AUV order, where A is not marked with the ablative UAV order

38 30c “Nol ssaonei nalhaq. Aoq ssol milcaq.haoqbaoq 2 carefully listen sky and land a hal qul zeiq hal keel zeiq e aqma DAT most sweet CMPR most tasty CMPR LNK mother aqqul nga ... milk OBJ [Spoken by the other interlocutor] ‘“You listen carefully. The sweetest and tastiest [thing] in heaven and earth is mother’s milk ...”’ I:27 In 30, the identity of the sweetest and tastiest thing on earth is being questioned. In 30c, the focal constituent, ‘mother’s milk,’ is placed in the focus position just before nga, a verb phrase constituent. 20

2.3.2 Applications of the principles of 2.3.1

The purpose of this section is to apply the principles described above to selected constituent orderings of the language. AUV order, where A is not marked with the ablative

When the actor of a transitive clause is the topic, it is placed before the undergoer, as in 31b. This ordering conforms to the principle that topics precede comments 31a Gyuyoq doqteil teilma meil gul: voice AUG MAN call “Maq guv sso nga, ngal nga” NEG fear permissible OBJ 1:N OBJ ‘The lazy man loudly called: “There’s no reason to fear, it’s me”’ 20 The reasons for using the objective validational OBJ and not stating the equative verb in this case relate to the validational role of the proposition in its wider context and are beyond the scope of this paper. 39 31b Saolhyuq gyuyoq yaol hu loq naolhao, thief ACC see clear after neessil laq-meil eil: ... anger PERF-MAN say ‘After the thieves clearly saw the lazy man, they angrily said: ...’ Not Just Me 23-24 In 31b, the actor and undergoer were both stated. However, in many cases where the actor has been a topic of the preceding clauses, no overt reference is made to it see 3.3.1 for discussion of zero encoding of referents. In 32b, for example, the actor is the topic and is left implicit. 32a Aqnil hhaqnaq maq daol meil haqcaoq a xeiv y.bro rest NEG TCL MAN bamboo.grove DAT run hev, arrive 32b aqkeeq maq mol al. dog NEG see CRS ‘The younger brother, without resting any time, ran to the bamboo grove; [he] didn’t see the dog.’ The Older and Younger Brothers 22 UAV order

When the undergoer of a transitive clause is the topic, it is placed before the actor. This ordering again conforms to the principle that topics precede comments. In such cases, the actor is marked with the ablative marker because it is not the topic. Consider 33, in which the young man has asked the snake for some of his body as medicine for his mother: 33a ‘The snake agreed. [It] told him [the young man] not to cut out too much, if not….’ [unfinished sentence, implying that something bad will happen]. 40 33b ‘He [the young man] did not listen to what the snake said, and cut out a big portion.’ 33c Aqyoq yaol ollol nei wuqdeiq a bi suv 3 ACC snake ABL stomach DAT cause swallow tao zaq. into DUR ‘He was swallowed by the snake.’ 33d ‘Before long, his [the young man’s] mother died of her sickness.’ II:55 In the above passage, ‘he’ is the topic of 33b. He remains the topic of 33c, so that 33c is presented as information about what happened to the young man, rather than about what the snake did. Thus, the effect of the word order in 33b is to preserve initial placement of the ongoing topic. Next, consider 34: 34 Galma a, aqyoq niaq qiq pyu ssuq qiq pyu road DAT 3 two:CL one side walk one side niaqmuvq.miaqsav meil gyuyoq yaol loqbeqssaq qovq quietly MAN ACC family nei lavqdaol teiq wal leil gee zaq siq. ABL grab catch VOL.CRS QUO say DUR CONT ‘On the road, the two of them walked and at the same time were still talking quietly about the lazy man being caught by the rich man’s family.’ Not Just Me 18 In 34, although the lazy man and the rich person have been inactive for relatively equal amounts of time, the speakers indicate that they are more interested in the lazy man than the rich person’s family by choosing him, rather than the rich person, as the topic of their conversation. Therefore, the reference to the lazy man as undergoer precedes the 41 reference to the actors the rich man’s family, in conformity to the principle that topics precede comments. AUV order when the actor is marked with the ablative