Translation ideology of cultural words in Nanny diaries novel into buku harian Nanny


Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Strata One


RIZKI AMALIA 109026000010









into Buku Harian Nanny. Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

In this research, the writer focused on the translation field, especially about translation ideolgy and cultural words in Nanny Diaries. The objective of the research is finding either the ideology and cultural words are contained in Nanny Diaries and its translation, the ideology of translation and cultural words translation that are used by the translator in translating the ideology and cultural words in the novel of source language, English version into Bahasa Indonesia, nanny Diaries

The writer uses qualitative descriptive method in order to get the objectives of the research. The writer collects the data by reading the novel and its translation, marking the ideology and cultural words that found in both of versions and making notes about them in writer’s notbook, calssifying the data based on Venuty’s category of ideology and translation of cultural words based on Newmark’s theory, analyzing the data based on the theories ideology of translation and cultural words translation which are taken from some relevant references.

Based on the research, the writer concludes that the translator Siska Yuanita uses two ideology according Venuty’s theory, namely: domestication ideology and foreignization ideology. The cultural words in the translated novel is classified into five cultural categories by Newmark, they are ecology, material culture, social culture, organizations, and gestures and habits. And the most frequently translation ideology applied is domesticating.




Submitted to Adab and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

RIZKI AMALIA NIM. 109026000010

Approved by:

DANTI PUDJIATI, M.M., M. Hum. NIP. 19731220 199903 2 004

(Day/Date: )




iii Name : Rizki Amalia

NIM : 109026000010

Title : Translation Ideology of Cultural Words inNanny Diaries Novel into Buku Harian Nanny

The thesis entitled has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on October 24th, 2014 It has already been accepted as a partial fufillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, October 24th, 2014

Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chairman) ________ _______

19640710 199303 1 006

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) ________ _______ 19781003 200112 2 002

3. Danti Pudjati, M.M., M.Hum (Advisor) ________ _______ 19731220 199903 2 004

4. M. Agus Suriadi, M.Hum (Examiner I ) ________ _______



of my knowladge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where acknowlaedgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, October 24, 2014



Alhamdulillahirrabil’alamiin, all praise and thanks are given to Allah SWT, for guiding the writer amazingly and mysteriously during the process of this research. Greeting and invocation are presented to Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided humanity to the right path blessed by the Lord.

The writer would like to give her gratitude to his beloved parents, Hj. Dahliah and H. Achmad Chaidir, her siblings Darmawan, Rahmah Sari, Umi Faridah and her grandma Oma for their silent prayer and who always accompany her with love and attention.

This thesis could not be completed without great deal of help from many people especially Mrs. Danti Pudjianti M.M., M. Hum the deepest gratitude for his guidance, helpful correction, patient, cooperation, and time until this thesis completed.

Thanks for all the meaningful people that help the writer doing this research. It would not be finished without their aids and supports. They are as follows:

1. Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M. Hum. the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Saefuddin, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters.



this thesis and teaching her many things during study.

4. All the librarians and the Academic staff of Adab and Humanities Faculty and State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and PKBB UNIKA Atma Jaya.

5. Herbrother’s and sister’s; Iqbal Muharram, Rizqi Putri, Eka Fajrie, Nadia Nurkhoerunnisa, Fauziah Khairunnisa, Imut, Ila, Wardah, Dray, Ayu Diantika, Hirim Tiurma Angelina, Syahirul Alim, and Lutfi Malik for giving supports, motivation, accompanies her in bad and good times. Thank you so much.

6. Her good friends; “KE-11-AN”, Raden, Mega Subandini, Bombom, Aisyah, Ilham Rizqi, Nabilah Jamaluddin, Holil, Lazuardi and Ilham Yudiyansyah (Alm) for their helps, supports, jokes, knowladge and thanks for giving unforgatable friendship.

7. The big family from Translation Class (2009) who have motivated during her study.

8. And all people that cannot be mentioned one by one. May always Allah bless us.

Jakarta, October 24, 2014










A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study... 5

C. Research Question... 6

D. Significance of the study ... 6

E. Research Methodology ... 7

1. Objective of the study... 7

2. The method of the research... 7

3. Technique of data analysis... 7

4. Instrument of the research... 8



B. Translation and Culture ... 10

C. Culture ... 12

1. Definition of Culture ... 12

2. The Catagories of Cultural Words... 13

a. Ecology ... 13

b. Material Culture... 14

c. Social Culture ... 15

d. Social Organization ... 16

e. Gestures and Habit... 19

D. The Concept Ideology of Translation... 20

1. Domestication ... 22

2. Foreignization ... 24


A. Data Description ... 27

B. Data Analysis ... 28

C. Discussion... 39


A. Conclusions... 41



1 A. Background of Study

Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for using complex system of communication. Language is thought to be fundamentally different from and much higher complexity than those of other species as it based on a complex system of rules relating symbols to their meanings, resulting in an indefinite number of possible innovative utterances from a finite number of elements.

Language is the most effective tool of communication for people. Language makes people understandable of what other people mean. When we talk about the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs, which are spoken and written. Communication varies to a certain degree between individuals within the same culture and the same society, within the same culture and language but within a different society, between different cultures and languages but with some shared similarities, and between different cultures and languages with no similarities at all.

Language is “the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of particular country”1. People communicate each other using language, both written and oral. Catford defines language as a type of


A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English (New York; Oxford University Press. 2009), P. 752


human behavior that is a way in which human beings interact each other in social situation2.

There are so many languages used all over the world that we are not able to master them all, but sometimes we need to get the point of something that is spoken or written in a language that is different from ours. Thus, we need translations as a way to transfer the meaning, idea, and culture from source language into our own language to get the point. Translation is an operation performed on languages; it is the replacement of representation of text in one language by a representation of equivalence text in a second language.3Translation is an arrangement of words based on the consideration of their meaning in conformity with the source language. It is very interesting to attain understanding how a translation was conducted so that the words chosen and combined could be regarded as a good or best translation.4

Translation is very useful and needed by human. By translation, communication between human beings in various parts of the world can be done effectively. Science and technology which is evolving from many countries may be accessed easily. Transfer of science, culture, and other social activities mostly is done through translation. In other words, translation is an access to the innovation of science, technology, art and culture in order to a media center of the perspective of global communication. As a result, translator is a very lucrative profession as payment for translation service is


J.C Cartford, A Linguitic Theory of Translation (London: Oxford University Press, 1965). P. 1


ibid, p. 20 4

Eugene Nida, et al.,The Theory and Practice of Translation(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974), p. 12


quite expensive. Moreover, if a translator has been a professional translator with specialized certified, high-speed translation ability and the translation that he/she produce is good, he/she will get big income.

However, in translating, all of the translator, both amateur and professional will face some problems. Even, in translating literary text, such as translating novel. Translating a novel is a difficult job for translator. It consists of figurative language, cultural words, sentences, and text coherences. In addition, there is no-universality among linguist in deciding the term and the concept of the strategy will be used. So that, it makes beginner translator confused whether the better strategy and term which they should use, especially, in translating literary text, such as novel.

Beside that, translation is an ideological act. The ideology of translation is the principles or beliefs about “correct or wrong” and “good or not” in translation.5 However, it’s of course, too subjective the good

translation because everyone has different principles in what over. Seeing that, Lawrance Venuti points about two different ideologies which determines where and how the translators should bring the message to their audience, whether it is writers oriented or readers oriented, and the two ideologies are

“Domestications” and “foreignization”.

First domestication translation, that is the ideology with the target language as its orientation. According to Venuti, this ideology was applied by

Nida and Taber, by considering Nida’s arguments “and tries to relate the


Benny Hoed,Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan, (Jakarta: Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 2006). P. 83


receptor to modes of behaviour relevant within the context of his own

culture”. 6 in this case, Nida said that the translation should be fluency and seems natural even it felt as if it is not a translation text when it is read. Besides that, Venuti said:

“Hence, the domesticating process is totalizing, even if never total, never seamless or final. It can be said to operate in every word of the translation long before the translated text it further processed by readers, made to bear other domestic meanings and to serve other domestic interest”.7

it means, ideology, the translators try to make the translation text easier to be understood by the readers and increase the readers enthusiasm by

creating domestic’s atmosphere in the translation text.

On the contrary, foreigniziation translation, that is the translation ideology with the source language as its orientation. In this ideology, message becomes the first purpose of the translators which must be conveyed to the reader. Here, though the source language has already transferred to the target language, the cultural atmosphere of source language still dominates in the translation text. Venuti said “an ethnodeviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad”.8

Whatever the type, translation text always reflect the translator’s

ideology, whether literary text or non literary text. It takes perseverance and creativity to create the translated text that can be accepted in society,


Lawrance Venuti ,The Translator’s Invisibillty: A History Of Translator, (New York: Routladge, 1995) p. 21.


Lawrance Venuti,The Translation Studies Reader,(New York: Routladge, 2004), pp. 482-483


Benny Hoed,Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan,(Jakarta: Dunia pustaka Jaya, 2006), p. 83


especially in the literature, in the way of delivering message. Literary works are artwork written by using the standards of literature language, uses beautiful words, figure of speech and interesting style of story. And that makes sentimental atmosphere is required in the translation of literary works.

Many people are found of reading novels or short stories. Those are the most popular of literary works. It is because both of them contain beautiful language that makes it more alive. It effects the reader spend more time to read it over and over again. Novel, as the one of popular literature, is the most chosen reading materials whether for teenagers and adults nowadays. It is often contained lots of ideology. Novel is one kind of literary works. As has been mentioned before that having sentimental feelings is certainly needed in translating novel because by having a sentimental feeling, the translator will have the ability to transfer not only the language, material, cultural, but also feelings and moods of the author, so the message will be completely up to the reader well. About how the message was delivered, then here where

translator’s ideology is questionable.

Of course, the main task for a translator is to determine a right way in translating process, that is the translator must translate the text whether indulging readers in terms of cultural transfer and make the reader to easily understand the translation text or maintain the culture that exist in the source language text also leads the reader to enter the area of source language itself. In the same case, a German philosopher, Schleiermarcher’s speech 1813; he


leaves the author in peace, as much as possible and moves the reader towards him. Or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible and moves the author towards him.9

From the explanation describe above, that is what makes research interested to understand more about the ideology of translation. The findings are expected to contribute to the practice of translation.

B. Focus of Study

Based on the background of study above, the research will focus on finding the ideology and cultural words of translation in NannyDiary’snovel.

C. Research Question

From the focus of the study above, the research question are;

1. What kinds of translation ideologies are used by the translator to translate the cultural words?

2. What is the most frequently translation ideology applied by the translator?

D. Significances of The Study

This study will be advantageous the writer herself and the reader. The result of this study may give contribution and more information about translation theory, especially from ideology of translation. Also the reader, the result of this study are fully expected to be useful to enrich the readers


Zare Bentash and Spideh Firoozkoohi, ‘A Diachronic Study of Domestcation and Foreignization Strategies of Culture-Specific Items; in Eglisg-Persian Translation of Six of Hermingway’s Works,” (2009).


knowledge about ideology of translation. The research is also expected to give constructive feedback to the translator and students of English, particularly those who are much involved in the translation of English works

E. Research Methodology 1. Objective of the study

Based of the research question above, so the aims of this research is to understand more about the ideology of translation in order to find out both the domestication and foreignization and cultural words which are applied by the translator to translated the novel.

2. The Method of the Research

This research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method which tries to find the ideology and cultural words of translation.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses descriptive analysis technique. And the research process using the following steps:

a. Providing the data by reading the novel and its translation. This research covers wide range of ideology and cultural words translation. b. Collecting the data which is the kind of words, phrases, and sentences. c. Classifying the data based on Venuti’s theory of ideology translation

(domestication and foreignization) and Newark’s theory for kind of cultural words.


d. The writer analyzes the data then conclude them, and writing a report of the study.

4. Instrument of the research

The writer uses herself as a main instrument by reading and marking the ideology translation and cultural words in Nanny Diaries novel, then the writer analyzes the data.

5. Unit of analysis

The unit of analysis in the research is Nanny Diaries a novel by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus published in 2002 (St. Martin’s

Press Publishing) the #1 New York Times Bestseller, and its translation which is translated by Siska Yuanita and published by Gramedia Pustaka.


9 A. Definition of Translation Novel

The purpose of translating a novel is to make the target language reader easy to understand contents of the novel and its details. Yet, most of the translation version are confusing than the original one for them because of many causes including the cultural words. Translation problem, usually guess what the author wants to tell. They prefer to read the original version than the translation and guess what the author wants to tell whit those cultural words.

A good translation, of course, closely relates to the quality. The quality

has been defined as fundamentally relational. “quality is the an going process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling stated and implied needs”.10 Newmark said “a good translation

fulfils is intention : in an informative text, it conveys the accept acceptability: in a vocative text, it is measurable, at least in theory and therefore the effectiveness of an advertising agency translator can be shown be result; in a authoritative or an expressive, from is almost as important as content, there is often, there is often a tension between the expressive and the aesthetic function of language and therefore a merely ‘adequate’ translation maybe useful to explain what the text it about, but good translation has to be

‘distinguished’ and the translatorexceptionally sensitive.11


Anonymous, quality accessed on december 17th 2013. P. 1


Peter Newmark, A Text Book of Translation (New York: prentice hall international, 1988) p. 192


Sayogie said the good novel translation happen when the reader feels the same impression from SL (source language) and TL (target language). He suggest some abilities that a translator of novel has: Literary sense, mastery of source language, mastery of receptor language, familiar with the culture of source language, familiar with the culture of target language, good knowledge and supporting reference. 12 According Sayogie’s many steps to translate the text:13

Must read the original text to get the information from character, plot, setting, iterance style and implicit meaning in the novel. Finding other information or the extrinsic elements of novel like: background and the author novel. Deciding the utterance style will be used in translation. Marking the problem or something hard to translate. Solving by finding the appropriate equivalent cyclically

For this problem. The translator should have an experiences both source and target language cultures, linguistics, and mastering the translation knowledge so that the translator able to convey the message of the target language novel. It also to important to know the features literary convention. Thus, the translator will not miss understanding about the original text especially in its style.

B. Translation and Culture

Language and culture may thus be seen as being closely related and both aspect must be considered for translation. 14 when considering the translation of cultural words and notions, Newmark proposed two opposing


Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia: (Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negri, 2009), pp. 204-206


Ibid, p. 207 14


methods: transference and componential analysis. According to him, transference gives “local colour”, keeping cultural names and concepts. Although placing the emphasis culture, meaningful to initiated readers, he claimed this method may cause problems for the general readership and limit the comprehension of certain aspects.15

Translation is a process about two languages. Namely source language and target language. It can also be said that the translation connecting two different culture. Translation is the process of finding meaning and deliver the meaning of a culture into another culture. Because of that, cultural differences between source language and target language makes the translator difficult to create the translation well. So the translator have to know and learn the culture of both language.

Mona Baker stated that SL word may express a concept which is totally unknown in the target culture. It can be abstract or concrete. It maybe a religious belief, a social custom, or even a kind of food. In her book,In Other Words, she argued about the common non-equivalents to which a translator come across while translating from SL into TL, while both languages have their distinguished specific culture.16 She put then in the following order:

Culture specific concept. The SL concept which is not lexicalized in TL. The SL word which is semantically complex. The source and target languages make different distinction in meaning. The TL lacks a super ordinate. The TL lacks a specific term. Differences in physical or interpersonal perspective. Differences in expressive meaning. Differences in form. Differences in frequency and purpose of using specific forms. The use of loan words in the source text


Peter Newmark,Text Book of Translation. (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1998). p. 96 16

Mona Baker,In Other Word: a Coursebook on Translation. (New York: Routladge, 1992). Pp. 26-42


C. Culture

1. Definition of Culture

The term 'culture' addresses three salient categories of human activity: the 'personal,' whereby we as individuals think and function as such; the 'collective,' whereby we function in a social context; and the 'expressive,' whereby society expresses itself. Language is the only social institution without which no other social institution can function; it therefore underpins the three pillars upon which culture is built.17 Good enough defines culture in his book, “Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics”,as follows:

A society’s culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or

believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves. Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if relative, sense of the term. By this definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things, people, behaviour, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the forms of things that people have in mind, their models for perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them. As such, the things people say and do, their social arrangements and events, are products or by-products of their culture as they apply it to the task of perceiving and dealing with



their circumstances. To one who knows their culture, these things and events are also signs signifying the cultural forms or models of which they

are material presentations”.18

Culture is everything one need to know, master and feel in order to

judge where people’s behaviour conforms to or deviates from what is expected from them in their social roles, and in order to make one’s own

behaviour conform to the expectations of the society concerned - unless one is prepared to take the consequences of deviant behaviour.19Newmark defines culture as the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expressions.20

2. The Categories of Cultural Words.

Newmark categorize cultural words and offer some typical example: Ecology, Material Culture, Social Organization and Gesture and Habit21

a. Ecology

Geographical features can be normally distinguished from other cultural terms in that they are usually value-free, politically and commercially. Nevertheless, their diffusion depends on the importance of their country of origin as well as their degree of specificity. Many countries have 'local' words for plains -'prairies', 'steppes', 'tundra', 18

W.H. Goodenough, Language in Culture and Society: A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology(New York: Harper & Crow, 1964). p. 36


Snell-Hornby, Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995). p. 40


Peter Newmark, (1998),op.cit. p. 94 21


'savannahs', 'llanos', campos, paramos, and ‘bush’- all with strong elements of local colour. All these words would normally be transferred, with the addition of a brief culture-free third term where necessary in the text.

Nida has pointed out that certain ecological features -the seasons,

rain, hills of various sizes (cultural words: "down, ‘moor’, kop, 'dune') -where they are irregular or unknown may not be understood denotatively or figuratively, in translation.22 However, here, television will soon be a worldwide clarifying force. Notoriously the species of flora and fauna are local and cultural, and are not translated unless they appear in the SL and

TL environment (’red admiral’,Vulcan, Admiral) b. Material Culture

It is culture specific element that including food, clothes, and transportation etc.

Food is for many the most sensitive and important expression of national culture; food terms are subject to the widest variety of translation procedures. Various settings: menus - straight, multilingual, glossed; cookbooks, food guides; tourist brochures; journalism increasingly contain foreign food terms. For English, other food terms are in a different category. Macaroni came over in 1600, spaghetti in 1880, ravioli and pizza are current; many other Italian and Greek terms may have to be explained. Food terms have normally been transferred, only the French making continuous efforts to naturalize them(rosbif, choucroute).



Clothes as cultural terms may be sufficiently explained for TL

general readers if the generic noun or classifier is added: e.g. ‘shintigin trousers’ or ‘Basque skirt’, or again, if the particular is of no interest, the

generic word can simply replace it. Traditionally, upper-class men's clothes are English and women's French but national costumes when distinctive are not translated, e.g.sari, kimono, yukata,'jeans'kaftan, jubbah

Transport is dominated by American and the car, a female pet in English, a 'bus', a 'motor', a 'crate', a sacred symbol in many countries of sacred private property. The system has spawned new features with their neologisms: 'lay-by’, ’roundabout’ (’traffic circle’), ’fly-over’, ’interchange’

(eckangeur). Now, the names of planes and cars are often

near-internationalisms for educated readerships: ‘747’, 727s, DC-IO, 'jumbo jet,

’Mini’, ’Metro’, ’Ford’, ’BMW’, ’Volvo’.

c. Social Culture

In considering social culture one has to distinguish between denotative and connotative problems of translation. There is rarely a translation problem, since the words can be transferred, have approximate one-to-one translation or can be functionally denned, 'pork-butcher'/hardware', 'cake' or 'hat' or 'chocolate' 'shop', 'cake shop with cafe'. Whilst many trades are swallowed up in super- and hypermarkets and shopping centres and precincts (centre commercial, zone pitonmerey Einkaufszenvrum)crafts may revive.


As a translation problem, this contrasts with the connotative difficulties of words like: 'the people'; 'the common people'; 'the masses'; 'the working class'la classe ouvriere;'the proletariat'; 'the working classes'; 'the hoi polloi' Cihe piebsy, les gens du commun; la plebe; 'the lower orders'; classes infirieures. 'The masses' and 'the people' can be used

positively and negatively, but again are more rarely used. ’The ‘masses’

have become swallowed up in collocations such as 'mass media' and 'mass

market’. Ironically, the referent of these terms is no longer poor, a toiler or a factory worker.

d. Social organization

The political and social life of a country is reflected in its institutional terms. Where the title of a head of state ('President', 'Prime

Minister’, ’King’) or the name of a parliament (Assembler Nationale, Camera dei Deputati or 'Senate') are 'transparent', that is, made up of 'international' or easily translated morphemes; they are thro ugh-translated ('National Assembly', 'Chamber of Deputies'). A government inner circle is usually designated as a 'cabinet' or a 'council of ministers' and may informally be referred to by the name of the capital city. Some ministries and other political institutions and parties may also be referred to by their familiar alternative terms, i.e., the name of the building -Elysee, Hotel Matignon, Palais Bourbon, 'Pentagon', 'White House', Momecitorio, 'Westminster' -or the streets- ’Whitehall’, ’Via delle Borteghe Oscure’


Names of ministries are usually literally translated, provided they are appropriately descriptive. Therefore 'Treasury' becomes 'Finance

Ministry’; ’Home Office’, ’Ministry of the Interior’; ‘attorney- general',

’chief justice’, or the appropriate cultural equivalent; ’Defence Ministry', 'Ministry of National Defence'. Translations such as 'Social Domain' and

’Exchange Domain’ (Guinea) should be replaced by ’Social Affairs’ and ‘Trade’.

In general, the more serious and expert the readership, particularly of textbooks, reports and academic papers, the greater the requirement for transference - not only of cultural and institutional terms, but of titles, addresses and words used in a special sense. Within the limits of comprehension, the more that is transferred and the less that is translated, then the closer the sophisticated reader can get to the sense of the original -this is why, when any important word is being used in a special or a delicate sense in a serious text, a serious translator, after attempting a translation, will add the SL word in brackets, signalling his inability to find the right TL word and inviting the reader to envisage the gap mentally. A translator's basic job is to translate and then, if he finds his translation inadequate, to help the reader to move a little nearer to the meaning.

1) International terms

International institutional terms usually have recognized translations which are in fact through-translations, and are now generally known by their acronyms; WGO (Weltgesundheits Organization); ILO, BIT (Bureau International du Travail), IAA


(Internationales Arbeitsami), In other cases, the English acronyms prevails and becomes a quasi-inter nationalism, not always resisted in

French (’UNESCO’, ’FAO’, ’UNRRA’, ’UNICEF’).

2) Religious terms

In religious language, the proselytizing activities of Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church and the Baptists, are reflected in manifold translation (Saint-Siege, Papsilicker Stuhl). The language of the other world religions tends to be transferred when it becomes of TL interest, the commonest words being naturalized ('Pharisees')-American Bible scholars and linguists have been particularly exercised by cultural connotation due to the translation of similes of fruit and husbandry into languages where they are inappropriate.

3) Artistic terms

The translation of artistic terms referring to movements, processes and organizations generally depends on the putative

knowledge of the readership. For educated readers, ’opaque’, names

such as ‘the Leipzig Gewandhaus’ and 'the Amsterdam

Concertgebouw’ are transferred, 'the Dresden Staatskapelle’ hovers

between transference and ’state orchestra’; ’transparent’ names (’the Berlin’, ’the Vienna’, ’the London’ philharmonic orchestras, etc.) are

translated. Names of buildings, museums, theatres, opera houses, are likely to be transferred as well as translated, since they form part of street plans and addresses.


Many terms in art and music remain Italian, but French in ballet (e.g. fouette, pas de deux). Art nouveauin English and French becomes Jugendstil in German and stile liberty in Italian. Such terms tend to transference when they are regarded faits de civilization, i.e., cultural features, and to naturalization if their universality is accepted.

e. Gesture and Habits

For ’gestures and habits’ there is a distinction between description

and function which can be made where necessary in ambiguous cases: thus, if people smile a little when someone dies, do a slow hand-clap to express warm appreciation, spit as a blessing, nod to dissent or shake their head to assent, kiss their finger tips to greet or to praise, give a thumbs-up to signal OK, all of which occur in some cultures and not in others

Beside that, Newmark shall summarize the cultural categories and offer some typical examples:23

1) Ecology; Flora, fauna, winds, plains, hills, honeysuckle, downs. 2) Material Culture;

a) Food b) Clothes

c) Houses and towns d) Transport

3) Social culture- work and leisure

4) Organization, customs, ideas, activities, legal, procedures



a) Political and administrative b) Religious

c) Artistic

d) Gesture and habit: rocking s

D. The Concept of Ideology Translation

As mentioned earlier in the background of study, according to Hoed, ideology of translation is principles or beliefs about right and wrong or good and bad in translation, that is about what type of translation is best for people or what kind of translation which is suitable and can be preference to target language readers.24 Venuti declare that translation is a rewriting of an original text. All rewritings, whatever their intention, reflect a certain ideology and such manipulate literature to function in a given society given way.25From the statement, the term of social becomes one of complement in the explanation of

translation ideology. Not only translator’s ideology, but also (implicitly) the ideology of a group or community (reader) is reflected in the work of translation, whether is right or not, good or not. So that the work can be accepted.

Now, the question is what kind of translation product can be accepted by many target language readers? Then, the translation ideology that can be admitted for many social group of the target language? According to Benny

Hoed ideology of translation is the principles or beliefs about “correct or


Ika Kartika,“Penerjemahan Beroanotasi Just Tell Me What to Say,”(2010), p. 8 25

Lawrance Venuti, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator, (London: Routladge, 1995), p. vii


wrong” and “good or not” in translation. Of course, that is so relative to talk

about the principle of “correct or wrong” and “good or bad” in translation,

because the translator or reader have different criterion to seeing good translation.

Beside that Hatim & Mason said, ideology encompasses the reticent assumptions beliefs and value system which are shared collectively by social group.26 They make a distinction between “the ideology of translating” and “the translation of ideology”. The ideology of translating refers to the notion of foreignizing (source language oriented) and domesticating (receptor language oriented). Foreignizing and domesticating are very broad term that cover many translation procedures, since the ideology of translating influences a translator in deciding the procedure will be used that comprises deciding text will be translated, solving the problem, the role of translator and how a text be accepted in literary system of receptor language.27 Meanwhile, the translation of ideology is the mediation, interference, and distortion that the translator does when he translates the sensitive text by inserting his knowledge and beliefs into translated text. However in this research, the writer will discuss

about the notion of ideology of translating adapted from Venuti’s theory.


Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, (London and New York: Routledge, 1997), p. 144

27 Tresnati S. Sholichin. “Penerjemahan Karya dan Penerjemahan Buku Anak”.Jurnal

Lintas Bahasa No. 23/XI/8/2003(Depok: Pusat Penerjemahan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003), p. 3.


The choice between communicative and semantic is partly determined by orientation towards the social or the individual, that is, towards the readership or towards the individual voice of the text producer.28

But it is all about Venuti, who brings out the ideological consequences of the choice. And Responding to this, which is about the differences principle on translation as to what is more commonly accepted in most societies. Thus, Venuti observes and declares things that are two ideologies though he did not state directly as an ideology which lead to the two opposite sides, that is domestication and foreignization.

1. Domestication

According to Venuti, domesticating is “an ethnocentric reduction

of the foreign text to target language cultural values, bring the author back

home.”29 Hatim and Mason also said that “domestication holds within a translation situation in which the target language, not the source language,

is culturally dominant.”30 Beside that Benny Hoed said“domestication is making the readers aware that they are not reading a translation.”31 It means the way translator carries the message by aiming the target text as their orientation. In this ideology, many translators try to convey the


Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, (London and New York: Routledge, 1997), p., p. 145


Lawrance Venuti, The translator’s Invisibility: A History of translator. (New York: Routladge, 1995), p. 5


Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, (London and New York: Routledge, 1997), p. 145


Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan (Bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya: 2006), p. 84


message fluently and they often, conscious or unconsciously, make themselves invisible on their product. As Venuti declares:

“A fluent translation is immediately recognizable and intelligible, “familiarized,” domesticate, not disconcerting [ly]” foreign, capable of giving the reader unobstructed “access to great thought, to what is “present to original.” Under the regime of fluent translating, the translator works to make his or her work “invisible,” producing the illusory effect of transparency that simultaneously masks its status as am illusion: the translated text seem “natural”, i.e., not translated”32

From this statement, the word natural itself has a meaning that translators attempt to create a translated text as if it does not look like translation text. Here, the translators create many transparency for themselves that is to make them invisible on their products. Moreover, it describes a fluent translation which drew in the domesticating process where the translators try to present as much as possible understandable words to foreign reader.

According to Nida and Taber “The priority of the audience over the forms of the language means essentially that one must attach greater importance to the forms understood and accepted by the audience for which a translation is designed than to the forms which may process a longer linguistic tradition or have greater literary prestige.”33 .From this statement it means the reader becomes the first priority of the translation because it is properly planned to be the foreign audience.

Familiarly, domesticating translation is used in literary text. The foreign text is rewritten in domestic dialects and discourse, registers and 32

Lawrance Venuti (1995), op.cit., p. 5 33


styles, and these result in the production of textual effect that signify only in the history of the domestic language and culture.34. and here is the example from domestication.

This is some example from domestication translation, like where

the source language is “Sans Famille” translated as “Sebatang Kara”.35 Their translation uses are limited, since there are no accurate, but they can be used in general text. And in this translation, the translator shows the sweet rhyme and meter of target language. It means the translator want to bring the emotion from the readers to follow the story line and understand to the value from the text/source language. they have a greater pragmatic impact than culturally neutral terms.

On the other side, Cohen argues, “the risk of reducing individual authors’ style and national tricks of speech to a plain prose uniformity,” he felt that this “danger” was avoided by the “best” translation.36 it means, the more not clear the author to translate the text can be dangerous,

because it will reduce the message’s intensity of the author itself.

2. Foreignization

Venuti said, “an ethno deviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad”37. It means, in foreignization translation, the translators try to


Lawrance Venuti,Translation Changed Everything: Theory and Practice, (Routladge: Oxon, 2013), p. 14


Benny Hoed,Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan, (Bandung: Dunia pustaka jaya, 2006), p. 15


Lawrance Venuti, The translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator, (Nwe York: Routladge, 1995), p. 6



describe the atmosphere of foreign text, create the text looks like original and make the readers respect of the true translation product.

Venuti stresses,“to develop a translation discourse that brings the awareness that is foreignizing in its deviation from dominant linguistics norms, that brings the awareness that the translation is only a translation.”38It means this ideology make the translators to show the true translation work, and the reader should be aware as well. Because the foreignization can alter the ways translations are read as well as produced, because have the different concept human subjectivity from domestication. Mention from Basil and Hatim “foreign value is a conscious process or unwitting one hardly matters: the effect is the same, namely to assimilate to a dominant– or even ‘hegemonic’ –culture all is to foreign to it.”39 it means the translator cannot change the culture from source language and cannot avoid fundamental ideological.

Benny Hoed in his book Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan wrote that foreignization is the translation–oriented to source language, that the

translation is “correct” who desire the presence of culture from source language and assume if the foreign culture is useful for the readers.40And here is the example from foreignization:

This is approximate foreignization translation where source language “Mr, Mrs, Miss, Uncle, Auntie” translated as “Mr, Mrs, Miss, 38

Lawrance Venuti (1995), op.cit., p. 6 39

Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, (London and New York: Routledge, 1997), p. 145


Benny Hoed,Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan,(Bandung: Dunia pustaka jaya, 2006), p. 87


Uncle, Auntie”.41There are translation shows that the translator attempt to represent the atmosphere and culture from the source language. And the translator wants to culture and source language to present the maximum. The purpose that the readers know and enriched by reading something from foreign language

By the same token, Benjamin Jowett, the distinguished Victorian

translator of Plato, asserted that a translation “should be based, in the first

distance, on an intimate knowledge of the text,’ but also that “it should

read as original work,” concealing not merely its status as a translation, but the translator’s decision to “sacrifice minute accuracy for sake ofclearness and sense.42Cause the accuracy of meaning from the text becomes the first thing to be considered in the translation text.

41 Ibid 88 42


27 A. Data Description

In this data description, the writer finds 35 ideology of translation. Then, she selects 10 of them. The selected data are taken from The Nanny Diaries novel by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus and then compares it with its translation Buku Harian Nannyby Siska Yuanita including the types of cultural words of translation that are used by the translator.

Here is the table that consist of four columns. The first column is the data taken from source language (SL). The second is the data taken from the translation (TL), the third column is the types of ideology, and the fourth column is the types of cultural words.

No Source languge Target language Ideology of translation

Types of cultural words Do me st ic a ti o n F o r e ig n iz a ti o n M a te r ia l H a b it E c o lo g y Id e a

1. Nanny Nanny

2. Frisbee Frisbee

3. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving 4. Unsweetened


Kue kering


6. Courtyard Taman bermain

7. Breakfast Sarapan

8. Puzzle Puzzle

9. Pick up menggendong

10. Dogdem car Bom-bom car

B. Data Analysis

From the tabulated data above that contains 10 cultural words which are chosen by consideration whether it is culture-specific item or not, the writer tries to classify and analyze the selected cultural words by using the relevant theories. The data can be analyzed as follow:

1. Nanny

Nannyat the ready Nannysiap sedia

In data (1) shows, Nanny as the cultural words that refers to Idea (Traditional Address) is translated intoNanny. It can be identified that the translator from this novel, Siska Yuanita, uses the foreignization ideology in which she preserves the phrase Nanny in its original word. The word Nanny it is not translated into a word pengasuh in Indonesia that has a proportional meaning. The translator keeps that word in the target term, even thought there is a word in Indonesian language that can be rendered and has an equivalent meaning.


The word Nanny has a meaning “A person employed to care for children in a household”43in English culture concept. The wordpengasuhin Indonesia refers to“wanita yang dipekerjakan untukmenjaga anak-anak”44.

The translator attempt to represent the atmosphere and culture from the source language. 45 Although there is equivalence in both concepts, in Indonesia culture nanny can be assumed to name for the person so the translator uses italic because she wants the readers to know that wordNannyis foreign language not name from person. The writer thinks that it would be better if the translator translate it in the appropriate target language which represents the source language concept, but it’s better if the translator use

domestication ideology as a target language of the translation. Looking in analysis above, it can be assumed that foreignization ideology because the translation is focused in source language by borrowing the original word in Target Language.

Actually the Idea (traditional address) in this novel, the translator by using foreignization ideology to translate. Like Grayer, Mrs. X, Mr. X, Grandma, Mommy, Dad. But the writer take the one of them for example and analyze the word.


Randon House, Webster’s Colligiate Dictionary, (U.S; United State of America Published, 2001), p. 817


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ‘Edisi Keempat’ (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), p. 900


Benny Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan, (Bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 2006), p. 87


2. Frisbee

“...why don’t we teach Nanny


“...bagaimana kalau kita mengajarkan permainanFrisbeepada Nanny?”

Cultural words are often transferred to give local colour, to attract the reader, to give a sense of intimacy between the next and the reader. Sometimes the sound or evoked image appears attractive. Data (2) shows Frisbeeas the cultural word that refers to Idea (Play) is translated into Frisbee. It can be mentioned as a play or game or something that existed is a fairground. This word is preserved in the translation without any change, therefore it can be said the translator uses the foreignization ideology. Beside that, it can be identified that she borrows English cultural word by using italic for each word. The word Frisbee in the source text is not translated into a target language because there is no brief explanation in any dictionary about what Frisbee is. The translator keeps the words in its original with italic form to make the readers know that the wordFrisbeeis the foreign word. Besides that, it can be claimed that the translator doesn’t know clearly about the form of Frisbee so she prefer to useid the original form to describe it. It can be identified that the translator of this novel uses foreign ideology because she is uses its original form rather that translated in into Indonesian word.

Venuti stresses, “to develop a translation discourse that brings the awareness that is foreigniziation in its deviation from dominant linguistics


norms, that brings the awareness that the translation is only a translation.” 46

Despite the fact that the name Frisbee is senseless for the reader, the translation may have same effect on the reader as the original, since the English culture for the reader. Moreover, such RLR (Receptor Language Text) reflect reality, as it a widespread practice to know Indonesian play by the original names, which usually function as arks of high quality. As a result in this case the translator used foreignization ideology an appropriate translating the wordFrisbee.

3. Thanksgiving

Like partially deflated balloons from

the Macy’sThanksgivingday parade

Seperti balon-balon setengah kempis dalam parade thanksgiving

di Macy’s

According to data (3) above Thanksgiving translated into Thanksgiving. It is classified into cultural word that refers to religion (custom/idea). The translator used foreignization of ideology. Thanksgiving day is a harvest festival celebrated primly in Canada. Traditionally, it has been as to give thanks for a harvest while there was an underlying religious element in the original celebration. Thanksgiving is primarily identified as a secular holiday. Currently, in Canada, thanksgiving is celebrate on the second Monday of October, and in the United States, it is celebrated on the Thursday


Lawrance Venuti, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator, (New York: Routladge, 1995), p.6


in November, it was changed by act of congress in 1941 to the fourth Thursday of that month.47

In bilingual English-Indonesian dictionary, the wordThanksgivinghas an equivalent as Rasa Syukur 48 the translator purposes to introduce the

America’s culture about the custom of thanksgiving to the God, because

Indonesian readers are not familiar with it, also the translator used foreignization to translate the word.

4. Unsweetened cookies

We made unsweetened cookies and decorated them

Kami membuat kue kering dan mendekorasinya

Data (4) shows unsweetened cookies is translated into kue kering. Word unsweetened cookies is a cultural word that refers to Material culture

(food) in Newmark’s theory. The translator used Indonesian term kue kering as the translation for the word unsweetened cookies. She concludes that the word unsweetened cookies is translated into kue kering to give the actual meaning for the reader, even there are some cultural differences in concept and function. So the translator used domestication ideology to translate the word in Indonesian as the target language.

The concept of unsweetened cookies is culturally different between culture of source language and target language regard kue kering. According to Webster’s DictonaryUnsweetened is “Small, sweetened cake, often round,


Anonymous.The New Encyclopedia Britannica 1(London; Enclopedia Britannica Inc, 1768), p. 673



made from stiff dough baked on a large, flat pan” 49 Besides, Kue kering in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesiais identified as“kue yang dipanggang (seperti kue semprit).”50 According to the explanation above, it can be concluded that unsweetened cookies is different to kue kering, because in culture of target language kue kering can be with sugar or sweetens or not.

5. Rocking

I drop my head against his. Rockingslowly.

Kusandarkan kepalaku di kepalanya, lalu akumenimangnyaperlahan.

The description above shows that the cultural word is gesture and habits (activities), rocking translated into menimang. Meanwhile the word rockingdescribes swing the baby with hands until the he/she sleep. Based on context the word rocking is to far if the translator it into menimang, in

Webster’s Dictionary rocking are (1) to dance or play music rock, (2) to be moved or swayed powerfully with excitement, emotion, etc, (3) to move or sway from side to side. 51 but the wordmenimanghas meaning“(1) menaruh sesuatu ditelapak tangan lalu diangkat-angkat turun naik, (2) memegang anak atau meanruh anak ditangan lalu diayun-ayunkan dan dipuji-puji.”52


Randon House, Webster’s Colligiate Dictionary, (U.S; United State of America Published, 2001), p. 272


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ‘Edisi Keempat’ (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), p. 849


Random House (2001), op.cit., p. 1066 52


According to Venuti, domesticating is “an ethnocentric reduction of

foreign text to target language cultural values, bring the author back home.”53 Beside that Benny Hoed said “domestication is making the readers aware that they are not reading a translation. It means the way translator carries the message by aiming the target text as their orientation.”54 In this case the translator try to convey the message fluently and often, conscious or unconsciously.

Based on analysis above, from the cultural word has a domesticating. Looking at the both of meaning between source language and target language of the result of that translation it can be said that cultural are the domesticating.

6. Courtyard

As we head out of the courtyard the

rain that’s been threatening all


Ketika kami menuju taman bermain, mendung yang sejak pagi...

Data (6) shows word courtyard which is cultural word that refers to recreation places (ecology) is translated into taman bermain. In this case the concept of translating its cultural word in source language. The translator preserves the word into Indonesian from since she thinks that the reader may know the meaning of that word, and the word in source language seems similar to or has the same relevant as the word in the target language. The


Lawrance Venuti, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator. (New York: Routladge, 1995), p. 5


Benny Hoedoro Hoed,Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan(Bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya: 2006), p. 84


translator used termtaman bermainbecause this word has the closest meaning concept with the wordcourtyard.

Based on Webster Dictionary courtyard has a meaning “(1) a place where legal justice is administered, (2) a judicial tribunal duly constituted for hearing and determination of cases, (3) a sessions of judicial assembly.” 55. Indonesia term taman bermain has a quite different meaning as cities Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia taman bermain is “kebun yang ditanami bunga-bunga (tempat bersenang-senang).56 It can be claimed that the translator clearly knows about courtyard and taman bermain, so she preferred to used the domestication ideology to describe the words. In additionaltaman bermain in outdoor like a garden, this concept are different with courtyard in English term.

7. Breakfast

And I meanbreakfast Dan aku mausarapan

The data (7) above shows that the word breakfast as cultural words that refers to gesture and habits (activities). It is identified that the translator used the domestication ideology in translating the selected cultural word Breakfast into sarapan. The translator preserves the word in the target language since Indonesian people are recognized and accepted sarapan as the main equivalence for the word breakfast.


Randon House, Webster’s Colligiate Dictionary, (U.S; United State of America Published, 2001), p 156


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ‘Edisi Keempat’ (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), p. 1621


The wordBreakfastin English is translated into Indonesian issarapan. Literally, those word having a same meaning semantically, but not in culture. Word breakfast refers to “the first meal of the day”, and sarapan which

means “makan sesuatu di pagi hari” refers to the meal-time. Besides, the culture that bounds those words is also different. Breakfast and western culture means scramble egg, bacon or toast, and Indonesian people known Sarapan in some ‘heavier’ menus, such as nasi uduk, fried rice, etc. Even

there are differences in culture, the word Sarapan are already acceptable in Indonesian culture perspective.

Looking as the result of analysis above, the writer assumed that the translation of the wordbreakfastin source language intoSarapanas the target language is domestication, since the word is acceptable for the target language readers, it can be seen from the form of both word that there are no italic style in their scripts.

8. Puzzle

Do you engage him inpuzzle? Kau bermainpuzzledenganya?

In data above, the termpuzzle is translated intopuzzle. It is(1) a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort, (2) a puzzling question, matter, or person, (3) a puzzle or perplexed condition” 57 In this case the word puzzle refers to material culture (toys), it can be mentioned puzzle is a play or game something that are can existed indoor or outdoor. The translator keeps the


Randon House, Webster’s Colligiate Dictionary, (U.S; United State of America Published, 2001), p 1004


original word with used italic to translate the word, in the target language the term of puzzle has been popular and well known. Therefore, the translator keep the stylistic of the source language by applying a borrowing as a translated the text. From the fact, the translation word can be claimed used foreignization ideology.

9. I’m going to pick up you now

I’m going topick upyou now Aku akanmenggendongmusekarang

The descriptions above shows that the cultural word (activities)pick up is rendered into menggendong, the translator uses domesticating ideology translation to translate this data. In Webster’s Dictionary pick up has a

meaning“(1) to lift or take up: to pick up a stone, (2) to take an passenger”58 but here the translator translate pick up into menggendong. It means here the translator want to purpose what the meaning of the text.

From Nida and Taber “the priority of the audience over the forms of

the language means essentially that one must attach greater importance to the forms understood and accepted by the audience for which a translation is designed that the forms which may process a longer linguistic tradition or

have greater literary prestige.”59 It means in this case the reader becomes the


Ibid, p. 929 59

Lawrance Venuti, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator, (New York: Routladge, 1995), p. 5


first priority of the translation because it is properly planned to be the foreign audience.

10. Dodgem car

And he wants to ride adodgem car Dan dia mau bermainbom-bom car

Here, the words dodgem car in source language text is rendered into bom-bom car. These words can be categorized into cultural word that refers to Idea (play). It is identified that the translator uses domesticating ideology translation to translate this data.

In the novel, the phrase is written bom-bom car. The translator sees that the worddogdemare adapted phonetically and naturalized into Indonesian phonetics and becomebom-bom. In other case, the worddodgemis unfamiliar in Indonesian culture term, so the translator chooses to neutralize it into bom-bom, as she translates the worddogdem into bom-bom. The translator keeps the stylistic effect of the source text by applying transference as the translation procedure in translating the wordcar. The phrasesbom-bom caris not existed in Indonesian dictionaries but it has been popular in Indonesia. In Webster’s

Dictionary, dodgem car means, “a small electrically powered car driven within an enclosure at a funfair, with the aim of bumping other such cars and avoiding being bumped by them.” So, the translation of phrases dodgem car into Indonesian word bom-bom car can be classified into procedure of couplets, it means that the translator adjusts the source language phrases to normal pronunciation based on target language but keep a part of the phrases still in the original form. In the novel, the phrase is written as bom-bomcar.


The translator uses the word bom-bom car as the translation form because it has already been popular in Indonesian perspective, especially in funfair or fairground. Therefore, the translation result can be said communicative, since the phrase is acceptable and well known in the target language readership.

C. Discussion

Two types ideology of translation used by Siska Yuanita are all presented in the Nanny Diaries novel. There are four of foreignization (data 1, 2, 3, and 8) all of the data can be claimed foreignization ideology because source language translated used the borrowing with italic word. That’s why the writer defined them as foreignization ideology. The second type is domestication of ideology, this type of domestication because the translator used the different language but not changed the message and the meaning, it means when the reader read this translation there are know or can understand what will the writer purpose. Like data (4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10) the translator used domestication ideology because she wants to deliver the meaning to the reader in Indonesia especially.

And this research, the writer finding the type of cultural word. Why the translator used them? Here many kinds of cultural words, like material culture (4) the data explain about food, and there is types from material culture, so the writer can be assumed the data used material culture from cultural word. And the second types is gesture and habit (5, 7 and 9) here for the example the data


explain about breakfast, the activity almost all people in the world do that, but in this case has a different meaning aboutbreakfastfrom source language and sarapan from target language, and the second data is rocking and the reader can look the explanation above. The last types is ecology (6), here the writer finding the data about ecology (place) and she want explain about it. And the last type is idea (1, 2, and 3, 8 and 10 ) this data explain about the traditional address, play and religion. Sincerely the translator used foreignization ideolgy to translate the traditional address like Mr, Mrs, Nanny, and names from the actor and actress in this novel, she keeps the original word because she want to keep the atmosphere from the source language. The writer can be assumed what the types of cultural word according to Newmark’s theory.

The results shows that the translator used domestication dominantly to translate the language from this novel, but she used the foreignization to translate the word which people in target language familiar with the word.

The researcher concludes that the translator, Siska Yuanita uses domesticating as her strategy in translating the cultural words above, it can be seen from the way translators tries to find the target cultural word which has equal meaning as source cultural word and changes them into target cultural words. Therefore, the translator is oriented to the target language so that the translation work will be natural for the target language readers.

The translator uses foreigniziation as his translation strategy because she wants to present subject culture to the reader, so the readers will know about subject of culture and reach their understanding about other culture. It is


known from the way the translator writes the cultural words as foreignization word in her novel translation. The translator does not change the subject of cultural words, but she writes the original cultural words and does not try to change with target cultural words which have same meaning.


42 A. Conclusions

Translating novel is not same as translating other text and it is also not easy to do. The translator must know about both of source and target language culture. Cultural translation problems can usually be reformulated as language problems and incorporated in the linguistic theory of translation. The differences in the source language and target language cultures may necessitate additional information in the target text explaining unfamiliar facts and ideas to the receptors. Ideally, a translation will be accurate in meaning and natural based on the target language, so that the audiences who are not familiar with the text will understand it easily. This is the reason why the writer takes this problem as the main purpose to do some research in translating cultural words, especially the ideology words.

Based on the research above the writer concludes some points, as follows:

1. There are two translation ideology, namely domesticating and foreignizing. As a result, the translator prefers to apply domesticating as his translation. It can be seen from the way the translator translates some cultural words where she tries to change some subject cultural word into target cultural word to make the reader get the message of the selected cultural word.


2. There are a lot of cultural words in the novel translation that are classified

into five categories according Newmark’s cultural categories. They are:

ecology, material culture, social culture, organization, and gestures and habits.

B. Suggestions

After finding, analyzing, and understanding the data, the writer would like to offer suggestions almes to translator of the novel, publisher, and next researchers:

1. The translator of the novel

In the translation field there are various theories can be applied in the translation process. Generally, as a practioner of translation, a translator more relies an their experience and their sense of language when translating a text. They pay less attention to the theories of transkation, yet the theories can ease them to their job as a translator. In this case assist them to select the words in the text, which is can be emphasized either on SL or the TL. Therefore, they will know which word can be easy understood or is familiar for the target reader.

2. Next researcher

In conducting a research of translation studies, this thesis is able to be a reference in doing a further research related to translation ideology and cultural words. Beside that, those who want to do a similar research, the researcher suggest to you explore more about the accuracy and the


acceptability of the translation besides the readability level as what has done in this research. You can use the same object of the research, Nanny Diaries novel and its translation.

3. The publisher of novel

After the whole text of SL is translated, it is necessary to review the novel translation and determine the strategy of translation applied in the text. This step is required to make sure that all the words used in the TT is easy to be understood by the reader. Furthermore, the publisher, the editor, and of course the translator should cooperate to specify the target reader and adjust the words selections, so that it will produce a high quality novel translation.


45 Books

Baker, Mona, 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook of Translation. Newyork: Routledge

Cartford, Jhon Cunnison, 1965. A Linguitics Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistic.London: Oxford University Press

Hatim, Basil and Ian, 1997. Mason The translator as Communicator. London: Routladge

Hoed, B. H, 2006. Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka Jaya

Hornby, A, 2000.Oxford Advances Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press

---. Approaches to Translation, Oxford: Pegamon Press, 1981 Larson, Mildred L, 1980. Meaning-based Translation: A Guide to Cross

Language Equivalence. Lanham: University Press of America

McLaughlin, Emma, and Kraus, Nicola. Nanny Diaries, 2002. America: United states of America

Newmark, Petter, 1988. Text Book of Translation. Hertfortshire: Prentice Hall International Ltd

Sayogie, Frans, 2009.Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negeri

Venuti, Lawrance, 1995.A History of Translation. London/New York: Routladge ---. The Translator’s Study Reader. New York: Routladge, 2004



Anonymous, quality (accessed on december 2013) June 2014)

Karamanian, A.P. on June 2013) Oxford Dictionaries. June, 2014)



Tittle : Nanny Diaries (Buku Harian Nanny)

Pages : 368

Distributed : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Written by : Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus Translated by : Siska Yuanita

Novel synopsys

The Nanny Diaries: A novel (2002) is humorous but revealing novel by two former nannies, Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus. Drawing on their many expriences as childcare providers while in college in New York City, the pair created a world of fiction based on actual events they experienced or heard about. The result is a comical yet poignant peek into a world of privilege, giving a modern illustration of timeless truth that money does not buy happiness.

The novel focuses on a college student and part-time nanny, called Nanny or Nan, who is hired by the X family to care for their four-year-old son, Grayer. She soon becomes Grayer’s surrogate mother as his parents neglect their son to

focus on more pressing issues, such as extramarital affairs and fostering social

status. Though Mrs. X becomes increasingly demanding of Nan’s time, focus, and

energy, Nan stays with the family for Grayer’s sake, until she is fired during a

family vacation to Nantucket.

The Nanny Diaries was a hit, spending more than thirty weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. The novel eventually sold more than two million


copies and was transalated into at leat thirteen languages. Critics and readers alike praised the novel for ts comic touches, especially those related to the materialistic and pretentious X family. Readers were allowed a close-up glimpse of the lives of the Park Avenue rich, warts and all. Many former nannies confirmed The Nanny

Diaries’s reflection of many of the realities of nannying in the United States,

including the issues of worker exploitation, treatment of nannies from foreign countries and dysfunctional rich families.

The novel prompted speculation about the true identity of Mr. And Mrs. X (though the authors insisted that they are not based on any one couple that they worked for), as well as discussion about the nature of the relationship between parents and nannies. Referring to the latter, Kraus told Melissa Biggs Bradley of

Town & Country, “our intent was a literary journey. We wanted to give people a

great laugh and a good cry. But we are thrilled that book is inspiring so much discussion about a topic we beleive there was far too much silence on

Author’s Biography

Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus met at New York University’s

Gallatin School of Indi-Vidualized Study, where they both graduated with concentrations in Arts in Education. Before teaming up to write the Nanny Diaries, Kraus had continued in the arts and McLaughlhin worked as business consultant withi the private and public sectors.

Newsweek declared McLaughlin and Kraus’s the Nanny Diaries a ‘phenomenon’. It is a number one New York Times best-seller and the


longets-running hardcover best seller of 2002. In 2007 the Nanny Diaries was released as a major motion picture starring Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney and Alicia Keys. McLaughlin and Kraus have appeared numerous times on CNN, MSNBC, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Entetainment Tonaight and The View. Their work and partenership have been covered in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Los Angels Times,

Chivago Tribune, TIME, Elle, Town & Country and Happer’s Bazzar.

They have contributed to the London Times and The New York Times as

two short story collection to beneft the War Child Fund: Big Night Out and Girls’

Night Out. In Addition to writing to television and film,they travel around the country speaking to youngwoman about gender issues in American corporate culture.



acceptability of the translation besides the readability level as what has done in this research. You can use the same object of the research, Nanny Diaries novel and its translation.

3. The publisher of novel

After the whole text of SL is translated, it is necessary to review the novel translation and determine the strategy of translation applied in the text. This step is required to make sure that all the words used in the TT is easy to be understood by the reader. Furthermore, the publisher, the editor, and of course


45 Books

Baker, Mona, 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook of Translation. Newyork: Routledge

Cartford, Jhon Cunnison, 1965. A Linguitics Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistic.London: Oxford University Press

Hatim, Basil and Ian, 1997. Mason The translator as Communicator. London: Routladge

Hoed, B. H, 2006. Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka Jaya

Hornby, A, 2000.Oxford Advances Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press

---. Approaches to Translation, Oxford: Pegamon Press, 1981 Larson, Mildred L, 1980. Meaning-based Translation: A Guide to Cross

Language Equivalence. Lanham: University Press of America

McLaughlin, Emma, and Kraus, Nicola. Nanny Diaries, 2002. America: United states of America

Newmark, Petter, 1988. Text Book of Translation. Hertfortshire: Prentice Hall International Ltd

Sayogie, Frans, 2009.Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negeri

Venuti, Lawrance, 1995.A History of Translation. London/New York: Routladge ---. The Translator’s Study Reader. New York: Routladge, 2004 Yuanita, Siska, 2007.Buku Harian Nanny. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama




Anonymous, quality (accessed on december 2013)



Tittle : Nanny Diaries (Buku Harian Nanny)

Pages : 368

Distributed : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Written by : Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus Translated by : Siska Yuanita

Novel synopsys

The Nanny Diaries: A novel (2002) is humorous but revealing novel by two former nannies, Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus. Drawing on their many expriences as childcare providers while in college in New York City, the pair created a world of fiction based on actual events they experienced or heard about. The result is a comical yet poignant peek into a world of privilege, giving a modern illustration of timeless truth that money does not buy happiness.

The novel focuses on a college student and part-time nanny, called Nanny or Nan, who is hired by the X family to care for their four-year-old son, Grayer. She soon becomes Grayer’s surrogate mother as his parents neglect their son to focus on more pressing issues, such as extramarital affairs and fostering social status. Though Mrs. X becomes increasingly demanding of Nan’s time, focus, and energy, Nan stays with the family for Grayer’s sake, until she is fired during a family vacation to Nantucket.

The Nanny Diaries was a hit, spending more than thirty weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. The novel eventually sold more than two million



copies and was transalated into at leat thirteen languages. Critics and readers alike praised the novel for ts comic touches, especially those related to the materialistic and pretentious X family. Readers were allowed a close-up glimpse of the lives of the Park Avenue rich, warts and all. Many former nannies confirmed The Nanny Diaries’s reflection of many of the realities of nannying in the United States, including the issues of worker exploitation, treatment of nannies from foreign countries and dysfunctional rich families.

The novel prompted speculation about the true identity of Mr. And Mrs. X (though the authors insisted that they are not based on any one couple that they worked for), as well as discussion about the nature of the relationship between parents and nannies. Referring to the latter, Kraus told Melissa Biggs Bradley of Town & Country, “our intent was a literary journey. We wanted to give people a great laugh and a good cry. But we are thrilled that book is inspiring so much discussion about a topic we beleive there was far too much silence on

Author’s Biography

Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus met at New York University’s Gallatin School of Indi-Vidualized Study, where they both graduated with concentrations in Arts in Education. Before teaming up to write the Nanny Diaries, Kraus had continued in the arts and McLaughlhin worked as business consultant withi the private and public sectors.


running hardcover best seller of 2002. In 2007 the Nanny Diaries was released as a major motion picture starring Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney and Alicia Keys. McLaughlin and Kraus have appeared numerous times on CNN, MSNBC, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Entetainment Tonaight and The View. Their work and partenership have been covered in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Los Angels Times, Chivago Tribune, TIME, Elle, Town & Country and Happer’s Bazzar.

They have contributed to the London Times and The New York Times as two short story collection to beneft the War Child Fund: Big Night Out and Girls’ Night Out. In Addition to writing to television and film,they travel around the country speaking to youngwoman about gender issues in American corporate culture.