Significance of the Study The Scope of the Study


This chapter describes the concepts which are related to the research, such as the concept of poetry appreciation, the components of Quipper School, the use of computers in language learning, motivation types and motivation design, studies on motivation to learn in an online context. This chapter also describes procedures of teaching literature through online support system, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis. 2.1 Literature in Language Teaching and Learning The importance of using literature in teaching and learning English has been mentioned by some linguists. Maley 1989 gives seven reasons for using literature as a potent resource in the language classrooms. In his opinion, Literature has universality, non-triviality, personal relevance, variety, interest, economy and suggestive power and ambiguity. Furthermore, Collie and Slater 1990 mention four reasons for using literature as a resource for language teaching. Literature is ‘an authentic material.’ Each literary work is a world in itself, self-contained. The language of literature is highly contextualized, imbedded in the situations and the imaginative world that it seeks to recreate. Literature promotes cultural enrichment, language enrichment, and also personal involvement. Because of those reasons, that is why literature is a part of teaching materials. Furthermore, literature is a good means to support the development of communicative English teaching and learning because it can invite multiple interpretations, and thus encourage much discussion among learners Salimi, 2014. Literature, which includes different genres: poems, short stories, dramas films, and novels Salimi: 2014, has become a required element of the English language paper and has been made compulsory for all students who take Peminatan in English. The literary texts for poems, short stories and novels have been introduced nationwide through the internet. Literature is a good material for teaching and learning. The learning of literary appreciation aims to bring students to literary experience way Sumardi as cited on Oemarjati’s opinion that the purpose of learning literary apreciation is to plant, grow, and develop sensibility to human’s problem, introduction, and respect sense to sense of value, both individually and socially as cited in Tyasititi et al, 2014. Therefore, it needs some strategies in order that students are able to appreciate literary works. Furthermore. the learning of literary appreciation focus do not only on theories but also students’ appreciation process. Teacher should give chance for students to get their own enjoyment to the literary works so that they can read, know, value, analyse and finally appreciate them. Teacher has big role in teaching and learning process. Teacher should locate himself in the process, one of the ways is by using the proper method. By using the proper method the learning process can run smoothly.