The cultural practice within the government of South Korea.


After examining the data, the writer comes to the conclusion. This part is the conclusion of the analysis. In this chapter the writer begins with the conclusion of the first problem formulation about the cohesion of the lexical items and then the second problem formulation about the media viewpoint on the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister. In the first problem, the writer found that both articles used the cohesive force of reiteration and collocation in the lexical cohesion, and reference and conjunction in grammatical cohesion. Both articles do not use the cohesive force of substitution and ellipsis because both articles tend to presents the text with its detail information and avoid the ambiguity by using the general words. All of the lexical items in both articles use specific words. In the organization of the subtopics, both texts elaborate the discussion about the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister in 7 subtopics whose the 4 subtopics are similar to the article from The New York Times , while the rest 3 subtopics are different with The New York Times . In the aspect of reiteration, there are 6 lexical items which are reiterated in The Korea Herald . The form of reiteration includes the reiteration of the same lexical items, reiteration of the synonym, and the reiteration of the near-synonym. There is no reiteration in the form of superordinate in The Korea Herald . 50 In The Korea Herald , there are 8 chains of lexical items which occur as collocation which support the text in building its lexical cohesion. Each chain has its own semantic relation which conveys the context about the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister. Different from The Korea Herald , There are 5 lexical items which are reiterated in The New York Times . The form of reiteration includes the reiteration of the same lexical items, reiteration of the synonym, and the reiteration of the near- synonym. There is no reiteration in the form of superordinate in The Korea Herald . Then in the aspect of collocation in The New York Times there are 9 chains of lexical items which occur as collocation which support the text in building its lexical cohesion. The use of grammatical aspects in both texts is limited on its function to support the lexical cohesion. So, this study found that the use of reference supports the findings on reiteration, the substitution and ellipsis support the presentation of both texts in general which avoid any ambiguity by use no general words, and conjunction in both text does not have any significant support since the conjunctions found are within the sentence. It does not link one sentence to another but it only links the message of a sentence. Then in the second problem formulation, the writer found that the viewpoint of both media about the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister is a little bit different. The differences between The Korea Herald and The New York Times in setting their viewpoint can happen also because of the target readers of their newspapers. The Korea Herald is a local newspaper while The New York Times is non-local newspaper for people in South Korea but rather be international newspaper. So, there are some details information that The Korea Herald does not mention because as the local people, the Koreans are already share the background knowledge. Both The Korea Herald and The New York Times presents the issue about the resignation of the Prime Minister as an action which is urged by the public outrage and as an action which absorbs so many negative critics although their employment of lexical items is quite different. Both The Korea Herald and The New York Times also view the disaster of the ferry sinking is caused by the irregularities that are on the operator of the ferry and the inability of the government to give appropriate response. Moreover The New York Times also views this resignation as a form of cultural practice in the Government of South Korea In conclusion, the cohesion of a text can show the difference between two media in presenting the same issue although at a glance both texts look similar. The media inside South Korea, the country where the monumental event happened, presents the issue with its focus on the disaster and the resignation, while the media outside South Korea presents this issue with broader angle. The media outside Korea also concerns about whether this event of resignation is a cultural practice or not, and then about the discussion of how people deal with this kind of situation. 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