GAbunGAn SetArA GAbunGAn SetArA berlAwAnAn SuSunAn eliPtik DAlAm klAuSA

1 BAHASA inggris M ATERI D AN L ATIHAN SO AL SBMPTN TOP LE VEL - XII SM A Chapter 14 Elliptical Construction Kalimat eliptik adalah kalimat pemendekan dari dua buah kalimat atau lebih dengan cara menghilangkan beberapa bagian kalimat yang memiliki kesamaan arti asalnya. Kalimat eliptik digunakan untuk menghindari adanya pengulangan kata yang sama dalam suatu kalimat. Adapun bagian yang dihilangkan diganti dengan menggunakan bentuk auxiliary kata kerja bantu atau menggunakan kata-kata, seperti so, too, either, neither, dan so on.

A. GAbunGAn SetArA

Merupakan gabungan dua kalimat yang sama-sama positif maupun negatif. Gabungan setara selalu menggunakan kata penghubung and.

a. Setara Positif so dan too

Contoh: John is smart. The children are smart.  John is smart and the children are too.  John is smart and so are the children. We studied hard. Emily studied hard.  We studied hard and Emily did too.  We studied hard and so did Emily.

b. Setara negatif neither dan either

Contoh: They don’t like sushi. He doesn’t like sushi. 2  They don’t like sushi and neither does he.  They don’t like sushi and he doesn’t either. Tom wasn’t happy. His parents were not happy.  Tom wasn’t happy and neither were his parents.  Tom wasn’t happy and his parents were not either.

b. GAbunGAn SetArA berPASAnGAn

Merupakan gabungan dua kalimat yang sama-sama positif dan negatif dengan menggunakan both… and…, not only… but also… untuk kalimat positif, sedangkan either… or… dan neither… nor… untuk kalimat negatif. Dania loves dancing. Riana loves dancing. •  Both Dania and Riana love dancing. Jimmy is smart. Jimmy is humble.  Jimmy is not only smart but also humble. The bus drivers start working today. The taxi drivers start working today. •  Either the bus drivers or the taxi drivers start working today. Rini forgot where she put the books. •  It is either in the living room or in her bedroom. He isn’t a teacher. He isn’t a doctor. •  He is neither a teacher nor a doctor. He doesn’t say rude things. They don’t say rude things •  Neither he nor they say rude things.

C. GAbunGAn SetArA berlAwAnAn

Merupakan gabungan dua kalimat yang berlawanan makna. Umumnya, menggunakan kata penghubung but, whereas, dan while. Contoh: John likes soccer. Jonathan doesn’t like soccer. •  John likes soccer but while Jonathan doesn’t. She has a plan to go camping. He doesn’t have a plan to go camping. •  She has a plan to go camping whereas e doesn’t.

D. SuSunAn eliPtik DAlAm klAuSA

Susunan eliptik, biasanya, digunakan dalam dependent dan independent clause bila kedua subjeknya sama. a. Mary was poor but she was honest Mary was poor but honest b. However he is busy, he always comes on time to the oice. However busy, he always comes on time 3 c. Although she was given everything, she was never satisied. Although given everything, she was never satisied d. I will write a letter. I will write a short story. I will write a letter and a short story. e. You can go by bus. You can go by taxi. You can go by bus or taxi. CONTOH SOAL 1. “Andy agreed that everybody had to pay Rp50.000,00 for the study tour to Bali. “ … “ umPtn92r-b34 A. Neither was I. B. But I’m not. C. So am I. D. While I didn’t. E. I didn’t either. PembAHASAn: Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik pertentangan yang awal kalimatnya termasuk kalimat positif dan kalimat selanjutnya kalimat negatif. Jadi, pilihan D menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: D 2. Because of the rain, the teacher couldn’t come on time and … umPtn1991r-A63 A. I neither could. B. Neither could. C. Also I could not I. D. I couldn’t either. E. So I didn’t. PembAHASAn: Kalimat eliptik tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik bermakna negatif yang menggunakan Modal Past couldn’t. Jadi, pilihan D menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: D 3. Yanti didn’t like the movie and Tati didn’t either. Means: … umPtn1991r-C36 A. Yanti and Tati didn’t like movie. B. Yanti didn’t like the movie as much as Tati did. C. Only Yanti didn’t like the movie. 4 D. Yanti didn’t like the movie but Tati did. E. One of the two girls didn’t like the movie. PembAHASAn: Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik yang keduanya sama-sama menyatakan pernyataan negatif dalam bentuk Past Tense. Jadi, pilihan A menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: A 4. Advertisements both inluence people’s spending habits …. SPmb 2002 A. their standard of living is also raised B. but also the raising of their standard of living C. they can raise their standard of living too D. and raise their standard of living E. as well as their raise in their standard of living PembAHASAn: Kata sambung dalam kalimat eliptik tersebut ialah both. Kata ini yang selalu berpasangan dengan and. Jadi, pilihan D menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: D 5. Tari was punished by the teacher not only because she forgot to bring her book …. SPmb 2007 A. and she didn’t do her homework also B. but she didn’t do her homework either C. but also for not doing her homework D. as well as she didn’t do her homework E. but also because she didn’t do her homework PembAHASAn: Kata sambung dalam kalimat eliptik tersebut ialah not only. Kata sambung ini selalu berpasangan dengan but also. Not only pada soal diikuti oleh adverbial clause yang menerangkan alasan maka but also juga harus diikuti oleh adverb of reason. Jadi, pilihan C menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat karena disertai adverb of reason. Jawaban: C 6. The camping ground where we camped last weekend neither had a facility for rock climbing practice …. SPmb 2005 A. the water was also dirty B. nor did it have clean water C. there was no clean water 5 D. we could also not ind clean water E. and the water was dirty too PembAHASAn: Kata sambung pada kalimat eliptik tersebut ialah neither. Kata sambung ini yang selalu berpasangan dengan kata nor. Jadi, pilihan B menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: b 7. “I don’t like his way of treating patients.” “… his attitudes towards his subordinates.” SPmb 2003 A. You don’t like B. Whether don’t like C. Don’t you like D. I don’t like it either E. Nor do I like PembAHASAn: Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik yang bermakna negatif. Kalimat kedua merupakan suatu persetujuan terhadap kalimat pertama. Dengan kata lain, subjek kalimat kedua merasakan hal yang sama sekaligus memberikan contoh lain untuk menyetujui pernyataan subjek pertama. Jadi, pilihan E menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: e 8. They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect environment, and …. SPmb 2002 A. provide good education B. the provision of quality education C. providing good education D. quality education is provided E. for providing quality education PembAHASAn: Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik setara yang menggunakan kata penghubung and. Karena penggunaan and dalam kalimat tersebut diikuti Verb 1, pilihan A menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: A 9. “I heard that the thieves managed to take your electronics” “Well, not only electronics ….” SPmb 2004 A. as well as my precious jewelries B. but they took my precious jewelries too C. and also my precious jewelries 6 D. but also my precious jewelries E. and they took my precious jewelries PembAHASAn: Dalam kalimat kedua, kalimat eliptiknya menggunakan kata penghubung not only. Pasangan not only yang paling tepat ialah but also. Jadi, pilihan D menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: D 10. Neither the hotel facilities … stay for guests. SPmb 2003 A. and also its service B. nor its service C. and not its service D. or its hotel service E. both its service PembAHASAn: Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat eliptik yang setara berpasangan neither dan nor. Jadi, pilihan B menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban: b 1 BAHASA inggris M ATERI D AN L ATIHAN SO AL SBMPTN TOP LE VEL - XII SM A Chapter 15 Relative Pronoun Relative Pronoun seringkali disebut sebagai adjective clause. Relative Pronoun memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti kata sifat adjective dalam sebuah kalimat majemuk complex sentence, yaitu menerangkan subjek atau objek yang berupa kata benda. Penggunaan adjective clause ditandai dengan penggunaan relative pronoun atau kata ganti penghubung yang menunjuk pada orang atau benda yang dibicarakan dalam kalimat, seperti who, whom, whose, which, that, in which, dan on which.

A. wHo