Type of Research Data and Source of Data Population and Sample


A. Type of Research

The research method is designed based upon the problems analyzed and the main purpose of the research. In this research, the writer uses a qualitative research that employs descriptive method. Moleong 2001:3 describes that a qualitative research is a research that presents the descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior which can be observed. Meanwhile, the writer also employs a descriptive method in this research. Surakhmad 1994:139 says that a descriptive method is a kind of research method using technique of searching, collecting, classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting them and finally drawing the conclusion.

B. Data and Source of Data

Arikunto 1998:114 states that the source of data refers to subject from which the data are obtained. The data can be discourse, sentences, clauses, phrases or words. There are two kinds of data, they are: 1. Primary data The data are directly taken as a result of collecting the data individually and it is an original data from the source. 2. Secondary data The data are taken from the second person and they are copies of the original data. In the research, the primary data are chosen in analyzing the data. The writer employs some comic strips entitled Peanuts taken from the Jakarta Post daily newspapers and from http:www.snoopy.com as the source data and here after it is shortened Peanuts. The data in this research are dialogues containing politeness in the utterances spoken by the characters in Peanuts. This research uses primary sources data which requires the writer to take the data directly from the sources by using documentation method.

C. Population and Sample

Population is the whole research objects Arikunto, 1998:115. Arikunto 1993:102 also adds that population is an analysis unit that will be analyzed in research. The population of this research is the sentences taken from the utterances used in Peanuts. The writer takes all the utterances containing requests that represent population. In this research, the writer takes all the utterances from the conversation of the characters formed in this comic strip. Arikunto 1992:107 says that if the objects of a research are less than a hundred, it is better to take all of them into account, so that the research is called population research. However, if the objects are larger than a hundred, we may take some of them in a percentage 10-15 or 20. Arikunto 1998: 117 states that sample is a part of representation of the data being observed. Samples are taken from the population according to particular criteria based on the purpose of the research. In determining the sample, the writer uses purposive sampling method. Nawawi 1991:157 states that the data were selected according to particular criteria based on the purpose of the research.

D. Technique of Collecting Data