Research Findings

B. Research Findings

1. Identifying the Problem To know the condition of English teaching learning, the researcher conducted pre-observation in class VIII F of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung before the action was done. In this pre-observation she found some problems of writing skill. The students had the problems in writing a text because they learnt writing without using a good approach and treatment. They were just asked to write a composition based on the topic that had been prepared in the text book. Sometimes, the students didn’t understand about a certain instruction of a text for example the generic structure of the text, purposes and the language features of the text.

The researcher also gave the open-ended questionnaires to the students about English writing in their class. Based on the questionnaires which had been filled in by the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung, the researcher found out some problems dealing with writing skill:

4. There were 23.5% students who disliked English writing class, 3% students much disliked English writing, 64% said neutral, and only 8.8% students liked English writing.

5. There were 55.6% students who still found it difficult to generate ideas into composition. Only 8.8% students agreed that generating ideas was easy. The rest students said neutral.

6. There was no student who agreed that writing a composition needs a short time. 76.47% students still needed very long time in composing paragraphs. The rest students said neutral.

After finding the problems faced by the students in English class, the researcher conducted a pre-test. The pre-test was done before doing the teaching learning process. The test was done in order to know the writing skill of the students. The mean of the students’ scores in the pre-test was 68.22.

Based on the pre-observation and pre-test conducted by the researcher, it can be identified that the writing skill of the eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung was still low. It should be improved by implementing a teaching technique which can overcome the problems. In implementing the teaching learning process, the researcher used videos to improve students’ writing skill. The target of this research was the improvement of students’ writing skill which concerns more on the generating ideas and organization of text.

2. Implementing the Action Research

a. Cycle 1 1.) Planning After finding the problems by the pre-observation, pre-test, and using questionnaires, the researcher made a plan to teach writing class in cycle 1. She prepared materials from internet and relevant books. She planned four meetings in cycle 1. She prepared a lesson plan for four meetings at once. The researcher chose materials which are suitable for the students. She chose a video cartoon which can be easily understood by the students. The title of the video used in the cycle 1 was “The Postman Pat and Surprise Present”. The duration of this video was about 12 minutes.

2.) Action In this cycle the researcher implemented the teaching technique using videos. There were four meetings in this cycle. She prepared a lesson plan for four meetings at once. a.) The First Meeting

The researcher conducted the first meeting on Wednesday, February 17 th 2010. She entered the class of VIII F. As soon as the

researcher entered the class, she greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance list. She didn’t introduce herself because she had done it in the pre-test. She started the teaching with some pre- activities. She gave some guided questions about some famous narrative stories, such as Malin Kundang, Kancil Nyolong Timun,

Cinderella , etc. She asked orally to the students about the characters, setting, and what happened in that stories. Some students participated actively in this brainstorming section. Then she asked about cartoon films. She introduced the cartoon film which would be played in the next activities. Most of them didn’t know yet about the film. Not so long, she prepared everything to play the video using laptop connected with LCD and sound system. All of the students paid attention to the video when it was being played. After that, the researcher asked to the students about the video. Some students didn’t comprehend the whole part of the story. It was caused by the noise out of the class so they couldn’t listen clearly. So, the researcher played it once again by the play-pause technique. The students still paid attention to the video. From the second playing, the students could get the message of the video. Next, the researcher guided the students about the generic structure of the story in the video (orientation, complication, and resolution) by giving some guiding questions. Some students actively answered the researcher’s questions. After that, the researcher asked them to make a group of 4 and write some declarative sentences using past tense related to the story in the video as much as possible. The researcher taught about past tense then asked the students to start their task with their own group. The researcher went around the class to guide the students and help them solve the difficulties they faced. In Cinderella , etc. She asked orally to the students about the characters, setting, and what happened in that stories. Some students participated actively in this brainstorming section. Then she asked about cartoon films. She introduced the cartoon film which would be played in the next activities. Most of them didn’t know yet about the film. Not so long, she prepared everything to play the video using laptop connected with LCD and sound system. All of the students paid attention to the video when it was being played. After that, the researcher asked to the students about the video. Some students didn’t comprehend the whole part of the story. It was caused by the noise out of the class so they couldn’t listen clearly. So, the researcher played it once again by the play-pause technique. The students still paid attention to the video. From the second playing, the students could get the message of the video. Next, the researcher guided the students about the generic structure of the story in the video (orientation, complication, and resolution) by giving some guiding questions. Some students actively answered the researcher’s questions. After that, the researcher asked them to make a group of 4 and write some declarative sentences using past tense related to the story in the video as much as possible. The researcher taught about past tense then asked the students to start their task with their own group. The researcher went around the class to guide the students and help them solve the difficulties they faced. In

b.) The Second Meeting On Thursday, February 18 th 2010, the researcher came for the

second meeting. In this meeting, the lesson begins with reviewing the last meeting. The researcher also explained about past tense because in the last lesson most of the students still made some mistakes in writing sentences with past tense. She pointed some students to make examples of past tense sentences. There were some students who made wrong sentences. The researcher gave some examples of past tense in white board. She also explained about passive voice in brief. The students paid attention to the researcher when she was explaining the grammar. Then, she told the students about the same video. She played that video from the beginning until the end. The students were still interested in the same materials. After watching the video, the researcher repeated the last lesson about the characters of the story and the generic structure of the story. Then, she explained about the time conjunctions which are usually used in narrative text. Some students seemed that they had already understood about examples of time conjunctions. Next, the researcher asked the students to sit with their own groups. In this meeting, she asked the students to make a short paragraph based on the video using temporal or time conjunctions. As usual, she went around the class to guide the students in making their second meeting. In this meeting, the lesson begins with reviewing the last meeting. The researcher also explained about past tense because in the last lesson most of the students still made some mistakes in writing sentences with past tense. She pointed some students to make examples of past tense sentences. There were some students who made wrong sentences. The researcher gave some examples of past tense in white board. She also explained about passive voice in brief. The students paid attention to the researcher when she was explaining the grammar. Then, she told the students about the same video. She played that video from the beginning until the end. The students were still interested in the same materials. After watching the video, the researcher repeated the last lesson about the characters of the story and the generic structure of the story. Then, she explained about the time conjunctions which are usually used in narrative text. Some students seemed that they had already understood about examples of time conjunctions. Next, the researcher asked the students to sit with their own groups. In this meeting, she asked the students to make a short paragraph based on the video using temporal or time conjunctions. As usual, she went around the class to guide the students in making their

c.) The Third Meeting The third meeting was conducted on Friday, February 19 th

2010. The researcher entered to the class and opened her teaching by greeting the students. The researcher played the same video to the students. Then, the researcher reviewed about the generic structure of story in the video. The researcher concerned more on the parts of narrative text. Some students followed actively but the others were passive. Next, the researcher asked the students to work in their own group as what they had done in last meeting. At this time, the researcher asked them to do exercise in making paragraph based on generic structure of narrative text. Each group made one of generic

structure. 1 nd group wrote the orientation, 2 group wrote the complication, 3 rd group wrote the resolution, et cetera. After the bell


rang, the researcher asked them to submit their work and ended the teaching learning.

d.) The Fourth Meeting The researcher came to the class on Wednesday, February 24 th

2010 for the fourth meeting. The researcher told that at this time they would use the same video. They wanted to watch the other video. But the researcher ensured them to watch the same video for having the 2010 for the fourth meeting. The researcher told that at this time they would use the same video. They wanted to watch the other video. But the researcher ensured them to watch the same video for having the

3.) Observation a.) The First Meeting In the first meeting, there were two students who didn’t attend the class because they had to practice scout for a competition. The students of VIII F participated actively in the researcher’s class. When the video was played, all of them paid close attention to the video. It showed that the students had an interest to the video. But, when the researcher divided them into groups, the students were very noisy. It took much time to get them in groups.

They still had difficulties in constructing sentences in past form. It was proved by their assignments which had several errors of past form. They also still lack of vocabularies. It was indicated by their They still had difficulties in constructing sentences in past form. It was proved by their assignments which had several errors of past form. They also still lack of vocabularies. It was indicated by their

b.) The Second Meeting The students were actively involved in teaching learning. Their responses were good. In this meeting, the students were more active. They still paid attention to the video though it was already played in the previous meeting. All of them seriously watched the video. When the researcher guided the students about time conjunction, the condition was noisy. It seemed that they had already understood about that term. Some of them mention the examples of time conjunction correctly. After the researcher divided them into groups, the class was so noisy. Some of the students went here and there to find dictionary and everything they needed. There were still some students who asked about vocabularies and phrases.

c.) The Third Meeting In the third meeting the researcher still played the same video for the students. Some of the students watched it lazily especially the students who sat at the back. But no one made a noise in class.

When the researcher divided them into groups as usual, there were still noisy. Most of them worked in groups well. They discussed seriously to make a paragraph of a narrative although they still had difficulties in vocabulary. But there were still some students who didn’t take part actively and talked something else with the other When the researcher divided them into groups as usual, there were still noisy. Most of them worked in groups well. They discussed seriously to make a paragraph of a narrative although they still had difficulties in vocabulary. But there were still some students who didn’t take part actively and talked something else with the other

d.) The Fourth Meeting In this meeting, the students seemed to be lazy when they watch the video. When the researcher asked them to make a full narrative story based on the video individually, almost all of them complained about that. They seemed to be unconfident when they were asked to write not in their group anymore. But then they did their exercise after the researcher asked them repeatedly. The students were very noisy. They asked each other about their writing. Some students still asked about the vocabulary to the researcher. When the bell rang, most of the students hadn’t finished their story.

4.) Reflection After analyzing the observation result in the cycle one, the researcher did reflection in order to evaluate the teaching and learning process she did so far. She found the students’ progress in writing ability. Observation result showed that there were some improvements achieved by the students after doing the action.

In cycle one, the mean score of the students was increasing. It could be seen by comparing the result of the pre-test and post-test during the implementation of the action. The mean score of the post-test result In cycle one, the mean score of the students was increasing. It could be seen by comparing the result of the pre-test and post-test during the implementation of the action. The mean score of the post-test result

Besides the improvement in their products of writing, there were also some improvements in the students’ attitude toward writing. In teaching learning process conducted in cycle 1, the students were more motivated in writing. They were motivated because in every beginning of the class, they watched the video which can give them stimulus which makes them relax and gives them topics to be discussed. By the teaching learning process, there is also improvement of students’ writing skill in generating the ideas. The students could write the longer story than before in a more organized text.

But, in this cycle, the researcher still found some weaknesses of the students in writing a story. They had difficulties in vocabulary mastery. It was indicated by the fact that almost all of their questions were about vocabulary. They sometimes used inappropriate words in their writing. They also still found it difficult to change the past forms of certain verbs, especially the irregular verbs. Besides, some of them still got difficulties in using the correct past form when they wrote sentences. The improvements of the students’ achievements and learning process at the end of cycle 1 can be seen in table 3.

Table 3. The Improvement of Students’ Achievement and Learning

Process at the End of Cycle 1

Data sources

Before the action

After the action of cycle 1


1. Teaching Learning Process Interviews

1. Teaching Learning Process

· The students seemed

· The students were more

enthusiastic in joining Questionnaires

uninterested when they

were asked to write.

writing class but still afraid when they were asked to write individually.

· When the videos were played, the students paid attention to them.

· Some students paid less

· Most students could start

attention to the teacher’s

their task better and


involved in their group

· They spent so much time


in starting their task

· Some students still

when they were asked to

talked each other and


made noise when they

· Some students made

were asked to work in

noise in teaching

group and moved here

learning process.

and there in the session of joint construction.

2. Writing Skill

· The students could write a story in more generated ideas.

· The students could make longer paragraph with

2. Writing Skill

sufficient supporting details.

· The students got

· The students could

difficulties in generating

organize their story

ideas into the words.


· The students only made

· The students could finish

few supporting details

their story until the end.

when they made

· The students could start


their writing with some

· The students got

opening sentences.

difficulties in organizing

· The students were still

the story.

careless about grammar.

· The students got stuck in a point when writing.

· The students were · The students were

· The students got

· The students were still

difficulties in

lack of vocabulary, also

constructing the past

in the past terms of


irregular verbs.

· The students were lack of vocabulary, especially the past terms of irregular verbs.

Test The mean score of the pre-test: The mean score of the post- 68.22 test1: 75.58 The problems would be solved: · The students’ difficulties in generating ideas.

· The students’ difficulties in organizing texts. · The student’s difficulties in constructing past sentences. · The low vocabulary mastery

The weaknesses which still happened: · The students’ difficulties in constructing past sentences.

· The difficulties in using appropriate words (the low vocabulary mastery).

b. Cycle 2 1.) Revised Plan To solve the weaknesses emerged in cycle 1, the researcher made a revised plan to teach writing in cycle 2 based on the observation and reflection from teaching learning process in cycle 1. The researcher gave some materials of vocabulary in this cycle because in the previous cycle the students were still lack of vocabulary. The researcher also gave more exercises about writing sentences with the correct grammar. In this cycle, the researcher planned to conduct three meetings which still focused on writing by using video. The narrative video chosen in this cycle was fable. The title of the video was ‘Ant and the Dove’ with the duration was about

4 minutes. She also prepared students’ worksheet. The materials used in this cycle were almost the same with the previous cycle. The difference of both was only in vocabulary. In the materials of cycle 2, the researcher added some vocabulary exercises because in the result of cycle 1 the students were still lack of vocabularies. A lesson plan was made by the researcher for three meetings at once.

2.) Action In the second cycle, the researcher used the same technique in teaching writing using video, but with different theme. This cycle was conducted in three meetings. a.) The Fifth Meeting

The fifth meeting was done on Friday, March 12 th 2010. The researcher came to class 8 F with the English teacher. As usual, the

researcher opened her teaching learning process by greeting the students and checking students’ attendance list. At the first time, the researcher did some flashback about the narrative materials which have been discussed in the previous meeting. The researcher made a review about narrative text by guiding the students to answer her questions. After that, the researcher focused on one of narrative types, which is fable. The students were guided to mention some examples of fable. Then, the researcher introduced a video cartoon fable to the students. The title of the video was “Ant and the Dove”. Its duration was about

4 minutes. The researcher played that video with her laptop. The

students paid attention to the film when the video was played. The researcher played the video twice. After the video ended, the students made some noise and discussed about the video each other. Then the researcher guided the students to mention the characters of the story, and some vocabularies related with the video. After that, the researcher asked them to make a group of 4 or 5 as usual and gave each group pieces of students’ worksheet. The students were asked to do the exercises within their group. The exercises in this meeting were about the vocabulary. They were asked to find out the meaning of certain vocabulary and also the past form of that vocabulary. After that, each group should makes some sentences use the vocabulary mentioned before. When the bell was ringing, the researcher asked them to submit their worksheet.

b.) The Sixth Meeting On Wednesday March 17 th 2010, the researcher conducted the

sixth meeting. First of all, the researcher greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance list as the opening activities. As soon as possible she reviewed the last meeting about the story in the video. The researcher invited the students to watch the video again. The video was still the same with the video played in the fifth meetings. The researcher prepared everything to play that video by being helped by some students. The students were interested in that video and paid attention to it. Having finished, the researcher reviewed the generic sixth meeting. First of all, the researcher greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance list as the opening activities. As soon as possible she reviewed the last meeting about the story in the video. The researcher invited the students to watch the video again. The video was still the same with the video played in the fifth meetings. The researcher prepared everything to play that video by being helped by some students. The students were interested in that video and paid attention to it. Having finished, the researcher reviewed the generic

a story of fable based on the video they watched. The researcher asked the students to submit worksheet when the time was over.

c.) The Seventh Meeting The researcher conducted the seventh meeting on Thursday,

March 18 th 2010. As soon as she entered the class, the researcher opened the class and reviewed the previous lesson. In this meeting, the

researcher still played the same video. The students still paid attention to the video which was played. In this last meeting, the researcher asked the students to write a story of fable based on the video they just have watched individually, not in group anymore. The students seemed confident when they were asked to write individually. They did the exercise without being asked by the researcher many times. They asked each other, open the Alfa link, and even asked to the researcher and their English teacher. The researcher guided them in constructing a story. After the time was over, the students submit their work and the researcher and announced that in the next meeting there would be post test. Finally, she said good bye to them.

3.) Observation a.) The Fifth Meeting

The students seemed that they were more interested in the video of fable. They paid close attention to the video and sometimes discussed with their friends beside them. The situation was conducive because there was no noisy outside the class so that the students could hear clearly. To solve the weaknesses of cycle 1, the researcher gave some guidance about vocabulary mastery. She gave some vocabulary to the students related to the story. In fact, the students were enthusiastic in joining and responding the lesson during teaching learning process. They were also enthusiastic to do the exercises in group because in this meeting the researcher gave more variation in their exercises, not merely in writing a story but also the vocabulary.

b.) The Sixth Meeting In the sixth meeting, the students still paid attention to the video. They were asked to do exercise in making a fable based on the video they watch. They looked enthusiastic when discussing with their friends within their group. But, sometimes they told each other about something else. So, the researcher went around the class to guide and monitor them whether they were active in their own group or not. Most of them were active when they were asked to do the exercises. But some students looked lazy and passive working in group.

c.) The Seventh Meeting When the researcher asked them some questions about the story, most of them answered that they had understood the content of c.) The Seventh Meeting When the researcher asked them some questions about the story, most of them answered that they had understood the content of

4.) Reflection and Evaluation In the cycle 2, the researcher found some improvements. The students were motivated and interested in teaching learning process. The students were more enthusiastic in joining the class with the videos of fables. The videos stimulated the students to make narrative easier because they can imagine about the way of the story in video, then write it down in

a paper. They also had more confidence in writing individually after they watched the videos. Without being asked many times by the researcher, they did their task.

There were also some improvements in students’ ability of writing. The students were more able to use past sentences correctly. It was shown by the students’ exercises in their worksheet which had only fewer mistakes.

Moreover, the test scores in cycle 2 showed the improvement result. The mean score of the pre-test was 68.22, while the mean score of the post-test in cycle 1 was 75.58 and the mean score of the post-test in Moreover, the test scores in cycle 2 showed the improvement result. The mean score of the pre-test was 68.22, while the mean score of the post-test in cycle 1 was 75.58 and the mean score of the post-test in

Table 4. The Improvement of the Students’ Achievement and Learning

Process at the End of Cycle 2

Data sources

After the action of cycle 1

After the action of cycle 2

Observations Teaching Learning Process 1. Teaching Learning Process Interviews

· The students were more

· The students were more

motivated and confident Questionnaires

enthusiastic in joining

writing class but still

to write individually after

afraid when they were

watching the videos.

asked to write individually.

· When the videos were

played, the students paid attention to them.

· Some students discussed

· Most students could start

actively about the video in

their task better and

their own group.

involved in their group

· Most students could start


their task better without wasting the time and involved in their group

· Some students still


talked each other and

· Some students focused on

made noise when they

their task and sometimes

were asked to work in

asked questions to the

group and moved here

researcher and their

and there in the session

teacher in joint

of joint construction.

construction session.

2. Writing Skill · The students could write

2. Writing Skill

a story in more generated ideas.

· The students could write a

· The students could make

story with more detailed

longer paragraph with


sufficient supporting

· The students could make


longer paragraph with

· The students could

sufficient supporting

organize their story



· The students could organize their story better from the beginning,

· The students could finish

middle, and ending.

their story until the end.

· The students could finish their story until the end on


· The students could start

· The students could make

their writing with some

some opening sentences

opening sentences.

in various ways better

· The students were still

· . The students could make

careless about grammar.

past sentences better and were more careful in constructing past sentences.

· The students could change the verb1 into verb2 in correct forms and were

· The students were still

able to use appropriate

lack of vocabulary, also

vocabulary better.

in the past terms of irregular verbs.


The mean score of the post-

The mean score of the post-

test2: 78.31 The problems would be solved: · The students’ difficulties in constructing past sentences.

test1: 75.58

· The difficulties in using appropriate words (the low vocabulary mastery). The weakness which still happened:

· There were still few students who made some errors in using appropriate


From the observation done in this action, the findings can be concluded as follows:

1. The positive improvement of students’ attitude towards writing during the teaching learning process, indicated by the students were more motivated and confident to write individually after watching the videos; some students discussed actively about the video in their own group; most students could start their task better without wasting the time and involved in their group actively; some students focused on their task and sometimes asked questions 1. The positive improvement of students’ attitude towards writing during the teaching learning process, indicated by the students were more motivated and confident to write individually after watching the videos; some students discussed actively about the video in their own group; most students could start their task better without wasting the time and involved in their group actively; some students focused on their task and sometimes asked questions

2. The improvement in students’ writing skill, such as; the students could write

a story with more detailed information; the students could make longer paragraph with sufficient supporting details; the students could organize their story better from the beginning, middle, and ending; the students could finish their story until the end on time; the students could make some opening sentences in various ways better; the students could make past sentences better and were more careful in constructing past sentences; the students could change the verb1 into verb2 in correct forms and were able to use appropriate vocabulary better. In short, the students could write a narrative text well. Then, the computation of the level of significance of the score (t-test) also showed that there was a significant improvement in students’ writing skill. It was proved by the result of the t-test computation which was higher than the t-table

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