpakaian, aksen atau posisi sosial, tingkah laku mereka, budaya dan perasaan jiwa mereka.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study

Literature is writing or studying of books, valued as works of art. Roberts et al (1995:1) say, “Literature refers to composition that tell stories, dramatize situation, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas”. Taylor (1981; 1) says that literature is like other arts, it’s essentially an imaginative act, that is an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life experience. Literature helps us grow, both personally and intellectually. It provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding. It links us with the broader cultural, philosophic, and religious world of which we are a part. It enables us to recognize human dreams and struggles in difference places and times that we would never otherwise to know. It exercises our emotions through interest, concern, tension, excitement, hope, fear, regret, laughter, and sympathy. It encourages us to assist creative, talented people who need recognition and support.

Literature has three large genres; they are poetry, drama, and prose. Peck et al (1984:11) say that poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. Roberts et al (1995:2) say that poetry expresses a conversation or interchange that is grounded in the most deeply felt experiences of human beings. Poetry exists in many formal and informal shapes, from the brief haiku to the extensive epic. Poetry relies heavily on imagery, figurative language, and sound.


Drama may focus on a single character or small number characters, and it enacts fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by audience. Roberts et al (1995:2) say that drama is literature designed to be performed by actors. Peck et al (1984:75) say that Drama is all plays employ the same basic structure of exposition, complication and resolution.

Siswanto (2008:127) says that prose is story carried by certain actors, with a role, setting along with and series and combination of specific stories that started from the results of the author's imagination (and reality) to establish a story. Prose divided in fiction prose and nonfiction prose. Nonfiction prose is the literary genre that consist of news reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, historical and biographical works, and all of the describe or interpret facts and present judgments and opinions. Prose fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romance, novels and short story.

In this paper, the writer would like to describe about novel. Rees (1973:106) says that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and action representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. The novel does generally have a long story but did not rule out the existence of a short novel. The novel itself is based on the content, objectives and purpose of the author. Novel has some kind of genres, such as: Picaresque Novel, Epistolary Novel, History Novel, Regional Novel, Satyr Novel, Thesis Novel, Roman Noir (Gothic Novel), Roman Feuilleton, Science Fiction, New Roman, and Fact Fiction. From all that kind of novels, we can conclude that the novel is divided into fiction and true story.


Novel has two elements; they are extrinsic element and intrinsic element. The intrinsic element consists of theme, plot, setting, and character. The extrinsic element consists of social value of the novel and psychology history. All the elements are important, but character is very important element, because characters make the novel runs. Characterization is the people in the novel that can be played by human. But some novels have animal and plant as the character that have human nature or we called Fable. Characterization is very important in the novel and Aziez et al 2010:60) say that the characters in a good novel are interesting, intriguing, consistent, convincing, complex, and realistic. If the author has created a particularly vivid or individualistic character, then we, as readers, will find that character interesting regardless of whether or not we sympathize with him or her. So, the writer would like to analysis the protagonist characters in Cloud Atlas novel by David Mitchell.

Cloud Atlas consists of six nested stories that take the reader from the remote South Pacific in the nineteenth century to a distant the main character in the next. The first five stories are interrupted at a key moment. After the sixth story, the other five stories are returned to and closed, in reverse chronological order, and each ends with the main character reading or observing the chronologically previous work in the chain. Eventually, readers end where they started, with Adam Ewing in the nineteenth century South Pacific.


1.2The Problem of the study

The problem of the study is how the protagonist can be described in David Mitchell’s novel Cloud Atlas.

1.3Purpose of the Study

The purpose of writing this paper is to give the description of the protagonist found in the novel “Cloud Atlas” which is written by David Mitchell.

1.4Scope of the Study

The scope is useful to avoid confusion of reader in understanding the analysis and acquire good result. The writer is sure that there are many important aspects of the novel can be discussed. In writing this paper, the writer only focuses on one element of intrinsic. Nurgiyantoro (2003:23) say that intrinsic element of a novel is the all elements that directly build a story. They are theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view that is characterization, especially protagonist characters. Theme is the main idea of the story. Plot is a series of stories. Character is the people in a novel. Setting is background of story. Point of view is the way of author seeing the story line. Therefore the writer discusses only the protagonist element.

1.5 Reasons for Choosing The Topic

The story in Cloud Atlas novel is very interesting, and also the writer wants to introduce the winner of the that is Cloud Atlas novel by David Mitchell. It consists of six nested stories that take the reader from the remote South Pacific in the nineteenth century to a distant,


1.6Method of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer uses a research method. The writer uses library method. Besides that, the writer also watches the movie that adapted from the novel for many times in order to be able to identify the characterization in the novel itself. The writer also searches the information about the novel and the author of the novel as her references.



Theme is the idea of the author that is presented in his / her work. It is the basic story that dominated the subject matter of a literary work. Hamalian et al (1967:323) say that theme is a kind of composite statement which requires our comprehension of numerous other elements. Goodman (2003: 167) says that theme is the main idea of the story, the theme of story is different from the plot. The author tries to understand the whole problem internally by studying a number of issues in relation to the existence of an individual as well as the relationship between the individual and society.

2.2 Plot

Plot is a series of stories. Abrams in Siswanto (2008:159) say that the plot is a series of stories that formed by the stages of events that weave a story presented by the actors in a story. Goodman (2003: 19) says that plot tells the important events that occur in a story, and plot is the series of incidents in the order in which they take place. Most of the story, the narrator makes the plot. Narrator is the person who tells the story. Usually, the narrator is the writer or a character in the story.

Plot and story are different. Aziez et al (2010:68) say, “…if it is in a story, we say “And then?” if it is in a plot, we ask “why?”. Story is just the content of the novel, but plot tells the important incidents or events from introduction to resolution in a story that takes place and time. Plot can be flashback (mixed plot) and flash-forward (progressive plot). Storyline or plots can


be defined as the way the author to establish the events in a row by taking into account the law of cause and effect so it is a unitary piece, round, and intact. Plot consists of several stages: introduction, conflict, complication, climax, denouement, and resolution.

The introduction is the stage of events in a fictional story that introduces the character or background of the story, such as the character's name, the character's origins, physical characteristics, and properties. Conflict is the tension between the two forces in a story. Goodman (2003: 59) says that conflict occurs when there is a struggle, a fight, or a strong difference of opinion between characters. As you might expect, conflict in a story generally leads to action. Conflict also occurs when a character clashes, or struggles, with a force of nature. Conflict with nature also plays an important part in the story. Sometimes, a character experiences inner conflict. Inner conflict is a struggle that takes place in the mind of a character.

Complication is the center of the pestle fiction increasingly keen for various reasons. Climax is part of the storyline that illustrates the tension that was followed by a turning point. Denouement is part of the plot after climax is reached. Resolution is the final stage of the story that all the problems can be described, all the misunderstanding can be explained, and all secret was opened. A surprise ending means that the ending is different from what most readers expect, or anticipate. However, the author usually provides clues and hints to help the reader guess and understand the surprise. The clue will help you to figure out the ending of story.


2.3 Character

The people in a novel are referred to as characters. Character is person who carries the events in fiction that it establishes a narrative of events. If we examined it in term problem, character can be divided in to flat character and round character. Flat character is characters that are simple and static. Round character is character that has the complexity and dynamic character. The round character usually plays as the main figure in a story. If we examined the characterization in terms of characters personality, can be distinguished on the protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist is a character with good personality and positive, most readers preferred this character. Antagonist is a character with a bad personality and negative, most of the readers hate this character.

Characters are part of a broader pattern. They are member of society and the author’s distinctive view of how people relate to society will be reflected in the presentation of every character. We assess them on the basis of what the author tell us about them and on the basis of what they do, think, say, and their image. Aziez et al say that characterization can be disclosed by: a) what they say about themselves b) what the other character was said about them c) what the narrator or author was said about them d) reaction of another character e) the character’s reactions to certain situations f) the reaction of the character to environment g) physical characteristic and the shape of their bodies h) the way they dressed i) accent or their social position j) their attitudes k) their education l) customs and the mood of their souls. There are various ways that an author or narrator can show what a character is like. The author can describe what looks


like. The author can tell what a character thinks about and say. The author can also describe a character’s action. All of these characterize the people in a story. Sometimes, during the course of a story, the character change. This is known as character development. Character introduced at the beginning of a novel will usually come into collision with society. The opening chapter will expand the picture of the characters and the society they live in. The novel will bring various characters into confrontation and put characters into problematic situation.

2.4 Setting

Setting is background of story that describes place, time, and atmosphere in a novel. Abrams in Siswanto (2008:173) say, “Setting is general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in every episode or part of place. But Hamalian et al in Siswanto (2008:149) say that setting in fiction not just place, time, event, the atmosphere and objects in a particular environment, but also can be the atmosphere related attitudes, way of thinking, prejudice, and lifestyle of a community in response to a particular problem. Goodman (2003: 105) says that setting is the time and place of the action of the story, when and where the action takes place.

Hudson in Siswanto (2008:150) divided settings into two types. Social setting describes the state of community, social groups and attitudes, customs, way of life, language and other events that underlie the events. Setting physics refers to the physical form, the place or area.



Point of view is the way of author see the character, events, places, and time by his/her own style. Roberts et al (1995:180) say that point of view refers to the position and stance of the voice, or speaker, that authors adopt for their works. Kinds of point of view: 1) narrator omniscient, 2) narrator observer, 3) narrator observer omniscient, 4) narrator the third person omniscient.


3.THE ANALYSIS OF PROTAGONIST CHARACTERS 3.1 The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing

1. Adam Ewing

Adam Ewing is a notary from San Francisco, California living in the nineteenth century. He is sent to the South Pacific, charged with finding the beneficiary of a will under probate in California. On his return voyage from Australia, Ewing is delayed on one of the Chatham Islands as the ship he is on - the Prophetess - makes repairs. It is on this island that he meets the English "doctor," Henry Goose, whom the ship's captain invites aboard once the ship is seaworthy. Also in the island, he encounters a member of the native Moriori people named Autua. Ewing observes the native being flogged by Maori, no doubt a driving factor in Autua's later appearance in Ewing's cabin as a stowaway. Ewing and Goose become friends and the "good" "doctor" treats him for a mysterious "ailment". Goose turns out to be poisoning Ewing, plotting to rob him blind (if not dead), but the notary is pulled back from the brink of death by the native stowaway, Autua.


"If we believe that humanity may transcend tooth & claw, if we believe divers races & creeds can share this world as peaceably as the orphans share their candlenut tree, if we believe leaders must be just, violence muzzled, power accountable & the riches of the Earth & its Oceans shared equitably, such a world will come to pass." I’m not deceived. It is hardest of world to make real. Torturous advances won over generations can be lost by a single stroke of myopic president’s pen or a vainglorious general’s sword. (P.508)


The explanation of quote:

After seeing the slavery that occurs in Chatham Island, Adam Ewing makes a petition to abolish the slavery and free the Moriori people from slavery. Ewing also helps a native Moriori (Autua) to exit from Chatham Island and goes with him to California.

2. Autua

Autua is a member of the native Moriori people of the Chatham Islands The native's next appearance is on the ship Prophetess, where he has escaped and is hiding as a stowaway hiding in Adam Ewing's cabin. Autua pleads with the captain, who is bent on tossing the stowaway overboard, and after Ewing's intervention on his behalf he is allowed to demonstrate his skill as a seaman and to work for his passage on the ship. With some outside perspective on the situation, Autua is intuitive enough to see through the ruse of the so-called forces him to drink enough water to dilute the poison, which saves Ewing's life. Autua jumps ship with Ewing on his shoulder and takes the sick man to a hospital run by nuns. A humble Autua insists that Ewing's decision to prevent him from being thrown overboard is the reason he was there to save Ewing's life - and thus Ewing actually saved himself.


"Patience more, Mr. Ewing—this place smell death—I take you to Sisters." How Autua’s Sisters might have strayed so


far from Chatham Isle was a puzzle I could not begin to solve, but I entrusted myself to his care. (P. 505)

The explanation of quote:

With a strange accent and pronunciation of English haltingly, Autua trying to find a hospital to treat Ewing. He asked the locals but he was expelled, because he is a black slave and considered contemptible. Finally he took Ewing to the church, because he has a sister who became a nun in the church.

3.2 Letters from Zedelghem

1. Robert Frobishera

Robert Frobisher, a young Englishman in 1931,has been disowned by his father, kicked out of the University, and has an army of creditors eager to find him. He "escapes" to Belgium and presents himself as a musical aide to an aging and ailing composer, Chateau Zedelghem, where he writes long letters to his friend (understood to be his lover), Ayrs' wife, Vyvyan Ayrs, and the young man is asked to leave the Chateau. In despair, he writes one final letter to Sixsmith before he fatally shoots himself with Ayrs' pistol.


Along with this letter and the rest of the ewing book, I’ve made arrangements for a folder containing my completed manuscript to find you at Le Royal. Use the Jansch money to defray publishing costs, send copies to everyone on the enclosed list. Don’t let my family get hold of either of the originals, whatever you do. Pater’ll sigh, “It’s no Eroica, is


it?” and stuff it into a drawer; but it’s an incomparable creation. Echoes of Scriabin’s White Mass, Stravinsky’s lost footprints, chromatics of the more lunar Debussy, but truth is I don’t know where it came from. Waking dream. Will never write anything one-hundredth as good. Wish I were being immodest, but I’m not. Cloud Atlas Sextet holds my life, is my life, now I’m a spent firework; but at least I’ve been a firework. (P. 470)

The explanation of quote:

In his next letter, Frobisher obsesses about two things: his sextet and meeting Eva. The entire world is music to him. He has stopped taking care of himself, no longer cares about anything but finishing his music and reconnect with his love, Eva. He sees himself as one bright, short life, who whose musical genius is coming to him all at once and will burn him out, rather than someone like Ayrs, who had little bits of genius spread across along life.

2. Eva van Outryve de Crommelynck

Eva is the seventeen years old daughter of the beginning of the "Zedelghem Letters," Eva spends her weekdays with a family in nearby Bruges while she is in school, returning to the Chateau on the weekends. She takes a dislike to or a secret attraction to the young man, but she treats him brusquely and rudely. After Frobisher has been at the Chateau some months, Eva goes off to school in Switzerland, returning towards the end of his stay with the Ayres. In the second half of the "Letters from Zedelghem" story, Eva makes a casual remark to Frobisher, which he interprets as a confession of love. He turns out to be tragically mistaken. It is, instead, a Swiss fellow student whom she loves.



Because all my life, sophisticated, idiotic women have taken it upon themselves to understand me, to cure me, but Eva knows I’m terra incognita and explorers me unhurriedly, like you did. Because she’s lean as a boy. Because her scent is almonds, meadow grass. Because if I smile at her ambition to be an Egyptologist, she kicks my shin under the table.

Because she makes me think about something other than myself. Because even when serious she shines" (P. 454) The explanation of quote:

Frobisher loves her so much. She makes him found his love desire and music back. For Frobisher, Eva is everything and his true love.

3.3Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery

1. Luisa Rey

Luisa Rey is a gossip columnist for the Spyglass, a monthly magazine of National Inquirer-type reputation. She is also the daughter of the late a renowned journalist, noted for his reporting of the Vietnam War. She encounters mails the key to his damning report about the dangers posed by the Seaboard project. Luisa's pursuit of the Sixsmith expose launches repeated attempts on her life. She is run off the road into a lake; almost blown to bits in an explosion at the bank vault where a copy of the Sixsmith report is hidden, and nearly shot in a gun battle between when the company is acquired by remains devoted to pursuing the truth about the HYDRA project and eventually is


able to expose the company, leading to the indictment of Lloyd Hooks and several other Seaboard executives.


“So. The cops got it wrong, the ME got it wrong, everyone got it wrong except Luisa Rey, ace cub reporter, whose penetrating insight concludes the world-famous number report, a report nobody agrees exists. Am I right?” (P. 117) The explanation of quote:

Luisa was very disappointed with all the people who pretend not to know and do not care about Seaboard Project and what happened to Sixsmith. She tried to find the mystery behind Sixsmith’s death by herself although she’s chased by an assassin.

2. Joe Napier

Joe Napier is the head of security for the Seaboard Corporation. In addition to being the head of security for the Seaboard Corporation, Joe Napier also served with Department - during which time Rey saved his life and was severely injured in the process. Napier is given "early retirement" after the death of Seaboard CEO, Alberto Grimaldi, and the subsequent take-over by obligation to protect Lester Rey's daughter, Napier attempts to warn her of the danger from caught in a planned explosion at the bank where she is picking up a hidden copy of warehouses of downtown Buenas Yerbas. He arranges a meeting between Luisa


and Megan Sixsmith at the local museum. When he and Luisa follow hunch to search Sixsmith's yacht for another copy of the expose, Napier and Bill Smoke kill each other in a shootout.


Milly would have clucked over you, he thinks. Had you over

for dinner, fed you away too much, and nagged you on what

you need to be nagged about. He recalls Luisa as precocious

little six-year-old. Must be two decades since I saw you at the last Tenth Precinct Station reunion. Of all the professions that lippy little girl could have entered, of all the reporters who could caught the scent of Sixsmitth’s death, why Lester Rey’s daughter? Why so soon before I retire? Who dreamed

up this sick joke? The city? (P. 135)

The explanation of quote:

Joe is very sad to see his friend’s daughter face a big problem that is impossible for her to resisted, thought Joe. He had helped Luisa; because Luisa’s father had helped him while he was working in the Police Department and he knows that Seaboard Project can threaten the lives of many people.

3. Rufus Sixsmith

Rufus Sixsmith is the correspondent, friend, and accomplice of "Letters from Zedelghem" as the recipient of Frobisher's letters and Frobisher's former lover. He later appears in "Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery" as an old man, in the 1970s. He is a prize-winning physicist, who has worked on the "Manhattan Project." His last project is Seaboard's HYDRA Project at Swannekke Island. Realizing the dangers of a nuclear accident inherent in the HYDRA Project, Sixsmith pens an expose and plans to share his findings and shut down


the HYDRA. Before he can act, he is murdered in his airport hotel room, where he is waiting for his flight out of the country. The murder is made to appear a suicide. Sixsmith meets is the daughter of renowned journalist, Lester Rey, on a whim he mails a safety deposit key to her, a key that will lead her to a copy of the HYDRA expose


“I met an atomic engineer.” Luisa ignores the indifference chilling the room. “An inspector at Seaboard Incorporate.” Nancy O’Hagan is doing her fingernails, driving Luisa to present her suspicious as facts. “He believes the new HYDRA nuclear reactor at Swannekke Island isn’t as safe as the official line. Isn’t safe at all, in fact” (P. 100)

The explanation of quote:

In the previous story, Luisa met Rufus Sixsmith in elevator and they were stuck in there. Rufus told her about the project that he’s working on (although not described by the author) is not safe and can threaten the lives of people. Then Luisa asked to Naussbaum about the issue.

4. Isaac Sach

Isaac Sach is an engineer working for Seaboard. Isaac Sachs is first encountered by Seaboard property. Sachs has found a copy of Sixsmith's expose and plants it in Luisa's car for her to find. He is killed shortly thereafter in the airplane explosion that also kills



“You hear me, Luisa? Garcia has a present for you. A more alert quarter of Luisa’s brain muscle in. Isaac Sach left the Sixsmith Report in your VW. You mentioned the trunk didn’t

lock. He assumes we are being eavesdropped” (P. 138)

The explanation of quote:

After Isaac left Luisa, he was hiding something in the trunk of Luisa’s VW. Fearing of the same fate as Sixsmith, he flew to Philadelphia and called Luisa that Garcia (Luisa’s VW) has a present for her.

3.4The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish

1. Timothy Cavendish

Timothy Cavendishis a divorced vanity book publisher in his seventies, the owner of Cavendish Publishing. The protagonist in the "Timothy Cavendish" chapters stumbles into success with the author suddenly pushes an unflattering critic over a twelfth story balcony. Escaping the author's thuggish relatives, he flees to a "hotel" recommended by his brother. The hotel, Aurora House, turns out to be a no-escape "rest home" for the elderly, run by the sadistic several weeks, during which time he has a mild (possibly induced) stroke. He finally escapes the facility with the aid of several other inmates, re-establishes his publishing business; and gets to work on his tale, "The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish," which he hopes to have made into a movie. Instead of returning to London, he settles in Edinburgh at a small inn where he can enjoy the relaxed countryside.



“I mean, it’s not ruddy Luxemburg we live in-but no, we cross, crisscross, and recross our old tracks like figure skaters” (P. 163)

The explanation of quote:

People think this world would be enough to hold all the happenings of many lifetimes, but according to Cavendish, we are crossing and re-crossing our old selves, our past lives, again and again.

3.5An Orison of Sonmi~451

1. Sonmi~451

Sonmi-451 is a type of clone known as a "fabricant", whom the reader meets as a dinery server. Later, Sonmi, unique to her kind, is able to "ascend," that is to gain a personality as well as acquire and retain knowledge. She becomes something of a novelty in the futuristic world of Nea So Copros and is taken to Taemosan University so that she might be studied. Her post-grad student is a lush and a slackard, and she has much time to increase her knowledge by reading. Sonmi-451 is "rescued" from her negligent, post-grad student by Professor Mephis and Hae-Joo Im, who encourage her learning and even enroll her in university classes. Hae-Joo Im takes to escorting her on weekends to meals (although fabricants don't eat as "pure-bloods" do) and even to a movie (ironically, "The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish" from "Timothy Cavendish" chapters). Sonmi-451 is whisked away from the university as the corporate "Judas" seizes the professor. She and Hae-Joo Im race across the Neo So Copros countryside for weeks until she is persuaded to compose a fabricant


"Bill of Rights." Within hours of handing over her document, she is seized by corporate operatives and imprisoned. She tells her story to an archivist (historian), who records in on an orison (a memory egg).In the primitive world of the "Sloosh'a'sCrossin'" chapter, Sonmi has become the society's god, the one to whom they pray for good crops, good fortune, and safety.


“To generate the show trial of decade. To make every last pureblood in Nea So Copros mistrustful of every last fabricant. To manufacture down strata consent for the JUche’s new Fabrica Xpiry Act. To discredit Abolitionism. You can see, the whole conspiracy has been a resounding success” (P. 348)

The explanation of quote:

After figuring this injustice out, she still went along with it because her hope is that her declarations will somehow find a way to influence people. And she has succeeded: by banning adherence to her writings, by teaching them as “twelve blasphemies” the government has all but guaranteed their spread. That there will be a statewide “Vigilance Day” against fabricants who seem to be following the declarations proves there is a need for that level of security, so Somni has won.

2. Hae-Joo Im

A post-graduate student at Taemosan University, Hae-JooIm is first seen delivering the news of Wing-027's destruction to Boom-Sook Kim. He befriends Sonmi-451 in the first "Sonmi" chapter, and later when Sonmi has moved to the Unanimity Faculty, he begins escorting her on weekends to restaurants and the theater. When the professor is captured and killed, Hae-Joo Im reveals himself to


be a part of Union, a counter-corporate group hoping to overthrow the current regime and restore respect for human rights to the region. He leads Sonmi on a whirlwind escape throughout the Nea So Copros countryside, becomes her lover, and encourages her to write "Declarations," a fabricant "Bill of Rights." In the end, it turns out that he is just another corporate deceiver.


Wangshimni Orchad: what an encyclopedia of consumables for hours, I pointed at times for Hae-Joo to identify: bronze masks, instant bird’s nest soup, fabricant toys, golden suzukis, air filters, acidproof skeins, oraculars of the Beloved Chairmain and statuettes of the Immanent Chairman, jewel-powder perfumes, pearlsilk scarves, realtime maps, deadland artifacts, programmable violins. (P. 227)

The explanation of quote:

Hae-Joo tried to teach Somni about everything that she saw. She doesn’t know all the things because Somni is a fabricant with low IQ.

3.6Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After

1. Zachry

Zachry Bailey is a member of a tribe called the Valleymen. He witnesses the brutal murder of his father and the abduction of his brother by a rival tribe when he is just nine years old. He is a member of a tribe called the Valleymen, who live simply, barter with nearby communities, and raise goats. When she stays with Zachry and his family. Slowly and somewhat grudgingly, Zachry and Meronym become friends, and it is with her that he escapes the brutal Konas, who ransack his village and slay his kinsmen.



One: Hands are burnin', let that rope not be cut. Two: Enemy's sleeping, let his throat be not slit.

Three: Bronze is burnin', let that bridge not be crossed. (P. 247)

The explanation of quote:

A night before he met Meronym, he was dreaming about three accidents that he couldn’t understand. He doesn’t know that he’s dreaming about the future to help Meronym.

2. Meronym

Meronym is a woman of the Valleymen for a year in order to learn about their society and customs. Meronym is a fifty-year-old prescient woman who comes to live with on the "Big I" for a year in order to learn more about their society and way of living. She has strange skills (called "Smarts" by the Valleymen), some of which she shares with the locals. She and Zachry become reluctant friends, and the pair explores the island together. She shows Zachry the truth about Sonmi to him. Meronym rescues Zachry when he is captured by the fierce Konas, and the pair escape the destruction on the "Big-I" together for Maui.


I asked why Meronym’d never spoke this yarnin’ in the Valleys. Valleysmen’d not want to hear, she answered, that human hunger birthed the Civ’lize, but human hunger killed it too. I know it from other tribes offland what I stayed with. Times are you say a person’s b’liefs ain’t true, they think you’re sayin’ their life ain’t true an’ their truth ain’t true.


The explanation of quote:

Meronym tells a story to Zachry about modern civilization (Civ’lize) where Somni was still alive. There was a human named Old Uns who made a more modern civilization (Civ’lize) even exceeded our dreams now. He made a rule in Civ’lize. He created a fabricant as the slave for human. Somni, one of the fabricant, made a conspiracy to break the rule. There was a massive rebellion and made Civ;lize destroyed (they called The Fall Day). Old Uns tripped their own fall.

3. The Abbess

Abbess is the chief religious official and educator in Zachry's valley. She is seen by the village people as a highly respected source of knowledge and wisdom about both the past and future. She is able to have "visions", which she believes are sent by Somni. One such vision is described in the book where she receives three lines of advice for Zachary.


“Civ’lize needs time, an’ if we let this clock die, time’ll die too, an’ then how can we bring back the Civ’lize Days as it was b’fore the Fall?” (P. 247)

The explanation of quote:

Abbess teaches all the people in the valley about the history of Civ’lize and Clock Tongue. She said that we all need time to bring back the glory of Civ’lize, so don’t stop trying and hoping.



After analyzing the protagonist characters that found in Cloud Atlas novel, the writer get some conclusion as follow:

4. The difference that you make today will impact tomorrow.

5. All human have the same rights. Oppression and slavery are violation of morality.

6. Do not be afraid to express and defend the right thing even though risking lives.

7. It is never too late to change your ways and find real value or even joy.


Having complete this paper, the writer has suggestion that the novel has morality message that slightest difference that you make today will have an impact in the future, although it’s good or bad deeds. If you are expecting a beautiful future then do the good things, but if you do all the bad things, a dark future will be waiting for you.

In this paper the writer only discusses about the protagonist characters although there are many other important elements contain. Besides, by reading this novel the reader can enrich their knowledge about English Grammar that used by the characters, or get more knowledge about society that found in novel. The author expects this paper can provide something helpful for readers in studying English Literature.



Aziez, Furqonul dan Abdul Hasim. 2010. Menganalisis Fiksi Sebuah

Pengantar. Bandung: Ghalia Indonesia.

Castle, Gregory. 2007. The Blackwell Guide to Literary Theory. Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Hamalian, Leo and Frederick R. Karl. 1967. The Shape of Fiction ‘British and

American Short Stories’. United States of America: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.

Goodman, Burton. 2003. Literature for English Advanced Two. Singapore: Mc Grow Hill.

Mitchell, David. 2012. Cloud Atlas. New York: Random House Trade Paperback.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2003. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Prress.

Peck, John and Martin Coyle. 1984. Literary Terms and Criticism. London: Macmillan Education Ltd.

Reader, Erick and Pamela Woods. 1987. Introducing the Novel. London: Bell & Heyman.

Rees, R.J. 1973. English Literature. London: Macmillen Education Limited. Roberts, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. An Introduction to Reading and

Writing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.

Siswanto, Wahyudi. 2008. Pengantar Teori Sastra. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the elements of Literature. London and



The Biography of David Mitchell

Mitchell was born in in the in to technical students for eight years, before returning to England, where he could live on his earnings as a writer and support his pregnant wife.

After another stint in Japan, Mitchell currently lived with his wife Keiko Yoshida and their two children in for


kid, but until I came to Japan to live in 1994 I was too easily distracted to do much about it. I would probably have become a writer wherever I lived, but would I have become the same writer if I'd spent the last 6 years in

Mitchell has the


it's like to be a stammerer: "I’d probably still be avoiding the subject today had I not outed myself by writing a semi-autobiographical novel, Black Swan Green, narrated by a stammering 13 year old." Mitchell is also a patron of the

Mitchell's first novel,

from tell stories that interlock and intersect. The novel won the shortlisted for the


the British Novelists. In 2007, Mitchell was listed among Influential People in The World. Mitchell's American editor at Random House is novelist

Mitchell's sixth novel, as yet untitled, has 'dollops of the fantastic in it’, and is about 'stuff between life and death'. It is not, as previously suggested, about a young girl growing up in Ireland. In recent years he has also written opera


libretti. Wake, based on the 2000 currently working on another opera, Sunken Garden, with the Dutch composer

I'm with

the Bears: Short Stories from a Damaged Planet. In 2012 his novel


The Summary of Cloud Atlas The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing (Part 1)

The first story begins in the witnesses a by a Maori man (warriors who are exploited by the British). During the punishment, the victim, Autua, sees pity in the eyes of Adam Ewing and smiles. Later Ewing ascends a high hill called Conical Tor, covered in jungle with no view. He stumbles on the lip of the crater, falls therein, and is knocked out. He awakes to find himself surrounded by hundreds of faces carved in the bark of trees. Ewing, reasoning that those who carved the faces must have had egress from the crater, manages to escape. Descending Conical Tor again, he resolves not to mention the glyphs outside of his journal. As the ship gets underway, Dr. Goose, who is Ewing's only friend aboard the ship, examines the injuries Ewing sustained on the volcano and Ewing also mentions his chronic Ailment. The doctor diagnoses it as a fatal parasite, and recommends a course of treatment that might save Ewing but it will certainly make him feel worse before he gets better. Ewing gratefully accepts. Meanwhile Autua has stowed aboard the ship and hidden himself in Ewing's cabin because he judged Ewing to be a compassionate soul. Ewing breaks the news to the Captain, who is ready to order his First Mate to shoot Autua, but Autua proves he's a first class seaman, so the Captain puts him to work without salary to pay for his passage to Hawaii.


Letters from Zedelghem (Part 1)

The next story is set in Zedelghem, near in the form of letters from Robert Frobisher, a recently disowned and penniless, bisexual young English musician, to his old friend and lover, Rufus Sixsmith, back in Cambridge. Frobisher escapes from a hotel without settling his bill and journeys to Zedelghem to offer his services as an reclusive English composer named Vyvyan Ayrs who is dying of nearly blind. Along the way he sleeps with the (male) ship's steward. Frobisher has a comet-shaped birthmark on his shoulder blade. Frobisher auditions and gains the grudging acceptance of Ayrs for his services. Ayrs' wife Jocasta begins to subtly flirt with Frobisher. Ayrs' daughter Eva, however, smells a rat and takes a posture of unrelenting hostility. Soon, however, Robert and Ayrs bear fruit with the creation of Der Todtenvogel ("The Death Bird") which is performed nightly in Krakow, where it becomes the talk of the town. Frobisher says he even has begun composing his own music again. Frobisher and Jocasta Ayrs become lovers, but Eva remains suspicious. Frobisher begins taking rare books from Ayrs' collection and selling them to a fence. One of the books he has found is titled The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing but it is ripped in half and it drives him crazy, because, as he says, "A half-read book is a half-finished love affair." He is amused that the author seems unaware that Dr Goose is poisoning him. One time when Jocasta and Frobisher are sleeping together, Ayrs pounds on his door and demands Frobisher writes down the notes he heard in a dream. Jocasta hides in a lump under the covers, and Ayrs, nearly blind, never sees her there. The dream was


about a "nightmarish cafe" deep underground where the waitresses all had the same face and ate soap. When he is done humming his tune, he asks if Jocasta ever made advances to Frobisher, who answers, after some embarrassment, "emphatically, no." As the summer comes to an end, Jocasta thanks Robert for "giving Vyvyan his music back." Robert agrees to stay on until next summer at least, as Ayrs asked, time enough to turn his dream music into a major symphony called Eternal Recurrence.

Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery (Part 1)

The third story is written in the style of a mystery/thriller novel, and is set in the fictional city of Buenas Yerbas, journalist, investigates reports that a new Sixsmith meets Luisa in an elevator and listens to her life story while they are stuck between floors during a power black-out. Her late father was one of the few incorruptible policemen on the force. Luisa says she was willing to lay her life on the line for her journalistic integrity because to do otherwise would be a mockery of her father's life. Sixsmith realizes he can trust Luisa. Later, after the elevator power is restored, Sixsmith expresses to Luisa his concern that the Seaboard HYDRA nuclear power plant isn't as safe as they advertise it to be. Shortly after this admission, he is murdered, and Luisa learns that the businessmen in charge of the plant are conspiring to cover up the dangers and are assassinating potential whistleblowers. From Sixsmith's hotel room, Luisa manages to get hold of some of Frobisher's letters and becomes so enthralled by the composer that she orders his only published work, "Cloud Atlas Sextet." However, a Seaboard-hired


assassin has been following her and pushes her car - along with Sixsmith's incriminating report - off a bridge, at which point the story breaks off.

The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish (Part 1)

The fourth story is comic in tone, and set in Timothy Cavendish, a 65-year-ol gangster client. Cavendish's brother, exasperated by Timothy's endless pleas for financial aid, books him into a remote hotel, which in fact turns out to be a nursing home from which Timothy cannot escape. In the course of his adventures, Timothy briefly mentions that he is reading a manuscript from a prospective author entitled Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery, which does not impress him.

An Orison of Sonmi~451 (Part 1)

The fifth story is set in Nea So Copros, a gradually revealed to be in from and an 'archivist' who is recording her story. Sonmi~451 is a genetically engineered fabricant among other places, a fast-food restaurant called Papa Song's. Fabricants, it is revealed, are treated as slave labor by 'pureblood' society, who stunts the fabricants' consciousness through chemical manipulation. Sonmi~451 encounters individuals from a rebel underground who draw her out of the cloistered fabricant world, and allow her to become self-aware, or "ascended." Sonmi describes watching a pre-Skirmishes film called The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy


Cavendish and being utterly captivated by how it immersed her in a far earlier time. But at precisely the point where the protagonist suffered some sort of seizure, a student interrupts her and Hae-Joo, one of her mentors. He tells them Professor Mephi has been arrested, and that forty or fifty enforcers are looking for them with orders to interrogate Hae-Joo and kill Sonmi on sight. Hae-Joo exudes a sudden grim authority and reveals to Sonmi, while the image of Timothy Cavendish is projected upon him, that he is not who he said he was.

Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After

The sixth story occupies the central position in the novel, and is the only one not to be interrupted. Zachry, an old man, tells a story from his youth. It is gradually revealed that he lives in a post-apocalyptic society on the raided by the violent worship a goddess called Sonmi, and know that there was an event called 'The Fall', in which the civilized peoples of Earth - known as the 'Old Uns' - collapsed, and the surviving humans have been reduced to primitivism. They have relatively short lifespans. Big Island is occasionally visited and studied by a technologically sophisticated people known as the Prescients who arrive in ocean-colored boats and trade with the valley folk. One Prescient, a woman called Meronym, comes to stay with the villagers. She observes their technology, culture, and practices. Zachry becomes suspicious, and sneaks into her room, where he finds an 'orison', an egg-shaped device for recording and holographic discovered by someone on the other end of the communication. Zachry's sister


Catkin steps on, and is poisoned by a scorpion fish; Meronym reluctantly gives her medicine. When Meronym later requests a guide to take her to the top of temples on its summit, Zachry reluctantly guides her. It is revealed that the 'temples' are in fact the ruins of the Zachry by telling him that their god Sonmi was in fact a human being, and explains the workings of the orison. It can replay Sonmi telling her story to the people. Upon their return, they go with the most of the valleysfolk to trade at Honokaa. But first Honokaa, then the valley, is invaded by Kona tribesmen who enslave the villagers. Zachry and Meronym eventually escape, and she takes him to a safer island. The story ends with Zachry's child recalling that his father told many unbelievable tales. The child admits that part of this one may be true because he has inherited Zachry's copy of Sonmi's orison, which he often watches, even though he doesn't speak her language.

An Orison of Sonmi~451 (Part 2)

Sonmi learns the truth about Nea So Copros: that the fabricants are not released after serving their time at work, but are killed and recycled into food and more fabricants. At the rebels' encouragement, she writes an abolitionist Declarations that tells the truth about their society and calls for rebellion. She is then arrested, and finds herself telling her tale to the archivist. She then reveals that she knows everything that happened to her was in fact instigated by the government, to create an artificial enemy figure to encourage the oppression of fabricants by purebloods. But she believes her Declarations will be


inspirational nonetheless. Her last wish before being executed is to finish watching the film she began before.

The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish (Part 2)

Timothy Cavendish has had a stroke. He took a month to recover, but did not leave Aurora House. He spent much of the time going over the Luisa Rey manuscript. He decides that it should be edited to remove the insinuation that Luisa Rey was Robert Frobisher reincarnated. He is frustrated when he runs out of pages halfway through the novel. While searching the grounds for a way out Cavendish meets a small group of residents who spend their time in the boiler room. Mr. Meeks doesn't say very much. Ernie Blacksmith keeps the boiler running for free, and in return the management turns a blind eye to the occasional bottle of liquor being smuggled in. Ernie says 3/4 of prison escapes fall flat because all the thought goes into the escape, and none on the logistics afterward. What about a vehicle? Money? Boltholes? Ernie mentions that the arrogant son of Mrs. Hotchkiss, Johns Hotchkiss, leaves his keys in the ignition every time he visits. Hotchkiss is constantly trying to get his mother to reveal the location of all the family jewels, which she buried when she got wind he was about to stick her in Aurora House. The dissidents in the boiler room plan to escape in two days. The plan is a "high-risk sequences of dominoes". The first domino is to get Johns Hotchkiss there with his vehicle. They do that with a stolen mobile phone; they have Cavendish pose as a doctor, and say that Mrs. Hotchkiss is close to death and keeps talking about jewelry. Domino two has Ernie telling Nurse Noakes that Cavendish is dead. Domino three has them convince Nurse Noakes of this by


showing her pillows propped under Cavendish's blankets. Cavendish locks her in his room. Domino four has Veronica (one of the dissidents) sending Johns Hotchkiss on a wild goose chase looking for his mother. The dissidents get into Hotchkiss' big Range Rover and ram the gates. They are free of Aurora House, and are surprised that old Mr. Meeks, who hardly ever says a word, somehow found a way to join them. While Cavendish was away, the Hoggins brothers ransacked his office, but Cavendish's secretary Mrs. Latham captured the vandalism on video. She told them to steer clear of Cavendish, or that the footage would end up on the Internet, causing their probations to become prison sentences. The Hoggins brothers were forced to accept a cut on future royalties

on Knuckle Sandwich, the Movie. Cavendish has his secretary send an email to the

author expressing his interest in publishing the manuscript whose first half he has already read, and a few days later the postman delivers.

Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery (Part 2)

Luisa Rey escapes from the sinking car and by detective work successfully locates a copy of Sixsmith's report about the Swanekke power plant, exposing the corrupt corporate leaders. She picks up her copy of Robert Frobisher's obscure Cloud Atlas Sextet and is astonished to find that she recognizes it, even though it is a very rare piece. At the end of the story, she receives a package from Rufus Sixsmith's niece, which contains eight more...

Letters from Zedelghem (Part 2)

Frobisher continues to pursue his work with the elderly composer while developing his own Cloud Atlas Sextet. He becomes besotted by Vyvyan Ayrs'


daughter, and tries to end the affair with his employer's wife. While packing his things to finally leave the composer, who had begun to steal the young composer's musical ideas, he discovers the second half of The Pacific Diaries of Adam

Ewing propping up the bed. Frobisher secludes himself in a hotel to finish

the Sextet, and ultimately decides to kill himself. He is content with this decision

as he believes he has completed his best work, but mourns the loss of his one true love, Sixsmith. Before shooting himself, he writes a last letter to Sixsmith, and includes his Sextet and the second part of Ewing's Pacific Journal.

The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing (Part 2)

Ewing visits the island of preaching to the indigenous peoples, whom they regard as savages, and treat as slaves even as their illnesses kill them off. Back on the ship, he falls further ill, realizing at the last minute that Dr Goose is poisoning him to steal his possessions. He is rescued by Autua, and having been saved by a slave, resolves to devote his life to the governed by rules, but outcomes. And outcomes are precipitated by vicious and virtuous acts. And those acts are precipitated by belief. If we believe in the ladder of civilization, then that's what we will get. But someday "a purely predatory world shall consume itself". "The devil take the hindmost until the foremost is the hindmost." Selfishness in a species leads to extinction. He imagines his father-in-law's response to his becoming an Abolitionist: he would warn Adam that his life would amount to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Adam's proposed reply is, "Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?"


assassin has been following her and pushes her car - along with Sixsmith's incriminating report - off a bridge, at which point the story breaks off.

The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish (Part 1)

The fourth story is comic in tone, and set in Timothy Cavendish, a 65-year-ol gangster client. Cavendish's brother, exasperated by Timothy's endless pleas for financial aid, books him into a remote hotel, which in fact turns out to be a nursing home from which Timothy cannot escape. In the course of his adventures, Timothy briefly mentions that he is reading a manuscript from a prospective author entitled Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery, which does not impress him.

An Orison of Sonmi~451 (Part 1)

The fifth story is set in Nea So Copros, a gradually revealed to be in from and an 'archivist' who is recording her story. Sonmi~451 is a genetically engineered fabricant among other places, a fast-food restaurant called Papa Song's. Fabricants, it is revealed, are treated as slave labor by 'pureblood' society, who stunts the fabricants' consciousness through chemical manipulation. Sonmi~451 encounters individuals from a rebel underground who draw her out of the cloistered fabricant world, and allow her to become self-aware, or "ascended." Sonmi describes watching a pre-Skirmishes film called The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy


Cavendish and being utterly captivated by how it immersed her in a far earlier time. But at precisely the point where the protagonist suffered some sort of seizure, a student interrupts her and Hae-Joo, one of her mentors. He tells them Professor Mephi has been arrested, and that forty or fifty enforcers are looking for them with orders to interrogate Hae-Joo and kill Sonmi on sight. Hae-Joo exudes a sudden grim authority and reveals to Sonmi, while the image of Timothy Cavendish is projected upon him, that he is not who he said he was.

Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After

The sixth story occupies the central position in the novel, and is the only one not to be interrupted. Zachry, an old man, tells a story from his youth. It is gradually revealed that he lives in a post-apocalyptic society on the raided by the violent worship a goddess called Sonmi, and know that there was an event called 'The Fall', in which the civilized peoples of Earth - known as the 'Old Uns' - collapsed, and the surviving humans have been reduced to primitivism. They have relatively short lifespans. Big Island is occasionally visited and studied by a technologically sophisticated people known as the Prescients who arrive in ocean-colored boats and trade with the valley folk. One Prescient, a woman called Meronym, comes to stay with the villagers. She observes their technology, culture, and practices. Zachry becomes suspicious, and sneaks into her room, where he finds an 'orison', an egg-shaped device for recording and holographic discovered by someone on the other end of the communication. Zachry's sister


Catkin steps on, and is poisoned by a scorpion fish; Meronym reluctantly gives her medicine. When Meronym later requests a guide to take her to the top of temples on its summit, Zachry reluctantly guides her. It is revealed that the 'temples' are in fact the ruins of the Zachry by telling him that their god Sonmi was in fact a human being, and explains the workings of the orison. It can replay Sonmi telling her story to the people. Upon their return, they go with the most of the valleysfolk to trade at Honokaa. But first Honokaa, then the valley, is invaded by Kona tribesmen who enslave the villagers. Zachry and Meronym eventually escape, and she takes him to a safer island. The story ends with Zachry's child recalling that his father told many unbelievable tales. The child admits that part of this one may be true because he has inherited Zachry's copy of Sonmi's orison, which he often watches, even though he doesn't speak her language.

An Orison of Sonmi~451 (Part 2)

Sonmi learns the truth about Nea So Copros: that the fabricants are not released after serving their time at work, but are killed and recycled into food and more fabricants. At the rebels' encouragement, she writes an abolitionist Declarations that tells the truth about their society and calls for rebellion. She is then arrested, and finds herself telling her tale to the archivist. She then reveals that she knows everything that happened to her was in fact instigated by the government, to create an artificial enemy figure to encourage the oppression of fabricants by purebloods. But she believes her Declarations will be


inspirational nonetheless. Her last wish before being executed is to finish watching the film she began before.

The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish (Part 2)

Timothy Cavendish has had a stroke. He took a month to recover, but did not leave Aurora House. He spent much of the time going over the Luisa Rey manuscript. He decides that it should be edited to remove the insinuation that Luisa Rey was Robert Frobisher reincarnated. He is frustrated when he runs out of pages halfway through the novel. While searching the grounds for a way out Cavendish meets a small group of residents who spend their time in the boiler room. Mr. Meeks doesn't say very much. Ernie Blacksmith keeps the boiler running for free, and in return the management turns a blind eye to the occasional bottle of liquor being smuggled in. Ernie says 3/4 of prison escapes fall flat because all the thought goes into the escape, and none on the logistics afterward. What about a vehicle? Money? Boltholes? Ernie mentions that the arrogant son of Mrs. Hotchkiss, Johns Hotchkiss, leaves his keys in the ignition every time he visits. Hotchkiss is constantly trying to get his mother to reveal the location of all the family jewels, which she buried when she got wind he was about to stick her in Aurora House. The dissidents in the boiler room plan to escape in two days. The plan is a "high-risk sequences of dominoes". The first domino is to get Johns Hotchkiss there with his vehicle. They do that with a stolen mobile phone; they have Cavendish pose as a doctor, and say that Mrs. Hotchkiss is close to death and keeps talking about jewelry. Domino two has Ernie telling Nurse Noakes that Cavendish is dead. Domino three has them convince Nurse Noakes of this by


showing her pillows propped under Cavendish's blankets. Cavendish locks her in his room. Domino four has Veronica (one of the dissidents) sending Johns Hotchkiss on a wild goose chase looking for his mother. The dissidents get into Hotchkiss' big Range Rover and ram the gates. They are free of Aurora House, and are surprised that old Mr. Meeks, who hardly ever says a word, somehow found a way to join them. While Cavendish was away, the Hoggins brothers ransacked his office, but Cavendish's secretary Mrs. Latham captured the vandalism on video. She told them to steer clear of Cavendish, or that the footage would end up on the Internet, causing their probations to become prison sentences. The Hoggins brothers were forced to accept a cut on future royalties on Knuckle Sandwich, the Movie. Cavendish has his secretary send an email to the author expressing his interest in publishing the manuscript whose first half he has already read, and a few days later the postman delivers.

Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery (Part 2)

Luisa Rey escapes from the sinking car and by detective work successfully locates a copy of Sixsmith's report about the Swanekke power plant, exposing the corrupt corporate leaders. She picks up her copy of Robert Frobisher's obscure Cloud Atlas Sextet and is astonished to find that she recognizes it, even though it is a very rare piece. At the end of the story, she receives a package from Rufus Sixsmith's niece, which contains eight more...

Letters from Zedelghem (Part 2)

Frobisher continues to pursue his work with the elderly composer while developing his own Cloud Atlas Sextet. He becomes besotted by Vyvyan Ayrs'


daughter, and tries to end the affair with his employer's wife. While packing his things to finally leave the composer, who had begun to steal the young composer's musical ideas, he discovers the second half of The Pacific Diaries of Adam Ewing propping up the bed. Frobisher secludes himself in a hotel to finish the Sextet, and ultimately decides to kill himself. He is content with this decision as he believes he has completed his best work, but mourns the loss of his one true love, Sixsmith. Before shooting himself, he writes a last letter to Sixsmith, and includes his Sextet and the second part of Ewing's Pacific Journal.

The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing (Part 2)

Ewing visits the island of preaching to the indigenous peoples, whom they regard as savages, and treat as slaves even as their illnesses kill them off. Back on the ship, he falls further ill, realizing at the last minute that Dr Goose is poisoning him to steal his possessions. He is rescued by Autua, and having been saved by a slave, resolves to devote his life to the governed by rules, but outcomes. And outcomes are precipitated by vicious and virtuous acts. And those acts are precipitated by belief. If we believe in the ladder of civilization, then that's what we will get. But someday "a purely predatory world shall consume itself". "The devil take the hindmost until the foremost is the hindmost." Selfishness in a species leads to extinction. He imagines his father-in-law's response to his becoming an Abolitionist: he would warn Adam that his life would amount to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Adam's proposed reply is, "Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?"