The Role Of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC) In Promoting Bandung Spirit To The Public By Discussing Of Bandung Connection Book



The Role of Asian African Reading Club (AARC) in Promoting Bandung Sprit to The Public by Discussing of Bandung Connection Book is the job training report that was conducted in Museum of The Asian-African Conference. Besides as the one of academic requirements of Degree Program in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer, the purpose of this report is to increase the knowledge especially about a reading club.

The writer uses descriptive method in this report that describes the activities of the writer during doing the job training and following the club itself. The club really helped the writer to know and understand about the history of Asian-African Conference, so the writer has more knowledge when guiding the tourists.

In this report, the writer describes and explains some methods in reading a book such as skewing, previewing where those methods are used by the club before they read the book.




The Role of Asian African Reading Club (AARC) in Promoting Bandung Sprit to The Public by Discussing of Bandung Connection Book merupakan laporan salah satu kegiatan penulis saat melakukan kuliah kerja lapangan di Musium Konferensi Asia-Afrika. Selain sebagai persyaratan akademik yang harus dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa strata I jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Komouter Indonesia, tujuan penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan khususnya mengenai klub membaca.

Dalam laporan ini, Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan aktifitas penulis saat melakukan kuliah kerja lapangan dan mengikuti klub membaca itu sendiri. Klub tersebut sangat membantu penulis dalam mengetahui dan memahami sejarah konferensi Asia-Afrika, sehingga penulis mempunyai pengetahuan lebih saat memandu para turis.

Didalam laporan ini, penulis mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan beberapa metode membaca buku seperti skewing dan previewing dimana metode tersebut di gunakan oleh sebuah klub membaca sebelum membaca sebuah buku secara keseluruhan.




First at all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah S.W.T because His blessing and grant this report can be finished, and also to our prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. The writer expresses acknowledgement for the following people:

1. My beloved parents, mom and dad. Thank you for your advices and support, both of you always make me strong to face the life. Your love give a power for me to finish this report, even though we are not living together but your advices, support, and love still in my deep heart, I really love you all

2. Asih Prihandini, S.S.,M.Hum as my counselor. Thank you for your patience and support in checking and guiding my job training report

3. All staff in Museum of Asian-African Conference, especially Mr. Desmon as counselor who always taught and helped me to be a good guide, and also gave every thing that I need for this report

4. Retno Purwani Sari, M.Hum as coordinator of job training, you told me to prepare the report while doing my job training. I really regretted because I didn’t hear your advice

5. All my lecturers in English Department, for giving and teaching me the knowledge 6. My lovely sisters, Pupu, Teyang, and Ika, thank for your support when I’m feeling

give up. Especially my sister Pupu, you always wake up in the dawn to wake me up and cook for me, I love you so much all



7. My best friend Meslina (ka Mes), thank you for being my best friend in giving

support and making a joke in every day, especially when I’m felling down, it really helped me

8. My lovely best friend, Foeyaa, always gives your time to listen my complaints and sighs, and accompanying me when there is no one in my side. You always make me laugh with your joke and expression. Thank you so much

9. All my friends, Aci, Uchi, Rina, Puri, Ganjar, Izal, Yuan, Ronny, Donna, Fajar, Bayu, Hary, Hendri, Lanita, Teh Widy, Teh Ima, Teh Tri, and all my classmate, thank you for being my friends and giving support to me

10. The last but not list, the writer thanks to F(x) and 4Minutes, thanks for your support by your song. It makes me spirit during doing this report in the morning, afternoon, night, and until finished.

The writer expects that this report is useful for the reader and the writer too. The writer knows that this report is not excellent, so the critics and advices are really pleased.



















1.1 Background

Job training is one of the subjects in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer to apply the knowledge and ability in translating and speaking English. Based on that, the writer took the job training at Museum of The Asian African Conference, because the writer is interested to be a guide at the museum. During doing the job training, the writer was really exciting and got much knowledge which had never been gotten in the class, especially about the history of Asian African Conference.

In Museum of Asian-African Conference, we not only find the information about the building and the conference itself, but also find a reading club which is called AARC (Asian-African Reading Club). The club is the interesting one because the writer never found the reading club in other museum. As far as the writer knows, a museum only gives information and shows the artifacts or another heritage thing without providing a reading club that can be attended by public. Because of that, the writer gives the title “The Role of Asian African Reading Club (AARC) in Promoting Bandung Spirit to The Public by Discussing of Bandung Connection Book”.



1.2 Scope

AARC has a structure of organization, background, objectives, members, schedule, and activities of the club itself.

1.3 Objectives

There are many objectives in doing the job training and choosing the topic in this paper, those are:

1. To fulfill one of the subjects in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer

2. To apply the knowledge that the writer has gotten from studying in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer

3. To get experience in the work world

4. To improve the ability and knowledge in speaking English

5. To give information about AARC to the public

6. To persuade the public follow that club



1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The purpose of the writer chose that topic for the job training report is giving information about the reading club which is held in Museum of Asian-African Conference. It is the different one than another museum, because we just can find the club in that museum.

It is informal club where the people in all of the age come and out as like as they are, without the rule which is binding.

1.5 The Framework of The Theory

Asian-African Reading Club (AARC) is using skimming and previewing method in practing the club. So the writer used reading theory: skimming and previewing the text by Wiener Bazerman in his book which entitle Reading Skill Handbook.

Skimming is rapid reading for fact, and previewing is a step to take in order to read for information come before you actually begin reading.

1.6 Research Method

The writer uses the descriptive method during writing this paper. Descriptive method is the method where the writer describes and explains the topic specifically. In this report, the writer has also attached the list picture which has relation with the topic itself.



1.7 Place and Date of Fieldwork Practice

The fieldwork practice had been placed in Museum of The Asia Africa Conference at Jl. Asia Afrika no. 65 Bandung 40111. The writer became a guide for guiding the domestic or foreign tourist. It’s started from 1st July, 2011 to 26thAugust,





2.1 Historical Background

The idea of establishing Museum of the Asian-African Conference had been given by Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M, the Minister of Foreign Affair (1978-1988). The idea was inspired by desires to eternalize the Asian-African Conference as a culmination of the most successful Indonesia foreign policy, its spirit in which had spread all over the world especially in Asia, Africa, and Non-Aligned Countries, besides motivated by the wishes of a number of Asian-African leaders when visiting Bandung. That idea had been materialized by Mr. Joop Ave, the Executive Chairman of the Committee of the 25th Anniversary in cooperation with the Department of Information, Department of Education and Culture, the Provincial Government of West Java, and Padjajaran University. The technical planning and its execution were carried out by PT Decenta, Bandung.

Museum of the Asian-African Conference was inaugurated by President Soeharto on 24th April 1980 during the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African



Conference. The museum is named Museum of The Asian-African Conference, in order to memorize the venue of the Asian-African Conference that becomes the source of inspiration and motivation for the Asian-African nations.

2.2 Purpose

There are purposes of establishing the museum:

a. To save, collect, protect, manage, and present for the public, all of the information related to the Asian-African Conference, its background and its development, which have connection with social culture and the role of the Asian-African nations, especially Indonesia in the international life and political arena.

b. To collect, manage and present for the public all the books, magazines, newspaper, other publications, and documents containing details and information of the activities, role, and social culture of the Asian, African, and developing countries in the international life and political platform. The museum also facilitates researchers from Asia, Africa, and developing countries for education and scientific purposes for Indonesian people and youth, for the youth of Asian-African countries in general. It also provides inputs for the government to conducts its foreign policy.

c. To support efforts in developing national culture, and education of young generation, as well as promoting tourism.



d. To support efforts for creating mutual understanding and unity of ideas, as well as to increase the level of cooperation among Asian and African nations, and among nations in the world.

2.3 Location

Museum of the Asian-African Conference is located in Gedung Merdeka at Jalan Asia Afrika Number 65, Bandung. Up to now, the building is under the

jurisdiction of Indonesian Legislative Assembly / people’s Consultative Council and is under the supervision of the Secretariat of State, while the management is carried out by the Provincial Government of West Java.

2.4 Facilities

Like another museum, there have facilities such as:

a. Permanent Exhibition Room

Museum of the Asian-African Conference has a permanent exhibition room, which exhibits collection of three-dimension objects and documentary photos of Tugu Meeting, Colombo conference, and Asian-African Conference 1955. The exhibition room also provides:

- The historical events that become the historical background of the Asian-African Conference;



- Gedung Merdeka from time to time;

- Profile of the participant countries of the Asian-African Conference that are performed in the multimedia;

- Diorama of the opening session of the Asian-African Conference 1955.

b. Contemporary Exhibition Room

This room shows the exhibition in the limited time, like ASEAN batik exhibition which was held on 22nd August, 2011, to 16th September, 2011.

c. Library

To support the activities of the Museum of the Asian-African Conference in 1985, Abdullah Kamil (the Ambassador of Indonesia in London) initiated an idea of establishing a library. The library provides many books on history, social, politic, and culture of the African Countries and others; such as document of the Asian-African Conference and its preliminary conference; magazines and newspapers donate from other institution or gained by purchase.

d. Audiovisual Room

Along with the establishment of the library, audiovisual room was set up as well. The room is used to perform documentary films on world condition until 1950s, Asian-African Conference and its preliminary conferences, and films about the culture of the Asian-African Countries.



e. Souvenir Gallery

There are selling many kinds of souvenir like mug, t-shirt, stamp, goody bag, pin, and so on.

f. Toilet

It is divided into two kind of toilet; public and VIP toilet.

g. Musholla

That mushola is used for public, every guest and employee who is a Muslim can pray in there.



2.5 Organization Structure Of Museum Of The Asian-African Conference

Kepala Museum KAA

Isman Pasha

Seksi Pelestarian dan Dokumentasi Diplomasi

Publik Dedie Sutardi

Kasubag. Tata Usaha

Dedeh Rokhaeni

Seksi Publikasi dan Promosi Nilai-nilai KAA

Titin Budiantin Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional

Arsiparis 1. Deddy M.S 2. Muhamad R.M 3. Dede Sukandi



2.6 Job Position

Museum of the Asian-African Conference entrusted the writer as guide of domestic and foreign tourists. Beside that, the writer also did another job; make a synopsis from some books, as committee of some events, and so on. But in Asian-African Reading Club, the writer is only as member.





3.1 Background of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC)

Asian African Reading Club (AAR) was established in 24th August, 2009, at Museum of Asian African Conference. It was inaugurated by head of museum Isman Pasha. It was inspired from discussing among Mr. Isman Pasha, Mr. Deni Rachman, and Mrs. Nunun Nurhayati to persuade the public to know and understand the importance of Bandung spirit in 1955 and in the present. In its application to promote the Bandung spirit, AARC holds the book discussion which entitled “Bandung Connection” by Dr. H. Roeslan Abdulgani. There are 18 chapters which explain about the implementation of Asian African Conference from zero to a success.

It is so important to the public especially the youth to know and understand how important the substantial of Bandung spirit and the implementation of Asian African Conference for the human life in over the world, especially in Asian African. Because of that, the societies are expected to appreciate and continue the fight our fighter before, because the colonialism and imperialism come in modern ways, in the form of economic, intellectual, and actual physical control by a small but alien community within a nation, like Soekarno’s speech in Asian African Conference:




“And, I beg of you, do not think of colonialism only in the classic form which we of Indonesian, and our brothers in different part of Asia Africa, knew. Colonialism has also its modern dress, in the form of economic control, intellectual control, actual

physical control by a small but alien community within a nation…. Where, whenever,

and however it appears, colonialism is an evil thing and one which must be

eradicated from the earth”

3.2 The Schedule of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC)

AARC is held on Wednesday at 17.00 p.m. – 20.00 p.m. There are two sessions in implementing the club, the first is read the book and the second is discuss it.

3.3 The Activities of Asian African Club (AARC)

Before reading the book one by one in loudly voice, the members are given time to read it by themselves. It intends to give the time for them to skim and preview, so they can find specific fact or topic in that book. Wiener Bazerman said that;

“Rapid reading for fact is called skimming. When you skim a paragraph or a page, you are searching quickly among sentences for the answer to some questions you have”.

Here is how to skim:

Make sure that you know what information you are looking for. Ask yourself a question

Move your eyes quickly from line to line and from sentence to sentence.




Read slowly the part of the line or sentence that tells you what you want to know.

Think about the question you are trying to answer.

Does the information you have found answer the question? If not, quickly read passage again to look for the information you need.

Previewing is a step to take in order to read for information come before you actually begin reading (Wiener Bazerman). Here is how to preview a reading selection:

Look at the title.

Look for subtitles essays.

Look at the pictures, charts, or drawings.

Look at the first sentence of each paragraph.

Look at the first paragraph carefully.

Look at the questions that come after the reading.

Look at for the key words in different print.

Look for a summary.

After the members are doing it, they start to read the book one by one in loudly voice. At 18.30 p.m. they get a coffee break and do the pray before continuing to




discussion. At 19.00 p.m. they start to discuss the book deeply. The discussion is usually lead by one speaker who uses power point to show their subject which relates with the topic read before. The speaker changes every week with the different topic and slide show. At 20.00 p.m. the club is closed by taking a picture before.

When the writer attended the club, the book which was discussed is “The Bandung Connection” book. The book talks about the implementation of Asian-African Conference in 1955. There were conflicts and tragedy during the conference gone, and how the people came together in Bandung with their spirit to destroy the colonialism and imperialism in the world. How Indonesia had a big role to arrange the conference, how the conference united the people from many countries without looking at the religion, language, ethnic, culture, and another differences.

“Ah, sisters and brothers let this Conference be a success! In spite of diversity

that exists among its participants, let this Conference be a great success! Yes there is diversity among us. Who denies it? Small and great nations are represented here, with people professing almost every religion under the sun, - Budhism, Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Hindhuism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroasthrianism, Shintoism, and other.

Almost every political faith we encounter here – Democracy, Monarchism, Theocracy, with innumerable variants. And practically every economic doctrine has its representative in this hall Marhaenism, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, in all their manifold variations and combination”. (Soekarno’s speech)

So, what is the relation between the theory of reading with the club and the book? As the writer said that the “Bandung Connection” book is talking about the implementation from the zero to a success. With that theory they can learn more how




the importance of the conference is! Many words which have deep meaning can be gotten to up their spirit to face the life in the world, to appreciate the fight before, and to continue the fight itself.

AARC has a role in promoting the Bandung sprit by making discussion and using the theory in practicing the club. As Andika Budiman, one of AARC member said that “after I joint with this club I could know about the history of Asian-African Conference, and I want to know more about history not only the conference but also another Indonesia history. Beside that, the book is so interested to read and make me spirit to face the problem that I have. About the practice of the club, I think it is efficient for us to skim and preview before reading together and discussing, so we can know what the main topic that we will discuss and it make us more understand with

the conference”.

Beside reading, AARC has another activity like make an adventure to the historical place like Napak Tilas Konperensi Asia-Afrika with the theme “The Reflection of 1955 The Asian-African Conference and Beyond” which was held in 13th July, 2011 from Bandung, Bogor, to Jakarta. It is purposed to get more the precious meaning of the conference.

3.4 The Members of Asian-African Reading Club (ARRC)

Everybody can follow this club without paying and the rule which is binding. They can go and come as like as they want. There are members in any ages, gender,




and profession like man and woman, boy and girl, young man and old man, university student, student, guide, teacher, librarian, poet, and so on.

3.5 The Objective of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC)

The purpose in making this club is to make the group which is studying of history by having spirit and KAA value.

3.6 The Organization Structure of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC)

Sekretaris Jendral Adew Habtsa

Divisi Aksi Febby Syahputra

Divisi Propaganda Iyan Septiyan

Divisi Tulis Gilang Aljabar





4.1. Conclusion

After following Asian-African Reading Club, there are some conclusions gained by the writer as a member of that club, there are:

1. It is important for us to know and understand about the history of Asian-African Conference to appreciate and continue the previous fight.

2. By reading, we can get more knowledge about every thing like history, science, psychology, and so on.

3. Skewing and previewing are useful for understanding what the book talk about before reading.

4. Reading club is one of way to persuade the public for like reading.

4.2. Suggestion

To The Club

1. It should be better if the club is held in the afternoon, so the club will end in the evening.




To The Faculty of Letters

1. It should be better if there is a reading club to increase an interest in reading. 2. It will help the student of English Department to improve the speed of reading by

creating the club.

To The English Department

1. Provide the facilities to support the created of the club.




Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Rizkia Lestari







1. Profile

Name : Rizkia Lestari

Address : Jl. Sekeloa Gg. A. Basra No 9, RT/RW 01/09A

Desa Margahayu Selatan, Kecamatan Margahayu, Kabupaten Bandung 40226

Place/ Date of Birth : Bandung, 06th January 1990

Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Phone : 085222666537

E-mail :

2. Educational Background 2.1 Formal Education

No Year Institutions 1. 1996 - 2002 SDN Cilandak 2. 2002 - 2005 SLTPN 2 Margahayu 3. 2005 - 2008 SMAN 1 Katapang 4. 2008 - present English Department


36 2.2Informal Education

No Years Institution

1. 2006 – 2008 English school VICTORY (Certified)

2. 2009 - present Homey Korean Language Club (Uncertified) 3. 2009 Seminar on Copywriting I (Certified) 4. 2010 Seminar on Copywriting II (Certified) 5. 2010 Seminar on Leadership (Certified)

6. 2011 Seminar on Feminist, Feminine and Text (Certified) 7. 2011 2 Hari Kursus Bahasa Esperanto (Certified)

8. 2011 Public Lecture I (Certified) 9. 2011 Public Lecture II (Certified)

10 2010 Seminar on translating and interpreting (Certified)

3. Competency

The competencies the writer had as follows: a. Guiding

b. The computer operating, particularly Ms. Office Programs c. Public speaking


37 4. Organization and Work Experience

a. As the member of English Major Organization of UNIKOM in 2008/ 2009 Periods.

b. As the member of Homey Korean Language Club (HKLCB) in 2009/present.

c. As the member of Homey Taekwondo in 2010/present.

d. As the member of Sahabat Musium Konperensi Asia-Afrika (SMKAA) in 2011/present.

e. As the member of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC) in 2011/present.



Bazerman, Wiener, 1977, Reading Skill Handbook, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Dr.H. Abdulgani, Roeslan, 2011, The Bandung Connection, Kementrian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia.



19 To The Faculty of Letters

1. It should be better if there is a reading club to increase an interest in reading. 2. It will help the student of English Department to improve the speed of reading by

creating the club.

To The English Department

1. Provide the facilities to support the created of the club.




Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements Rizkia Lestari







1. Profile

Name : Rizkia Lestari

Address : Jl. Sekeloa Gg. A. Basra No 9, RT/RW 01/09A

Desa Margahayu Selatan, Kecamatan Margahayu, Kabupaten Bandung 40226

Place/ Date of Birth : Bandung, 06th January 1990

Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Phone : 085222666537

E-mail :

2. Educational Background 2.1 Formal Education

No Year Institutions 1. 1996 - 2002 SDN Cilandak 2. 2002 - 2005 SLTPN 2 Margahayu 3. 2005 - 2008 SMAN 1 Katapang 4. 2008 - present English Department


36 2.2Informal Education

No Years Institution

1. 2006 – 2008 English school VICTORY (Certified)

2. 2009 - present Homey Korean Language Club (Uncertified) 3. 2009 Seminar on Copywriting I (Certified) 4. 2010 Seminar on Copywriting II (Certified) 5. 2010 Seminar on Leadership (Certified)

6. 2011 Seminar on Feminist, Feminine and Text (Certified) 7. 2011 2 Hari Kursus Bahasa Esperanto (Certified)

8. 2011 Public Lecture I (Certified) 9. 2011 Public Lecture II (Certified)

10 2010 Seminar on translating and interpreting (Certified)

3. Competency

The competencies the writer had as follows: a. Guiding

b. The computer operating, particularly Ms. Office Programs c. Public speaking


37 4. Organization and Work Experience

a. As the member of English Major Organization of UNIKOM in 2008/ 2009 Periods.

b. As the member of Homey Korean Language Club (HKLCB) in 2009/present.

c. As the member of Homey Taekwondo in 2010/present.

d. As the member of Sahabat Musium Konperensi Asia-Afrika (SMKAA) in 2011/present.

e. As the member of Asian-African Reading Club (AARC) in 2011/present.



Bazerman, Wiener, 1977, Reading Skill Handbook, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Dr.H. Abdulgani, Roeslan, 2011, The Bandung Connection, Kementrian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia.