Background Scope The Role Of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC) In Promoting Bandung Spirit To The Public By Discussing Of Bandung Connection Book

1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The purpose of the writer chose that topic for the job training report is giving information about the reading club which is held in Museum of Asian-African Conference. It is the different one than another museum, because we just can find the club in that museum. It is informal club where the people in all of the age come and out as like as they are, without the rule which is binding.

1.5 The Framework of The Theory

Asian-African Reading Club AARC is using skimming and previewing method in practing the club. So the writer used reading theory: skimming and previewing the text by Wiener Bazerman in his book which entitle Reading Skill Handbook. Skimming is rapid reading for fact, and previewing is a step to take in order to read for information come before you actually begin reading.

1.6 Research Method

The writer uses the descriptive method during writing this paper. Descriptive method is the method where the writer describes and explains the topic specifically. In this report, the writer has also attached the list picture which has relation with the topic itself.

1.7 Place and Date of Fieldwork Practice

The fieldwork practice had been placed in Museum of The Asia Africa Conference at Jl. Asia Afrika no. 65 Bandung 40111. The writer became a guide for guiding the domestic or foreign tourist. It’s started from 1 st July, 2011 to 26 th August, 2011. 5 CHAPTER II THE DESCRIPTION OF MUSEUM OF THE ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE

2.1 Historical Background

The idea of establishing Museum of the Asian-African Conference had been given by Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M, the Minister of Foreign Affair 1978-1988. The idea was inspired by desires to eternalize the Asian-African Conference as a culmination of the most successful Indonesia foreign policy, its spirit in which had spread all over the world especially in Asia, Africa, and Non-Aligned Countries, besides motivated by the wishes of a number of Asian-African leaders when visiting Bandung. That idea had been materialized by Mr. Joop Ave, the Executive Chairman of the Committee of the 25 th Anniversary in cooperation with the Department of Information, Department of Education and Culture, the Provincial Government of West Java, and Padjajaran University. The technical planning and its execution were carried out by PT Decenta, Bandung. Museum of the Asian-African Conference was inaugurated by President Soeharto on 24 th April 1980 during the 25 th Anniversary of the Asian-African