Quality of total mixed ration containing ramie leaves (Boehmeria nivea, L. GAUD)

Comparison Between Portable and Static Types of Silo on Silage
Quality of Total Mixed Ration Containing Ramie
Leaves (Boehmeria nivea, L. GAUD)
Despal*, N.A. Qitri, K.B. Satoto & I.G. Permana
Department of Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University
Bogor-Indonesia. *E-mail: despal04@yahoo.com

Ensiling is an alternative method to optimize utilization of seasonal available
ramie leaves (Boehmeria nivea, L. Gaud) in ruminant daily feed but there is still
lack of information available on the impact of silo type to the silage quality. The
study was aimed to compare portable tower silo (plastic container 200 l) and static
trench silo (1 ton capacity) effects on physical (odor, texture, moisture, color and
spoilage), fermentative (pH, DM, VFA, DMD, CP, NH3, CPD, WSC and fleigh
number) and utilities (rumen ration fermentation and degradation) characteristics
of silage produced. The results showed that trench silo was less effective in giving
good physical characteristics of silage compare to the plastic container (9% vs
2.59% of spoilage respectively). Fermentative characteristic of silage produced in
plastic container was excellent (fleigh number 118) while trench container produced
good grade silage (fleigh number 74). All silage pH were less than 4.4. Utilities

characteristic of silage were not affected by the type of silo. Both silage were highly
fermentable and digestible to ruminant (>71% OMD). Plastic container produced
better physical and fermentative characteristics of total mixed ration contained
ramie leaves, but utilities characteristic of silage produced in both type of silo were
Keywords: ramie leave, ruminant, silage, silo, total mix ration

Productvty of cows n the developng countres was only 22% of cows n
the developed countres (Speedy and Sansoucy, 1989). The frst factor lmtng the
mlk producton and productvty was nutrton aspects such as ncreasng dffculty
n provdng the bulk, hgh prce, and fluctuated avalablty and qualty of feed
requred by cattle. Alternatve source of seasonal avalable hgh qualty agrondustral by-product such as rame leaves (Boehmeria nivea, L. Gaud) have been
Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


studed (Despal, 2007). The leaves contaned 16% (Despal et al., 2011) to 21% of
CP (Duarte et al., 1997), that s equal to lucerne or alfalfa (Ferrera et al., 2007;
DeToledo et al., 2008).

Because of ts seasonal avalablty, conservaton technque should be appled
(Mayne and O’Kely, 2005). Several laboratory scale conservaton methods of
rame leaves ncludng tme and addtve used for enslng (Despal et al., 2011a) and
tme and dryng technque for hay makng (Ast et al., 2009) have been optmzed.
Comparson of the nutrent values of raton contanng dred and ensled rame leaves
were also tested in vitro (Despal et al., 2011b). From the prevous experments, t
s concluded that enslng method conserved better nutrents of rame leaves and
produced better feed utltes for rumnant compare to dryng method.
To be able to provde supply of nutrents requred by dary cattle contnuously,
enslng the leaves as total mxed raton on larger capacty of slo can be an alternatve. Unfortunately, there s lmted avalable nformaton of sutable slo types for
smallholder dary cattle farmer, especally n humd tropcal developng countres.
The study was amed at comparng portable tower slo (plastc contaner 200 l)
and statc trench slo (1 ton capacty) effects on physcal characterstcs of the slage
produced (odor, texture, mosture, color and spolage) and enslng characterstcs
(pH, dry matter, volatle fatty acd, dry matter degradaton, crude proten, ammona,
crude proten degradaton, water soluble carbohydrate and flegh number) as well
as the slage utlzaton by rumnant (rumnal raton fermentaton and dgestbltes)
in vitro.

Materals and Methods

Dependng on capacty of the slo (100 kg for tower and 350 kg for trench
slos), total raton have been mxed homogenously out of 58.8% of 2 cm length
chopped elephant grasses, 24.5% of 2 cm chopped rame leaves, 1.3% rce bran,
3.7% pollard, 5.6% corn meal, 2.4% soybean ol meal and 3.7% coconut ol meal to
produce 32.36% dry matter (DM), 66% total dgestble nutrents (TDN), 19% crude
proten (CP), 1.71% calcum (Ca) and 0.4% phosphorus (P) of nutrtonal content
of the raton. The mxed materals were placed nto the slo. The ars were pushed
out of the slo by compressng the materals manually. The slos were then sealed.
Enslng was let for 5 weeks anaerobcally at room temperature.
Qualtes of slage produced were compared based on physcal characterstcs
(odor, texture, mosture, color and spolage) descrptvely. Enslng characterstcs
of both slage were compared based on pH, DM, volatle fatty acd (VFA), DM
degradaton (DMDs), CP, ammona (NH3), CP degradaton (CPD), water soluble
carbohydrate (WSC) and flegh number (FN) varables of the slages. Utltes
characterstcs of the slage for dary cattle were compared based on rumnal


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

fermentablty of the slage to produce VFA and NH3 and ther DM dgestblty
(DMDr) and organc matter dgestblty (OMD) in vitro.
Physcal characterstcs of the slage were descrbed quanttatvely. Scale (+1)
were gven to the least desred and (+4) to the most desred physcal characterstc
of the slage. Measurements of pH were done accordng to Naumann and Bassler
(1997) procedure. The amounts of 10 g of slages were mxed wth 100 ml dstlled
water usng md speed blender for 1 mn. Supernatants were separated and the pH
was measured usng calbrated pH meter. The supernatants were stored frozen untl
t were used for determnaton of slage VFA (usng steam dstllaton method) and
NH3 (usng Conway mcro dffuson method) concentratons.
Degradatons of DM durng enslng were calculated by subtractng DM n the
materal from DM n the slage. Degradatons of CP durng enslng were quantfed
from NH3 produced from the degradatons. Analyses of DM were conducted usng
oven heat, whle CP contents were measured usng Kjehldal method (Naumann and
Bassler, 1997). Water soluble carbohydrates were determned usng Phenol Method
accordng to Sngleton and Ross (1965), whle, FN were calculated accordng to
formula descrbed by Idkut et al. (2009), where NF = 220 + (2 x %DM – 15) – (40
x pH).
Rumnal fermentabltes were conducted accordng to General Laboratory
Procedure (1966). The VFA rumnal concentratons were determned usng steam

dstllaton method, whle rumnal NH3 concentratons were determned usng
Conway mcro dffuson method. In vitro dgestblty trals were done followng
Tlley and Terry (1963) two-stage technque.
Observatons of enslng characterstcs were conducted followng completely
randomsed desgn, whle utltes characterstcs observaton used randomsed
block desgn. Each treatment was repeated thrce. The data obtaned were analyzed
usng Varan analyss f the assumptons were fulflled. For those whch were not,
descrptve analyses were used nstead.

Results and Dscussons
Physcal, enslng and utltes characterstcs of slage produced n tower
(plastc contaner) and trench types of slo were showed n Table 1. Tower slo (plastc
contaner) produced better physcal characterstcs of slage by means of lghter
color, more acdc odor, better texture, less mosture and spolage (Hausten, 2003).
Ammona odor was not found n the tower slo, but n the trench slo. Lower amount
of clotted slage (0.003%) was found n the tower slo compare to the trench whch
was reach up to 1%. Ammona odor and clotted slage found n trench slo showed
spolage mcroorgansm actvtes durng and after enslng whch was more favor
n hgher mosture slage (Saun and Henrch, 2008). Therefore, mosture control
to reduce water actvty such as wltng or the use of absorbent substrate (Despal et

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


Table 1. Physcals, enslng and utltes characterstcs of the slages
Physcal characterstcs
Enslng characterstcs
DM (%)
VFA (mM)
DMDs (%)
CP (%)
NH3 (mM)

CPD (%)
WSC (% BK)
Utltes characterstcs
VFA (mM)
NH3 (mM)
DMDr (%)
OMD (%)

Trench slo

Tower slo

+3 (Brownsh green)
+3 (Acd + ammona)
+3 (3.5 kg clotted slage)
+2 (9%)

+4 (Yellowsh green)

+4 (Acd)
+4 (3 g of clotted slage)
+4 (2,59%)

4.38 ± 0.10
22.07 ± 0.46b
8.05 ± 2.72
10.56 ± 0.46a
17.24 ± 6.97
0.81 ± 0.40
4.69 ± 0.91
2.20 ± 0.12a
74.00 ± 3.92b

3.60 ± 0.54
28.89 ± 1.19a
5.12 ± 2.62
3.74 ± 1.19b
19.03 ± 4.82

0.84 ± 0.11
4.56 ± 1.04
1.37 ± 0.08b
118.78 ± 21.5a

201.65 ± 6.99
19.25 ± 6.47
71.06 ± 1.83
71.62 ± 1.67

213.41 ± 30.7
18.81 ± 0.72
73.40 ± 1.17
73.25 ± 1.45

Dfferent superscrpt n the same lne means sgnfcantly dfferent (P 85), whle trench slo produced good qualty
slage (60 < NF < 80).
Utlzaton of both slages by rumnant (in vitro) dd not show statstcal
dfferent n ther characterstcs. Both slages were categorzed hghly fermentable.
Concentraton of VFA found n rumen flud after ncubaton of the total mxed

raton were above optmum level of 80–160 mM for mcrobal growth requrement.
Fortunately, the excess of VFA were synchronzed by excess of NH3 (> 12 mM)
whch were expected could mproved mcrobal growth leadng to hgher mcrobal
actvtes and proten synthess. The hgh actvty of feed degradaton n the rumen
were shown by hgh DMDr and OMD of the slage (> 70%).

Total mxed raton contanng rame leaves slage produced n both slos were
n the grade of good to very good qualtes wth hgh effency of forage conservaton
systems. Both slo produced equal utltes characterstcs of slage for rumnant,
however, tower slo (plastc contaner) produced better physcal and enslng characterstcs of slage wth hgher nutrents could be conserved.

Ths research was funded by Unversty Compettve Research Grant (Hbah
Bersang Perguruan Tngg) through IPB Dezentralzed Competttve Research No.
16/I3.24.4/SPK/BG-PD/2010, March 5th, 2010. We would lke to acknowledge
DP2M-DGHE and LPPM-IPB for the grant.

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


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