2.3 Character

Character is a person who is responsible for the thoughts and action within a story, poem, or other literature. Characters are extremely important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature. Every character has his or her own personality, which a creative author uses to assist in forming the plot of a story or creating a mood. The different attitudes, mannerisms, and even appearances of characters can greatly influence the other major elements in a literary work, such as theme, setting, and tone. With this understanding of the character, a reader can become more aware of other aspect of literature, such as symbolism, giving the reader a more complete understanding of the work. Roberts and Jacobs 1995;51 said that character is natural facsimile from the human with all good and bad characteristics. A story is usually related to big conflict of the character. It probable to involve interaction with another character in complicated situation, or with idea or ordinary condition. The character may win,lose,or relevant. He or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change. Abram 1981:76 says that character is people who are appeared in a narrative prose or novel and it is interpreted by the readers as a person who has moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed in what they say and what they do. E.M. Foster 1927 says, “There are two basic types of characters “round character” and “flat character.” 9 Round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than flat, or static, characters. If you think of the characters you most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real life. This is a good sign that they are round characters. A writer employs a number of tools or elements to develop a character, making him or her round, including description and dialogue. Flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as two-dimensional characters or static characters, flat characters play a supporting role to the main character, which as a rule should be round. Though we dont generally strive to write flat characters, they are often necessary in a story, along with round characters. From the statement, Character is a person who is responsible for the thoughts and action within a story. And he or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change.

2.4 Setting Roberts and Jacobs 1987: 230 says that the setting is the natural,

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