Description of writer’s activities Job Training Result

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A. Description of writer’s activities

The aim of the writer’s activities is to increase the writer’s knowledge about Public Relations. The job training was started on March 14 th , 2011 until April 9 th , 2011. During the job training in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, the writer did the activities that had connection to Public Relations field. The writers working hours in Public Relations division were every Monday to Thursday at 7.00 am – 02.00 pm, Friday at 07.00 am -11.00 am, Saturday at 07.00- 1.00 pm. All the writer’s activities in Public Relations were conducted to develop and practice her ability in Public Relations field obtained from her subject in university. In implementing the job training the writer was helped by all of the officers of Public Relations Division. Everyday Public Relations Division has routine works. The writer helped the Public Relations officers to implement their activities and duties. The writer helped PR officers to make press release, to make news clipping about Sukoharjo recent issues, to make documentation, and to attend telephones from other division or external calls. Sometimes, the writer helped the officers to type a task report and make a spe ech for Sukoharjo’sRegent.The writer also looked for information that will be made to become news through radio and news paper. Sometimes, the writer searched some information by attending regular meeting or a particular meeting in Sukoharjo Local Government. 12 commit to user

B. Job Training Result

During the job training in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, the writer could improve her ability and knowledge of Public Relations. During the job training, the writer has successfully finished some duties, such as: 1. Making newspaper clipping 2. Carrying out the news coverage about National Scientific Activities in STAIN Plenary Conference of DPRD Sukoharjo Judiciary Office Inauguration Plan Formal Ceremony of BAKOHUMAS Grand Opening KiosPujasera Work Visiting of Bangka Selatan Regent Delegation Decree of Gumpang’s Village Head 3. Making some Press Release about: “PelatihanKompetensiKlinisPemasangan IUD dan Implant bagiDokterda nBidanKabupatenSukoharjo 2011” “PenyerahanSK BupatiSukoharjotentangPemberhentianKepalaDesaGumpangdanSu ratPenyerahanPiagamPenghargaanAlm. Drs. H. Budi Susanto” “PenandatangananPerjanjianKreditKUR” “SosialisasiPenyelenggaraanAdministrasiKependudukanDinasKep e ndudukandanPencatatanSipilKabupatenSukoharjo” commit to user 4. Making the task report of the Head of Public Relations Division, Mrs. UyunHermawati, SH, M.Hum about “ PembukaanKiosPujaseradi Sukoharjo” 5. Making agenda of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government ’s activities on March and April. From all the activities the writer did during the job training in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, the writer gained new experience and got some lessons in doing PR officers duties.

C. Public Relations Problems in RunningTheir Programs