Prepare Yourself It’s Your Turn Let’s Learn What Did You Learn?

113 UNIT 3 What Time is It? A. Do You Remember? 1. Teacher gives short explanation about what they are going to learn. 2. Teacher gives the chance to the students to answer the questions. 3. Teacher lets the students to discuss the answer with their friends. 4. After discussing the answer, the teacher asks the students to read the name of the day and name of the month together. 5. Teacher discusses with the students about the day and month in a brief.

B. Prepare Yourself

1. Teacher gives short explanation about the expressions. 2. Teacher gives the time for the students to do the exercises on the next page. Answer Key: Task 1 1. 7 th December, 1991. 2. 16 th September, 2007. Task 2 1. It depends on the students. 2. 17 th August 1945, 28 th October 1928, etc. Task 3 1. Ten past nine forty to ten. 2. Twenty five past twelve thirty five to one. 3. Fifteen to two forty five past one. Task 4 1. 2. 114 3.

C. It’s Your Turn

1. Teacher gives the explanations to the students about the task. 2. This is jig-saw task. The task will be in a group of 4 students. Teacher gives the paper to each student in a group with the same paper. Each student will get the time to discuss with other students in group about the topic given. After discussing the topic of the group, the students will move to another group to discuss with other group members. There will be 4 movements. So the students will have 5 topics. After discussing other topics, the students come back to their own group. The result will be written in the paper provided by the teacher. 3. Teacher lets the students to ask any question related to the task. 4. Teacher gives the opportunities to the students to do the task. 5. Teacher looks around and writes down the mistakes of the students. Result of the Discussion Name Own topic Other topic Other topic Other topic

D. Let’s Learn

1. Teacher gives the explanation about the mistakes that the students made in the previous activity. 2. Teacher gives the explanations about the simple past tense in a brief and lets the students to ask the question if they have difficulties. 3. After that, the teacher gives the opportunities to the students to answer the task. 115 Answer key: 1. ate. 2. make. 3. went.. 4. meet. 5. Pass. E. What Did You Learn? The teacher gives the opportunities to the students to write their reflection of today’s activities. The materials that can be photocopied: Daily Activities School Schedule School Agenda Movie Schedule Birthday Party Family Holiday 116 Weekly Activity History of Indonesia Family Birthday Special Occasion in a Year 117 UNIT 4 Is He Tall? A. Do You Remember?