The correlation between students' english test score and their iq score (A correlational study at second geade of SMA Negeri V Depok)


( A Correlational Study at Second Grade of SMA Negeri V Depok )

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Strata 1 (S1)


M. Irfan Kurniawan NIM. 204014003177








The “skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “The Correlation Between Students’ English Test Scores and Their IQ Scores (A Correlational Study at Second Grade of SMA Negeri V Depok), written by M. Irfan Kurniawan, Students’ registration number 204014003177, was examined in the examination session of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on Wednesday, 08th December 2010. The “skripsi” has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the Degree of S. Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education in the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, August 19th 2010

The Examination Committee

Chairman : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (……….)

NIP. 1964121 199103 1 002

Secretary : Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd (……….) NIP. 197300625 199903 2 001

Examiner I : Drs. AM. Zaenuri, M.Pd (……….) NIP. 150 188 518

Examiner II : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (……….) NIP. 1964121 199103 1 002

Acknowledged by

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A NIP. 19571005 198703 1 003


( A Correlational Study at Second Grade of SMA Negeri V Depok )

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Strata 1 (S1)


M. IRFAN KURNIAWAN 204014003177

Approved by Advisor

Dra. Hidayati M.Pd NIP.196010271987032003

English Education Department







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Nama : M. Irfan Kurniawan NIM / Angkatan : 204014003177 / 2004 Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


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Jakarta, 27 september 2010 Mengetahui: Yang menerangkan:

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Dra. Hidayati, M. Pd. M. Irfan Kurniawan NIP. 150 231 927 NIM. 204014003177



KURNIAWAN, M. IRFAN, 2010, The Correlation Between Students’ English Test Score and Their IQ Score (A Correlational Study at Second Grade of SMA Negeri V Depok), Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Dra. Hidayati M.Pd.

Kata kunci: IQ, Hasil Belajar Siswa, SMA Negeri V Depok

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan suatu kondisi objektif yaitu hubungan antara hasil belajar bahasa inggris pada siswa kelas 11 SMA negeri V Depok dengan skor IQ Mereka. Tujuan tersebut antara lain, mengetahui skor IQ siswa kelas dua SMA Negeri V Depok dan mengetahui hubungan antara hasil belajar bahasa inggris dengan skor IQ mereka.

Penelitian ini disebut penelitian kuantitaif dan menggunakan prosedur penelitian korelasi yaitu menggunakan perhitungan statistik karena dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin mengetahui hubungan dua variable yaitu variable hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa (Variabel X) dan variable skor IQ mereka (Variabel Y) Peneliti menggunakan dua kelas sebagai populasi yang berjumlah 80 siswa. Peneliti menjumlahkan skor IQ dan menghubungkannya dengan skor hasil belajar bahasa Inggris mereka. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 2 dari 9 kelas sebelas SMA Negeri V Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan rumus “product moment” untuk menghitung data yang dikumpulkan. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data dokumentasi dan observasi.

Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar bahasa inggris siswa dengan skor IQ mereka, (2) nilai bahasa Inggris siswa yang mempunyai IQ tinggi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mempunyai skor IQ rendah. Jadi IQ siswa sangat berhubungan dengan proses belajar dan hasil belajar mereka.

Berdasarkan penelitian di atas, dapat disarankan bahwa (1)sekolah terutama kepala sekolah, hendaknya mengadakan test IQ dan menjadikan hasil test itu sebagai dokumentasi yang bisa digunakan sebagai referensi guru dalam mengajar siswa yang memiliki perbedaan terutama perbedaan IQ mereka. (2) untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa, guru bahasa inggris seharusnya lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam menggunakan berbagai macam pengelolaan kelas yang akan digunakan dalam proses belajar – mengajar, terutama dalam mengahadapi perbedaan kemampuan belajar siswa yang berhubungan dengan IQ mereka.

i v


Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor: Dra. Hidayati M.Pd.

Key words: IQ, Students’ English Achievement, SMA Negeri V Depok

This study is aimed at describing the objective condition about the correlation between students’ English achievement at the Second year of SMA Negeri V Depok and their IQ scores. It includes knowing the students English achievement and its correlation with their IQ scores.

This study is categorized as the quantitative research and used correlational design. In this research the writer wants to know the correlation between two variables which includes students’ English achievement variable (Variable X) and students’ IQ scores (variable Y). The writer uses two classes as the object contains 80 students. They are from two classes from nine classes of second year of SMA Negeri V Depok. The writer uses a “product moment” to calculate the data of students’ English achievement and their IQ scores. The data in this research is taken from documentation and observation.

The findings of this study are (1) there is a significance correlation between students’ English achievement and their IQ score, (2) students’ English achievement who have high IQ also have higher score and the students whose score is lowest also have the low IQ score. So there was a significant correlation between students’ English achievement and their IQ score.

Based on the findings above, the writer suggested that (1) The Headmaster of the school conduct the IQ test for the students to know varied students’ English achievement based on their IQ score. (2) The English teacher should use varied teachniques to fulfill many kinds of varied students’ learning style.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All Praise be to Allah, Lord of the World who has blessed the writer in completing this “skripsi”. Peace and blessing upon our final prophet in the world Muhammad SAW, his descendents, his companions and his followers.

The writer would like to express his greatest thanks and gratitude to his advisor Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd for her valuable helps, guidance, corrections and suggestions for the completion this “skripsi”.

His gratitude also goes to all lecturers of English Department, Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd as a head and the secretary of English Department for their encouragement to the writer. And also his gratitude goes to Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA as the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training.

The writer would like to express his thanks to Dra. Desry Ningsih and Syamsiah S.Pd as the headmaster and the second grade English teacher of SMAN V Depok. His special thanks also addressed to all the staffs and officers at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Library, UNIKA Atmajaya Library, UNJ Library, UT Library, who have given permission to use their books in completing the references for this study.

On this great occasion, the writer would like to express his greatest love and honor to his beloved family: his parents, Supandi Kurniawan (Alm) and Siti Aisyah. His beloved brother and sisters, Sutia Ma’arif, Siti Ihat Sobihat, and Siti Imas Masfufah, and the families who always give their love, support, and moral encouragement to finish his study.

His thanks also goes to All of best friends that he can not mention one by one who always help and give the writer support, time and love to encourage him in completing this “skripsi”, besides, the writer realized that this “”skripsi” is not perfect yet: therefore the writer would like to accept constructive suggestion and

criticism to make this “skripsi” better. The Writer









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Formulations of the Problem ... 4

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 5

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 5

F. Operational Definitions ... 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Concepts Of Intelligence ... 7

a. Origin and Meaning of the Intelligence ... 7

b. Intelligence and Individuality. ... 13

c. Intelligence And Its Measurement ... 15

d. Multiple Intelligences ... 18

B. Concepts of English Learning achievement ... 20

a. Theories of learning ... 20

b. Teacher ... 22

c. Student ... 23

d. School ... 23

e. Achievement ... 24

ix vii


f. English ... 24

g. English Learning Achievement ... 25


B. Place and time of the study ... 26

C. Population and Sample ... 27

D. Research Instruments ... 27

E. Data and Source Data ... 27

F. Techniques of Collecting Data ... 28

G. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 28


a. Students’ IQ Score at Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok ... 30

b. Students’ English Achievement at Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok ... 33

c. Correlation Between Students’ IQ score and Their English Learning Achievement ... 35

B. Test of Hypothesis ... 40


B. Suggestions ... 41


ix viii


Table 4.3 Students’ English Scores at Second year of SMA Negeri V Depok 33 Table 4.4 Interval of Students English Test Score ... 35 Table 4.5 The Correlation Between Students’ IQ Score and Their English

Learning Achievement at SMA Negeri V Depok ... 36 Table 4.6 “r” Value of Product Moment ... 39

ix ix




This chapter includes background of the study, formulations of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and the operational definition.

A. Background of the Study

Language also becomes the crucial instrument in communication. Because one thing to make communication easier among people is a language, and as known it is the most important aspect in communication, because how can people show what he or she thinks to other people without language to express his or her intention. A good communication occurred when the massages from the speaker or writer, is understood by the listener or readers and receivers..

Language is also a fundamental part of human being and one of its functions is for setting the information, concepts and many others. Concepts or ideas are based on people’s thinking or mind. Many ways to enrich the idea and concepts, one of the ways to get ideas or concept is from learning process. And we can find the learning process in the educational system.

Education is a complex process because it is not only teaching and learning activities, but also building the character, the attitude, and the mentality of its students to a better and positive direction. Education is one of the reflections of a nation, because a nation will be noticed by another nation with its education. Many countries really pay attention to the educational aspect in their country. They keep competing and conducting the best education for their citizens, such as Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the educational aspect is also considered as an important part because the government considers the education as a crucial aspect toward the development of the country, that is why Indonesian government has organized the education from its system, the curriculum, and all aspects that support the


development of its education. The government organizes all those aspects so that the students effectively and efficiently get the education they need.

In Indonesia, English becomes the important language. Many sources of knowledge spoken and written in English language, like in the magazine, book, literatures, references, and many others.

The Indonesian government hopes that Indonesian students could master English language. English is a means of oral and written communication. The ability to communicate means the abilities to discourse, that is the ability to understand and to produce oral and written text and can be realized into four skills, those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The goal of language teaching emphasizes not only on the students’ ability to master a language, but also on students ability to use it as their daily language activity. Before deciding the goal of language teaching, at least there are three things need to be considered. We know all those three as a domains of education, they are: The Cognitive Domain, The affective Domain, and The Psychomotor Domain.

The Affective Domain relates to the students’ feeling to the target language. In other words, how the students feel while they are learning and after they learn. Besides feeling, the affective domain also deals with value. The value here means how the students are after learning such a language.

The second is The Psychomotor Domain. This domain relates to the students’ ability to respond the target language. Briefly, the psychomotor domain deals with students’ positive attitudes toward target language and their practice.

The last is The Cognitive Domain, this domain emphasizes on the quality of students’ ability in mastering the knowledge they have learned. It has a strong connection with brain and mind activities.

Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive Domain relate each other. These all three are inseparable because the goal of education will be well achieved by fulfilling these domains.

Then, the goal of education not only focuses in transferring the knowledge because it only fulfills the cognitive domain, but also it needs students’ attitude



and value to the language learning process (the affective domain) and the implementation through a real practice (the psychomotor domain).

Tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia adalah untuk berkembangnya potensi anak didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman, dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga Negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.1

From the goal of education above, at least we know that our government is trying so hard so that the process of education leads to the three domains above. The goal of teaching English in Senior High school is to enable the students to develop and to comprehend communication skill in English oral and written, to increase the awareness of the mean and the important of English as a foreign language most widely used in the world to raise the competitive air in global society, and to develop students’ comprehension about the relation of language and culture.

No matter how the government organizes the system and curriculum of education, the result of the learning process and the process itself depend on the students themselves, because many factors can influence the learning process. There are internal factors, external factor and instrumental factors. The internal factors such as motivation, interest, willingness, intelligent, and so on. And the external factors like the environment where the students live, students’ family, students’ friend and so on. And the instrument factor like the school, book and many other tools can help and facilitate the student learning process.

Student’s intelligence fundamentally is different from each other. Each student has different ability and accuracy in learning process. Students with low intelligence quotient tend to face many difficulties. Besides, the students with a high grade of IQ tend to have a better understanding about a subject and can pass through the learning process well.

As a teacher, certainly he or she needs to know the IQ gradation of their students, and then the teacher can find it easier to educate and to teach them. By


Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Citra Umbara Bandung, 2003, p; 7


recognizing students’ IQ, the teacher can decides the suitable approach, method, or strategy that he or she can apply to do the learning process for them. Then, the learning process itself and the goal of teaching can achieve. And it is hoped that the learning process will gain a better result

Intelligence is included as a cognitive domain, meanwhile, to find out whether the goal of education has been achieved or not, psychomotor and affective factor also needed to be fulfilled.

Generally, students of SMAN V Depok have varied competences, because the students’ input is derived from publics and private junior high school which they have different quality in students outcome.

The IQ test score at that school represented students’ competences which generally classified into high, middle, and low competences. On the other hand, the students’ English achievement also describes unsatisfactory yet.

Due to the problems mentioned above, this “Skripsi” focuses on the correlation between students English achievement at SMAN V Depok and their IQ score.

B. Formulations of the Problem

Based on the background presented above, the writer is interested in analyzing whether there are correlation between the students English achievement at SMAN V Depok and their IQ Score.

The problems of this research can be formulated into specific questions below:

1. Do the students’ IQ scores influence their learning achievement? 2. How do the students’ IQ scores influence their learning achievement?

C. Objective of the Study

By virtue of the formulations the purposes of the study as follow:

1. To know what IQ is and its correlation with students’ English achievement.



D. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study can provide the information for three important group of people, namely; (a) for the English teachers of secondary level, (b) for the head masters, and (c) for the further researchers. They are described as follow:

1. For the English teacher; is expected to try harder to develop his method in teaching English and to know more his students’ IQ gradation because each student has different gradation from others. 2. For the head masters of the school; is expected to hold an IQ test,

because it is really necessary to develop students’ potential in that school.

3. For the readers and further researchers; this “skripsi” is expected to give more knowledge and benefit references for everyone.

E. Scope and limitation of the study

This “skripsi” focuses on the correlation between students IQ score and their English test score at second grade of SMAN V Depok at the first semester 2009/2010 academic year. and to make a description of this “skripsi” deeper, the problems will be limited in looking at the students’ IQ score to know their varied competences and their capabilities and also their English examination result

F. The Operational Definition

The following terms are given to make readers have the same understanding or perception for some terms used in this study. They are also intended to avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation, so the terms here are needed to be defined as follow:

• Intelligence quotient (IQ) is the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100.2

• SMA Negeri V Depok is the acronym of Senior High School which is located at Sawangan Depok


Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, Elizabeth Hall, Psychology Today ( New York: Mc Graw Hill, Inc, 1991 ) Page: 311


• English achievement is known after students studied the subject. And it can be measured by their examinations results. In simple definition, it is the studying result of the students.




This chapter contains the description of theoretical framework of relevant theories concerning the correlational study between intelligence and students’ English achievement. It consists of the concepts of intelligence, they are: the origin and meaning of intelligence, the intelligence and individuality, the intelligence and it is measurement, and the multiple intelligences. And the concepts of English learning achievement, they are: the theories of learning, teacher, students, School, achievement, English, and English learning achievement.

A. The Concepts of Intelligence

1. The Origin and Meaning of the Intelligence.

The fundamental understanding of intelligence term can be conceived with the words; understanding, knowledge, and ability. The words above are the representative words and have close correlation with the term intelligence. In other words, those words above are the basic understanding and the basic interpretation and also the basic concepts of the intelligence.

Like what Hans J. Eysenck said in his book “A New Look Intelligence”; Intelligence comes from two Latin words: intellegentia and ingenium. It means something like “understanding” and “knowledge”; the latter “natural disposition” or “ability”. These are two meanings of the term intelligence that have always adhered to it. Fundamental to intelligent behavior is an underlying disposition that enables us to reason, to think abstractly, to learn.

Raymond Cattel, one of the famous names in intelligence research, labelled these two aspects of intelligence “fluid” and “crystallized ability.” “Fluid Ability” refers to the dispositional concepts, the ability to acquire many kind of knowledge. “Crystallized ability” refers to the knowledge


already gained. Scientists will recognize the same sort of differences as that between potential and kinetic energy.1

Cattel also stated that2:

“fluid intelligence is the ability to learn and perform- that is measured by tests of speed, energy, and quick adaptation to new situations- for example, tests of memory span, ability to copy symbols, and ability to solve abstract problems. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge -is measured by tests of vocabulary, social reasoning, and problem solving-“.

Cattel suggests that fluid intelligence represents abilities useful in learning and performance, whereas crystallized intelligence measures knowledge – what has actually been learned.

Psychologist cannot agree on the nature and definition of the intelligence, and thus obviously have no idea what actually is. In 1998, Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman published a book, The IQ Controversy, which contained the answers of over 600 experts in the field of intelligence testing, educational psychology, developmental psychology, behavioral genetics, sociology and education, cognitive science, counseling psychology, occupational psychology to questions about intelligence. These are indeed manifold, but to concentrate on one or the other does not imply disagreement on the nature of intelligence itself. In other word, complete agreement on everything is not necessary to make a concept meaningful.3

Some considers topics before moving on to the intellectual competences. First, what are the prerequisites for intelligence? Second, what are the actual criteria by which we can judge whether a candidate competence ought to be a circle of intelligence?.4 According to Gardner, the prerequisites for intelligence have to consider a set of skill of problem solving, the ability to


Hans J. Eyesenck, A New Look Intelligence, (New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1999) p. 14


Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, and Elizabeth Hall, Psychology Today 7th Ed, ( New York: McGraw Hill, Inc, 1991) p. 317


Hans J. Eyesenck, Op.cit., p. 7 4



recognize, use of sensory system, and also in human intercourse do not qualify.

Gardner mentions there are eight criteria or signs most crucial for the identification of intelligence that have to be considered, they are; a) a potential isolation by brain damage. b) The existence of idiots’ savants, prodigies, and other exceptional individuals. c) An identifiable core operation or set of operations. d) A distinctive developmental history, along with a definable set of expert performance. e) An evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility. f) Support from experimental psychological test. g) Support from psychometric findings. h) Susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system5.

The experts who tried to define the term of intelligence, from its meaning, the nature, or the constituents of intelligence, are influenced with the general consensus of the aspect of mental development. The consensus became the basic essentials as the definition and meaning of intelligence.

The aspects are as follows; first, mental development involves a widening of intellectual and temporal horizons from those stimuli immediately impinging upon the child to those more remote in time and space. Second, mental development involves an increase in the ability to deal with the abstract and with symbols in manipulating one’s environment. Third, mental development involves an increase in the ability to concentrate for progressively longer periods of time. Forth, mental development involves a decline in daydreams and makes believe. Fifth, mental development involves an increase in memory. Sixth, mental development involves an increase in reasoning ability.6

Spearman and Jones (1950) mention three fundamental doctrines of human ability.7 First, monarchic, which views intelligence as a single ability. Like


Howard Gardner, op.cit., p. 76 6

George J. Mouly, Psychology For Effective Teaching, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc, 1964) p. 186


Mike Anderson, The Development Of Intelligence, (United Kingdom: Psychology Press, 1999) p. 23


Spearman postulated that intelligence is composed of a general factor g which underlies all mental functions and a multiple of s factors. Spearman postulated g as a form of mental energy permeating all mental operations; it would be most unlikely for a person who is relatively lacking in general intelligence to be particularly capable in a specific field.8 According to Spearman, all intellectual activity was dependent primarily upon the G factors, which is common to all so called mental activity. Beside G factors spearman postulated specific factors, called S factors, one or more of which would be involved primarily in different task. Thus spearman indicated two factors, a G factors and s factors.9

Second, oligarchic, which views intelligence as consisting of several broad factors. This is in same way with what Thurstone’s theory of the primary mental abilities. He conceives of intelligence as made up of a number of mental abilities in the relative amount of any one of which people would not only differ from one another but also within themselves.10

Third, anarchic, which views intelligence as consisting of many specific abilities.11 This is relevance with theory of multiple factors by Thorndike. According to Thorndike, intelligence is made up of a multitude of specific and independent neural connections. In example; intelligence is simply the summation of all the abilities involved in mental acts, each separate and independent of the others.12

The term intelligence that we was used today, was used by the ancient Romans in the same way and even earlier the Chinese elaborated ideas about intelligence and it was clearly defined by Confucius. Confucius regarded it as being related to having a “top brain” and a quick mind, a reference to speed of mental functioning. Confucius made the distinction between tian zi, the


George J. Mouly, Psychology For Effective Teaching, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc, 1964) p. 190


James M. Sawrey, and Charles W. Telford, Educational Psychology, 4th Ed, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1973) p. 612


George J. Mouly, op.cit., p. 191 11

Mike Anderson, op.cit., p. 23 12



mental ability given by heaven, and shuan chang, the result of learning through training and education, an adumbration of theories of nature and nurture.13

Many views and convinces arose in the development of intelligence. Several of the expert of this field said that intelligent is abilities to learn and to understand the facts and the problems in order to solve it. Like Gates who refers to intelligence as a composite or organization of abilities to learn, to grasp broad and subtle facts, especially abstract facts, with alertness and accuracy, to exercise mental control, and to display flexibility and ingenuity in seeking the solution of problems.14 Also Termasn said an individual is intelligent in proportion as he is able to carry on abstract thinking.15

In the same word with additional opinion, Thorndike conceive intelligent not only the ability to understand and to solve the problem, he also defined intelligence is a good response to peace and receive the problem based on the situation and experience. In other words, he defined intellect in general as the power of good responses from the point of view of truth or fact, and may separate it according as the situation is taken in gross or abstractly and also according as it is experienced directly or thought of.16

In further ideas, the experts said that intelligence is a capacity in a personal side or a mental people to adapt himself in condition and new situation. Like what Freeman conceived intelligence is to be somewhat more inclusive capacity than is implied when it is used as a name for our present tests.17 Rudolf Pintner thought of intelligence as the ability of the individual to adapt himself adequately to relatively new situation in life.18 Herbert Woodrow said intelligence is the capacity to acquire capacity.19 Boynton defined intelligence as “an inherited capacity of the individual which is manifested


Hans J. Eyesenck, op.cit., p. 11 14

George J. Mouly, op.cit., p. 189 15

Leona E. Tyler, Intelligence Some Recurring Issues, (Oregon: An Insight Book, 1969) p. 8


Ibid., p. 5 17

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 10 18

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 13 19


through his ability to adapt and to reconstruct the factors of his environment in accordance with his group.”20 Intelligence is regarded as a potential capacity.21

Thurstone defined intelligence as judge in every way life contains at least three psychologically differentiable components: a) the capacity to inhibit an instinctive adjustment, b) the capacity to redefine the inhibited instinctive adjustment in the light of imaginably experienced trial and error, c) the volitional capacity to realize the modified instinctive adjustment into overt behavior to the advantage of the individual as a social animal.22

Intelligence also the abilities to show his or her knowledge in behavior order. Like what Henmon said in the ordinary acceptance of the term has been defined by Lester F Ward to be “intellect coupled with the product of its operation,” or in the other words, intelligence is intellect plus knowledge.23 The evidence in behavior abilities it is correlate to a biological mechanism, therefore intelligence is also seems to be a biological mechanism by which the effects of a complexity of stimuli are brought together and given a somewhat unified effect in behavior.24 Colvin defined as general mental adaptability to new problems and conditions of life.25

Intelligence not only the mental abilities to grasp the problem in new situation or condition and to solve it directly, rightly, or abstractly with evidence in behavior order according to the thinking or experience, it also helps people to achieve their goal, like what Baron said that the abilities that constitute intelligence are generally useful in helping people achieve their goals, no matter what their goals may be.26


J. McV. Hunt, Intelligence And Experience, (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1961) p. 10


James M. Sawrey and Charles W. Telford, op.cit., p. 424 22

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 19 23

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 16 24

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 18 25

Leona E. Tyler, op.cit., p. 11 26



2. The Intelligence and Individuality.

Based on the explanation above, intelligence is the capacity of mental abilities to grasp the problem in new condition or situation in order to solve it directly, correctly and effectively in human live. In other words, the existence of intelligent person becomes important in the social life. Every society features its ideal human being.27

The virtuosos of the intellectual person according to Gardner, will become the symbol analyst and the master of change.28 A symbol analyst can sit for hours in front of number and words and readily discern meaning in this ticket of symbols. This person can then make reliable, useful projection. A master of change readily acquires new information, solves problems, and adjusts easily to changing circumstances.

Sigmund Freud and William James considered the capacity for self growth to be an important one and they were sympathetic to the idea of personal intelligence. Sigmund Freud was interested in the self as located in the individual and was preoccupied with an individual’s own knowledge of himself. He added the key to health was self-knowledge and a willingness to confront the inevitable pains and paradoxes of human existence. In contrast, James’s interest and feel much more on the individual’s relationship to the outside community.29

The considerations of the personal intelligence capacity are the access to one’s own feeling life and the ability to notice and make distinctions among other individuals. 30 The access to one’s own feeling life it called intra personal intelligence. Intra personal intelligence involved chiefly in an individual’s examination and knowledge of his own feeling. The ability to notice and make distinctions among other individuals called interpersonal intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence looks outward, toward the behavior, feelings, and motivation of others.


Howard Gardner, Intelligence Reframed, (New York: Basic Books, 1999) p. 1 28

Howard Gardner, Ibid p. 2 29

Howard Gardner, op.cit., p. 238 30


Personal intelligence it is relevance to personal abilities. Intelligence or abilities of people differ from one another. This field became the subject of the psychology of ability.

The psychology of ability is a branch of psychology that examines how and why people differ from one another. Cronbach (1957) identified two distinct disciplines of psychology. First, comprises areas such as social, development, cognitive, physiological and behavioral psychology. Second, the branch is that of individual differences, clinical, and (some) occupational psychology, which focuses on how and why people differ from one another.31 The psychology of individual differences is traditionally divided into four main areas. First is the psychology of motivation, which tries to explain what drives people to behave in certain ways. Second is psychology of mood or emotion, which considers feelings. Third is personality psychology which tries to explain both what people do and the way that they do it through personal styles such as anxiety or sociability. Finally is the psychology of abilities, which examines how well individuals perform problem solving task, attempts to understand how many talents are necessary to explain individual differences in problem solving behavior and seeks to understand why and how individual differences in these abilities emerge in the first place. 32

The psychology of abilities is important for several reasons; first, it is interesting in its own right. Second, our culture places considerable emphasis on individual differences in abilities. If we know how these abilities develop then we could perhaps develop educational strategies to maximize each child’s potential. Third, the assessment of abilities is one of psychology’s greatest success stories. There is a need for psychology to consider both within subject factors (individual differences) and between subject factors (situations, stimuli) to predict how individuals will behave.33


Colin Cooper, Intelligence And Abilities, (London: Routledge, 1999) p. 2 32

Colin Cooper, Ibid., p. 3 33



From the statements above, the writer concludes that the intelligence is the ability to face any kinds of situation with consideration based on the knowledge and experience.

3. The Intelligence and Its Measurement.

Sir Francis Galton a half-cousin of Charles Darwin conceived of intelligence as a general ability, largely inherited, and best measured in terms of speed of mental processes, as for instance the speed of reaction to a sudden stimulus. He convinced that general cognitive ability was by far the most important influence on a person’s life achievement.34

He was interested in the measurement of intelligence because he hoped to increase it through selective breeding of human being, which he called eugenics. If we had a good intelligence test, Galton reasoned, we could use it to pick out people who ought to be encouraged to reproduce. In a few generations, the overall level of intelligence would increase.35

Binet is the father of all modern tests of intelligence. Alfred Binet was born much later than Galton in 1857, but died in the same year. He was appointed a member of commission by the French minister of public instruction to recommend what should be done about the education of subnormal children in the schools of Paris. In response he developed a test which became the first scale for the measurement of intelligence; it appeared in 1905, with later revision in 1908 and 1911. Binet convinced that intelligence is embodied in the total personality, and in fact regarded “intelligence” merely as the average of a large number of faculties, such as memory, verbal abilities, numerical ability. Those were relatively independent, and should be measured separately. He did more than simply measure and tabulates individual differences.36.


Hans J. Eyesenck, op.cit., p. 17 35

Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, and Elizabeth Hall, op.cit., p. 310



Intelligence has to express in terms of level of development in comparison to the typical age at which a test would be passed. This intelligence measurement called mental age37 which was based on average abilities for a given age group.

In 1912 German psychologist William Stern noticed that Binet’s two-year standard led to higher percentages of children being classified as subnormal as the children got older. Lewis Terman, at Stanford University in 1916, decided to multiply this ratio by 100 to get a simple way of expressing a child’s performance, hich he called the intelligence quotient, or IQ. The IQ was therefore the ratio of mental age ( MA ) to chronological age ( CA ) , multiplied by 100.38

The computation of the IQ of the child involves only simple arithmetic, even when either or both the MA and the CA are fractional. IQ would compute as follows:39

The concept of mental age gave an indication of intelligence level achieved without regard to age.40 It means that if a child of age ten, passed the test commonly passed by an eight-year-old, the child was said to have a mental age of eight. If a child of seven passed the test commonly passed by an eight-year-old, the child was said to have a mental age of eight. If a child of seven passed the test commonly passed by nine-year-olds, he or she was said to have a mental age of nine.


Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, and Elizabeth Hall, op.cit., p. 311


Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, and Elizabeth Hall, op.cit., p. 311


George J. Mouly, op.cit., p. 193 40



With enrollment the child by chronological age (CA), all the children in the one room and one group are close to the same age, and it is easy to assume that they should be able to learn about the same things.41

People who construct test of IQ are very careful to construct these with a specific audience in mind, and make sure that for that audience questions are appropriate, and all the elements well known.

Binet argued that there were three methods for measuring intelligence.42 The first was the medical method, which looks at the anatomical, physiological, and pathological signs of inferior intelligence; to explore links between DNA and behavior. The second is the pedagogical method, which relies on school-acquired knowledge to measure intelligence, which is regarded as the sum of acquired knowledge. The third is the psychological method, which attempts to rely on direct observation and measurement of intelligent behavior.

In the 1920s, Thusrtone laid down the theoretical requirement or criteria for measurement in the social sciences43: (1) items should be located on a continuum, or scale; (2) the locations of the items should be invariant across different populations who are to be measured by items; and (3) the locations of items on the continuum should satisfy the requirement of additives. The first criterion implies that the items reflect an underlying or latent trait which is unindimensional at some level of scale. The second criterion implies the item locations should not be affected by the properties of the people whose responses were used to locate the items on the continuum: the relative order of the items should remain invariant and independent of the people. The third criterion means that a continuum should form an equal-interval scale which provides a consistent unit of measurement across the operating range of the variable of interest.


William C. Morse, and G. Max Winge, Psychology And Teaching, 3rd, Ed, (Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1962) p. 334


Hans J. Eyesenck, op.cit., p. 17 43


From the statements above, there are many kinds of measurement for IQ, but in simple word the pattern to measure the IQ is by knowing people’s ages divided by people’s chronological in answering the questions and tests of the IQ test.

4. The Multiple Intelligences

Multiple intelligences are branches of intelligences that exist in people’s ability.

Jhon Carroll has published an 800-page book, Human Cognitive Abilities. He divides his factors up into domains; domains of language, of reasoning, of memory and learning, visual perception, auditory perception, idea production, cognitive speed, and psychomotor abilities; clearly many of these are rather peripheral to what we mean by “intelligence.”

Howard Gardner has asserted that there are multiple intelligences, of which he recognizes seven. These are verbal and mathematicho-logical, spatial, musical, personal intelligence (interpersonal skills), intrapsychic capcity, and kinesthetic ability. 44

Logical and mathematical intelligence like a scientist and mathematicians, the components of intelligence are sensitivity to, and capacity to discern, logical or numerical patterns; ability to handle long chains of reasoning. Linguistics intelligence like a poet and journalists they have sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words, sensitivity to different functions of language. Musical intelligence like a composer and violinist they have abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre; appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness. Naturalist intelligence like a naturalist, botanist, hunter they have sensitivity to natural objects, like plants and animals; making fine sensory discriminations. Spatial intelligence like navigator, sculptor, they have a capacities to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on one’s initial perceptions. Bodily or kinesthetic intelligence like a dancer and athlete they have ability to




control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully. Interpersonal intelligence like therapist, salesperson, they have capacities to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people. Intra personal intelligence like person with detailed, accurate self-knowledge, they have access to one’s own feelings and the ability to discriminate among them and draw on them to guide behavior; knowledge of one’s own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligences.

In multiple intelligences there are capacities inventory.45 In logical mathematical intelligence there are; recognizing abstract patterns, reasoning inductively, reasoning deductively, discerning relationships and connections, performing complex calculations, reasoning scientifically.

In verbal linguistic intelligence there are; analyzing own use of language, remembering, using humor, explaining, teaching, learning, understanding syntax and meaning of words, and convincing someone to do something.

In intrapersonal there are; concentrating, being mindful, evaluating own thinking, being aware of and expressing various feelings, understanding self in relationships to other, thinking and reasoning on higher levels.

In interpersonal they are; creating and maintaining synergy, seeing things from others ‘perspectives, cooperating within a group, noticing and making distinctions among others, communicating verbally and nonverbally.

In musical-rhythmic they are; sensing tonal qualities, creating melodies and rhythms, being sensitive to sounds, using “schemas” to hear the music, understanding the structure of music.

In naturalist they are; communicating with nature, caring for and interacting with living creatures, showing sensitivity to nature’s flora, recognizing and classifying species, growing things, appreciating the impact of nature.

In visual spatial they are; perceiving objects accurately, recognizing relationships between objects, representing something graphically,


David Lazear, Multiple Intelligence Approaches to Assessment, (Chicago: Zephyr Press, 1999) p. 20


manipulating images, finding one’s way in space, forming mental pictures, imagining.

In bodily-kinesthetic they are; connecting mind and body, using mimetic abilities, improving body functions, controlling movements previously learned, controlling voluntary movements, expanding whole body’s awareness.

B. The Concepts of English Learning achievement 1. The theories of learning.

This is one of the most important issues in teaching, as to be effective we need to try and teach in a way that reinforces how people naturally learn.

The first major theory of learning is called behaviorism that was developed in the 1920s and 1930s by psychologists such as Skinner, Pavlov, and Thorndike. This theory emphasizes change in behavior as the main outcome of the learning process. Behavioral theorist concentrate on directly observable phenomena using a scientific method borrowed from the nature sciences. Learning according to behaviorists, is something people do in response to external stimuli. The basic mechanism through which this happens is conditioning. According to behaviorists there are two different types of conditioning46:

1. Classic conditioning occurs when a natural reflex responds to a stimulus. An example of this comes from Pavlov’s experiment with dogs.

2. Behavioral or operant conditioning occurs when a response to a stimulus is reinforced. Basically, operant conditioning is a simple feedback system.

Rewards and punishments are an important part of behaviorist learning theory. Behavior is influenced by its consequences, but it is influenced by its antecedents as well, thus creating the A (Antecedents)-B (Behavior)-C (consequences) chain.


M. Ray Lorce, Psychology of education, (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1965), p.176-177



In contrast to the behaviorists’, cognitive development, the tools which children use to think change, leading children of different age to possess a different view of the world. One of the main influences on children’s cognitive development is what called by maturation, the unfolding of biological changes that are genetically programmed into us at birth. A second factor is activity. Increasing maturation leads to increase in children’s ability to act on their environment, and to learn from their actions. A third factor in development is social transmission, learning from others.

According to Piaget (2001), learning occurs in three stages as discuss below47:

1. The sensory-motor stage (0-2 years). The baby knows the world through actions and sensory information. The child begins to understand causality in time and space.

2. The pre-operational stage (2-7 years). In this stage, children take the first step from action to thinking, by internalizing action. The ability to think in symbols remains and the child only think in one direction, and also the see the world and the experiences of others from their own standpoint.

3. The concrete operational stage (7-12 years). The basic characteristics of this stage are; the recognition of the logical stability of the physical world, the realization that elements can be changed or transformed and still retains their original characteristics, and the understanding that these changes can be reversed.

Learning is a matter that related with life. Life is a lesson. By learning, people know how to live. Because of learning is a process that happens for a long time and through many steps, it will make someone change in certain aspect in his own self. For instance, get dress, writing on notebook, ride the motorcycle, etc. they can be done after learning.

According to Henry Smith, “learning is the acquisition of new behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of experience.48 This opinion is on one word with what David in his book Educational


M. Ray Lorce, Ibid., P.179-180 48


Psychology defines learning as the process whereby an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience.

Ray Lorce defines learning as a relatively permanent change of behavior that occurs as a result of experience or practice.49 Changes in behavior may occur because of change in the level interest of individual and many other aspects.

An additional definition stated by Jane S., Halonen, she said that learning is relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. This description tells us that an alteration of learning is relatively stable. Through experiences students also learned that they need to study in order to do well on a test.50

2. Teacher

When we are thinking of teaching, we imagine the act of teaching, that is, of a teacher interacting in one or more students. Teacher can be defined as a people whose a good personal quality in facing and interacting with students.

Citizens and many educators continued to believe that a teacher’s personal qualities and attitudes were among the most important attributes for effective teaching. They believed that teachers who were warm and loving and truly empathetic toward children and their problems were those who could best help children learn. Teachers without these personal qualities, those perceived as cold or aloof, were judged ineffective.

One of the most comprehensive studies in this research tradition was the teacher characteristic study done by David Ryan (1960). Ryan concluded that effective teachers exhibited the characteristics of warmth, fairness, and responsiveness, that they understood, democratic, kind, alert, attractive, steady, poised, and confident. He contrasted these positive characteristics with less desirable ones, such as aloofness, egocentrism, dullness, and authoritarianism.


M. Ray Lorce, op.cit., p.193-194 50

Stephen B. Klein, learning:principle and application, (New York: McGraw Hill Book Company,1978), p. 2



Here are the selected personal qualities of effective teachers; superior intellectual abilities, good emotional adjustment, favorable attitudes toward pupils, enjoyment of pupil relationships, generosity in the appraisal of other, strong interests in reading and literary matters, interest in music and painting, interest in social and community affairs, early experiences in caring for and liking children, family support of teaching as a vocation, strong social service interest.51

3. Student

Students in this research are living in groups and different situations. Student diversity can arose from their ethnicity, culture, language and their dialect, social class, gender, biological and sociological explanations, sexual orientation, and their special need, such as intellectual, physical, and their emotional. The diversity of students also from their development and their motivation.

4. School

School is the place where students gain the knowledge and experience of learning. In this research, the school is located in middle of rice field. It has a conducive environment for studying.

It is important for everyone –teachers, parents, and citizens- to consider the purposes of schools in our society.

The school goals that have appeared in the popular press from time to time, they are;

1. To teach basic academic skills. 2. To build student self-esteem. 3. To promote critical thinking skills.

4. To teach cooperative, pro-social behaviors. 5. To promote equality of opportunity.

6. To prepare students for college.

7. To prepare students for the world of work 8. To transmit our cultural heritage.

9. To preserve our cultural richness and diversity. 10.To promote national unity and patriotism. 11.To build and maintain a strong economy.



12.To promote social justice.

13.To promote global understanding 14.To combat social problems 15.To provide social services52

5. Achievement

Achievement is a measure of the quality and or the quantity of the success one has in the mastery of knowledge, skills, or understandings. References to academic achievement, for example, usually involve performance in such areas as reading, mathematics, science, or social studies. 53

Hornby stated that achievement is a thing done successfully, especially with an effort and skill.54 In other word, it is some things that will be obtained get after accomplished it.

Norman E Gronlund stated that achievement is what a pupil has learned.55 It means that achievement is the result of students gain after following an instructional process.

6. English

English is one of the most widely studied foreign language all over the world. In our country it become a crucial instructional matter for our education.

Brends on L Carrol defines English is language of essential tool for communication and whereas grammatical pattern play a crucial role in communication, the prime need almost learners is not for theoretical or analytical knowledge of the target language, but for an ability to understand and be understood in that language within the contexts and constraints of peculiar language using circumstance. 56


Richard I. Arends, Nancy E. Winitzky, and Margaret D. Tannenbaum, Exploring Teaching: An Introduction To Education 2nd Ed, p. 368

53 54

A S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1974) p. 10


Norman E Grolund, measurement and evaluation in teaching,(New York: MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc, 1981), p.331


Brandon, L, Carrol, Testing Communication Performance: An Interview Study, (Oxford: Oxford Perganon Press. Ltd, 1980) p. 7



So far, English is commonly learned by people from around the world then it can be considered as both vehicular and vernacular language. Vehicular language is a language goes beyond the boundaries of it original community and used as a second language for communication between communities. The opposite meaning of vehicular language is vernacular language. Means a language used as native language in a single community.

As English called as vehicular and vernacular language, it is understood why English become a dominant international language in present communication, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio, and diplomacy. Therefore, it can be a reason why today’s English is being taught to offer one billion people throughout the world as their second language to communicate each other.

7. English Learning Achievement

Based on the definition of English, learning, and achievement above, English learning achievement is the result which students get after they have followed learning process that is signed by score.




This chapter presents the description of the research method used in the study. It consists of research design, place and time of study, population and sample, research instrument, data and source data, techniques of collecting data, and techniques of data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this study the writer used correlation between two variables. In popular usage, the term correlation refers to any type of relationship between events or objects. In statistical correlation, there must be two measures for each subject (person) in a group. If this condition is satisfied, the data can be inserted into a statistical formulation which will reveal the type and strength of the relationship under the study.1

Correlational design is a procedure in quantitative research in which investigators measure the degree of association (or relation) between two or more variables using the statistical procedure of correlational analysis. This degree of association, expressed as a number, indicates whether the two variables are related or whether one can predict another. In short, corrrelational study tries to find the relation or the association between two variables.2

Therefore, the research design of this study is correlational study. In this study, the writer compared two variables. Those are the students’ IQ scores and the students’ achievement scores.

B. Place and Time of Study

The place of the research study is the school in which the writer had conducted his research for this study. The research of this study was held at



. W. James Popham, EducationalStatistics: UseandInterpretation, (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1967), p.65.  


Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative And Qualitative Research, (New Jersey: Pearson prentice hall, 2008), p.60 





SMAN V Depok, which is located at Jl. Raya Mukhtar Pr. Bukit Rivaria Sektor IV Sawangan, Depok.

The writer did the research in SMAN V Depok started on May 17th and he accomplished the research on June 7th .

C. Population and Sample

The population of this study is the first year students in the 2009-2010 academic year of SMAN V Depok consisting 9 classes. In each class there are 40 students. So, there are about 360 students as the population. Knowing that the population is huge in number, therefore, for this research, the writer took only two classes, it means there are 80 students as sample. The writer took the sample by using random sampling method. This decision is made with the consideration that these two classes are taught by the same teacher, Syamsiah S.Pd.

D. Research Instrument

The research instruments that used for this study includes observation and documentation. The observation is used to observe the teaching learning conducted by the English teacher in the classroom including her activity, the media, and his performance in the classroom. The documentation is used to gain the data about teaching preparation made by English teacher. And the writer copied the IQ score and final score of 80 students to be compared with.

E. Data and Source Data

The writer included four data, they are: the IQ test questions, the result of IQ test, the National Examination Sheet and the result of National Examination. The writer took the IQ test question from Bina Potensi Mandiri located on Jln. Ciburial II no. 18 Ciparigi 4/4 North Bogor. This institution is a psychology consultation agent which conducted the IQ test in SMAN V Depok. Meanwhile, the writer got the result of IQ test from the headmaster of SMAN V Depok by copying it. Next, the writer got the National Examination Sheet and the result from the English teacher there.



F. Techniques of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer gets the data which related to teaching learning English by doing some:


It began in 17th May 2010 the writer observed the school, the teacher, the staff administration, and the students. He started to observe the teaching learning process in class 10-3 on May 19th and 21st 2010. In this case, the writer acted as an observer the English teacher and her activity without involving the teaching learning process.


The writer got the data about teacher’s preparation, students’ IQ score and Students’ final score. It was carried out by copying them from administration.

G. Techniques of Data Analysis

In this step, the writer uses correlational technique. The writer compares the score students’ IQ and their achievement in learning English. This technique is useful to prove statistically whether there is any significant correlation between two variables.

To find the correlation between students’ IQ score and their achievement in learning English, the writer used the product-moment correlation coefficient formula.

The formula is:

= correlation coefficient between X and Y

∑XY = sum of cross products of deviation scores for X and Y ∑X = Total Score of X

∑Y = Total Score of Y





N = Number of Cases Criteria:

Rejected Ha when rxy < tt Accepted ha when rxy > tt

H. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research can be stated as follow:

1. If the result of calculation rxy is higher than rt, rxy > rt. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means there is a significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

2. If the result of calculation rxy is lower then rt, rxy < rt, so, the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is no significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.




data gathered during the investigation. In line with the research problems, it consists research finding as follows: (1) data of students’ IQ score, (2) data of of students’ English achievement, (3) data of correlation between students’ English achievement and their IQ score. And also presents the interpretation of the data.

A. Description of Data

After conducting the research, the writer obtained two kinds of data; the students’ IQ score and the students’ English score.

a. Students’ IQ Score at Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok.

The IQ test held by Senior High Score V in Depok was taken from Bina Potensi Mandiri Biro Konsultasi Psikologi which is located at Jl. Ciburial II no. 18 Bogor West Java. There are 3 psychological aspects measured in IQ test, those are: intelligence, personality and work ethic. Talent in technique, math and science, language, and social science are also included in IQ test. Besides, the ability in verbal, numerical, language and social science is also a part of it. Here are the result of students’ IQ score altogether.

Table 4.1

Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok and Their IQ Score N Students’ IQ Score N Students’ IQ Score

1 2 3 4 5 6

127 106 112 127 121 124

41 42 43 44 45 46

112 107 103 116 118 123

Continue to the next page 30


  31 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 128 112 112 108 85 108 128 112 120 129 116 123 131 114 109 111 127 120 127 117 119 111 116 117 113 101 113 108 118 122 125 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 117 135 114 124 120 101 97 121 103 113 115 123 106 117 109 103 115 121 108 129 133 113 120 121 113 109 94 115 126 117 114    


38 39 40 104 100 112 78 79 80 119 131 115 N = 80 ∑X = 9140 The data of IQ score process from IQ students answer sheet

From the table 4.1 above, it showed the highest score of IQ from forty students is 135 and the lowest IQ score is 85. The total of students’ interest score (X) is 9140.

Table 4.2

Interval of IQ Score test

Interval F X fX X fx

85 – 89 90 – 94 95 – 99 100 – 104 105 – 109 110 – 114 115 – 119 120 – 124 125 – 129 130 – 134 135 – 139

1 1 1 7 10 16 16 14 10 3 1 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 12 2 127 132 137 87 92 97 714 1070 1792 1872 1708 1270 396 137 -28.4375 -23.4375 -18.4375 +598.5625 +954.5625 +1676.5625 +1756.5625 +1592.5625 +1154.5625 +280.5625 +21.5625 -28.4375 -23.4375 -18.4375 +4189.9375 +9545.625 +26825 +28105 +22295.875 +11545.625 +841.6875 +21.5625

total N = 80 - ΣfX = 9235 - Σfx = 103440.625

MX = 80 9235

= 115,4375

AD = 80







AD =

80 625 , 103440

= 1293,0078125

b. Students’ English Achievement at Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok

The students’ English learning achievement is as dependent variable (Y). The writer took the score from the students’ final test. It is about what they have learned until second semester in the academic year 2009/2010. It was carried out by copying them from administration.

Table 4.3

Students’ English Scores at Second Year of SMA Negeri V Depok

N Students’ English Score N Students’ English Score

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 80 78 76 72 83 90 68 74 70 80 75 70 72 83 80 76 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 78 70 68 72 78 82 76 80 76 84 87 76 70 86 87 86  


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 68 67 82 77 64 75 74 67 89 81 78 90 78 80 87 86 85 90 86 78 76 79 85 79 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 78 86 74 76 72 82 86 76 84 90 84 86 82 80 78 74 86 86 76 84 78 87 80 76 N = 80 ∑Y = 6325 The data of English Test score process from students answer sheet

Table 4.3 showed the highest scores from eighty students is 90 and the lowest score is 64. We could see the total score of students’ English learning achievement is 6325.





Table 4.4

Interval of students English Test Score

Interval F X fX X fx

60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74 75 – 79 80 – 84 85 – 89 90 – 95

1 5 12 24 18 16 4

62 67 72 77 82 87 82

62 335 864 1848 1476 1392 368

-17.3125 -12.3125 -7.3125 -2.3125 +2.6875 +7.6875 +12.6875

-17.3125 -61.5625 -87.75

-55.5 +48.375

+123 +50.75 Total N = 80 - ΣfX = 6345 - Σfx = 444.25

c. Correlation between Students’ IQ Scores and Their English Learning Achievement.

After the writer got the total of students’ IQ score and their achievement scores, he continued to count them both of the students’ IQ score and their English achievement score are correlated by using Pearson’s Product Moment.



Table 4.5

Correlation between Students’ IQ Scores and Their English learning Achievement at SMA Negeri V Depok

N X Y XY X2 Y2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 127 106 112 127 121 124 128 112 112 108 85 108 128 112 120 129 116 123 131 114 109 111 127 120 127 117 119 80 78 76 72 83 90 68 74 70 80 75 70 72 83 80 76 68 67 82 77 64 75 74 67 89 81 78 10160 8268 8512 9144 10043 11160 8704 8288 7560 6800 8100 8960 8064 9960 10320 8816 8364 8777 9348 8393 7296 9525 8880 8509 9968 8667 8034 16129 11236 12544 16129 14641 15376 16384 12544 11664 7225 11664 16384 12544 14400 16641 13456 15129 17161 12996 11881 12321 16129 14400 16129 12544 11449 10609 6400 6084 5776 5184 6889 8100 4624 5476 4900 6400 5625 4900 5184 6889 6400 5776 4624 4489 6724 5929 4096 5625 5476 4489 7921 6561 6084 Continue to the next page 



  37 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 111 116 117 113 101 113 108 118 122 125 104 100 112 112 107 103 116 118 123 117 135 114 124 120 101 97 121 113 115 123 106 90 78 80 87 86 85 90 86 78 76 79 85 79 78 70 68 72 78 82 76 80 76 84 87 76 70 86 87 86 78 86 10440 9204 9840 10179 11610 9690 11160 10320 7878 7372 9559 9605 9085 8736 7490 7004 8352 9204 10086 8892 10800 8664 10416 10440 7676 6790 10406 9831 9890 9594 9116 13456 13924 15129 13689 18225 12996 15376 14400 10201 9409 14641 12769 13225 12544 11449 10609 13456 13924 15129 13689 18225 12996 15376 14400 10201 9409 14641 12769 13225 15129 11236 8100 6084 6400 7569 7396 7225 8100 7396 6084 5776 6241 7225 6241 6084 4900 4624 5184 6084 6724 5776 6400 5776 7056 7569 5776 4900 7369 7569 7369 6084 7369 Continue to the next page 



59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 117 109 103 115 121 108 129 133 113 120 121 113 109 94 115 126 117 114 119 131 115 104 74 76 72 82 86 76 84 90 84 86 82 80 78 74 86 86 76 84 78 87 80 76 8658 8284 7416 9430 10406 8208 10836 11970 9492 10320 9922 9040 8502 6956 9890 10836 8892 9576 9282 11397 9200 7904 13689 11881 10609 13225 14641 11664 16641 17689 12769 14400 14641 12769 11881 8836 13225 15876 13689 12996 14161 17161 13225 10816 5476 5776 5184 6724 7369 5776 7056 8100 7056 7369 6724 6400 6084 5476 7396 7396 5776 7056 6084 7569 6400 5776

N = 80 ∑X = 9244 ∑Y = 6325 ∑XY = 734266 ∑X2 = 1067290 ∑Y2 = 503098


rxy = 

} ) ( }{ ) ( { ) )( ( 2 2 2

2 X N Y Y

X N Y X XY N Σ − Σ Σ − Σ Σ Σ − Σ            




rxy = 

} (6325)

-503098 x

80 }{ (9244)

-1067290 x

80 {

5) (9244)(632

-734266 x




rxy = 

} 9741840 3

}{ 4643680 8





rxy = 

00 1131579353


  rxy = 

336389 272980


= 0.81

df = N – nr = 80 – 2 = 78

From the calculation above, it was known that rxy = 0.81 and df = 78; if we compare with the table of “r” vales at the degree of significance of 5 % and 1%, then the correlation between students’ IQ score and their English learning achievement is significant (rxy = 0.81 > 0.361 ; rxy = 0.81 > 0.463).

We can see the categories of interpretation of “r” below:

Table 4.6

“r” value of product moment “r” Value of Product Moment Interpretation

00.0 – 0.20 Considered as no correlation 0.20 – 0. 40 Low correlation

0.40 – 0.70 Medium correlation 0.70 – 0.90 Strong correlation 0.90 – 1.00 Very strong/perfect correlation

  Based on the table above, it can be seen that the correlation index (rxy = 0.81) is in the interval 0.70 – 0.90, this means that the correlation



belongs to “strong correlation”. In the other words, there is a positive correlation between variable X and variable Y.

B. Test of Hypothesis

From the result of calculation, the value of rxy is 0.81; df is 78 if it is compared with the rt at the degree od significance 5% (0.361) and 1% (0.463), the correlation between students’ IQ score and their English learning achievement is significant (rxy : r = 0.81 > 0.361 ; rt xy ; rt = 0.81 > 0.463. So, the null hypothesis of the research is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

1. If the result of calculation rxy is higher than r , rt xy > rt. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means there is a significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

2. If the result of calculation rxy is lower then r , rt xy < rt, so, the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is no significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students’ IQ score have a significant correlation to the students’ English learning achievement.





This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions from the researcher based on the research done at SMA Negeri V Depok.


Based on the research conducted at SMA Negeri V Depok, the researcher concluded the following things:

1. About the correlation between students’ IQ scores and its correlation with students English achievement.

The students’ IQ score have impact in students’ ability in English. It reflects in the result of statistical calculation in correlating the students’ IQ score with their English achievement which includes the four skills, those are: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. And also English sub-skill such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

2. About the IQ score influence the students’ English achievement.

In general, the students who have high IQ score will be able to learn and to achieve and also will understand English subject fast. They will be able to answer the questions in the examination and get the best score.


Based on the conclusions above, the writer gives some suggestions as follows:

1. About the correlation between students’ IQ scores and its correlation with students English achievement.


The Headmaster of the school is supposed to conduct the IQ test for the students; therefore, he or she can keep it as the documentation. The documentation has a lot of benefits especially for the teacher and students. The teacher will have the reference in dealing with different kinds of student, especially with their ability in English subject. For the students, they will have known their capabilities and try to study and improve their English ability more.

2. About the students’ improvement in learning English based on their IQ score.

English ability can be improved by studying continuity and learning more. The English teacher should be more creative and innovative in dealing with different kind of student ability, especially with kinds of students’ IQ score.


28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 111 116 117 113 101 113 108 118 122 125 104 100 112 112 107 103 116 118 123 117 135 114 124 120 101 97 121 113 90 78 80 87 86 85 90 86 78 76 79 85 79 78 70 68 72 78 82 76 80 76 84 87 76 70 86 87 10440 9204 9840 10179 11610 9690 11160 10320 7878 7372 9559 9605 9085 8736 7490 7004 8352 9204 10086 8892 10800 8664 10416 10440 7676 6790 10406 9831 13456 13924 15129 13689 18225 12996 15376 14400 10201 9409 14641 12769 13225 12544 11449 10609 13456 13924 15129 13689 18225 12996 15376 14400 10201 9409 14641 12769 8100 6084 6400 7569 7396 7225 8100 7396 6084 5776 6241 7225 6241 6084 4900 4624 5184 6084 6724 5776 6400 5776 7056 7569 5776 4900 7369 7569


  38 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 117 109 103 115 121 108 129 133 113 120 121 113 109 94 115 126 117 114 119 131 115 104 74 76 72 82 86 76 84 90 84 86 82 80 78 74 86 86 76 84 78 87 80 76 8658 8284 7416 9430 10406 8208 10836 11970 9492 10320 9922 9040 8502 6956 9890 10836 8892 9576 9282 11397 9200 7904 13689 11881 10609 13225 14641 11664 16641 17689 12769 14400 14641 12769 11881 8836 13225 15876 13689 12996 14161 17161 13225 10816 5476 5776 5184 6724 7369 5776 7056 8100 7056 7369 6724 6400 6084 5476 7396 7396 5776 7056 6084 7569 6400 5776 N = 80 ∑X = 9244 ∑Y = 6325 ∑XY = 734266 ∑X2 = 1067290 ∑Y2 = 503098


rxy = 

} ) ( }{ ) ( { ) )( ( 2 2 2

2 X N Y Y

X N Y X XY N Σ − Σ Σ − Σ Σ Σ − Σ        


rxy = 

} (6325)

-503098 x

80 }{ (9244)

-1067290 x

80 {

5) (9244)(632

-734266 x




rxy = 

} 9741840 3

}{ 4643680 8





rxy = 

00 1131579353


  rxy = 

336389 272980  

= 0.81

df = N – nr = 80 – 2 = 78

From the calculation above, it was known that rxy = 0.81 and df = 78; if

we compare with the table of “r” vales at the degree of significance of 5 % and 1%, then the correlation between students’ IQ score and their English learning achievement is significant (rxy = 0.81 > 0.361 ; rxy = 0.81 > 0.463).

We can see the categories of interpretation of “r” below: Table 4.6

“r” value of product moment

“r” Value of Product Moment Interpretation

00.0 – 0.20 Considered as no correlation

0.20 – 0. 40 Low correlation

0.40 – 0.70 Medium correlation 0.70 – 0.90 Strong correlation




belongs to “strong correlation”. In the other words, there is a positive correlation between variable X and variable Y.

B. Test of Hypothesis

From the result of calculation, the value of rxy is 0.81; df is 78 if it is

compared with the rt at the degree od significance 5% (0.361) and 1% (0.463), the

correlation between students’ IQ score and their English learning achievement is significant (rxy : r = 0.81 > 0.361 ; rt xy ; rt = 0.81 > 0.463. So, the null hypothesis of

the research is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

1. If the result of calculation rxy is higher than r , rt xy > rt. So, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means there is a significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

2. If the result of calculation rxy is lower then r , rt xy < rt, so, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is no significance correlation between variable X and variable Y.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students’ IQ score have a significant correlation to the students’ English learning achievement.


based on the research done at SMA Negeri V Depok.


Based on the research conducted at SMA Negeri V Depok, the researcher concluded the following things:

1. About the correlation between students’ IQ scores and its correlation with students English achievement.

The students’ IQ score have impact in students’ ability in English. It reflects in the result of statistical calculation in correlating the students’ IQ score with their English achievement which includes the four skills, those are: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. And also English sub-skill such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

2. About the IQ score influence the students’ English achievement.

In general, the students who have high IQ score will be able to learn and to achieve and also will understand English subject fast. They will be able to answer the questions in the examination and get the best score.


Based on the conclusions above, the writer gives some suggestions as follows:



The Headmaster of the school is supposed to conduct the IQ test for the students; therefore, he or she can keep it as the documentation. The documentation has a lot of benefits especially for the teacher and students. The teacher will have the reference in dealing with different kinds of student, especially with their ability in English subject. For the students, they will have known their capabilities and try to study and improve their English ability more.

2. About the students’ improvement in learning English based on their IQ


English ability can be improved by studying continuity and learning more. The English teacher should be more creative and innovative in dealing with different kind of student ability, especially with kinds of students’ IQ score.

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