Time and Venue Development and Implementation of Good Jamu Gendong Production Practice to Improve Its Microbiological Quality and Safety

4 fraction of curcuminoids 1.60 - 2.20 and essential oils 6.00 - 10.00 fractions. In addition to the above three fractions, there are other ingredients in temulawak rhizome, the fat 5.38, crude fiber 2.58 - 4.83, and protein 29.00 - 30.00. Curcuminoids has an antibacterial, hepatoprotector, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, antioxidant and hypocholesteromic activity that can lower total cholesterol and increase HDL High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol Susanti 2009. Temulawak essential oils contains sesquiterpene, a-curcumene, 1- cycloisoprenmyrsene, zingiberene, xanthorrhizol, lasabolen derivatives, epolisid- bisakuron, bisakuron A, B bisakuron, bisakuron C, ketonseskuiterpen, turmeron, a-turmeron, a-atlanton, Germakon, monoterpenes, sineol, d-borneol, da- phellandren, and d-camphene. Temulawak contains many chemicals that are beneficial to human organs such as the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. Its effect towards the gallblader is to prevent the formation of gall stones and cholestasis. In the liver, promotes the stimulation of liver cells to produce bile, prevents hepatitis and other liver diseases, help lower levels of GOTS Glutamic Oxaloacetic transaminase Serum and GPTS Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase Serum and as an anti-hepatotoxic. Also, it can stimulate the function of the pancreas, increases appetite, capable of stimulating the hormone system function and physiology of the metabolism. Efficacious ingredients are organic compounds that contain mainly carbon Susanti 2009. Temulawak essential oil have been reported to have antibacterial activities. Temulawak extract is able to inhibit two species of gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtillis and two species of gram negative bacteria E. coli and salmonella sp Trubus 2012. Other ingredients added in temulawak extract are sugar, salt and in some cases, several jamu gendong producers may add honey and turmeric. Although its composition is not the same for every jamu gendong producers bacause of financial matters, according to Sina 2013, the composition of temulawak extract are 50 kg of temulawak, 10 kg of sugar, 0,25 kg of cinnamon, 5 pieces of lime, 0,25 kg of clove, 50 pandan leaves and salt in proportion to taste.

2.1.2 Beras Kencur Extract

Beras kencur extract is made of a combination of kencur and rice. Kencur which has the scientific name Kaemferia galanga L is not a native Indonesian herb and is thought to originate from India. Chemical components of rhizome kencur are starch, minerals, flavonoids, alkaloids, proteins and essential oils Rostiana 2011. Kencur is used as expectorants, diuretic, carminative, stimulant, appetite enhancer, dysentery prevention, tonic, cold and asthma medicament, antibacterial and antifungal infections from its flavonoids and essential oils Rostiana, 2011. Regianto 2009 also stated that kencur contains saponins, and essential oils 2,79 - 3,04 and polyphenols. Phenolic compounds contained in plant materials which has been reported to have antimicrobial activity against several pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and etc. Besides preservative function, the use of phenolic compounds as antimicrobial agent in foods provides health benefits Cueva et al. 2010. 5 Rice are composed by starch, protein, and other elements such as fat, crude fiber, minerals, vitamins, and water. The main carbohydrate in rice are 85-90 starch and only a fraction from 2,0 to 2,5 of pentosan, cellulose, hemicellulose, and 0,6 to 1,4 of sugar. Protein as the second largest constituent of starch. Highest lipid content of rice grains contained in the embryo and the aleurone layer gathered in lipid granules Argasasmita 2008. Other ingredients added in beras kencur extract are sugar, salt and in some cases, several jamu gendong producers may add cinnamon, kedawung seed, ginger, tamarind, turmeric, lime and nutmeg. Although its composition is not the same for every jamu gendong producers bacause of financial matters, according to Sina 2012, the composition of beras kencur extract that are generally vendored are rice that are roasted for 5-10 minutes, 15 kg of kencur, 7,5 kg of ginger, 2,5 kg of cinnamon, 50 gr of palm sugar, 10 kg of salt, 0,5 gr of cloves, 2 kg curcumin and 50 lt of water. 2.1.3 Jamu Gendong Processing