A Translation Analysis Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guides : Direct Translation Cases









Terjemahan adalah sebuah media komunikasi yang sangat penting pada masa sekarang, terjemahan dibutuhkan untuk dapat mengerti antara bahasa yang satu dengan bahasa yang lain sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap sesuatu.. Skripsi ini berjudul “A Translation Analysis of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide”. Skripsi ini berisi tentang pengertian dari terjemahan, proses terjemahan, unit terjemahan, macam-macam prosedur penerjemahan, dan lain-lain.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu dan memahami tentang terjemahan dan bagaimana cara menganalisis data atau sesuatu berdasarkan metode yang ada.

Metodologi yang dipakai dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi dalam skripsi ini adalah sumber data, metode pengumpulan data, dan metode analisis data.

Mengingat terjemahan sangat penting sekarang ini, maka penulis membahas skripsi tentang terjemahan yang mana terjemahan sangat bermanfaat dan berguna dalam kehidupan sekarang ini.






1.1 The Background of the Analysis 1.2 The Problems of the Analysis 1.3 The Objectives of the Analysis 1.4 The Scope of the Analysis 1.5 The Significance of the Analysis



2.1 An Overview of Translation 2.2 Theory of Translation 2.2.1 Literal translation 2.2.2 Idiomatic translation 2.2.3 Modified literal translation 2.2.4 Unduly free translation 2.3 Process of Translation


2.3.1 Textual Level

2.3.2 The Referential Level 2.3.4 The Cohesive Level 2.4 The Unit of Translation 2.5 Translation Equivalence

2.6 The Kinds of Translation Procedures 2.6.1 Direct Translation Procedure Borrowing Calque Literal

2.6.2 Oblique Translation Procedure Transposition Modulation Equivalence Adaptation

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY 3.1 Data Source 3.2 Population 3.3 Sample

3.4 Data Collecting Method 3.5 Data Analyzing Method



4.1.1 Direct Translation Procedure 4.1.2 Borrowing

4.1.3 Calque

4.1.4 Literal or word for word 4.2 Findings


5.2 Suggestion




SL : Source Language TL : Target Language TLT : Target Language Text SLT : Source Language Text TT : Target Text



Terjemahan adalah sebuah media komunikasi yang sangat penting pada masa sekarang, terjemahan dibutuhkan untuk dapat mengerti antara bahasa yang satu dengan bahasa yang lain sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap sesuatu.. Skripsi ini berjudul “A Translation Analysis of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide”. Skripsi ini berisi tentang pengertian dari terjemahan, proses terjemahan, unit terjemahan, macam-macam prosedur penerjemahan, dan lain-lain.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu dan memahami tentang terjemahan dan bagaimana cara menganalisis data atau sesuatu berdasarkan metode yang ada.

Metodologi yang dipakai dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi dalam skripsi ini adalah sumber data, metode pengumpulan data, dan metode analisis data.

Mengingat terjemahan sangat penting sekarang ini, maka penulis membahas skripsi tentang terjemahan yang mana terjemahan sangat bermanfaat dan berguna dalam kehidupan sekarang ini.




Language is so important and something which we need everyday to communicate with the people because without a language we cannot communicate with the others. Language is also tool to connect one to another.

Kramsch (1998:3) exspresses that “Language is the principle means whereby we conduct our social lives. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways.”

Nowadays, many people use mobile phone to connect and share with others in their life and its become so important. Mobile phone is a tool of communication that makes our life easy, especially to connect with the people. The fact, if we want to use mobile phone easily we have to read the way to use in part of user guide. Using mobile phone, we can call someone or send a message fast. We can share the good, bad or something with the people in our life.

Related to communication in translation, Kade ( in Wills: 65) says that the communicative study of translation, the most comprehensive approach, has proved to make possible a precise definition of aspects of research, using the subject of the research as a point of departure.


As means of communication, translation is a process of communication, to impart the knowledge of the original to the foreign language. Translation is so important to understand about something. Cartford, (in Wills: 66), says that translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another. Clearly then, any theory of translation must draw upon a theory of language- a general linguistic theory.

Newmark (1981:7) defines that translation is an instrument of education as well as of thruth precisely because it has to reach readers whose cultural an educational level is different from and often lower or earlier than that of the readers of the original.

In addition Nida (in Venuti 2000: 127) defines “translation consist in reproducing in the receptor language the natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style. Differences in translations can generally be accounted for by three basic factors in translating: 1) the nature of the message, 2) the purpose or purposes of the author, and 3) the type of audience.

Translation is a field of various procedures. To translate the translator may use the procedures that differs in importance according to the contextual factors of both the Source Language (SL) and the Target Language (TL).

Newmark (1998:81), differentiates between translation method and translation procedures. He writes that, translation method relate to whole text, and translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language.


Larson (1998:3) gives the meaning of translation that translation is basically a change of form. Translation also consists of studying of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of tha source language text. Larson (1998:15) divides translation into two types. The first one is form-based translation and the second one is meaning-based translation.

Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti 2000) “ translation procedures are the basic technique of translation. According to them the procedures can be divided into two methods covering seven procedures, they are (i) direct translation, consist of borrowing, calque and literal translation, and (ii) oblique translation, consist of transposition, equivalent, modulation and adaptation.

Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti 2000) theory of translation procedures is relatively easy to understand. In this thesis I analyze the user guides with the theory of translation procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet’s to find out the direct translation procedures above are exist or not.

In this analisis, the example are profiles which translated into profil it is the example of borrowing procedures because the SL is transferd directly to the TL. The next example is inbox which translated into pesan masuk and settings which translated into pengaturan.

The two example above are examples of literal translation procedures because the direct transfer of source language text into a grammatically and idiomatically target text.


!.2 Problems of the Analysis

Based on the background above there are problems of the analysis which are discussed:

a. What kind of direct translation found in the target text?

b.What is the most dominant direct translation found in the target text?

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis

To answer the problems above the research questions is most important objective of this thesis. The researcher will try to find out the direct translation procedures.

The objectives of the analysis can be described as follows:

a. To find out and analyze the direct translation found in the target text.

b. To find out the dominant types of the direct translation found in the target text.

1.4 Scope of the Analysis

In this thesis, I focus on analyzing the data from mobile phone Nokia 2600 user guide into bahasa Indonesia to find out the direct translation procedures suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet.

The data source is mobile phone book which collected from the book of user guide. The analysis the direct procedures in user guides to get the result the analysis related to procedures.


1.5 Significances of the Analysis

There are some significances of the analysis based on this thesis.

Firstly, this thesis can be used for readers especially the students of English Department to expand their knowledge about translation because translation is so important now.

Secondly, this thesis can be used by translator in practicing the translation and also as the reference in Foreign Language Teaching. This thesis also can be used to help someone who wants to know about translation and to analyze the kinds of translation.





2.1 Overview of Translation

Translation is to translate from one language to another language or to translate from Source Language to Target Language to get the meaning. Since there are many different languages in the world, the study of translation plays a very important role to transfer the meaning from one language into another one. The meaning can be translated in the oral and/or written language.

In a world beginning to develop from mass communication to universal or global communication and becoming ever more complex in terms of technology and organization.

Translation is becoming increasingly important as a medium of international communication. The study of translation will help people to understand the characteristics between two or more languages.

Translation is a modern means of communication too. We know that so many language in this world, which in every country has a language they self. So to understand about that we must know and study about translation The establish of communication between people belonging to different speech communities has long been an important form of linguistic performance.


Translation is a field of various procedures. In addition to word for word and sense for sense procedures the translator may use a variety of procedures that differ in importance according to contextual factors of both Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT).

Newmark (1998:7) defines “translation is an instrument of education as well as of thruth precisely because it has to reach readers whose cultural an educational level is different from and often lower or earlier than that of the readers of the original.

Catford (in Wills: 66) also says that translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another. Clearly then, any theory of translation must draw upon a theory of language, a general linguistic theory.

In addition Nida (in Machali: 1998) defines “translation consist in reproducing in the receptor language the natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style. Differences in translations can generally be accounted for by three basic factors in translating: 1) the nature of the message, 2) the purpose or purposes of the author and 3) the type of audience.

Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti 2000) “ translation procedures are the basic technique of translation. According to them the procedures can be divided into two methods covering seven procedures, they are (i) direct translation, consist of borrowing, calque and literal translation, and (ii) oblique translation, consist of transposition, equivalent, modulation and adaptation.


Larson (1998:3) gives the meaning of translation that translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc, which are spoken or written. In translation the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor language.

Translation also consists of studying of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of tha source language text. Larson (1998:15) divides translation into two types. The first one is form-based translation and the second one is meaning-based translation.

The first type is form-based translation it is a form of translation that is attempt to follow the form of the source language and it is commonly known as literal translation.

The second type is meaning-based translation which is also known as idiomatic translation, is a type of translation that attempts to make every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language in the natural forms of the receptor language.

Nida (in Venuti 2000) argues there are three basic principles of translation. The basic principles are the loss of information, the addition of information and the skewing of information.

Those principles mean that no translation in a target language can be exact equivalent of the model in source language. Three basic of translation principle are :


2.1.1 Loss of Information

The translation of items from the source language does not explain the whole information into the target language or is not translated and transferred into the target language. For example: Mardi was sick when I met him in home is translated into Mardi sakit ketika saya menemuinya di rumah.

2.1.2 Gain of Information

The translation of items from the source language into target language is with addition of extra information. For example: dia sorang gadis yang cantik is translated into she is a beautiful girl in class. This translation process from Indonesian into English has an addition of information in psychology version, which is the verb to be and the feminine gender (she) as well as an article (a) is added to make the sense more clearly in the target language.

2.1.3 Skewing of Information

The translation items from the source language is not the exact equivalent which means it is skewed in the target language.

With study about translation, we know that how to translate, what a process of translation, etc. Translation also has relation with culture. If we try to translate something we must know the culture of target language.


Last, in translating from the source language into the target language, a translator should know and understand at least both the language and the culture of the target language. This means that a translator sholud be familiar with the linguistic and cultural terms of both the Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL).

2.2 Theory of Translation

The history of translation theory can in fact be imagined as set of changing relationship between the relative autonomy of the translated text, or the transkators’s actions, and two other concepts, they are equivalence and function.

Equivalence has been understood as “accuracy”, “adequacy”, “correctness”, “correspondence”, “fidelity”, or “identity”, it is a variable notion of how the translation is connected to the foreign text.

Function has been understood as the potentiality of the translated text to release diverse effects, beginning with the communication of information and the production of a response comparable to the one produced by the forei\gn text in its own culture.

The theory and method for comparing the working of different languages is known either as “comparative Descriptive” or as :contrastive linguistics”. Since translation can be regarded as a special case of this kind of comparison, comparative descriptive linguistics includes the theory of translation. (Halliday et al, in Wills: 60).

The principle tasks of the science of translation are thus to develop operating procedures which will make it possible to factor the transfer from SLT to TLT


againts the background of the intended meaning in the SL, to organize the individual factors in a plausible frame of reference and extract from them a logical model of description and explanation and to derive from the latter conclusion which can be applied from different points of view in translation theory or used in the descrivtipe and or applied aspects of the study of language pairs.

Some translation theories have assumed an instrumental concept of language as communication, expressive of thought and meaning, where meaning are either based on reference.

The ideal translation should be:

1) Accurate. It means reproducing as exactly as possible the meaning of ST 2) Actual. It means using natural forms of receptor language in a way that

is appropiate to the kind of text being translated

3) Communicative. It means expressing all aspects of the meaning in a way that is readily understanable to the intended audience.

Looking at the phenomena of the translation studies, translation can be universally defined as a process of transforming a piece lingyistic work into another language. It is a process of transforming meaning from the Source Language into Target Language.


2.2.1 Literal translation

Literal translation is interlinear translation, which desirably reproduce the linguistic study of that language. This type of translation is very useful for the study of source language. But, in other hand, it is not so helpful for the speakers of the receptor language.

According to Larson (1998:16) a literal translation sounds like nonsense and has little communication value. He proposes that the translator’s goal should be an idiomatic translation which makes every effort to communicate their meaning of the source language text into the natural forms of the target language.

Furthermore, he states that translation is concerned with a study of the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, which is analyzed in oreder to determine its meaning.

The discovered meaning is then re-expressed or reconstructed using the lexicon and grammatical structure that are appropiate in the target language and its cultural context.

2.2.2 Idiomatic translation

Larson (1998:16) states that idiomatic translation use the natural forms of the receptor language both in the grammatical constructions and the choices of the lexical items.


He further remarks that a truly idiomatic translation does not sound like translation. It sounds like it is written originally in the receptor language because it is somewhat hard to consistently translate idiomatically or literally.

2.2.3 Modified literal translation

In this type, a translator normally modifies the message to avoid real non-sense and inappropiate meanings. It is a change to suit the proper structural form of the target text, which means that the translators should adjust the grammatocal forms to be acceptable in receptor language.

2.2.4 Unduly free translation

Unduly free translation is importantly used in the purpose of bringing a special response from the speakers of the target language. So, translation is considered unduly if it changes the meanings of the source language or if it distorts the fact of the historical and cultural setting of the source language text.

The emphasis of the unduly free translation is mostly on the reaction of the persons who read or hear it and for sure the meaning is not necessarily the same as that of the source language.


2.3 Process of Translation

The process of translation consist of three types. First is anaysis source language text, second is transfer the message and third is restructurisation.


Every translation process is set up as a transfer from an SL to a TL, the translation process can either go from native tongue to foreign language or from foreign language to native tongue, either type of transfer will present specific difficulties (Wills 1971).

In other words, translation as product instead of translating as process. So, in translating, there are potentially two sets of motivations: those of the producer of the source text and those of the translator.

The goal of the translation process is the optimal synchronization of SLT and TLT, a text oriented comparison of the syntactic and lexical potentials of expression in the SL and the TL is an important translational

Larson (1998:4) simply presents the diagram of the translation process as follow:

Source Language Target Language

Text to be translated Translation

Discover the meaning Re-express the meaning


The Diagram of Translation Process


In literary translating, the process of constant reinterpretation is most apparent. The translator reading of the source text is but one among infinitely many possible readings, yet it is the one which tends to be imposed upon the readership of the TL version.

Jakobson’s (in Venuti 2000) study of equivalence. He suggests three kinds of translation are to be differently labeled:

1. Intralingual translation (sign of the same language) 2. Interlingual translation (signs of some other language) 3. Intersemiotic translation (signs of nonverbal sign system)

2.3.1 Textual Level

Working on the text level, intuitively and automatically make certain “conversions”, transpose the SL grammar (clauses and groups) into TL equivalents and translate the lexical units into the sense that appears immediately appropiate in the context of the sentences.

The level will be translate is the text. This is the level of the literal translation of the source language into the target language, the level of the translationese for eliminate, but it also acts as a corrective of paraphrase and the parer-down of synonyms.


2.3.2 The Referential Level

The referential level it is beginning with a few multi-purpose, overloaded prepositions and conjunctions. The referential goes hand in hand with the textual level. All languages have polysemous words and structures which can be finally solved only on the referential level.

In the referential level, the text is built up out of based on the clarification of all linguistics difficulties.

2.3.3 The Cohesive Level

The cohesive level consist of two factor. It follows both the structure and the moods of the text.

The first is structure the structure through the connective words (conjunctions, enumerations, reiterations, definite article, general words, referential synonyms, punctuation marks) linking the sentences, usually proceeding from known information (theme) to new information (rheme); preposition, opposition, continuation, reiteration, conclusion- for instance- or thesis, antithesis, synthetis.

The second factor is mood. This can be shown as a dialectical factor moving between positive and negative, emotive and neutral.

2.4 The Unit of Translation

Vinay and Darbelnet ( in Newmark: 54) define the unit of translation as ‘the smallest segment of an utterance whose cohesion of signs is such that they must not


be separetly translated’, In other words, the minimal strech of language that has to be translated together, as one unit.

The unit of translation are: 1. Coherence

2. Titles

3. Dialogue Cohesion 4. Punctuation

5. Sound-effects 6. Cohesion

2.5 Translation Equivalence

Talking about translation equivalence, Nida (in Venuti, 2000: 129) argues that there two types of equivalence. They are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence.

Formal equivalence is an orientation to translation that focuses on the message itself in both of the form and content. In such a translation one is concerned with such correspondence as phrases to phrases, sentences to sentences and concepts to concepts.

Dynamic equivalence is a set of procedure by means of which the message of the original text will be transproted into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of original receptors.

The above statement implies that there are three important terms need to consider, nameley:


1) equivalent that points out the source language message, 2) natural that points toward the target language, and

3) closest that combines both the source and the target language on the basis of meaning closeness.

Scvejcer, (in Wills: 134)) says that Equivalence is one of the central issues in the theory of translation and yet one on which linguists seem to have agreed to disagree. There is hardly any other concept in translation theory which has produced as many contradictory statements and has set off as many attempts at an adequate, comprehensivedefinition as the concept of the translation equivalent between SLT and TLT.

He makes the complexity of the concepts of translation equivalence: 1. a translation must reproduce the words of the SLT

2. a translation must reproduce the ideas of the SLT 3. a translation should read like an original

4. a translation should retain the style of the SLT 6. a translation should mirror the style of the translator

7. a translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT 8. a translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature

9. in a tanslation, a translator must never add or leave out anything


Since language is strongly influenced by the culture, it is then difficult to find such the same equivalnece form from the source language into the target language. Larson suggest some alternative ways to find the equivalent when the texts have to be translated. Theses alternative ways include:

1. Using descriptive phrase 2. Using related words

3. Using generic specific words

4. Using a figurative equivalence for figurative sense.

2.6 Kinds of translation procedures

Generally speaking, translators can choose from two methods of translating, namely direct translation and oblique translation. In some translation tasks it may be possible to transpose the source language maessage element by element into the target language, because it is based on either (i) parallel categories, (ii) on parallel categories.

2.6.1 Direct Translation Procedure

Direct translation procedures are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into target language.

Direct translation procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet, consist of three types. The first is borrowing, the second is calque and the third is literal translation or word for word.

(27) Borrowing

Borrowing is considered as the simplest of all the translation method. In translating a term from the source language (SL) into target language (TL), foreign terms may be used to overcame a gap in term, of meaning. Borrowing is often applied to inturodice the content of the source language.

This procedures means that one language borrows an expression form from another language. Wills (1977:97) defines borrowing is the carryover of SL lexemes or lexemes combinations into the TL normally without formal or semantic modification.

It is done so due to the fact that the term of source language is not found in the target language, e.g.

* calculator is translated into kalkulator in Indonesian. * profile is translated into profil in Indonesia

* edit is translated into edit in Indonesia

In general, borrowing consist of three types, they are: 1) loan words

2) loan shifts 3) loan blends

(28) Calque

A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a lnguage borrows an expression form of another, but then the form is translated literally in terms each of its elements. The calque is divided into two parts, they are is

1) lexical qalque 2) structural calque.

Lexical qalque happens at the level of syntactic elements, while structural calque happens at the level of constructions of language.

This procedures means that one language borrows an expression form from another language, but each of its elements then translated literally. For example, indoor is translated into dalam ruangan (lexical calque).

Wills (1977:97) says that calque is loan translation of morphologically analyzable SL which, after time are often accepted or at least tolerated by the TL community. Literal or word for word

Literal translation is also known word for word translation. It is the direct transfer of a Source language (SL) text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropiate TL text in which translator’s task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL. In principle, a literal translation ios a unique solution which is reversible and complete in itself.


This procedure means that one language is transferred directly into grammatically appropiate target language text, e.g.

* network service is translated into layanan jaringan in Indonesia. * settings is translated into pengaturan in Indonesia

2.6.2 Oblique Translation Procedure

Oblique translation procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet, consist of four types. The first is transposition, the second is modulation the third is equivalence and the last is adaptation.. Transposition

The method called transposition involvs replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message. Beside being a special translation procedure, transposition can also be applied within a language.

The several transposition in vinay and darbelnet’s version are: 1) SL verb, TL noun

(2) SL conjunction, TL indefinite adjective (3) SL clause, TL noun group

(4) SL verb group, TL verb (5) SL noun group, TL noun

(30) Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by change in the point of view. This change can be justified when, although a literal or even transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Modulation, specifically indicates a change in the angle from which something is seen.(Wills, 1977: 99) Equivalence

Wills (1977: 99) defines that equivalence is the replacement of an SL situation by a communicatively comparable TL situation. We have repeatedly stressed that one and the same situation can be rendered by two text using completely different stylistic and structural methods. In such cases dealing with the method which produces equivalent texts. Adaptation

This method used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such cases translators have to create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. Adaptation is ammounts to textual compensation for sociocultural differences between the SL and the TL communities.

Based on the explanation above, we know that what is translation, process of translation, kind of translation and the meaning of translation based on some writer.


Every kinds of translation, especially has a different meaning. With know the meaning kinds of translation, may be we know to analize something or text with the use of procedures.



This thesis deals with three main research items, the first is data source, the second is data collecting method and the third is data analyzing method.

Research method can be namely as scientific way to get the data with purpose and certain use. Research method consist of qualitative method and quantitative method, which both of them has a different meaning.

Sugiyono (2009: 15) says that “Kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi obyek yang alamiah (sebagai lawannya adalah eksperimen), dimana peneliti adalah sebagai instrument kunci, analisis data bersifat kualitatif dan hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan makna daripada generalisasi.” Qualitative is research method which based on filsafat postpositivisme, which used to examine on condition of object in nature (as side of experiment), where the examiner as key instrument, the analysis data is qualitative and the result of qualitative method more empasize to meaning more than generalisation.

3.1 Data Source

The data in this thesis are taken from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide. This user guide is choosen as the source data based on the consideration that this user guide has a variety of direct translation procedures.


This user guide of mobile phone is chosen as the source data based on the consideration that this mobile phone has a direct procedures. In reference to the data, this study focuses on translation as a product.

3.2 Population

In collecting the data, the writer as the researcher needs population and sample of this research.

Sugiyono(2009) “Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas: obyek/subject yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannnya.” Population is generalitation area which consist of obyek/subyek who has quality and special characteristics that determined by the researcher to study and then make the conclusion.

3.3 Sample

In collecting the data, the writer as the researcher needs population and sample as object of this research. Sample adalah sebagian dari populasi itu. Sample is the part of the population. Sample in this analysis is from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide.

In qualitative research, the technique of sampling who usually use is purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Purposive sampling is the technique with


the special consideration. Snowball sampling is technique which the first has a few account but can be a big account. In this analysis I use the purposive sampling because this sampling is match for this analysis.

Sample in qualitative research is teoritis sample, because the purpose of qualitatif research is get a theory. Sample in qualitative reseach also called as constructive sample.

3.4 Data Collecting Method

This thesis is conducted in the form of library research in which the data is in the form of English and Indonesia language. The data are collected in the mobile phone user guide that is written in two language, English and Indonesia. The Source Language (SL) text is observed to find the direct translation procedures in the data are exist or not, which are used as a basis of the research data.

The data that are considered to be relevant for this study are collected using technique of sampling.

3.5 Data Analyzing Method

In analyzing tha data in this thesis, I use the descriptive qualitative method. The qualitative research also called as naturalistic qualitative research because the researching doing on natural setting. Qualitative research is more descriptive because the data shaped of words and more emphasize on process than product.


According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982:21 in Sugiyono: 2009) “qualitative research is descriptive, it means tha data collected are in the form of words of pictures rather than number.

Descriptive qualitative method is applied by giving a description of the result of analysis of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User guide. The qualitative research also called as naturalistic qualitative research because the researching doing on natural setting. Qualitative research is more descriptive because the data shaped of words and more emphasize on process more than product.

The data is analyzed in two steps. First, the researcher tabulated all of the selected data consisting of direct translation procedures. Second, the researcher categorized and classified the kinds of direct translation procedures.

The classification is done by grouping the data depending on the problem. The purpose the tabulated here to find out the direct translation and the differencies both kinds of translation method. This analysis is done by finding the direct translation through the contexts of both the source language and the target language.

Descriptive research consists of explaining about variable which examine, by give the definition, complex explanation from another referency, so that the something who recearching is more complete and directed.

In the analyzing qualitative data, Bogdan (in Sugiyono: 2009), says that: Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, fieldnotes and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you hace discovered to others.


Tatari Prasasty (2002:4) in her thesis “An analysis of english Lexical Borrowing Found in PT. Nestle Indonesia’s Catalogue” gives a contribution to this thesis. She uses the descriptive qualitative method in writing the thesis. She also uses common statistic formula based on “Educational Statistic” to count the percentage of each type of lexical borrowing. Then she draws the percentages of each lexical borrowing on a table.

From the explanation above, the way to analize the data from Nokia 2600 Mobile phone User Guide as follow:

- collecting data from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide - identifying data from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide - classifying data from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide

- doing to analyze the data from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide to find out the direct translation procedures.

From the way above, the writer try to analyze the data to find out the direct translation procedures, like borrowing, calque and literal translation. After that the writer make the angka to give the result from the data..

In this thesis, I also draw tables for making classification of each direct translation, such as borrowing, calque and literal translation. I draws a table to differenciate the example of each borrowing, calque and literal


Percentage of each direct translation procedures: No Types of direct


Number of cases Percentages

1 Borrowing 44 44 %

2 Calque 3 3 %

3 Literal translation 173 173 %





In this chapter, I analyze the direct translation procedures, which can be found in the data collected from Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User guides. As have been mentioned in chapter II, the direct translation procedures consists of borrowing, calque and literal translation.

4.1.1 Direct Translation Procedure

Direct translation procedures are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into target language. Direct translation procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet, consist of three types. The first is borrowing, the second is calque and the third is literal translation or word for word.

4.1.2 Borrowing

Borrowing is considered as the simplest of all the translation method. In translating a term from the source language (SL) into target language (TL), foreign terms may be used to overcame a gap in term, of meaning. Borrowing is often applied to inturodice the content of the source language.


This procedures means that one language borrows an expression form from another language.

4.1.3 Calque

A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a lnguage borrows an expression form of another, but then the form is translated literally in terms each of its elements. The calque is divided into two parts, they are is

1) lexical qalque 2) structural calque.

Lexical qalque happens at the level of syntactic elements, while structural calque happens at the level of constructions of language. This procedures means that one language borrows an expression form from another language, but each of its elements then translated literally.

4.1.4 Literal or word for word

Literal translation is also known word for word translation. It is the direct transfer of a Source language (SL) text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropiate TL text in which translator’s task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL. In principle, a literal translation is a unique solution which is reversible and complete in itself.



No SL TL Cases

1 layanan jaringan network services L

2 pengisi daya dan perangkat tambahan chargers and enhancements


3 informasi umum general



4 stiker pada kemasan telepon stickers in the sales package


5 kode akses access codes B

6 inserting a SIM card memasang kartu



7 mengisi daya baterai charging the



8 mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan switching on or off


9 fungsi-fungsi panggilan call functions L

10 membuat panggilan making a call L

11 memanggil ulang redialling L

12 panggilan cepat speed dialling L

13 menjawab panggilan answering a call L

14 mengunci tombol locking the



15 menulis text writing text L


17 daftar menu fungsi list of menu functions


18 pesan message L

19 menulis pesan writing a message L

20 pesan masuk inbox C

21 konsep drafts L

22 berita terkirim sent items L

23 obrolan chat L

24 pesan gambar picture message L

25 daftar distribusi distribusi list L

26 pesan yang disaring screened messages L

27 hapus pesan delete message L

28 penghitung pesan message counter L

29 pengaturan pesan message settings L

30 kontak contacts B

31 mencari nama searching name L

32 nomor telepon phone number L

33 pengaturan kontak settings for



34 register call register L

35 daftar panggilan terakhir recent call lists L

36 penghitung waktu panggilan call timers L


38 pengaturan nada tones L

39 pengaturan tampilan display settings L

40 profil profile B

41 pengaturan waktu time settings L

42 pengaturan panggilan phone settings L

43 pengaturan biaya cost settings L

44 pengaturan perangkat tambahan enhancement settings


45 jam alarm alarm clock L

46 pengingat reminders L

47 permainan games L

48 ekstra extras B

49 kalkulator calculator B

50 converter converter B

51 spreadsheet spreadsheet B

52 kalender calender B

53 penghitung waktu mundur countdown timer L

54 stopwatch stopwatch B

55 composer composer B

56 layanan sim sim service L

57 informasi baterai battery




59 pengosongan discharging L

60 perangkat tambahan asli geneuine



61 baterai battery B

62 perawatan care L

63 pemeliharaan maintenance L

64 pertanggungan terbatas limited warranty L

65 indeks index B

66 aktifkan switch on L

67 nonaktifkan switch off L

68 gangguan interference L

69 layanan resmi qualified service L

70 panggilan darurat emergency calls L

71 penyedia layanan seluler wireless service



72 kode akses access codes B

73 kode pengaman security code L

74 kode pin pin code B

75 kartu sim akan diblokir the sim card is



76 ubah kode akses change access



77 pengaturan pengaman security settings L


79 kekuatan sinyal jaringan seluler signal intensity of the cellular phone


80 tingkat daya baterai battery charge



81 tombol navi navi key L

82 tombol daya power key L

83 tombol hapus/keluar clear/exit key L

84 tombol gulir scrool keys L

85 nomor yang terakhir dipakai last dialled



86 mengakses cara pintas menu access the menu shortcuts


87 penyedia layanan service provider L

88 operator jaringan network operator L

89 komponen elektronik electronic



90 panggilan konferensi conference call L

91 berpartisipasi dalam panggilan yang sama participate in the same call


92 pilihan options L

93 menu menu B

94 edit edit B

95 menolak panggilan reject the call L


97 bersuara mute L

98 tidak bersuara unmute L

99 tunggu hold L

100 lepaskan unhold L

101 panggilan baru new call L

102 jawab answer L

103 tolak reject L

104 akhiri semua panggilan end all calls L

105 mendengarkan pesan suara listening to voice message


106 nomor kotak suara voice mailbox



107 pengalihan panggilan divert calls L

108 mengunci tombol locking the



109 kunci tombol otomatis automatic



110 pengaturan pengaman tombol keyguard settings L

111 pengaturan telepon phone settings L

112 nomor darurat emergency



113 spasi space B

114 submenu submenu B

115 cari search L


117 hapus delete L

118 tentukan nada assign tone L

119 kirim momor telepon send phone



120 salin copy L

121 pengaturan settings L

122 nomor layanan service number L

123 nomor informasi info number L

124 panggilan tak terjawab missed calls L

125 panggilan masuk received calls L

126 panggilan keluar dialled calls L

127 hapus daftar panggilan terakhir delete recent call lists


128 lama panggilan call duration L

129 waktu alarm alarm time L

130 nada alarm alarm tone L

131 ulangi alarm repeat Alarm time L

132 pengingat reminders L

133 kirim send L

134 pilihan pengiriman sending options L

135 kirim ke daftar send to list L

136 pilihan sisipan insert options L


138 simpan pesan save message L

139 hapus text clear text L

140 keluar editor exit editor L

141 petunjuk instructions L

142 kamus dictionary L

143 rincian details B

144 pesan terkirim message sent L

145 nama obrolan chat name L

146 riwayat obrolan chat history L

147 edit teks edit text B

148 simpan gambar save picture L

149 laporan pengiriman delivery reports L

150 tambah daftar add list L

151 lihat daftar view list L

152 layanan info info service L

153 template templates B

154 smiley smileys B

155 tanda tangan signatures L

156 profil pengiriman sending profil L

157 nomor pusat layanan message centre




159 faks fax B

160 pager paging B

161 e-mail e-mail B

162 validitas pesan message validity L

163 editor perintah layanan service com.editor L

164 memori telepon phone memory L

165 memori kartu sim sim card’s



166 daftar telepon internal internal phone



167 pencarian cepat quick search L

168 daftar nama name list L

169 status memori memory status B

170 lama panggilan call duration L

170 nada dering ringing tone L

172 volume dering ringing volume L

173 tanda getar vibrating alert L

174 nada pengingat pesan message alert tone L

175 nada tombol keypad tones L

176 nada peringatan warning tones L

177 tema themes B

178 jam penghemat daya power saver clock L


180 tampilan info sel cell info display L

181 waktu lampu latar backlight time L

182 kecerahan brightness L

183 screen saver screen saver B

184 wallpaper wallpaper B

185 personalisasi personalise B

186 pengaturan waktu dan tanggal clock and date setting


187 pengalihan panggilan call divert L

188 alihkan semua panggilan suara divert all voice call


189 aktifkan activate B

190 batalkan cancel L

191 periksa status check status L

192 mengulang otomatis automatic redial L

193 layanan panggilan tunggu call waiting service


194 kirim identitas pemanggil saya send my caller identity


195 saluran telepon keluar line outgoing calls L

196 bahasa language L

197 kode pengaman tombol keyguard code L

198 pilihan jaringan network selection L


200 pesan pembuka welcome note L

201 konfirmasi layanan sim confirm sim



202 ringkasan panggilan call summary L

203 biaya panggilan call costs L

203 panggilan tertentu fixed dialling L

204 pulsa prabayar prepaid credit L

205 profil standar default profile L

206 jawab otomatis automatic answer L

207 permintaan kode pin pin code request B

208 layanan pembatasan layanan call baring service L

209 tingkat pengamanan security level L

210 ubah kode akses change access



211 nada peringatan warning tones L

212 menghitung calculation L

213 konversi mata uang currency



214 tempo tempo B

215 di dalam ruangan indoor C

216 standard charger standard charger B

217 travel charger travel charger B


219 boom headset boom headset B

220 panggilan darurat emergency calls L

The source language in this analysis is Indonesia language and the target language is English language.


From the analysis the data of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide, the writer finding the each kinds of direct translation, such as borrowing, calque and literal. Firstly, the writer reads and search or analyze the data from Indonesia language and then from english language. Secondly, the writer makes the classification of each kinds of direct translation and the last, the writer tabulates the kinds of direct translation, account the many data and make the percentages of each kinds of them.

Finally, the writer found 173 literal (78,63 %), 44 borrowing (20 %) and 3 calque (1,36 %).


From the explanation above, the analysis and finding, we can see the table of the percentages of the analysis:

No Kinds of direct translation

Number of cases Percentages

1 Borrowing 44 20 %

2 Calque 3 1,36 %

3 Literal 173 78,63 %





Translation is difficult something for somepeople. Which we know that translation is translate from one language to another language or translate from Source Language to Target Language to get the meaning. To translate data or something, we must follow the process of translation.

When we analyze the data or something, we must follow and use the procedures which exist in translation. According Vinay and Darbelnet’s theory, the translation procedures can be divided into direct translation and oblique translation. The direct translation consists of borrowing, calque and literal translation, where the oblique translation consists of transposition, adaptation, modulation and equivalence.

From the analysis, the writer found each of direct translation in the data. The writer found many literal translation, and some of borrowing and few of calque.


In writing this thesis, the writer only has enough knowledge not more about translation but the writer enough to know and interested with the study of translation because of it the writer choose the title about translation. The writer learn from the lecturer, from some books and from some friend to know and understand about translation.


But, the writer know that this thesis is not complete and not much good because the writer has a knowledge which not some with the lecturer and other people. For that, the writer hope, critics, and suggestion for all to complete my thesis, so this thesis is more complete and give the many usefull for us.



Catford, J.C. 1996. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

Choliludin. 2007. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blank.

Crystal, David. 1997. English as a Global Language. London: Cambridge University Press.

Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Stories. London and New York : Routledge.

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. London and New York: Routledge

Harvey. S and I. Higgins. 1992. Thinking Translation : A Course in Translation Method. London and New York : Routledge.

Kramsch, Claire. 1998. Language and Culture. New York : Oxford University Press. Larson, L. Mildred. 1998. Meaning-Based Translation. America: University Press Machali, Rochayah. 1998. Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation. Jakarta :

Faculty of Arts

Machali, Rochayah. 2000. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. Moentaha, Salihen. 2006. Bahasa dan Terjemahan. Jakarta: Kesaint Blank

Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies. London and New York : Routledge.


Nababan, M.Rudolf. 2003. Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Newmark, Peter. 1998. A Textbook of Translation. London and New York: Prentice Hall International (UK).

Prasasty, Tatary. 2004. An Analysis of English Lexical Borrowing Found in PT. Nestle Indonesia’s Calatouge. Medan: USU)

Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Pendidikan Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta

Venuti, L. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. Wills, Wolfram. 2001. The Science of Translation: Problem and Method. Shanghai:



Title : An Analysis Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide: Direct Translation Cases

Source : The User Guide Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone

Note :

The number in the analysis is not the number of data but just the order of number. In the analysis I use the abbreviation of direct translation procedures like borrowing with B, calque with C and literal with L.


From the explanation above, the analysis and finding, we can see the table of the percentages of the analysis:

No Kinds of direct translation

Number of cases Percentages

1 Borrowing 44 20 %

2 Calque 3 1,36 %

3 Literal 173 78,63 %





Translation is difficult something for somepeople. Which we know that translation is translate from one language to another language or translate from Source Language to Target Language to get the meaning. To translate data or something, we must follow the process of translation.

When we analyze the data or something, we must follow and use the procedures which exist in translation. According Vinay and Darbelnet’s theory, the translation procedures can be divided into direct translation and oblique translation. The direct translation consists of borrowing, calque and literal translation, where the oblique translation consists of transposition, adaptation, modulation and equivalence.

From the analysis, the writer found each of direct translation in the data. The writer found many literal translation, and some of borrowing and few of calque.


In writing this thesis, the writer only has enough knowledge not more about translation but the writer enough to know and interested with the study of translation because of it the writer choose the title about translation. The writer learn from the lecturer, from some books and from some friend to know and understand about translation.


But, the writer know that this thesis is not complete and not much good because the writer has a knowledge which not some with the lecturer and other people. For that, the writer hope, critics, and suggestion for all to complete my thesis, so this thesis is more complete and give the many usefull for us.



Catford, J.C. 1996. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

Choliludin. 2007. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blank.

Crystal, David. 1997. English as a Global Language. London: Cambridge University Press.

Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Stories. London and New York : Routledge.

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. London and New York: Routledge

Harvey. S and I. Higgins. 1992. Thinking Translation : A Course in Translation Method. London and New York : Routledge.

Kramsch, Claire. 1998. Language and Culture. New York : Oxford University Press. Larson, L. Mildred. 1998. Meaning-Based Translation. America: University Press Machali, Rochayah. 1998. Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation. Jakarta :

Faculty of Arts

Machali, Rochayah. 2000. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. Moentaha, Salihen. 2006. Bahasa dan Terjemahan. Jakarta: Kesaint Blank

Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies. London and New York : Routledge.


Nababan, M.Rudolf. 2003. Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Newmark, Peter. 1998. A Textbook of Translation. London and New York: Prentice Hall International (UK).

Prasasty, Tatary. 2004. An Analysis of English Lexical Borrowing Found in PT. Nestle Indonesia’s Calatouge. Medan: USU)

Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Pendidikan Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta

Venuti, L. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. Wills, Wolfram. 2001. The Science of Translation: Problem and Method. Shanghai:



Title : An Analysis Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guide: Direct Translation Cases

Source : The User Guide Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone

Note :

The number in the analysis is not the number of data but just the order of number. In the analysis I use the abbreviation of direct translation procedures like borrowing with B, calque with C and literal with L.