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Press Secretary. 2009. President Barack Obama. http:www.whitehouse.govadministrationpresident-obama. Retrieved on September 14, 2013. Press Secretary. 2013. Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama. http:www.whitehouse.govthe-press-office20130121inaugural-address- president-barack-obama. Retrieved on September 14, 2013. Appendix 1. Types of Figurative Language, Lexical Structure, and Syntactic Structure in Barack Obamas Second Inaugural Address Sim : Simile Wrd : Word N : Noun IC : Independent Clause Mtp : Metaphor Phr : Phrase Adv : Adverb Per : Personification Cls : Clause Adj : Adjective Mtn : Metonymy Smp : Simple NP : Noun Phrase : Paradox Cmx : Complex PrepP : Prepositional Phrase Hyp : Hyperbole Cmp : Compound NC : Noun Clause Syn : Synecdoche AdvC : Adverbial Clause AdjC : Adjective Clause Sim Mtp Per Mtn Par Hyp Syn Wrd Phr Cls Smp Cmx Cmp 1 We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal. √ NP √ It is synecdoche because the word “all men” actually refers to not only men, but also all human beings men and women 2 Today we continue a never- ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. √ NP √ The phrase a never- ending journey indicates that it is a metaphor since journey here actually means the struggle in running the government. Thus, the journey is believed to have resemblance to the struggle in running the government. Syntactic Structure Explanation No. Sentence Figurative Language Lexical Structure 89 Sim Mtp Per Mtn Par Hyp Syn Wrd Phr Cls Smp Cmx Cmp Syntactic Structure Explanation No. Sentence Figurative Language Lexical Structure 3 Today we continue a never- ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. √ NP √ The phrase “a never- ending journey” is categorized as hyperbole since it exaggerates a journey which seems very long and has no ending. 4 For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they’ve never been self- executing. √ AdvC √ The clause for history tells us indicates that it is personification since history is not human being who can tell something; even history is an abstract word. 5 While freedom is a gift from God , it must be secured by His people here on Earth. √ AdvC √ The clause while freedom is a gift from God is classified as metaphor because freedom is compared to and believed to have resemblance to a gift from God. 6 Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword , we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free. √ AdvC √ The clause Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword is metonymy because it is substituted for the tragic experience of slavery andor war. 90