Approach of the Study


This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter answers the first problem formulation about how The Korea Herald and The New York Times build their cohesion in order to convey the context of the resignation of South Korea‟s Prime Minister. Then, the second subchapter answers the second problem formulation about how the media viewpoints on the issue of the resignation of South Korea‟s Prime Minister are seen through the cohesion of the text. The first subchapter is divided into two parts, which are the analysis of cohesion in The Korea Herald and the analysis of cohesion in The New York Times. Then, every part is divided into three parts which are the analysis on the arrangement of topics, the lexical cohesion and the grammatical cohesion. The analysis of lexical cohesion is divided into reiteration and collocation, and then the analysis of the grammatical cohesion is divided into reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Then, in the second subchapter, the writer reveals the media viewpoint on the issue of the resignation of South Korea‟s Prime Minister according to the cohesion of the texts which is done in the first subchapter. 24

A. The Cohesion in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times which Convey

the Context of the Resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister 1. The Cohesion of the text from The Korea Herald entitled “Prime Minister Quits over Ferry Disaster” The article from The Korea Herald entitled “Prime Minister Quits over Ferry Disaster” has 7 subtopics which the 4 subtopics are similar to the article from The New York Times , while the rest 3 subtopics are different from The New York Times. This article maintains its cohesion by using the cohesion forms of reiteration, collocation, reference, and conjunction. This text does not use the cohesion forms of substitution and ellipsis.

a. The Arrangement of Subtopics

The order of the topics in news-writing is not merely a placement without carrying a purpose. According to the theory in news-writing, the topics should flow from the most important to the less important. Although the topic flows from the most important to the less important, all of the topics which convey the whole context give contribution to the cohesion of the text. We cannot say that what is stated in the last part is not important. It is also important but it is just being less stressed by the media in order to set the right angle from their perspective. Another thing that matter is the appearance of particular subtopics. A news about certain issue can provide some detail information which is different from other news from the other mass media. This loss and gain is what makes the angle of telling the issue different. The subtopics that appear on The Korea Herald may not appear on