The strengths and weaknesses in cycle 2

commit to user 4 The improvement of students’ interest and self-awareness The students had interest and self-awareness to increase their ability. The students tried to make a better writing by practicing. They also were not lazy to open the dictionary to look up the appropriate words and expression. They seriously did every steps of collaborative writing. Those activities were done by the students in order to make their writing become better because they could carry out on the steps of the collaborative writing technique. Most of the students could play their role as a writer and a helper. They did the activities well than before when they got more explanation about the collaborative writing technique from the teacher. “menarik, karena kegiatan ini memacu kemampuan saya dalam menulis bahasa Inggris yang semula tidak bisa menjadi bisa dan lebih memahaminya dan menguasainya.” “Menarik, karena menggunakan teknik belajar yang mengasyikkan, tidak membuat saya bosan .”

b. The strengths and weaknesses in cycle 2

The researcher and his collaborator stated that there were some positive results from the implementation of collaborative writing technique to the students’ writing. The results included: 1 CWT could improve the students’ writing ability. As one of students stated from their comments in the questionnaire that: “Ini dapat menambah kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris, memudahkan mendapatkan ide-ide mengenai apa-apa yang akan ditulis, bisa mengoreksi kata yang salah dalam bahasa Inggris dan lebih semangat untuk menulis dalam bahasa Inggris.” 2 They were happy and not lazy in doing every step of writing process. 3 CWT made the classroom more alive. 4 Each pair could run well their role as a helper commit to user and a writer so that the finished product of their writing was better than before; and 5 it built the teacher or the collaborator’s awareness that there are many varied ways which can be used in teaching learning English. Besides, there were also weaknesses found in this part including: 1 there were some students who still had difficulties in developing paragraphs using simple sentence pattern of present tense correctly; 2 the condition of the class was still crowded; and 3 sometimes between the helper and the writer had different opinions or arguments in developing paragraphs. It could make a difficult working situation or poor finished product. It is also proved from one of students in his comment of the questionnaire that: “pertentangan pendapat dan kata-kata yang harus digunakan digunakan dalam menulis dapat membuang waktu dan memperlambat kerja.” commit to user Table 4.17 The summary of the results of the class action research No Pre-research findings Before action research After action research 1 Improvement in students’ writing ability a. Achievement of all aspects of writing: ∼ Content ∼ Organization ∼ Vocabulary ∼ Grammar ∼ Mechanics b. The students’ writing ability. c. Mother tongue use. Mean of pre test: 53.36 61.43 57.86 54.64 43.21 49.64 ∼ Sometimes students could not express and explore the ideas. ∼ Students also got difficulty in organizing the ideas. ∼ They got many mistakes in choosing appropriate words, ungrammatical form of simple present tense and uncorrected punctuation and spelling. ∼ Students used mother tongue in writing. Mean of Cycle 1: 63.64 Mean of Cycle 2: 72.64 Cycle 1: Cycle 2: 71.43 77.86 64.64 73.21 61.78 68.57 56.07 66.43 64.29 77.50 ∼ Students could express and explore ideas. ∼ Students could organize the ideas. ∼ The students were able to use appropriate words and grammatical form of present tense and also correct punctuation and spelling. ∼ They as well could decrease the mistakes all of them. ∼ The use of mother tongue reduced. commit to user 2 Improvement in class situation a. Atmosphere b. Students’ participation in writing class c. Students’ behavior d. Students’ motivation e. Teacher’s behavior ∼ Not alive, boring and uninteresting writing activities. ∼ Low, the students did not give attention the lesson and they did not care of the lesson. ∼ Passive, the students were lazy to ask and answer the questions and they looked happy when the lesson was over. ∼ Low, the students were not enthusiastic or not happy to learn writing. ∼ Low, used monotonous technique, did not give adequate time, models and practices for the students to write. ∼ Alive, interesting activities. ∼ Higher, the students gave attention to the lesson and they cared of the lesson. ∼ All active, the students were creative to develop their writing and always answered and asked if they did not understand. ∼ All high, they were enthusiastic and they had high awareness and self-confident to learn writing. ∼ The teacher used the collaborative writing technique more creative and attractive for the students to write. The teacher gave adequate time, models and practices for the students to write as well. 3 Students’ perception about CWT ∼ The students were not familiar with CWT. ∼ The students were familiar with CWT and could run well in writing process. commit to user Based on the data presented above, it can be concluded that the collaborative writing technique is able to improve the students’ writing ability especially in writing the descriptive text, the improvement of the students’ behavior, the improvement the students’ motivation, the improvement of the class situation, and the strengths and weaknesses of collaborative writing technique.

D. Discussion

1. The improvement of the students’ writing ability

The implementation of collaborative writing technique could improve the students’ writing ability. Collaborative writing technique deals with writing process in which a process was done in pair writer and helper to create a descriptive text based on the steps of collaborative writing. It is also a natural step that writers take to create a finish piece of work. After doing the research, it can obviously be seen that collaborative writing technique which was applied in the writing class successfully improves the students’ writing ability. It can be seen from the improvement of mastering writing a descriptive text, content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. In collaborative writing, students in pairs write a composition. Each student contributes at each stage of the writing process, brainstorming ideas, gathering and organizing information, and drafting, revising, and editing the writing as stated by Elizabeth, et. al 2005: 256 that working together can help students to learn and perform the stages of writing more effectively. Additionally,