20 3. Categories of WOM According to Andy Sernovitz 2012:6 there are 2 two categories of word of mouth are: a. Organic word of mouth Organic word of mouth that springs naturally from the positive qualities of your company. Many experts would argue that this is the only legitimate form of word of mouth. b. Amplified word of mouth Word of mouth that is started by an intentional campaign to get people talking. Word of mouth can be measured with sub variable process spreading, with the indicator as follows: Rachmanda: 2009 in Satwika, Dipta Rizky: 2011: 43 a. Talk positively by other about the product b. Recommend products by others c. Encouragement by others to make a purchase

H. Purchase Decision

1. Definition of Purchase Decision According to Kotler and Amstrong 2010: 179 purchase decision is the buyer’s decision about which brand to purchase. 21 Based on Schiffman and Kanuk 2004:547 purchase decisions is the decision as the selection of action of two or more alternative choices. Based on definition above, purchase decision is a process of selecting a few alternative options, to take one of the many alternative choices. 2. Process of purchase decision Specific decision-making process consists of the following sequence of events are: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase decision, post purchase decision. Kotler and Keller ,2012: 188 Buyer decision process can be seen in the chart as follows : Problem Recognition Information Seacrh Evaluation Of Alternative, Purchase Decision Post Purchase Decision Figure 2.1 5 Stage Model of the Consumer Buying Process Kotler and Keller, 2012 22 In detail, the stages can be described as follows: a. Problem recognition: the buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need triggered by internal or external stimuli. With an internal stimulus, one of the person’s normal needs-hunger, thirst, sex-rises to a threshold level and become a drive. A need can also be aroused by external stimulus. The need is anything that humans needed to prosper. Human needs reflect the feeling unsatisfied want fulfilled in man which appears naturally in order to survive. Types of needs human needs are many and varied. Broadly speaking, human needs can be divided into four groups, as follows: Fardani: 2013, acces from okezoned.blogspot.com201302various-human-needs-and-kind.html 1 Needs Primary or Necessity: primary needs are primary needs that must be met in order to sustain human life. In other words, the primary requirement is a requirement that must be met in order for humans to live. Those needs comes naturally. Primary need is also called natural needs. Examples are included in the primary requirement is the need to eat, drink, clothing, and shelter. 2 Secondary Needs : after people can meet the needs of primary or basic needs, humans still need other needs that are complementary. The need is a secondary requirement, which 23 needs to be fulfilled after the primary needs are met. Examples include secondary needs include the need for televisions, refrigerators, desks, chairs, books, and stationery. 3 Tertiary Needs: the need for tertiary are needs that must be met after the primary and secondary needs are met. Basically, tertiary needs is a human need for goods and services that are considered luxury lux, such as luxury cars, yachts, private aircraft, and tours abroad. b. Information search: consumer often search for limited amounts of information. First step is a person simply becomes more receptive to information about the product and then second step is person may enter an active information search. Consumers can obtain information from any of several sources. These include personal sources family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, commercial sources advertising, salespeople, web sites, dealer, packaging, displays, public sources mass media, consumer rating organizations, internet searches, experiential sources handling, examining, using the product. The relative influence of these information sources varies with the product and the buyer. Amstrong and Kotler, 2009:178 c. Evaluation of alternative: the consumer forming judgment largely on conscious and rational basis. Some basic concepts to consumer 24 evaluation process: first, the consumer is trying to satisfy a need. Second, the consumer is looking for certain benefits from the product solution. Third, the consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities to deliver the benefit. The consumer will pay the most attention to attribute that deliver the sought after benefit. The consumer arrives at attitude toward different brands through some evaluation procedure. How consumers go about evaluating purchase alternatives depend on individual consumer and the specific buying situation. Amstrong and Kotler, 2009:179 d. Purchase decision: the consumer forms preference among the brand in the choice set and may also from an intention to buy the most preferred brand. In the evaluation stage, the consumer ranks brands and forms purchase intention. Generally, the consumer’s purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two factors can come between the purchase intention and purchase decision. The first factor is attitude of others and the second factor unexpected situational factors. Amstrong and Kotler, 2009:179 25 Figure 2.2 Step between evaluation of alternative and purchase decision Kotler and Keller, 2012 e. Post purchase decision: after purchase, the consumer may have noticed a discrepancy due to certain features that disturb or hearing things that are fun about other brands, and will always be alert to information that supports his decision. This the five stages of the consumer decision making process just a general model of the decision making process and it emphasizes that the buying decision 26 making process starts before the actual purchase and continues even after the purchase. It also encourages the marketer to focus on the complete buying process and not just on the purchase decision.

I. Previous Research

This literature review conducts the research with comparing than previous research studies, such as: 1 Effect of Differentiation Strategy to Purchase Decision on Prepaid Card IM3 in Malang. Siti Marliah,2009 This research was to examine the relationships between variable differentiation strategy product differentiation, personnel differentiation and image differentiation to purchase decision. The data collection technique uses questioner, interview and documentation. The sample consisted 96 respondent. Data analysis method uses multiple linier regressions. The result shows that where product differentiation the calculated t was 2,037 with regression coefficient 0,142 , personnel differentiation the calculated t was 0,363 with regression coefficient 0,038 and image differentiation the calculated t was 3,695 with regression coefficient 0,366 which is means personnel differentiation not significant statistically to purchase decision, while product differentiation and image differentiation significant statistically to purchase decision. 27 2 Analysis Influence Differentiation, Promotion and Positioning to Purchase Decision on Honda Motorcycle in Semarang. Frendy Prasetya ,2011 This research was to examine the relationships between variable differentiation, promotion and positioning to purchase decision on Honda Motorcycle in Semarang. The data collection technique uses questioner with sample 100 respondent and focus on customers Honda motorcycle. Data analysis method uses validity, realibility, the classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing with t test and F test, and analysis of coefficient of determination R2. The result shows that the coefficient of determination shown in the adjusted R Square of 0.704, which means that its influence purchasing decisions can be explained by the three independent variables in this research that differentiation, promotion, and positioning of 70.4, and the remaining 29.6 can be explained by other variables outside the model of this research. 3 The Impact of Word of Mouth WOM on The Purchasing Decision of The Jordanian Consumer. Ahmad M. Zamil ,2011 This research is descriptive quantitative one with analytical measurements to measure the relationship between the research variables. The sample consisted 1200 respondent. The results shows that word of 28 mouth from family, friends, peers and relatives has greater impact on the buying decision than other sources such as the company staff and salesmen. Where the calculated T was 21.041 and it is larger than 1.96, which means the acceptations of the hypothesis that states. There is a significant statistically relationship between the buying decision of the final consumer and the source of word of mouth. 4 Analysis Influence Promotional Mix and Word Of Mouth to Purchase Decision of Life Insurance Product. Dipta Rizky Satwika,2011 This research was to examine the relationships between variable promotional Mix and word of mouth to purchase decision. The data collection technique uses questioner with 60 respondents. Data analysis method uses multiple linier regressions. Statistical testing using R square test, t test and f test. The results showed there were significant effects of word of mouth to the purchase decision. It can be seen from the probability value of less than an alpha of 0.05. As for the promotioanal mix variable showed no significant influence on purchase decision. It can be seen from the probability value is more than an alpha of 0.05. The results also showed that the R square value of 0.429. This means the promotional mix and word of mouth influence purchase decision by 42.9 while the rest 57.1 affected by other factors. Between word of mouth of the purchase decision. But in testing the partial promotional 29 mix the variable dis not significantly influence the purchase decision because the t count value is smaller than t table that is 1,1051,672. While the variable word of mouth is partially significant effect on purchase decisions because t count value is greater than the table t value 5, 3121,672. So means word of mouth more signicantly influence to purchase decision than promotional mix.

J. Conceptual Model

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