Setting Roberts and Jacobs 1987: 230 says that the setting is the natural, Intrinsic Approach

9 Round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than flat, or static, characters. If you think of the characters you most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real life. This is a good sign that they are round characters. A writer employs a number of tools or elements to develop a character, making him or her round, including description and dialogue. Flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as two-dimensional characters or static characters, flat characters play a supporting role to the main character, which as a rule should be round. Though we dont generally strive to write flat characters, they are often necessary in a story, along with round characters. From the statement, Character is a person who is responsible for the thoughts and action within a story. And he or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change.

2.4 Setting Roberts and Jacobs 1987: 230 says that the setting is the natural,

manufactured, political, and temporal environment, including everything that characters know and own. Setting is divided into three types : natural and outdoors, the object of human manufacture and construction , and cultural condition and assumptions. Background setting is something or state of being gone over the offender in a story. Make trouble background, namely: 1 a place, 10 is a wherein the offender was or story occurring in school in the city in the room etc., 2 a time,is when that story occurring morning, afternoon, night, yesterday, etc, 3 theatmosphere, is in a state where the story going on. sad, excited, cold, peace, desolate etc.. Background formed of some respects, namely: 1 the geographical. The setting provides the historical an cultural context for characters. It often can symbolize the emotional state of characters. Stories actually have two types of setting: Physical and Chronological. The Physical setting is of course where the story takes place. Likewise, the chronological setting, the “when” can be equally general or specific. From the above statement, Setting is including everything that characters know and own. And three types that is divided natural and outdoors, the object of human manufacture and construction , and cultural condition and assumptions.

2.5 Intrinsic Approach

Wallek and Warren 1977:75 says that the approach is based on the intrinsic structural point of text and literature. This means the intrinsic approach emphasizes the intertext analysis by describing the elements of prose that described previously. The study of literature with intrinsic approach usually concern with the content and the form of the works itself. According to Rene Wellek 1997: 158 many novel studies not only see the relations of literature with the social structure, but also study of the artistic, perspective or point of view and narrative techniques. The basic elements to analyzing literary works are theme, point of view, plot, character, characterization, dramatic, conflict. 11 These elements will help the student in analyzing literary works based on intrinsic approach. Furthermore Wallek and Warren says, one approach is to find the purpose and theory of the artist creator. A more useful is based on the comparison of work of art, social and cultural background the same, can unravel the background of time , place setting, and social background art and literature. Furtthemore, it Wallek and Warren said that the golden age of literature in the days of Elizabeth is not matched by progress in the field of fine arts. The various branches of art which Platis art, literature, music has the evolution of each with a different tempo and it has elements of different structures. From the statement that approach of interpretation and analysis of the work itself. Performed with several stages of the process in order to get a perfect result, among others, describe, criticize, analyze and interpret the situation occurring in the present.

2.6 Phone Syndicate

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