Research Findings

A. Research Findings

1. Research Setting

The location of the research was in SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato. It is located in Dahana Village, Bawolato sub district. SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato had eighthteen classes. The seventh class consisted of six classes, the eighth class consisted of six classes and the nine classes consisted of six classes . There was a headmasters’ room,

a teacher’s office, a counselor’s room, a library room, a computer room, a hall, an art room, a meeting room, three toilets, three canteens, four cottages and there were some the mini garden. It had also some courts of sport, namely; a table tennis court, a volley ball court, a badminton court and foots all court. The total numbers of teachers was 28 and 5 staffs with the total number of the students was 618 students.

The subject of the research was class VIII-A which consisted of 33 students which was consisting of 20 girls and 13 boys. The researcher chose the class because it showed that students’ speaking was less from the expectation, so they did not reach the target of KKM that had been decided by the school. The implementation of the research was done in two cycles and consisting of four meetings. But, before the researcher did the research, firstly the researcher asked permission to the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato, secondly asked permission to the English teacher of the school and finally the researcher did the research after getting the agreement.

The researcher had some steps in implementation of the research. They were planning, action, observation and reflection.

a. Planning consisted of preparation of the material.

b. Action was to apply Global Presentations Strategy in the classroom.

c. Observation involved observing the students’ action, weakness and observing the researcher’s creativities, activities, difficulties and weakness in teaching-learning process.

d. Reflection was result of the observation, analyzing the result of the observation, evaluating the observation and improving the weakness.

The implementation of the research was helped by the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato to observe during the research is running and the result had the validation. In the research process, all of the students in class VIII-A were present with the total 33 students, 20 girls and 13 boys. The researcher did not stand in one place but anywhere place (left, right, center, behind and front of class room), so the researcher could observe and check the students’ action during the teaching-learning process. The research was applied in the English subject and run well.

2. The Students’ Ability in Speaking by Applying Global Presentations Strategy

To i ncrease the students’ ability in speaking through Global Presentations Strategy, the researcher did two cycles like the activities on the next page: To i ncrease the students’ ability in speaking through Global Presentations Strategy, the researcher did two cycles like the activities on the next page:

Cycle I consisted of two meetings. The subject was class VIII-A of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato. The total numbers of students was 33 persons, 20 girls and 13 boys and they all were present. The duration of time was 4 x 40 minutes, so each meeting was done 2 x 40 minutes. Both of the meetings, the researcher prepared one topic. The topic was “Expressing Giving and Asking Information”.

1) First Meeting

th The first meeting was held on Wednesday, May 18 , 2016 with 2 x 45 minutes. The material was about the “Expressing Asking and Giving Information”.

a) Planning

The researcher prepared several things such as lesson plan, observation sheet, material and tools that the reseacher needs by applying Global Persentations Strategy.

b) Action

The researcher conducted the action in the classroom. The researcher was accompanied by the teacher-collaborator entered the classroom (VIII-A). The researcher greeted the students. While the teacher-collaborator sat at the corner of the classroom to observe all the students’ and the researchers’ activities in the classroom, but sometimes also the teacher-collaborator gave his ideas or comment. The researcher introduced himself and asked the students preparation. Before the researcher explained to the students about the material first of all the reseacher asks the students background knowledge about the material and then concluded the students opinion. The researcher explained the material and gave an example. After that, the researcher asks the students to repeat after the researcher pronounced the The researcher conducted the action in the classroom. The researcher was accompanied by the teacher-collaborator entered the classroom (VIII-A). The researcher greeted the students. While the teacher-collaborator sat at the corner of the classroom to observe all the students’ and the researchers’ activities in the classroom, but sometimes also the teacher-collaborator gave his ideas or comment. The researcher introduced himself and asked the students preparation. Before the researcher explained to the students about the material first of all the reseacher asks the students background knowledge about the material and then concluded the students opinion. The researcher explained the material and gave an example. After that, the researcher asks the students to repeat after the researcher pronounced the

To know the students ’ comprehension to the material, the researcher asked the students to pronounce the words alone and the researcher improved the students’ mispronounciation. Then, the researcher started to test their comprehension by asking some questions orally related giving information. Addtionally, the researcher asks the students to make some group that consisted of 6 persons for each group. Then, the researcher asked one student for each group to come in front of class and pull out a piece of paper that has been prepared by the reseacher in the box. Finally, the reseacher instructed the students to find out the information based on the topic that they pull out from the box to be presented in the next meeting by using giving information.

c) Observation

The observation sheet was divided into two parts, they were: the observation sheet of the student ’s activities and researcher’s activities. The observation was done by the teacher-collaborator while the researcher applied the actions in teaching and learning process by implemented Global Prsesntations Strategy. The teacher-collaborator wrote down all of the activities happened in the teaching and learning process.

1. The Students’ Activities

Based on the result of the observation of the students’ activities (see Appendix 5a), the activities done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: Very good level

: 39.39% (13 students)

Adequate level

: 27.27% (9 students)

Less level

: 33.33% (11 students)

Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Less” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 39.39%.

Clearly, it will be explained in the following graphic

e 100 r 90

Very Good 70

Graphic 1: The Students’ Activities in the First Meeting of Cycle I However, the researcher found weaknesses in the first meeting, they were:

a) Most of the students did not have vocabulary.

b) Most of the students could not pronounce words correctly.

c) Most of the students did not come to their groups. There were also the advantages after applying Global Presentations Strategy in the first meeting of Cycle I, as follows:

a) Most of the students could work in their groups seriously.

b) Most of the students wanted to share their opinion about expression in asking and giving information because they wanted to speak English.

c) Most of the students were brave to ask the researcher how to pronounce the word found in the expression of asking and giving information.

d) Most of the students could write the result of the discussion because they wanted to know well about the expression of asking and giving information.

2. The Researcher’s Activities

There were some weaknesses of the researcher’s in the first meeting of Cycle I, they are:

a) The researcher did not teach the students vocabulary related to the material.

b) The researcher did not remind the students about the kind of information that they were going to present. Based on the observation sheet of the researcher’s activities in Cycle I, the activities which were done all, and not done at all during the teaching-learning process could be described as follows: (a) All done

: 17 activities (73.91%) of 23 activities. (b) Not done at all

: 6 activities (26.08%) of 23 activities.

Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Adequate” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 73%.

Clearly, it will be explained in the following graphic

All Done e e 60 50

Not Done at All

30 a 20 g 10

Graphic 2: The Researcher’s Activities’ in the First Meeting of Cycle I


d) Reflection

In the first meeting of Cycle I, it showed that the students still were not able to master the expression of asking and giving information. Therefore, to make them got increase in learning the material, which was about expression of asking and giving information, the researcher improved the planning of the teaching activities. The researcher had done some improvements such as:

1) The researcher checked the students ’ attendance list and persuaded the students in order that they wanted to listen the researcher’s explanation.

2) The researcher adviced the students in order that the students came to their groups.

3) The researcher monitored the students in order that they discussed the material in their group seriously.

4) The researcher invited and helped the students in order that they wanted to share their ideas with the other students.

2) Second Meeting

In the second meeting, the researcher continued the activities from the first meeting it was to evaluate the students. It was done on Thursday, May, 19 th 2016 and

the time allocation used was 2x40 minutes. The learning material was same with the first meeting it was the expression of asking and giving information. The procedures of the second meeting as follows:

a) Planning

In the second meeting of Cycle I, the researcher prepared many things, such as; lesson plan (See Appendix 2b), the material (See Appendix 3b), observation sheet of the researcher (See Appendix 4b), and field notes of the students’ activities (See Appendix 6b), Observation sheet of the students’ activities (See Appendix 5b). The planning step was done to avoid the misconception of the action that would be done in the classroom.

b) Action

In the second meeting, the researcher did the teaching-learning process which consisted of pre-teaching-learning activities, whilst-teaching-learning activities and post-teaching-learning activities. In the classroom, the researcher greeted the students and checked the present list. After that, the researcher reminded the students about the In the second meeting, the researcher did the teaching-learning process which consisted of pre-teaching-learning activities, whilst-teaching-learning activities and post-teaching-learning activities. In the classroom, the researcher greeted the students and checked the present list. After that, the researcher reminded the students about the

The researcher gave the time to the students to discuss the material with their group in several times. While discussing the material, the researcher asked the students if they have finished discussing the material. Before doing the presentations in front of the classroom, the researcher prepared the video camera. When the students had finished discussing the material in their group, the researcher asked the groups one by one to present in front of the classroom, then, researcher recorded them. After finishing presenting the information , the researcher asked the students’ difficulties during the examination. In helping the students’ difficulties during the test, the researcher re-explained and re-pronounced the misspronunciation of the students’ pronunciation.

Finally, the researcher took the conclusion. After asking the students to write the conclusion, then, the researcher closed the class and greeted the students.

c) Observation

1. The Observation Sheet of the Students’ Activities

Based on the result of the observation of the students’ activities (See Appendix 5b), the activities done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: Very good level

54. 54% (18 students)

Adequate level

: 30. 30% (7 students)

Less level

: 24. 24% (8 students)

Based on the activities result on the previous page , the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Less” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 54.44%. Graphic 3 below shown the whole activities of the students, as follows:

Very Good

c 60 Good

Graphic 3: The Students ’ Activities in the Second Meeting of Cycle I

However, the researcher found weaknesses in doing the second meeting of Cycle I, they were:

1. Most of students still did not understand giving information.

2. Most of the students did not join in their group.

3. Most of the students did not convey their difficulties during teaching and learning process.

4. Some of the students did not repeat the researcher’s pronunciation.

There were also the advantages after applying Global Presentations Strategy in the second meeting of Cycle I namely:

1) The students paid attention to the topic given by the researcher.

2) The students could discuss the problem in their group each other.

3) The students were able to compare their ideas with the other students’ ideas.

4) The students were able to present information in front of the classroom because

the expression of asking and giving information guide them to the information.

5) The students were brave to ask the researcher how to pronounce the difficulties word found in the expression of asking and giving information.

6) The students could convey their ideas related to the material.

2). The R esearcher’s Activities

The researcher’s weaknesses in the second meeting of Cycle I, they are:

1. The researcher did not give reinforcement to the students.

2. The researcher did not ask the students’ to pronounce the words. Based on the result of the observation of the researcher’s activities for the second

meeting of Cycle I, the activities which were done all, and not done at all during the teaching-learning process could be described as follows: (a) All done

: 14 activities (77.77%) of 18 activities. (b) Not done at all

: 4 activities (22.22%) of 18 activities. Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Good” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 77.77%.

Clearly, the activities were done all and not done at all by the researcher during the teaching-learning process can be seen in Graphic 4 as follows:

All Done 50

Not Done at All

Graphic 4. The Researcher’s Activities Which Were Done All and Not Done at All in the Second Meeting of Cycle I

d. Reflection

In the second meeting of Cycle I , the researcher examined the students’ ability in speaking by asking the students presented material based on the topic that they took in the last meeting, and then record them by using video camera then analyzed them at home.

From the table in Appendix 7a, the researcher looked for the students’ score and mark , the researcher looked for the percentage of the students’ ability in speaking through Global Presentations Strategy with using formula of Adams and Smith (1979) in Hughes. The result of their test is explained in Table 5 as on next page:

Table 5




1. Very High

5. Very Low

The data from the table above explained that the students’ ability in speaking through Global Presentations Strategy in “Very Low” level. It showed that there was no student who could be classified in “Very Good”, and “Good” levels. Instead of that, there were 6 students (18.18 %) in “Adequte” level, 8 students (24.24%) in “Low” level and 19 students (57.57%) students in “Very Low” level. In addition, the average of the students’ mark was 54.66. The result showed that the students were still unable speaks based on the fifth speaking criterion they are: Accent, Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension.

The result can be viewed in Graphic 5 as follows:

Very high

Very low

Graphic 5 : The Students’ Ability in Speaking Through Global Presentations Strategy in Cycle I.

Based on the KKM (Kritiria Ketuntasan Minimal) or the minimum competence criterion of English subject at the eighth grade of Negeri 1 Bawolato indicated that the students were still unable to speak fluently. It can be known, after teaching and learning process at the second meeting of Cycle I, most of the students were categorized in “Very low” level, it means that the students could not reach the KKM which was 75. So, the researcher continued to the second cycle that consisted of two meetings.

b. Cycle II

In Cycle II (two) consisted of two meetings. In the first meeting was done on Wednesday, May, 25 th 2016 and in the second meeting was done on Thursday, May

26 th 2016. Both of those meetings of Cycle II were held at the class VIII-A of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato with the total number of the students was 33 students. In the first 26 th 2016. Both of those meetings of Cycle II were held at the class VIII-A of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato with the total number of the students was 33 students. In the first

1) First Meeting

th The first meeting was done on Wednesday, May, 25 2016 and the time allocation used was 2x40 minutes. It consisted of planning, action, observation and

reflection. The process of the research in the first meeting as follows:

a) Re-planning

In Cycle II, the researcher prepared many things, such as; lesson plan (See Appendix 2c), the material (See Appendix 3c), observation sheet of the researcher (See Appendix 4c), and field notes of the students’ activities (See Appendix 6c), Observation sheet of the students’ activities (See Appendix 5c). The planning step was done to avoid the misconception of the action that would be done in the classroom.

b) Action

th The action was performed on Wednesday, May, 25 2016. The first meeting was done in 2 x 40 minutes. In the first meeting, the researcher did the

teaching-learning process that consisted of pre-teaching-learning activities, whilst- teaching-learning activities and post-teaching-learning activities. The researcher greets the students and the students responded the researcher. Then, the researcher checks the students’ present list. To make the students relax in the classroom, the researcher gave reinforcement to them. The researcher brainstormed the last material. The researcher concluded the material. Then, the researcher repeated the procedures teaching-learning process that consisted of pre-teaching-learning activities, whilst- teaching-learning activities and post-teaching-learning activities. The researcher greets the students and the students responded the researcher. Then, the researcher checks the students’ present list. To make the students relax in the classroom, the researcher gave reinforcement to them. The researcher brainstormed the last material. The researcher concluded the material. Then, the researcher repeated the procedures

After instructing the students, the researcher gave the conclusion of the lesson, closed the class and greeted the students.

b) Observation

The observation was done by the teacher-collaborator while the researcher applied the actions or teaching and learning process in the classroom. The teacher- collaborator wrote down all of the activities happened in the teaching and learning processes.

The result of the observation of t he researcher’s and field notes of the first meeting of Cycle II can be described on the next page:

1) The Students’ Activities

Based on the result of the observation of the students’ activities (see Appendix 6c), the activities done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: Very good level

: 84.84% (28 students)

Adequate level

: 6.06% (2 students)

Less level

: 9.09% (3 students)

Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Enough” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher were 62.5%.

Clearly, it will be explained in the following Graphic

Very Good

70 c 60

Good e 50

Graphic 6: The Students’ Activities in the First Meeting of Cycle II However, the researcher found weaknesses in the first meeting of Cycle II, they were: Graphic 6: The Students’ Activities in the First Meeting of Cycle II However, the researcher found weaknesses in the first meeting of Cycle II, they were:

b) Some of the students did not speak fluently.

There were also some advantages in the first meeting of Cycle II, such as:

a) Most of the students understood the material.

b) Most of the students could construct their ideas.

c) Most of the students came to their groups seriously.

d) Most of the students discussed the material in their groups seriously.

2) Observation Sheet for the Researcher’s Activities

The researcher’s weaknesses in the first meeting of Cycle II, they are:

1. The researcher did not asked the students to write some keywords related the material

2. The researcher did not improve the students pronounciation Based on the result o f the observation of the researcher’s activities in first meeting Cycle II, the activities which were done all and not done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: At the first meeting: (a) All done

: 16 activities (88.88%) of 18 activities. (b) Not done at all

: 2 activities (11.11%) of 18 activities. Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “High” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 88.88%.

Clearly, it is explained in the following chart

e 88.88%

r 100 c 90 e 80

70 All Done n 60 50

Not Done At All

Graphic 7: The R esearcher’s Activities in the First Meeting of Cycle II

d. Reflection

In the first meeting of Cycle II, it showed that the students understood expressing asking and giving information through presentation. However, because the researcher still founds the weaknesses in the first meeting of Cycle II, therefore, the researcher had done some improvements such as:

1. The researcher invited the students to share their ideas with the other students.

2. The researcher asked the students to pronouce the words.

2) Second Meeting

In the second meeting, the researcher continued the activities of the first meeting, but in this meeting the researcher evaluated the students because of the limited time in the first meeting. The time allocation used at the second meeting was

2 x 40 minutes. The second meeting was done on Thursday, May, 26 th 2016. The 2 x 40 minutes. The second meeting was done on Thursday, May, 26 th 2016. The

a) Planning

In Cycle II, the researcher prepared many things, such as; lesson plan (See Appendix 2d), the material (See Appendix 3), observation sheet of the researcher (See Appendix 4d), and field notes of the students’ activities (See Appendix 6d), Observation sheet of the students’ activities (See Appendix 6d). The planning step was done to avoid the misconception of the action that would be done in the classroom.

b) Action

In the second meeting of Cycle II, the researcher did the teaching-learning process which consisted of pre-teaching-learning activities, whilst-teaching-learning activities and post-teaching-learning activities. In the classroom, the researcher greeted the students and checked the present list. After that, the researcher reminded the students about the last material, the researcher took the conclusion from the explanation. Because there were some weaknesses in the last meeting, the researcher improved their weaknesses in this meeting. The researcher re-explained about the expression of asking and giving information.

The researcher gave the time to the students to discuss the material with their group in several times. While discussing the material, the researcher asked the students if they had finished discussing the material. Before doing the presentations in front of the classroom, the researcher prepared the video camera. When the students The researcher gave the time to the students to discuss the material with their group in several times. While discussing the material, the researcher asked the students if they had finished discussing the material. Before doing the presentations in front of the classroom, the researcher prepared the video camera. When the students

Finally, the researcher took the conclusion. After asking the students to write the conclusion, then, the researcher closed the class and greeted the students.

c) Observation

The result of the observation of the researcher’s and the field notes of the second meeting of Cycle II can be described as follows:

1). The Observation Sheet of the Students’ Activities

Based on the result of the observation of the students’ activities (see Appendix 6d), the activities done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: Very good level

: 93.93% (31 students)

Adequate level

: 3.03% (1 student)

Less level

: 3.03% (1 student)

Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Very Good” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 93.93%.

Graphic 8 below shown the whole activities of the students, as follows:

Very Good

70 c 60

Good e 50

Graphic 8: The Comparison of the Students in the Second Meeting of Cycle II In the second meeting of Cycle II all activities were done well such as; Most of the students could remind the last material, the students could write the conclusion of the last material, most of the students came to their groups seriously, most of the students discussed the material in their groups seriously, the students can share their ideas to the researcher bravely, the students could constructed their ideas, the students were able to spoke fluently, the students were able to pronounce the words corectly, and most of the students could pronounce the words well.

2). Observation Sheet for the Researcher’s Activities

Based on the result of the observation of the researcher’s activities second meeting in Cycle II, the activities which were done all and not done at all during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows: (a) All done

: 18 activities (100%) of 18 activities

(b) Not done at all

: 0 activity (0%) of 18 activities

From the result of observation sheet of the researcher’s activities on previous page it can be seen that all activities were done by the researcher that happened because the researcher used the time effectively. Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s teaching level could be categorized in “Very High” level since the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 100%.

Clearly, the activities were done all and not done at all by the researcher during the teaching-learning process can be seen in Graphic 9 as follows:

e 100%

r 100 c 90 e 80 70

All Done n 60 50

Not Done At All

Graphic 9: The Researcher’s Activities which were Done All and not Done at All in Second Meeting of Cycle II

d) Reflection

In the second meeting of Cycle II, the students did their task seriously. The result of their test can be explained in Appendix 7b. After the researcher looked for the students’ score and value, the researcher looked for the percentage of the students’ ability in speaking through Global

Presentations Strategy with using the formula of Adams and Smith (1967) in Hughes. The result of their test is explained in Table 6 as follows

Table 6




1. Very High

5. Very Low

The data from the table above explained that the students’ ability in speaking by using Global Presentations Strategy was high. It showed that there were 26 students (78.78 %) in “high” level. Instead of that, and there were 7 students (21.21%) in “adequate” level, there was no students in “Low” and “Very Low” level. In addition, the average of the students’ mark was 78.66. This result showed that the students were able to speak and pronounced the words by presenting the information in front of the classroom.

The result can be found in Graphic 10 as follows:

Very high High Adequate Low Very Low

Graphic 10: The Students’ Ability in Speaking through Global Presentations Strategy in Cycle II

Regarding the data above, it can be concluded it the students were able to speak and pronounced the words well through Global Presentations Strategy. In Cycle II, the students became more active, creative and cooperative in the teaching- learning process. Moreover, the average of the students’ mark 78.66. It can described that Global Presentations Strategy could increase the students’ ability in speaking for Junior high school students.

c. The Classification of the Students’ Ability in Speaking

Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher classifies the students’ ability in speaking by using Global Presentations Strategy at the eighth grade of Negeri 1 Bawolato. The classification is seen in Table 7 on next page:

Table 7




E Very high

- Very low

- Amount of

The data from the table above explained that the students were able to speak and pronounced the words well by using Global Presentations Strategy in Cycle II. Whenever in Cycle I there was no student in “High” level, but in Cycle II there were

26 students (78.78 %) in “High” level, 7 students (21.21%) in the “Adequate” level, and there was no student in the “Low” and “very low” levels. It described that the students’ ability in speaking could be increased by using Global Presentations Strategy. The result can be found in Graphic 11 as on the next page.

The average each cycle

Cycle I

Cycle II

Graphic 11: The Average of the Students’ Mark by Using Global Presentations Strategy in Cycle I and Cycle II

d. The Researchers’ Activities of All Cycles

Based on the result of observation to the researcher’s activities of Cycle I and Cycle II as the researcher explained above it can be seen in Table 8 as follows:

Table 8



All Done

6 26.08% Cycle I

1 Meeting

Not Done at All


All Done


Not Done at All


All Done


Not Done at All

2 Cycle II


All Done


Not Done At All

The entire students’ activities and the students’ results can be viewed in the table below:

Table 10


Frequency (%) No

Adequate good

f. The Average of the Students’ Ability in Speaking through Global Presentations Strategy at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato in Cycle I and Cycle II

Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher would find the average of the students’ ability in speaking through Global Presentations Strategy at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bawolato. It can be seen in Appendix 7.