26 A sequence of steps was done in order to gather the data needed for further analysis. First of all, the researcher asked the students to fill in their pre- implementation vocabulary list. The scores gathered from the list were the ones illustrating the students’ vocabulary level before the implementation was done. Pre- implementation vocabulary list was given in each meeting before the implementation of the game. This list consisted of vocabulary items which were selected based on the games used in a particular meeting. These words were adapted from the sources that included words which were often encountered by English learners in general. The researcher used the words adapted from Bauman and Culligan’s General Service List 1995 as well as Seal’s American Vocabulary Builder 1 1990. The students were required to find the meanings of the words and categorize the words into the correct parts of speech through doing a selected game. The games used in the meetings were always varied in order to avoid boredom. The rule of selecting the appropriate game was that the game used in a particular meeting was not supposed to be similar to the one used in the previous meeting. The games used in all of the meetings were the games which were intended to enhance the students’ participation during the implementation. Each game would require all students to take part in playing it. The other criterion was that the games lasted for about 20 minutes at the maximum. The procedure of implementing the games was adjusted to fit the students’ characteristics and time allocation. There were three games used in this research. The first game, “Word-Web”, aimed to encourage the students to recall the English words that they had already known. The second 27 game, “Find the Answers”, intended to help the students recognize adverbs. The last game, “The Bingo Race”, aimed to review words they had known and introduce new words. At the end of each game, the researcher asked the students to rewrite the meanings and the parts of speech of the words given in their personal vocabulary lists. This step aimed to keep track of the students’ progress as well as to find out the effectiveness of the game used in that particular meeting. After that, the researcher gathered each student’s vocabulary list and calculated the score. Then, the researcher compared the scores of the students’ vocabulary list completed after the implementation with the previous scores gathered prior to the implementation of the games. It was aimed to see whether there was an improvement or not according to the scores that the students had. The researcher also distributed a questionnaire to gather the data related to the students’ perception on the implementation of the games. As follow-ups, informal interview was conducted in order to clarify their answers and obtain additional information. The results of the questionnaire distributed to the students and the interview would help the researcher to find out whether or not the students felt that they benefited from the implementation of the games. During the teaching and learning activity conducted by the researcher, a help from an observer was required in order to observe the real implementation of the games objectively. The researcher decided to ask for help from different observers for all meetings to avoid bias. The observer recorded what she had witnessed during the