Word Games Vocabulary Mastery

11 receptive and productive knowledge on words form, meaning, and use should be addressed. Form spoken R What does the word sound like? P How is the word pronounced? written R What does the word look like? P How is the word written and spelled? word parts R What parts are recognizable in this word? P What word parts are needed to express this meaning? Meaning form and meaning R What meaning does this word form signal? P What word form can be used to express this meaning? concept and R What is included in the concept? referents P What items can the concept refer to? associations R What other words does this make us think of? P What other words could we use instead of this one? Use grammatical R In what patterns does the word occur? functions P In what patterns must we use this word? collocations R What words or types of words occur with this one? P What words or types of words must we use with this one? constraints R Where, when, and how often would we expect on use to meet this word? register, P Where, when, and how often can we use frequency… this word? R = receptive knowledge P = productive knowledge Nation 2000, p. 27 In regard to this, Schmitt n.d. states that “complete mastery of all of the above kinds of word knowledge obviously cannot be achieved simultaneously” as 12 lexical knowledge comprises various kinds of word knowledge that cannot be mastered all at once. As a consequence, the process of learning a word should be incremental. Words need to be met, stored, and used for several times to be fully mastered. Nation 2000, p. 6 also underlines the importance of increasing and establishing vocabulary in teaching vocabulary. If teaching and learning activities are directed to increase learners’ vocabulary, then they have to be introduced to new words that they have not known before. This process signifies the beginning of their learning. On the other hand, establishing vocabulary means to encourage their knowledge of particular words. When their vocabulary is established, the knowledge will develop and expand. Establishing vocabulary also means to build on and strengthen the initial knowledge they have, possibly from the process of increasing vocabulary.

2. Word Games

Games in general are “activities in which a visible set of rules guides the actions of the participants and an element of strategy is present” Maley, 1999. The participants are required to obey the rules of the games and avoid violating them in order to be able to play fairly. Strategy is an important part of games since it guides the process of carrying out the games with the purpose to win. Based on Lee and McCallum’s categorization of games in language teaching and learning as cited in Luu, 2012, the types of games which can be used in