The Combinations of Some Errors

Oxford Advance Dictionary OAD and Kamus Besar Indonesian Dalam Jaringan Online KBBI Daring here are the meanings of get and make as the verb:

4.8 The Meaning of

Get and Have as Verbs in Dictionaries Get Make KBBI Daring OAD KBBI Daring OAD Meaning -Menyuruh -memerintah, -mengutus -To make, persuade to do something, -To cause something happen or be done -Memaksa -Memperlakukan, -Menyuruh, -Meminta dengan paksa -to cause somebody or something to do something -To force somebody to do something Example Ia menyuruh anaknya membelikan obat. - You’ll never get him to understand. -I must get my hair cut. Para pembajak pilot mendaratkan pesawatnya di pelabuhan udara itu -She always makes me laugh. -They made me repeat the whole story. Based on the comparison above, it is stated in the Oxford Advance Dictionary the meaning get as ‘to make’ and the meaning of make as menyuruh in KBBI Daring Online. By this view, the students may have knowledge that get and make share similarities in meaning. This meaning of get and make as the verbs in dictionary may cause student to misinterpret the meaning of make and get as the causative verbs. In Chapter II, it is explained that get and make causatives have different semantic meaning that make conveys a meaning that the causer is intentionally using force to influence the causee Stefanowitsch, 2001: 98. Make also expresses as if the causee has no option except to do what the causer intends. Furthermore, Stefanowitsch in his dissertation explains that there are some parameters as well to consider make as the causative verbs such as intentionalnon-intentional and controllablenon-controllable of the causer 2001: 93. In the case of question 4, the correct answer should be with make as the causative verb because it holds manipulate configuration , a kind of causative make construction which is common in language use. It shows a process where the causer intentionally acts and influences the causee in such a way so the causee performs an action which is under the causer’s control Stefanowitsch, 2001: 96. The manipulated configuration of make causative can be seen from the way that the parents performed an action intentionally in order that I would walk to school. According to this explanation, it will be more suitable to transfer memaksa into make as the causative verb. In the other side, question 2 can be paraphrased as ‘I couldn’t manage to persuade the children to clean up their rooms’. Gilquin examines that: The most striking feature of causative get with respect to collocation is that it- often implies some sort of difficulty or resistance in achieving the effect. The resistance may explain why get is often said to express persuasion Gilquin, 2003: 140. Question 2 implies that I had tried to pursue the children to clean up their rooms. However, the sentence draws another conclusion that I had gone several difficulties that make the children did not want to clean up their rooms in the end. In this view, it will be more proper for get as the causative verb. This wrong use of make and get in the sentences can be categorized as misformation.

C. Causes of the Errors

According to the analysis of the answers, intralingual and interlingual errors contribute to the cause of errors. Intralingual errors or developmental errors happen because the lack of knowledge of structure or grammar, for example developmental errors in auxiliary, in the noun phrase, in word order, and in vocabulary Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982: 147. These kinds of errors happen in Part A question 1 where the students misunderstood the gerund in the sentence, question 2 where the students misinterpreted the meaning of have and get as causatives, and question 4 where students did an error in understanding the placing of always as the adverb of frequency. Intralingual errors in Part B can be observed from question 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 which show 158 errors in misformation, 53 errors in omission, 11 errors in misordering, 10 errors in addition, and 30 errors in error mixing. The errors include the mistake of changing have into get and get into have as causatives, the changing of active causative into regular passive voice, the misconception of have causative as modal of have, the misconception of causer and causee, the addition of auxiliaries, the omission of causer and causee, the misordering of certain verbs in get causative, the double marking seen by the presence of double auxiliaries, and the addition of to- infinitive in passive causative. The linguistic complexity of causative seems to be the factor of the intralingual errors, such as it has two kinds of verbs involving in the sentences and different structure in passive voice. The other sources of intralingual errors are the