The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation In Reading And Their Reading Speed (A Correlational Study In The Second Grade Of Department Of English Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University 2012/2013)



(A Correlational Study in the Second Grade of Department of English

Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University 2012/2013)

A Skripsi














Second Grade of Department of English Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Skripsi of Department of English Education Faculty of

Tabiyah and Teachers’ Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.

Keywords: Reading Motivation, Reading Speed,

The objective of the study is to see the correlation between students’

motivation in reading and their reading speed in the second grade of Department of English Education Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta academic year 2012/2013,

whether there is any correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their

reading speed achievement.

Furthermore, in this quantitative research, the writer used correlational study by Product Moment Correlation technique or Pearson’s Correlation Product Moment technique. Product Moment Correlation is one of technique that usually used to find out the significance of the correlation between two variables. There are two main variables in this research. Reading Motivation of the students as independent variable (variable X) and students’ reading speed rate as dependent variable (variable Y). The data were collected through test (reading speed and reading comprehension test) and questionnaires of reading motivation.

From the calculation by using Pearson’s Product Moment formula, it is obtained that the value of “r” product moment (rxy) or “r” observation (ro) is 0,64. The degree of freedom (df) is 28. The degree of significance 5% is 0.304, and the degree of significance 1% is 0.393. So it means that the hypothesis rois bigger than rt(0.64 > 0.304 and 0.64 < 0.393). The result of hypothesis of this research is: alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, so

it means there is correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their


Second Grade of Department of English Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.

Keywords:Motivas iMembaca, Membaca Cepat.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara motivasi membaca siswa dan kecepatan membaca pada mahasiswa tingkat dua Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun ajaran 2012/2013, apakah ada hubungan antara motivasi membaca siswa dan kecepatan membacanya.

Dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini, penulis menggunakan rancangan penelitian korelasi dengan teknik Korelasi Product Moment atau teknik Korelasi Product Moment Pearson. Teknik Korelasi Product Moment adalah salah satu teknik yang biasa digunakan untuk mencari hubungan yang signfikan antara dua variabel. Terdapat dua variabel di dalam penelitian ini, yaitu motivasi membaca siswa sebagai independen variabel atau variabel X. Dan kecepatan membaca siswa sebagai dependen variabel atau variabel Y. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui test (test kecepatan membaca dan pemahaman bacaan) serta angket motivasi membaca siswa.

Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan menggunakan rumus Product Moment Pearson, diperoleh “r” produk moment(rxy)atau “r” observasi (ro)adalah 0.64, denganderajat bebas (df) 28. Taraf signifikansi 5% adalah 0.304 dan taraf signifikansi 1% adalah 0.393. Hal itu berarti Hipotesis ro lebih besar dari pada rt (0.64 > 0.304 dan 0.393 < 0.64). Hasil dari hipotesis penelitian ini adalah: alternative hipotesis (Ha) diterima dan null hipotesis (Ho) ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan atau korelasi antara motivasi membaca siswa dan kecepatan membacanya.



and health upon the writer in finishing this research paper. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and all his followers.

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the Highest, the writer could finish her research paper after long hard effort of writing. Thus, she would like to express her greatest gratitude to her beloved parents (H. Marjani (alm )and Hj. Mumun Maemunah) who always pray, support, and motivate her in every part of her life especially in doing this research.

The writer would like to address her gratitude to her advisors Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd and Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed for their patient guidance, kindness, valuable advice, and correction during the development of this research.

She would like to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to:

1. All lecturers of Department of English Education who have taught her new knowledge and have given her gorgeous experiences in study.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the head of Department of English Education.

3. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA., Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

4. The principal and the lecturers of Department of English State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for permitting and helping the writer to conduct the research.

5. All her beloved friends whose name cannot be mentioned one by one who always help and motivate her in accomplishing this research paper.


Jakarta, 23 September 2013






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A.The Background of the Research... 1

B.The Limitation of the Problem ... 4

C.The Formulation of the Problem ... 4

D.The Objective of the Research... 4

E. The Significance of the Research ... 4


1. The Concept of Motivation…………. ... 5

2. Kinds of Motivation ... 6

B. Reading…… ... 11

1. Definition of Reading ... 11

2. Purposes of Reading ... 13

3. Kinds of Reading ... 14

C. Reading Motivation ... 16

1. The Understanding of Reading Motivation ... 16

2. Dimensions of reading Motivation... 18

D. Reading Speed ... 20

1. The Definition of Reading Speed ... 20

2. The Factors Affecting Reading Speed ... 26

3. The Techniques of Reading Speed ... 29


D. The Technique of Data Collection ... 33 E. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 34 F. The Hypothesis ... 35


A. The Description of the Data.. ... 36 1. Data of Students’ Motivation in Reading and

Reading Speed ... 36 2. The Correlation between Students’ Motivation

In Reading and Reading Speed ... 37 B. The Data Analysis ... 40

C. The Test of Hypothesis………... 41

D. The Interpretation of the Data……… E. The Heterogeneity and Normality of the Data ... 43


A. Conclusion ………. ... 45

B. Suggestions ……… ... 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 46 APPENDICES



Appendix 3 : Grafik Heterogenitas Kecepatan Membaca

Appendix 4 : Grafik Normalitas Kecepatan Membaca

Appendix 5 : Angket Motivasi Membaca Siswa

Appendix 6 : Teks Kecepatan Membaca

Appendix 7 : Tes Pemahaman Membaca

Appendix 8 : Tabel Nilai Koefisiensi Korelasi Product Moment

Appendix 9 : Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

Appendix 10 : Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian


This chapter presents the basic account of the present research that covers the background of the research, the limitation of the problem, the formulation of the problem, the objective of the research, the significance of the research.


The Background of the Research

For many years, students from many places around the world learn English. Since English is considered as an International language, learning English has become necessity for everyone who wants to engage in international interactions. Mastering this language is not a simple thing to do; there are some skills that should be learnt and practiced, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading skills are regarded as receptive skills while speaking and writing are considered to be productive skills.1 Those are the basic language skills especially in teaching and learning English as a foreign language at schools, courses or other educational institutions whether they are formal or informal.

As one of the language skills, reading plays an important role because reading has become a part of our daily life. Through reading, people are able to gain a lot of knowledge, information, pleasure and problem solutions. Hence, the ability to read a text in many forms will contribute a great deal advantage in our life such as gaining success at school, university or other educational institutions.

Reading is the act of interpreting printed and written words. Reading requires understanding or comprehending the means of the text. Through reading, readers can also understand the message the writer has informed. People have their own reason for reading. In many cases, people will do their reading to get pleasure, knowledge and information, or just to waste the time.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman, 1989), p. 16.


The ability to read is crucial in contemporary society. Nowadays, information is being presented to people around the world in many forms. During the past few years there has been a plethora of information introduced to them. While books are being produced, there is also a significant amount of information on the internet. As a result of all this information, people living in this age have to be able to read faster and comprehend information at a much faster rate. Moreover, due to the limited time people have in the globalization era, the importance of reading speed is getting higher every day. People should have an ability to read faster in order to receive information given to them in this era. Therefore, the ability of reading speed is important to help people in facing the huge improvement in the era of information nowadays.

The low interest in reading is regarded to be a problem by lot of people in this country. There are a lot of factors that cause the low people’s speed reading achievement. They can come from intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Some factors that come from intrinsic are IQ, talent, interest, attitude and aptitude, including motivation. Lacking one or more of these factors, may lead people to read but it will not reach the optimum reading speed achievement. According to the statement, it can be seen that the low interest in reading appears because of the low motivation to read people have. That low motivation to read becomes the main problem of this research.

When someone is motivated to read, they are more likely to be engaged in reading and therefore comprehend better. Someone who comprehends the text will increase their reading speed achievement. “Motivation influences reading comprehension, highly motivated readers have feeling of involvement, stimulation or enjoyment during reading, and tend to possess knowledge in the dominant of their interest.”2 In addition, someone who is highly motivated in reading will have a better reading comprehension, while someone who has a low motivation will decrease their reading speed and will also decrease its comprehension.


John T. Guthrie,, Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension Growth in the Later Elementary Years, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2007, p. 282.


As one of factor affecting reading speed, reading motivation plays an important role to support reading speed achievement. In addition, Buzan stated

that “Increase your motivation – it increases your speed. The more educated person usually reads faster only because of pressure of time and greater

motivation, not because they know how to read more effectively.”3

According to

Buzan’s statement, someone reads faster because they have a great motivation not because they know how to read effectively. It means that, someone with higher motivation in reading will have a better speed reading achievement.

In this research, the writer emphasizes her research in finding the correlation

between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed on the second

semester of Department of English Education State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. The writer tries to find whether the reading

motivation of the students’ influence their reading speed. To find out the importance of reading for University level, the writer refers to the syllabus of reading 2 for the second semester.

The standard competence in Reading for the second semester are understanding written text from various genres, finding main ideas and specific details on the passage and guessing meaning of the context4. And the indicators of reading for the second semester are (1) Identifying the main idea and supporting detail in the passages. (2) Read rapidly with sufficient understanding. (3) Guess meaning of words through the context and shape the critical thinking.5 From the Standard Competence and Indicators above, in this reading activity the students should mastery the speed reading ability and understand the text sufficiently.

Based on the description above and the standard competence required for the University level, the ability and skill in reading speed is very important while the low motivation in reading still become the main problem in reading activity.


Tony Buzan, The Speed Reading Book, (London: BBC Worldwide Limited,2003), p. 31.


Department of English Education, Reading 2 Syllabus (Jakarta: Department of English Education, 2013), p. 1.



From the point of view above, the writer wanted to research about: The Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Reading and their Reading Speed (A Correlational Study at the Second Semester of Department of English Education State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).


The Limitation of the Problem

The writer limited the research on the correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed achievement of the Second Semester of Department of English Education faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Academic year 2012/2013UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the research, the writer formulates the problem as follows:

“Is there any significant correlation between Students’ Motivation in Reading and their Reading Speed?”


The Objective of the Research

According to the formulation of the problem above, the objective of this research is to find out whether there is any correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed achievement and to describe how

high the correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed.


The Significance of the Research

The result of this study is expected to be used for:

1. Students: To improve their reading comprehension and reading speed ability. 2. Teachers: To give an input in order that he or she can improve the students’

ability in reading an English text and also improve students’ reading speed, and to motivate the students to read an English text more.





Concept of Motivation

Motivation appears when someone has a huge desire to achieve and usually come from inside. For the example, someone study hard because he or she wanted to be number one; it means that he or she has a motive to be a better students than others

“Motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something”.1 It means that motivation is person’s desire to make the necessary effort to achieve a goal. Lai define motivation as the attribute that moves us to do or not to do something, motivation is the reason of underlying behavior.2 Motivation is an internal desires that refers to derive behavior to which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve goals and directs the individual activities.

In learning activity, motivation in any kind of dimensions plays an important role that influences the success of learning activity. Even thou it is important, but motivation is not the only factor on the successful of learning activity. McDonald states that motivation has a significant role in learning process. Students who have higher motivation will get better opportunity to succeed in their learning activity than the lower one. Motivation is necessary but not a sufficient condition for learning. If a person is not motivated, he or she will not expand the psychological energy necessary to acquire responses; he or she will avoid the learning situations that will produce the desired changes.3


Harmer, op. cit., p. 51.


Emily R. Lai, Motivation: A Literature Review, Always Learning, 2011, p. 4.


Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Classic Definitions and New Directions, Educational Psychology, 2000, pp. 54-65.


But even though motivation holds an important role in learning activities, it is not the most important one because teaching learning process will still happens even thou with low motivation; it will only decrease learning achievement. Ur states that there are some others characteristics of motivated learners, those are:

a. Positive task orientation. The learner is willing to tackle tasks and challenges and has confidence in his or her success.

b. Ego-involvement. The learner finds it important to succeed in learning in order to maintain and promote his or her own positive) self-image.

c. Need or achievement. The learner has a need to achieve, to overcome difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do.

d. High aspiration. The learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges, high proficiency, top grades.

e. Goal orientation. The learner is very aware of the goals of learning, or of specific learning activities, and directs his or her efforts towards achieving. f. Perseverance. The learner consistently invests a high level of effort in learning,

and is not discouraged by setback or apparent lack of progress.

g. Tolerance of ambiguity. The learner is not disturbed or frustrated by situations involving a temporary lack of understanding or confusion; he or she can live with these patiently, in the confidence that understanding will come later.4


Kinds of Motivation

Motivation can be divided into two kinds, intrinsic motivation (the urge to engage in the learning activity for its own sake) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that is derived from external incentives). Both of these have an important part to play in classroom motivation, and both are at least partially accessible to teacher influence.5


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 275.



a. Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation that comes from the individual itself called as intrinsic motivation. “Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual.”6 It means that motivation is a desire which comes from inside to do something. Santrock said that intrinsic motivation involves the internal motivation to do something for its own sake. For example, another student may study hard for a test because he or she enjoys the content of the course.7 So, intrinsic motivation is the natural tendency to seek out challenges as we pursue personal interest and exercise capabilities. The statement above shown that motivation will be active or has function and do not need to stimulate from outside, because every person has a drive to do something.

According to Berliner, intrinsic motivation can be found in four components; interest, needs, hobby and goal.8 Those four components will be described as follows:

1) Interest

Students with an interest on a subject tend to pay attention on it. They feel it makes a difference to them. They want to become a fully aware of its characters. Interest is the factor which determiners an attitude in working or studying actively. Learning process will run well if the students have an interest. The students will study regularly or effectively and they will be success if they have high interest. Students enjoy dealing with the subject they learn because he or she believes it can lead them to success. In teaching learning process the teachers should not only transfer the knowledge to the students, but they should also increase their interest in learning in order that they want to learn harder. According to Stone and


Harmer, op. cit., p. 51.


John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology, (New York: Mc-Graw Hill, 2004), p. 418.


N.L. Gage & David C. Berliner, Educational Psychology, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984), p. 374.


Nielson “on personal there is a positive interest that will increase the character of success”.9

It could be conclude that interest is one of the component that can motivate someone in achieving something.

2) Need

Need is a condition of tension in an organism resulting from deprivation of something required for survival well-being, or personal fulfillment a substance, state or any other thing. It means that need is a circumstances in which something is necessary. In his book, Harmer

stated the term “need” is used to denote some interfered common

characteristics of the motivational basis for the behavior of an individual.10 It means that in observing individuals in different situation, we sometimes note consistencies in their behavior. Someone usually do anything they can due to their need, and the things they do refer to their independency.

3) Hobby

Hobby is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or

relaxation in one’s spare time.11

So, hobby is an activity which is done for pleasure and it is usually something that you really enjoy to do it. Hobby usually did for pleasure during someone’s free time. That means hobby refers to like or pleasure doing something for wasting time.

4) Goal

The writer has said that motivation is closely bound up with a person’s desire to achieve a goal. The learner is very aware of the goals of learning activities, and directs his or her efforts towards achieving them. All people have a goal in their life. Before they do what they wanted to do,


David R. Stone and Elwin C. Nielson, Educational Psychology, (New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1983), p. 165.


Harmer, op. cit., p. 259.


Frank Liz, Do You Want to Increase Your Intrinsic Motivation?, 2009, ( Retrieved on Wednesday, January 02, 2013.


they have decided a goal first. For the example; the students works hard for his or her paper because they wanted to achieve their goals. Almost all people have goals in every activity that they want to do in their daily life. Goal can lead someone to do or avoid something related to the goal itself.

In teaching and learning activity, the students have to know and decide their purposes in learning, because it can be a great motivation for them. If the students know the appropriate purposes, they will prepare everything that can help them to achieve everything they want.

b. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is kind of motivation that come from outside which also pushes someone to achieve the goal. “Extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in tasks.12 Extrinsic motivation will be active if there is stimulation from outside. An example: a student studying, because he or she knows that tomorrow there will be a test, by hoping that he or she could get a good value.

We can find many sources of motivation, but actually motivation only has two big sources, the first source comes from within the individual itself or known as intrinsic motivation and the second is extrinsic motivation, which appears from the outer side of and give some influences to the individual like give incentives, social pressure or punishment. Gage and Berliner stated that the extrinsic motivation comes from three basic elements, those are teachers, parents and environments.13 The concept of the three basic elements would be described as follows:


Ur, op. cit., p. 277.



1) Teachers

A major factor in continuing of a student’s motivation is the teachers. Teachers have an important role in learning activity because

they will be the students’ parents as long as they stay at school. The teachers are not only a person who transfers the knowledge to the students, but also as a motivator who can support the students in learning activity. Teachers should not only give the knowledge to the students but they should also increase the students’ interest in learning in order to make the students study harder and have a higher motivation in learning.

2) Parents

Students who are encouraged by their parents will try new things and try to give high performance to get reward from their parents. As a result they will get better achievement. According to Harmer “Parents’ attitude to language learning will be greatly affected by the influence of people who are close to them. The attitude of parents and older siblings will be crucial”.14 The role of parent, especially learning activity is really crucial, because they are the main role model for their children.

3) Environment

A student who has higher motivation in learning and though by a qualifier teacher is not always guaranteed to study or get success well, but there is still other factor that can motivate student in order to study hard that is environment. According to Arrends, there are two kinds of environment which can influence the students in learning; home environment and classroom environment.15


Harmer, op. cit., pp. 51-52.


Richard I Arrends, Learning to Teach, (Singapore: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1989), p. 164.


To sum up, there are two kinds of motivation in learning activity. Those comes from the internal derives of students which called as intrinsic motivation and the other one are motivation that come from external which called as eternal motivation. Both of those motivations play an important role in learning.



Reading is one of the major avenues of communication is an essential skill of English as a second or a foreign language; and reading is an important skill to be mastered. With strengthened reading skills, a reader will make greater progress and attain greater development in all academic area. Reading is an active fluent process which involves the reader and the reading material in building meaning. It involves skill, thinking, but considered in its broader sense it affects the entire personality.


Definition of Reading

In today’s world, one of an important ways to communicate with speakers of other languages and with members of other cultures is via reading. Reading is the process to get, to understand, to catch the content of the reading by the reader. Some others say that reading is a process to establish a representation of meaning, which involves more than merely identifying the word on the page but what must be achieved, is an understanding of the whole sequences of sentence.

Reading is the activity of understanding the printed matters. The main purpose of reading is to understand what the writer tried to express through printed maters. Spears states reading as a process that begins with decoding words; it is deciphering the letters that make up individual words. Reading is more than just processing the letters and sounds, because the real meaning of a text lies in the relationship the words have with each other, and it is a process to understand that relationship.16 The reading activity is not only the activity to understand what the writer tried to show


Deanne Spears, Developing Critical Reading Skills, (New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 2006), 7th edition, p. 2.


about what he or she has written, it is also the communication process between the writer and the reader. In this case, the writer tried to communicate with the reader through printed text. Harris and Smith defined reading as a form of communication. Information and ideas are exchanged between writer and reader in the act of communicating. The writer expresses his thoughts on paper with language, using whatever skills and style he has developed personally. The reader attempts to retrieve meaning from the printed page.17

Indeed, reading is the activity to build a simple idea of huge information.

“Reading is the process by which we identify individual words from their printed and written forms, and by which we combine these words into simple ideas or prepositions, in order to be able to form a mental model of a text based upon inferences that take us beyond the information given.”18 Through reading, the reader intended to build a schema related to the information he or she get, so he or she has a different point of view about anything.

Through reading activity, someone can be an open minded person; because he or she got a lot of information from the text they read and construct a new main set in their mind. This opinion also supported by Taboada and Buehl who described the meaning of reading as the process of constructing meaning in the reader’s mind through interaction and involvement with written text. It is more about comprehending the texts; a reader must be an active participant who engages to a problem solving process where thinking is influenced by the text and reader’s knowledge.19


Larry A. Harris and Carl B. Smith, Reading Instruction, (New York: Richard C. Owen Publishers., 1980), p. 39.


Geoffrey Underwood and Vivienne Batt, Reading and Understanding: An Introduction to the Psychology of Reading, (Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, 1996), p. 189.


Ana Taboada & Michelle M. Buehl, Teachers’ Conception of Reading Comprehension and Motivation to Read, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, vol. 18, 2012, p. 102.


From the definitions above, the writer assumes reading is an activity that the

reader does to get information and writer’s idea from textual sources. Reading is not only looking at word in the form of graphic symbols but also getting meaning from word to word or line to line to understand what we read. It means that reading is the process to understand the text content and to get information meaningfully.


Purposes of Reading

A person may read for many purposes, and that purposes help to understand more what is read by people. If he or she is reading for pleasure or reading for pure recreation and enjoyment, he or she may read ether quickly or slowly based on the way he or she likes or feel. But if he or she is reading for study or information such news, science or some line, which are parts of his or her study or assignment it does very slowly and carefully. And generally, the purpose of reading is to find some information from the text.

McDonough and Shaw as quoted from William; classify the purposes of reading into three purposes. First, people read to get the general information. Second, people read to get the specific information. Third, people read to get pleasure or interest, although it is for enjoyment, it is still purposeful.20

McDonough and Shaw also stated as they quoted from Rivers and Temperley that the specific purpose in reading are (1) to get the information about a topic that students need, such as books, encyclopedia, etc. (2) to get the instruction on how to do something, such as instruction of electric devices. (3) to keep in touch with friends such as letters and email. (4) to know when or where something will take place or what is available, such as time table, schedule, etc. (5) to know what is happening or has happened, such as newspaper or magazine. (6) to get pleasure.21 Those purposes are the reason why students usually want to read. In other hand, Murcia also stated


Jo McDonough & Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT, (London: Blakweel, 1993), p. 102.



that there are some other specific reading purposes for the students in academic setting, they are; to search information, to learn new information, to synthesize and evaluate the information and for general comprehension.22

Based on the description, the writer considers that there are two general reading purposes. First, is to get the information whether it is general or specific information. Second, people read only for pleasure, because he or she likes the reading activity.

3. Kinds of Reading

There are numerous kinds of reading activity, but based on the purposes of reading, Nuttal classified the kinds of reading only into two types; the first is intensive reading and the second is extensive reading.23 they are described as follows:

a. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is kind of reading which the purpose is to grasp a comprehension of the whole passage. Based on Nuttal’s point of view intensive reading involves approaching the text under the guidance of a teacher or a task which forces the student to focus on the text. The aim is to arrive at an understanding, not only of what text means, but of how the meaning is produced. 24 In other word, intensive reading is used to gain a deep understanding of a text which is important for readers.

To reach the comprehension in reading, it is necessary to pay attention of reading accuracy concerning reading text. The emphasis of intensive reading is

on comprehending certain reading material. Students have to grasp the author’s

message completely so as it requires a deep comprehension.


Marrianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001), p. 187.


Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, (London: The Nemman Educational Ltd., 1982), p. 23.



b. Extensive Reading

The second type of reading is extensive reading. It is kind of reading that lead reader to read the text with pleasure. This assumption also supported by

Harmer “extensive reading enabled readers to enjoy what they read. If the readers enjoy what they read, they will read more, and if they read more, they

will know better and used to read fast”.25

It is supposed that the best way to do the extensive reading is trying to enjoy reading itself.

Furthermore, Nuttal stated extensive reading is assumed that in order to understand the whole (e.g. book), we must first understand the parts (sentences, paragraphs chapters) of which it is made up. However we can in fact often understand a text adequately without grasping every part of it: Students have to be encouraged to develop this facility.26 It means, in extensive reading reader does not need to know every single word to grasp the entire meaning of the text.

Extensive reading helps reader to comprehend the text without read the whole chapter and every parts of the book. It is likely more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail. Extensive reading used to gain a deep understanding of a text by finding the specific information written on the text.

To sum up, both intensive and extensive reading is used for different reading purposes. Intensive reading used to understand the details meaning of the text completely for specific purposes such as business and science. Meanwhile, extensive reading enables readers to read fast because they do not need to read the whole chapter of the book; the purpose is to find the detail information of the reading passages.


Harmer, op. cit., p. 99.




Reading Motivation


The Understanding of Reading Motivation

As what explained before that motivation is kind of internal derives that pushes someone to do things in order to do something, and it has a significant role in teaching learning process. In terms of reading speed, motivation to read has an important role due to reading activity and its speed. As an important factor in reading, the lack of motivation as the origin of the problems lot of teachers faced in the learning environment.27 It is known that reading motivation contributes to students’ comprehension of they read and their reaching success at school and its comprehension predicts their achievements.

In real life, people generally read something because they want to or have a desire to do so and purpose to achieve. Someone who has a huge motivation in reading means that he or she felt the enjoyment of reading activity. The same concept of reading motivation declared by Guthrie and Caddington in their journal that reading motivation can be defined as the enjoyment and internal derives of reading activities for one’s sake. Reading motivation consists of text interaction for enjoyment to satisfy curiosity and to gain new challenging to broad readers’ knowledge. While someone already find the feeling of enjoyment in reading, he or she will do that reading activity regularly and automatically comprehend better, those reading comprehension will also automatically affect its speed.28

Motivation in reading, especially for the students became the factor of how many information and comprehension someone will get after he or she read a text.

“Reading motivation has a determining effect on students concerning how much they


Edmunds & Bauserman, What Teachers Can Learn about Reading Motivation through Conversation with Children, The Reading Teachers, 2006, pp. 414-424.


John T. Guthrie, Cassandra S. Coddington, and Allan Wigfield, Profils of Reading Motivation for Reading, Profiles of Reading Motivation, 2010, p. 6.


will read.”29 Based on those statements, motivation in reading not only predicts

students’ achievements and comprehensions, but indicates that it also predicts how much students will read and how much time they will spare. In other words, there is a relation between reading amount and reading motivation.

In terms of reading speed, improving students’ motivation in reading can make

them spare more time for reading and to make them become a more competent

reader. In this context, the matter on how students’ motive can be increased becomes a highly important question, it affected by lots of factors. In line with Hirabe who defines reading motivation as the internal desires of someone to learn language. He believes that while someone has a high motivation to read, he or she is learning those languages through printed text to communicate with others (social life).30 According to those statements, the motive of the students to read caused by lot of factors, some of them read because they wanted to learn its language, some others learn because they feel connected with the characters of the book they read, or simply because they just love reading.

The motivation of reading itself affected by lots of factors, and those factors

depend of the reader’s personal reason in deciding their reading purposes. Those

purposes could be the desire to seek knowledge, the pleasure of reading activity or the enjoyment of learning the languages. Students usually increase their motivation in reading if they love the content of the book and environment that support them. Meanwhile, students will decrease their reading motivation if they could not find the enjoyment of reading and support from the environment. “Social life including


Guthrie, J. T., & Wigfield, A, Engagement and Motivation in Reading, Reading Research Book, 2000, p. 403.


Ryko Hirabe, “Extensive Reading and L2 Reading Motivation in Japanese as a Foreign


friends and parents, student’s freedom to choose their own book to read and also

difficulty of books level are an essential factors effecting reading motivation”.31 Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that reading motivation is a kind of internal derives that pushes someone to read, it could come from internal or

external. Reading motivation that come from internal causes by the reader’s personal

desire to find information or maybe only for pleasure. While reading motivation comes from external drives, it may caused by reader’s social life, such as find information for educational purposes or demands for a job.


Dimensions of Reading Motivation

Motivation in reading is affected by the reason of why someone do or avoid the

reading activity. “Dimensions of reading are the internal and external reasons in motivating students to read”.32

According to Watkins and Coffey the reading motivation consists of eight main dimensions, those are (1) Grades compliance, (2) Involvement, (3) Social, (4) Competition, (5) Reading work avoidance, (6) Curiosity, (7) Recognition, (8) Efficacy.33 Here are the explanations.

a. Grades-Compliance

Grades-compliance is a combination factor of the Compliance, Grades and Recognition factors. This dimension represents performance concern and extrinsic sources of motivation. This dimension focuses on grades and compliance with reading work demands.

b. Involvement

This factor is clearly related to the general involvement, but focused on the specific reason to enjoying mystery stories. “Reading involvement refers to the enjoyment involved with reading different kinds of texts, it is the feeling


Edmunds & Bauserman, op. cit., p. 415.


Linda Gambrel & Rose Marie Codlington, Fostering Reading Motivation: Insight from Theory and Research, American Reading Forum,1998, p. 17.


Marley W. Watkins & Debra Young Coffey, Reading Motivation: Multidimensional and Indeterminate, Journal of Educational Psychology, 2004, pp. 110-116.


of engagement between the readers and their reading text”.34 Mostly, the feeling of involvement appears because the reader itself really loves the reading activity.

c. Social

Social dimension of reading is a factor reflecting aspects of reading. This aspect is kind of internal desire to connect with others through reading activity. In addition, William states “dimensions of social in reading motivation is the relationships among academic achievement and social goals, social

competence, and social responsibilities”. 35

Social dimension of reading sometimes can be a tool for someone to know how people around the reader can receive him or her based on the knowledge they got through reading activity.

d. Competition

Reading Competition is concerned with an individual's attempt to outperform others in reading. Dimension of competition in reading pushes someone to be a better reader than others around them.

e. Reading Work Avoidance

This factor is the most clearly and consistently factor in term of motivation in reading. It is the factor that identified why reader are commonly avoids reading, and do not make reading as a habitual activity.

f. Curiosity

Watkins and Coffey stated “curiosity refers to the desire to learn about a certain idea, and is related to work on reading interest”.36 It means that curiosity is the desires to know a text. Commonly, curiosity comes from

someone’s internal motivation to find information or reading for pleasure.


Ibid 35

William R. Lai, Operational Definition and Assessment of Higher Order in Reading Motivation, Educational Psychology Review, 11, 2003, pp. 110-111.



g. Recognition

Reading Recognition is related with tangible forms of recognition such as teacher or peer approval in reading. Recognition related to the relationship

with others, whether it is the teacher or the reader’s friends. This dimension represents how other people recognize someone as good reader or not.

h. Efficacy

Efficacy refers to readers’ beliefs about their ability and constancy in reading habits. In this point of view, students believe that they have a better ability in reading that any other materials.

According to the above statements, the dimensions of reading can be concluded as eight main factors which can measure the students’ motivation in reading. According to those dimensions of reading, factors that motivate students to read can be found. Based on the eight theoretical dimensions of reading motivation, Marley and Coffey create 32 questionnaires in order to measure learner’s motivation to read, that commonly known as Motivation for Reading Questionnaires (MRQ).


Reading Speed


Definition of Reading Speed

Reading speed is a technique of reading that helps a person to focus his or her attention better. Buzan said “this speed reading course will help you to read more quickly. It also helps you to understand better. Reading without comprehension is


Reading speed is not only read a text faster but it is reading a text faster with a good comprehension. It is a technique that should be mastered by the students, and as a technique, reading speed cannot be mastered constantly but should be practiced regularly and step by step. In other point of view, speed reading is seeing, decoding and comprehending the words. When people read with a right speed, their



comprehension usually reduce, therefore when people speed their reading they have to know when to slow down and speed up their reading.38 It means that reading speed is also the ability of the reader to manage their skill in reading, because they have to know when to fast and slow down their reading.

According to Wainwright written in his book, speed reading is “Reading faster without loss of comprehension, skimming and studying effectively, and of course

reading critically.”39

Based on that statement, there are some techniques that must be practice while trying to rapid reading a text. Reading speed is a skill to get the information faster and better comprehension. According to the above statement, it can be explained that reading speed is reading with a limited time but do not lose its comprehension. Someone called a speed reader if he or she understand and comprehend the text that has been read, and to know its comprehension, the test must be held based on the reading text.

In other hand, Anderson said as he cited from Nuttal that reading speed is not only a strategy to read faster, but it is a rapid reading with understanding the ideas written by the writer. Mostly, reader who do not understand and lack of motivation often slow down their reading rate and then do not enjoy their reading because it takes too much time.40 While some one slow down their reading, that means he or she could not understand clearly the text they read. Konstant in her book states “Speed Reading is not just about reading fast, it is about managing information. It is a skill. Developing that skill does not mean you have to read fast all the time. The technical content of the material, mood, and familiarity of the subject, purpose and motivation


Richard Sutz, & Peter Weverka, Speed Reading for Dummies, (New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc.,), p. 46.


Gordon Wainwright, How to Read Faster and Recall More, (New York: How to Books Ltd, Spring Hill House & Begbroke, 2007), 3rdedition, p. 38.


Neil J. Anderson, Improving Reading Speed: Activities for the Classroom, English Teaching Forum, (Utah: 1999), p. 2.


to read faster are some of factors that will offers the speed at which you read.”41

Those statements clearly explained that reading speed is ability to manage some technique to increase reading comprehension.

According to the writer, speed reading is reading at speeds significantly than normal without losing its comprehension or a method of reading rapidly by assimilating several words or phrases at a glance or by skimming. Based on some of the statements above, it is important to remember that reading speed and motivation to read are two separate elements in the reading process, but both of them are influenced each other. Reading speed is not only about read a text faster but it is also

reader’s ability to manage the information they got from the text wisely. And that ability is influenced by some factors like technical content, difficulty of the text, background knowledge and motivation to read.

An effective and efficient reader is a flexible reader. Flexible reader is a reader that is able to adapt or control flexibility of reading time with purposing read and any reading conditions, such as reading difficulty level, reading motivation, interest, reading strategy, etc. Another ability that should be reached by a reader is 80% comprehension of reading content.42 Commonly, effective reading rate can be classified into highest, high, fast, average and slow.

Reading speed is not only reading with a short time, but the main purposes of reading speed itself is to comprehend reading materials better with a limited time by pushing the capability of our brain maximum. While someone fast their reading, they will also pushes their brain to think harder than when they slow down their reading.


Tina Konstant, Work Smarter with Speed Reading (Great Britain: A Macmillan Company, 2010), p. xv.



Reading speed relates its speed to educational level, as figured mentioned by Buzan:

Graphic 2.1

Buzan said: “the reason for the increase with education is not so much due to gaining knowledge of how to read better, but to the simple pressure of having to read

so much more material in such a compressed time.”43

Based on the statement above, motivation to read is a crucial factor in reading speed because the image shows during collage and post-graduated research, people are more motivated to read because commonly the pressure to read and seek of information are higher than during junior and senior high school. While after leaving formal education, people usually jump right back to the junior school level, primarily because their motivation and pressure to read has declined.

The reading speed between the first language learner (L1) and the second language learner (L2) must have a different rate. As known that reading is a process to understand the information through printed text, reading speed need not only the understanding but also comprehension that written text with a short time. For many



foreign or second language (L2) learners, reading speed is performed to obtain meaning from a text, from which vocabulary and grammatical structures are acquired at the same time. This problem may causes the foreign language (L2) learners read much more slowly in L2 than in their native language. Anna C-S Chang states that

“The slow reading for the L2 learners usually happened because while the L2 learners read, they often do so laboriously word by word and check unfamiliar words as they encounter them, implying that they lack automatically of word recognition.”44

The habitual reading activity did by a foreign language learner may caused the slow reading habit, the attention to focus in reading materials will be divided in receiving the words meaning and comprehending the content, and automatically the habit of slow reading is formed. An effective and efficient reading rate for a foreign language learner (L2) could be classified as follows:45

Reader Speed wpm Comprehension

1. Poor 10-100 30-50%

2. Average 200-250 50-70%

3. Fast 250-300 70-80%

4. Top 1 in 100 800-1000 80+%

5. Top 1 in 1000 1000+ 80+%


Anna C-S Chang, The Effect of a Timed Reading Activity on EFL Learners: Speed, Comprehension and Perceptions, Reading in a Foreign Language, 2, 2010, p. 284.



According to Sutz and Weverka, there are two procedures that must be passed in measuring reading speed. The first is measuring the reading speed and the second is measuring the reading comprehension, and both of the score must be integrated to get an Effective Reading Rate (ERR).46

a. Testing Speed-reading

This test used to measures how many words that read by the readers. Formula to get result from speed reading test is:

The number of words in the text

X 60 = Words per Minute (WPM) The number of second required to read the text

b. Testing Reading Comprehension

Testing reading comprehension used to measure the whole comprehension got by the reader after reading the text and answering some questions related to the text. In order to get the result of an Effective Reading Rate (ERR), both aspects; speed reading rate and reading comprehension score must be integrated.

Right Answers

X 100% = Reading Comprehension Score (percentage)

Maximum Score

Word Per Minute Rate X Comprehension Percentage Score = ERR




Factors Affecting Reading Speed

There are some purposes affected someone to speed their reading. According to Konstant there are five main factors contributing in reading speed, they are as follows:

a. Clarity of Purpose

The clarity of purpose is the ability to always know the reason why we read something. The purposes itself depend on the reader, whether he or she read a text for pleasure of to get an information in it. The clearer the purpose, the faster that will be able to read.

b. Mood and Motivation to Read

Mood and motivation in reading are something important. If someone feeling tired and do not have motivation to read they usually cannot read as quickly as when they have a clear reading motivation. Tried to manage and clearer the motivation so that we can concentrate and focus on the time.

c. Familiarity with the Subject-related Terminology

This factor means the background knowledge the readers have about the material. If readers have background knowledge about the text, they will have a framework to build and might be able to read quite quickly.

d. Difficulties of the Text

If the books are easy to read, the readers will read it faster, but if the books are difficult to read, then readers will read it slower. The difficult book to read usually will slow down our reading.

e. Urgency and Stress Level

Urgency and stress lever are also important factors due to reading speed factors. When we read something immediately, we cannot read quickly because stress will slow us down.47



The different factors affected the inefficient reading speed also stated by Ahuja & Ahuja. They divided it into some areas as follows:

a. Faulty Visual Perception b. Word by word reading c. Regression

d. Finger pointing and head swinging e. Vocalization

f. Sub-vocalization g. Lack of Stamina

h. Lack of Motivation and Reading Interest i. Other Miscellaneous Barriers48

The nine problems above would be explained further concerning the causes and how to overcome those problems in order the readers able to avoid those problems and faster their reading.

The first problem is the area which related to the visual problems. Some readers, even thou they have a perfect vision, they might still have a problem with their visual perception which causes mistakes in recognition of words. The second problem is word by word reading. Someone who reads word by word positively a slow reader, because that one is not used to grasp the print in the longer meaningful units and do not dare to read faster. That one is just become the word caller.

The third problem of reading habit is regression. A regression means denote backward movement along line of print this is a reverse movement from right of left. While regressing, the reader re-reads certain words or phrases in the line second time while following reverse ayes movements. This attitude causes the slow reading. Next, the fourth problem is finger pointing and head swinging. Finger pointing holds the reader down to read one word at a time. As a result, only a very slow speed or


G, C, Ahuja & PramilaAhuja, How to Increase Your Reading Speed (Kuala Lumpur: Synergy Books International, 1995), pp. 33-45.


reading can be attained. Fingers cannot move as fast as the eyes can see. And then, there is a vocalization due to slow reading habit. Vocalization is the activity people do while reading; they used to move their lips or even murmuring while reading silently. Vocalization reduces the speed or reader because this attitude could hinder the growth of adequate speed in reading.

The sixth problem of reading habit is sub-vocalizing. It is characterized by a

reader’s forming the words in his or her larynx. This attitude appears as if the readers are saying each word to themselves as if they pronouncing each word and listening to themselves. In order to avoid pronouncing internally the words you read, practice reading rapidly under timed conditions, or talk about the material to yourself. The seventh problem is lack of stamina. There are people who do not like reading and some of them have no stamina to read, because they thing reading is a tiring and stressful activity for them.

The net problem appeared in reading speed and commonly become the biggest problem in it is the lack of motivation and reading interest. Lack of motivation in reading activity causes someone a slow reader. The person who is not motivated to do a certain reading becomes responsible for hindering his or her own reading speed. The most important factor affected reading speed is motivation to read, due to the lack of motivation and interest in reading it can slow down their reading. Finally the last problem in reading habit is some others miscellaneous barriers. The others barriers in affecting reading speed are word blocking, word analysis, monotonous plodding, back tracking, re-reading, readability, mood and purposes and the lack of concentration.


3. Techniques of Reading Speed

As discussed before, reading speed is not only reading rapidly, it is kind or reading skill about how to manage the information, and as many other skill it skill must be practiced regularly. In the effort of managing the information, people usually use some techniques in it. There are lots of techniques that could be learned to help us reading faster.

According to Nuttal, there are three techniques of reading speed that especially well, those are as follows:

a. Preview; preview technique usually used to get the general idea of a heavy reading.

b. Skimming and Scanning; Skimming refers to reading quickly to gain a general idea and not the specific information. While scanning is usually used to search some specific information, and skip other information. c. Clustering; Clustering is a technique of reading speed that train to look at

groups of words instead of one at a time to increase reading speed.49 According to the explanation above, the writer concludes that there are lots of

various techniques in order to improve someone’s ability in reading speed and those techniques used depends on the purpose of reading itself.

If someone wanted to get the general information from the heavy reading text, he or she can use previous technique. Moreover, if the reader wanted to get the main idea of a text, he or she can use skimming technique, while scanning used if the reader has a limited time and only search for the detail information of the text. In another way, reader can also used clustering technique in order to increase their reading speed, but mostly clustering used for someone who already has a better comprehension and reading vocabulary, because this technique need a higher concentration and train the reader to read a text in the whole group of words.



There are any other techniques are able to use in order to improve reading speed instead of some techniques mention above by the writer. In this case, the writer mentions only some of them that commonly used to improve reading speed.


The Previous Study

There are three previous studies that the writer takes related to her research. They are Ika Rosika, Ichwan Setiadi and Maidah. The Correlation between Students’ Interest in Reading and Reading Speed, The Effect of Reading Speed Software and

Students’ Reading Comprehension and The Correlation between Students’ Reading Comprehension and Intelligent Quotation (IQ).

The first previous study is about students’ interest (hobby) in reading and the correlation to their speed reading achievement. This research tried to find out whether

students’ who have an interest in reading also good in their speed reading. The result of this research is the students’ interest influenced their reading speed.50

The second study is about the influence of speed reading software towards

students’ achievement in their reading speed, a study case in SMAN Tangerang.

This research tried to find out whether the reading speed software gave the positive effect to the students reading comprehension. The result of this study is reading speed

software affected about 0% students’ comprehension in reading.51

The last previous study the writer found was about the correlation between students Intelligent Quotation (IQ) and their reading comprehension, a correlational study at Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan. This research focused on the correlation between students Intelligent Quotient (IQ) scores and their reading comprehension

scores, whether students’ Intelligent Quotient influence their reading comprehension.

50Ika Rosika, “The Correlation between Students’ Interest in Reading and Reading Speed,”

Skripsi of The Degree of Strata I UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta , 2010, p. 42, unpublished.

51Ichwan Setiadi, “

The Effect of Reading Speed Software and Students’ Reading

Comprehension”, Skripsi of the Degree of Strata I UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2009, p. 43, unpublished.


The result of this research that Intelligent Quotation strongly influenced students’ comprehension in reading, the calculation result is about 0, 72 which means that it strongly correlated.52

The previous studies above can be a good reference for the writer in doing her research. She will compare the result of the research to the writer’s research, the

writer’s research itself will focused on finding out the relationship between motivation in reading and reading speed. Besides the reading speed and its comprehension, the writer will also focus on the motivation that mostly affected students to read.

52Maidah, “The Correlation between Students’ Intelligent Quotation (IQ) and Reading





This chapter presents place and time of the research, method of the research, population and sampling, research instrument, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis.


The Time and Place of the Research

The place of this research was conducted at Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training; „Syarif Hidayatullah’ State Islamic University located at Jl. Ir H. Juanda no 54. Post Code 15412 Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten. The time of this research was started on May 02nd 2013 until May 06th2013.


Method of the Research

The method used in this study is a quantitative research, because the writer tried to describe and to test the relationship, it also presented the findings in a

numerical form, and analyze through the use of statistics. “Quantitative research is an objective and systematic processes in which numerical data are used and interpreted to obtain information about the world.”1 The research design used by the writer is correlational study; it is an experimental study which will test the relationship between two variables. In quantitative research, the writer builds hypothesis to be proved.

The writer analyzed the research by using Pearson Correlation Product Moment to know the result. For completing the data, the writer used two kinds of research; library research and field research. In library research, the writer observed and read some books in some libraries to support this paper. In field

`1 Ronald E. Walpole, Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Education 5th Edition An Introduction to Theories and Methods, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006), p. 274.


research, the writer collects the students’ motivation in reading through

questionnaires and their reading speed score.

The research is about the correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed.


The Population and Sampling

The population of the research consists of three classes from second semester of English Education Students of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

The writer used cluster random sampling and chosen 1 class to be the sample of taken data. The class consists of 30 students.


The Technique of Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the writer uses some instruments: a. Questionnaire

The research instrument which is used in collecting the data is a reading motivation questionnaire. The questionnaires based on indicators of motivation in reading and they consist of 32 items, and the item has four options on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 (very different from me), 2 (a little different from me), 3 (a little like me), 4 (a lot like me). Before the students fill the questionnaires, the writer gives the explanation and direction about what the students should do with the questionnaires.

b. Test

The test that used by the writer consists of two main tests. The first is testing students’ reading speed. In this test students will be asked to do the rapid reading and find out their Word Per Minute Rate. The second is testing students’ comprehension. The reading comprehension test will be done after the students finish doing the speed reading, and they will be ask to answer the reading comprehension test related to the text they have read before. Both reading speed score and comprehension score will be integrated and the final score would be the effective reading rate.



The Technique of Data Analysis

In obtaining the result of research, the writer used analysis technique by Karl Pearson, therefore it often called by Pearson correlation technique.This analysis is to find out the correlation between students’ motivation in reading and reading speed. The writer uses the correlation formula by Pearson Product Moment Correlation Formula.

The formula that used is:


XY =


xy = The Correlation Coefficient Between Reading Motivation andtheir Reading Speed

N = The Number of Respondents

X = The Student’s Score of Reading Motivation Y = The Student’s Score of Reading Speed


X = The Sum of Reading Motivation Score


Y = The Sum of Reading Speed Score


X2 = The Sum of Squares of Reading Motivation Score


Y2 = The Sum of Squares of Reading Speed Score



X)2 = The Squares of The Sum of Speed Reading Motivation Scores (


Y)2 = The Squares of The Sum of Reading Speed Scores


To know the correlation between two variables, namely: reading motivation and reading speed, the writer used correlation level (r) as seen in the Table below:

Table 3.1

Interpretation of Product Moment Score

Coefficient of Correlation “ r ” Interpretation 0.00—0.20 The Correlation is Neglected 0.20—0.40 The Correlation is Weak

0.40—0.70 The Correlation is Strong Enough 0.70—0.90 The Correlation is Strong

0.90—1.00 The Correlation is Very Strong

Interpretation of Product Moment Score, adapted from Burns and Grove, page: 157.



The statistical hypothesis of this skripsi may be:


Null Hypothesis (Ho)

“Thereis no correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed”.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

“There is a correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their



This chapter presents the result of the research. It discusses the findings which cover; the description of the data, the analysis of the data, the interpretation of the data and discussion.


The Description of the Data

As it has been mentioned in the previous chapter, the sample was taken from 1 class of Department of English Education on second grade. The class consists of 30 students that was analyzed their scored in order to know whether there is any correlation between students’ motivation in reading and reading speed of second semester of English Education of Department, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

In this chapter, it will be discussed and explained about the score of Motivation in Reading and the result of students reading speed achievement which has been collected. To find out whether there is significance correlation between

students’ motivation in reading and reading speed. The whole data is as follows:


Data of Students’ Motivation in Reading andReading Speed

From the table it can be seen the total score from 30 respondents for

students’ motivation in reading is 3092 and the reading speed test is 6675,18. The result of reading motivation score and reading speed test can be seen as follows:

a. The Highest Scores:

1) Reading Motivation Score : 114

2) Reading Speed Test : 288

b. The Lowest Scores:

1) Reading Motivation Score :91



The Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Reading and

Reading Speed

After achieving the data of students’ motivation in reading as variable X

and the score of reading speed as variable Y, the next step is determine the calculation table, which is to be used as the calculation for the index score correlation of product moment.In this case, scores of students’ motivation in reading and reading speed test are correlated by using Pearson Product Moment formula. The data can be seen in the table 4.2 which the description is as follows:

Based on the result score of Students’ Motivation in Reading (x) and Reading Comprehension (y) the total score and the data can be seen as follows:

Table 4.2

The Result of Product Moment Table








1 105 271.48 11025 73698.9 28504.92

2 106 248.40 11236 61702.56 26330.4

3 103 254.77 10609 64907.36 26241.23

4 105 254.77 11025 64907.36 26750.77

5 104 246.35 10816 60686.9 25620.1

6 103 283.08 10609 80132.54 29156.92

7 95 208.63 9025 43526.44 19819.84


9 97 210.29 9409 44220.08 20397.71

10 104 288.00 10816 82944 29952

11 99 205.40 9801 42187.25 20334.14

12 95 190.62 9025 36335.49 18108.78

13 108 229.29 11664 52574.96 24763.57

14 114 248.40 12996 61702.56 28317.6

15 111 270.98 12321 73431.15 30078.98

16 102 197.73 10404 39097.68 20168.6

17 96 153.16 9216 23456.78 14702.98

18 101 172.30 10201 29687.49 17402.36

19 97 184.00 9409 33856 17848

20 108 250.49 11664 62743.94 27052.64

21 110 248.40 12100 61702.56 27324

22 101 172.30 10201 29687.49 17402.36

23 109 246.35 11881 60686.9 26851.83

24 96 186.59 9216 34816.41 17912.79

25 110 227.54 12100 51775.35 25029.62

26 106 224.54 11236 50419.28 23801.49


28 109 220.80 11881 48752.64 24067.2

29 91 173.18 8281 29990.09 15759.06

30 101 214.45 10201 45987.11 21659.05

3092 6675.182741 319658 1522829 691866.4

91 153.1560694 8281 23456.78 14702.98

114 288 12996 82944 30078.98

Based on the result of the score above, it can be described as follows:

N : 30

∑X : 3092

∑Y : 6675.18


: 319658


: 1522829

∑XY : 691866.4

The highest and the lowest score or the two variables are as follows: a. The Highest Scores:

1) X : 114 2) Y : 288 3) X2 : 12996 4) Y2 : 82944 5) XY : 30078.98 b. The Lowest Scores:

1) X : 91 2) Y : 153.15 3) X2 : 8281 4) Y2 : 23456.78 5) XY : 14702.98



The Data Analysis

After the calculation of whole the data from variable (x), and variable (y), the next step is to statistical data analysis in order to insert the information from the Table into the raw score formula (Product Moment) to find the correlation index, as follows:













32 9

√ 292 2 0 3




32 9 √329 3 3




32 9 2 9



= 0.64

The Last step is Determining Degree of Freedom (df) df = N – nr = 30 – 2 = 28

df = 28 (the values for df 28 are 5% and 1%) At the degree of significance 5% = 0,304 At the Degree of significance 1% = 0,393



The Test of Hypothesis

To prove the result of hypothesis, the writer calculates the obtained data by using Pearson’s coefficient of correlation or “Product Moment” as follows:

1. Formulation alternative hypothesis (Ha): there is a significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

2. Formulation the null hypothesis (Ho): there is not significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

From the formulation above, the writer followed some assumption as bellow:

1. If the result of calculation rois lower than rt (r table) ro<rt, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.

2. If the result of calculation rois bigger than rt(r table) ro>rt, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Based on the description of calculation above, the result of this research is rois bigger than rt(r table) ro>rt, so the null hypothesis (ho) is rejected, and

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.


The Interpretation of the Data

After the writer preceded the formula, as it has been found out about the

result of the correlation, the next step is to give the interpretation of “r” score (rxy).

1. From the data of students’ motivation in reading score and their reading speed score, it appeared that the correlation index between variable X and variable Y is 0.64. it means there is a strong enough correlation between the two variables. To give the simple interpretation toward a correlation index “r” Product Moment (rxy) can be seen by the table of the Interpretation of Product


Table 4.1

Interpretation of Product Moment Score

Coefficient of Correlation “ r ” Interpretation 0.00—0.20 The Correlation is Neglected 0.20—0.40 The Correlation is Weak

0.40—0.70 The Correlation is Strong Enough 0.70—0.90 The Correlation is Strong

0.90—1.00 The Correlation is Very Strong

Looking at the score rxy = 0.64 that the score is between 0.40 – 0.70 which

is the correlation between the two variable is strong enough or it means there is a correlation between variable X and variable Y.

2. The writer used the interpretation with table of value “r” : df = N – nr = 30 – 2 = 28. Looking at the table of significance of 5% in rtable = 0.304, and 1% =

0.393 because rxy on the table of significance of 5% is bigger than rtable (0.64 >

0.304), so on the table degree of significance of 5% the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected but the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, it means on the degree of significance 5% there is a strong enough correlation between variable X and variable Y. Then, because on the degree of significance 1% rxy

is bigger than rtable (0.64 > 0.393), so on the degree of significance 1% the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected but the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So it means on the degree of significance 5% there is a strong enough correlation between variable X and variable Y.

From the calculation of estimation above, it concludes that there is a strong

enough correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their reading

speed, and the hypothesis of the research is accepted. It means that both variables are correlated.



The Heterogeneity and Normality Test of the Data


Heterogenity Test of the Data

One important assumption of the classical linear regression model is that the disorder Ithat obtained from the population of regression is homoskedastik and

all disturbances have the same variance. Heteroscedasticity is one of the classical linear regression assumption violations, in example where the variance of the interference is no longer constant. Usually heteroskedasticity problems often occur in cross-sectional data than in time series data.

To see homokedastisitas or heterogeneity of the data, the hypothesis must be concluded as follows:

Ho : There is no heterokedastisitas H1 : There is heterokedastisitas

If the probability value of Sig > 0.05 Ho is accepted. If the probability of Sig < 0.05 Ho is rejected. To see the result of heterokedastisitas, the writer use SPSS data analysis to find out the result, the result and the explanations are belows:



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -187.008 92.947 -2.012 .054

Motivation 3.973 .900 .640 4.413 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Speed Reading

Based on the tabe above table, it can be seen that the value of Sig variable 0.54 > 0.05, therefore Ho is accepthed. It means that there is no heterokedastisitas between the two variable, and the data given is homogen. In conclusion, there is a homogeniety on the data.



Normality Test of the Data

The purpose of the normality test of the data is to find of whether the whether the distribution of the data is normal or not. There are two ways to find out whether the distribution of the data is normal. The first is through histogram graphic and the second is through the Normal P-Plot Standard Residual. If the distribution of the data is normal, it will show a line it means that the distribution of the data spread normally.

To analyze the data, the probability value must be decided, and the probability value (α) for the normality test of the data is 0.05.

The Hypothesis:

Ho : Distribution of the data normal H1 : Distribution of the data is not normal

If the probability value α is > 0.0 Ho is accepted, but if the probability value α is < than 0.0 Ho is rejected and H is accepted. To find out whether the

distribution is normal, the result of the distribution can be seen on the table below Tabel 4.2

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Speed Reading Motivation

N 30 30

Normal Parametersa Mean 222.51 103.07

Std. Deviation 35.989 5.801

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .146 .119

Positive .072 .119

Negative -.146 -.102

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .801 .651

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .543 .791

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Based on the table above, the value of probability of α is normal. The value of reading speed and reading motivation is bigger than the probability value. The assumption is 543 and 791 > 0.05, which means that the data distributed normally. Therefore Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected.


After finishing the whole steps of the research, in this chapter the writer will present the conclusion and suggestions.



Based on the research analysis, the writer concludes that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It can be seen from the result of ro is 0.64 with the degree of freedom (df) is 28. The result of rton the table of the degree of significance 5% = 0.304 and in 1% = 0.393. So ro>rt(0.304<0.64>0.393). The result means that students’ motivation in reading is positively correlated with their reading speed.

So the writer infers that this “skripsi” answered the researchquestion is “Is there any significant correlation between students’ motivation in reading and their

reading speed?”.And the answer is there is a strong enough correlation between

students’ motivation in reading and their reading speed. B.


Based on the conclusion mentioned above, the writer gives the following suggestions:

1. The motivation in reading is really necessary; students are expected to increase their motivation in reading in order to improve their reading speed ability. By improving the ability of reading speed and use its techniques, students will increase the ability of brainto understand and comprehend a text to the maximum level.

2. Reading speed is a skill that must be practiced regularly, so students have to practice its techniques regularly in reading activity. By increasing their reading motivation and eliminate factors that reduce reading speed, their ability in reading speed and reading comprehension will increase.







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