Background of the Study

development of its education. The government organizes all those aspects so that the students effectively and efficiently get the education they need. In Indonesia, English becomes the important language. Many sources of knowledge spoken and written in English language, like in the magazine, book, literatures, references, and many others. The Indonesian government hopes that Indonesian students could master English language. English is a means of oral and written communication. The ability to communicate means the abilities to discourse, that is the ability to understand and to produce oral and written text and can be realized into four skills, those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The goal of language teaching emphasizes not only on the students’ ability to master a language, but also on students ability to use it as their daily language activity. Before deciding the goal of language teaching, at least there are three things need to be considered. We know all those three as a domains of education, they are: The Cognitive Domain, The affective Domain, and The Psychomotor Domain. The Affective Domain relates to the students’ feeling to the target language. In other words, how the students feel while they are learning and after they learn. Besides feeling, the affective domain also deals with value. The value here means how the students are after learning such a language. The second is The Psychomotor Domain. This domain relates to the students’ ability to respond the target language. Briefly, the psychomotor domain deals with students’ positive attitudes toward target language and their practice. The last is The Cognitive Domain, this domain emphasizes on the quality of students’ ability in mastering the knowledge they have learned. It has a strong connection with brain and mind activities. Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive Domain relate each other. These all three are inseparable because the goal of education will be well achieved by fulfilling these domains. Then, the goal of education not only focuses in transferring the knowledge because it only fulfills the cognitive domain, but also it needs students’ attitude and value to the language learning process the affective domain and the implementation through a real practice the psychomotor domain. Tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia adalah untuk berkembangnya potensi anak didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman, dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga Negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. 1 From the goal of education above, at least we know that our government is trying so hard so that the process of education leads to the three domains above. The goal of teaching English in Senior High school is to enable the students to develop and to comprehend communication skill in English oral and written, to increase the awareness of the mean and the important of English as a foreign language most widely used in the world to raise the competitive air in global society, and to develop students’ comprehension about the relation of language and culture. No matter how the government organizes the system and curriculum of education, the result of the learning process and the process itself depend on the students themselves, because many factors can influence the learning process. There are internal factors, external factor and instrumental factors. The internal factors such as motivation, interest, willingness, intelligent, and so on. And the external factors like the environment where the students live, students’ family, students’ friend and so on. And the instrument factor like the school, book and many other tools can help and facilitate the student learning process. Student’s intelligence fundamentally is different from each other. Each student has different ability and accuracy in learning process. Students with low intelligence quotient tend to face many difficulties. Besides, the students with a high grade of IQ tend to have a better understanding about a subject and can pass through the learning process well. As a teacher, certainly he or she needs to know the IQ gradation of their students, and then the teacher can find it easier to educate and to teach them. By 1 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Citra Umbara Bandung, 2003, p; 7 recognizing students’ IQ, the teacher can decides the suitable approach, method, or strategy that he or she can apply to do the learning process for them. Then, the learning process itself and the goal of teaching can achieve. And it is hoped that the learning process will gain a better result Intelligence is included as a cognitive domain, meanwhile, to find out whether the goal of education has been achieved or not, psychomotor and affective factor also needed to be fulfilled. Generally, students of SMAN V Depok have varied competences, because the students’ input is derived from publics and private junior high school which they have different quality in students outcome. The IQ test score at that school represented students’ competences which generally classified into high, middle, and low competences. On the other hand, the students’ English achievement also describes unsatisfactory yet. Due to the problems mentioned above, this “Skripsi” focuses on the correlation between students English achievement at SMAN V Depok and their IQ score.

B. Formulations of the Problem

Based on the background presented above, the writer is interested in analyzing whether there are correlation between the students English achievement at SMAN V Depok and their IQ Score. The problems of this research can be formulated into specific questions below: 1. Do the students’ IQ scores influence their learning achievement? 2. How do the students’ IQ scores influence their learning achievement?

C. Objective of the Study

By virtue of the formulations the purposes of the study as follow: 1. To know what IQ is and its correlation with students’ English achievement. 2. To find out the students’IQ score of SMA Negeri V Depok.

D. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study can provide the information for three important group of people, namely; a for the English teachers of secondary level, b for the head masters, and c for the further researchers. They are described as follow: 1. For the English teacher; is expected to try harder to develop his method in teaching English and to know more his students’ IQ gradation because each student has different gradation from others. 2. For the head masters of the school; is expected to hold an IQ test, because it is really necessary to develop students’ potential in that school. 3. For the readers and further researchers; this “skripsi” is expected to give more knowledge and benefit references for everyone.

E. Scope and limitation of the study

This “skripsi” focuses on the correlation between students IQ score and their English test score at second grade of SMAN V Depok at the first semester 20092010 academic year. and to make a description of this “skripsi” deeper, the problems will be limited in looking at the students’ IQ score to know their varied competences and their capabilities and also their English examination result

F. The Operational Definition

The following terms are given to make readers have the same understanding or perception for some terms used in this study. They are also intended to avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation, so the terms here are needed to be defined as follow: • Intelligence quotient IQ is the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100. 2 • SMA Negeri V Depok is the acronym of Senior High School which is located at Sawangan Depok 2 Richard R. Bootzin, Gordon H. Bower, Jennifer Crocker, Elizabeth Hall, Psychology Today New York: Mc Graw Hill, Inc, 1991 Page: 311

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