Description Report Explanation English Text Types

reviews, manuals, computer help systems, notices and signs. He also states that text forms include: description, exposition, argumentation, instruction, and narration. In the 2006 English curriculum or the so-called Curriculum in the Unit level of Education KTSP, the texts the students should master include spoken as well as written. The spoken ones include transactional and interpersonal conversations, and monologues. The written texts include simple transactional texts and various kinds of genres, for example description, report, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, discussion, procedure, review, narrative, spoof, recount, anecdote, and news item.

a. Description

This kind of text is used to describe a particular person, place or thing. It usually has the schematic structure, identification and description. This factual genre has the language features: 1 focus on specific participants; 2 use of attributive and identifying processes; 3 frequent use of epithets and classifier in nominal groups; and 4 use of simple present tense.

b. Report

It is to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange of natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment. Its schematic structures are general classification, description habits or behavior if living; uses if non- natural. It has language features as follows: 1 Simple Present tense is mostly used in the report text either in active sentences or passive sentences; 2 The use of relational process such as: consist of, function as, derive from, to be classified into, and to be identified as; 3 The use of special nouns that denotes the characteristics of the thing such as: features, forms, functions, and species. 4 The use of special technical terms such as: the parts of the body brain, vein, vascular, the parts of the tree stem, root, leaf, branch, the parts of a machine gear, screw, bolt; and 5 No temporal sequences are used. If there is first, second, third, the last, it only indicates numbering not an event. There are some kinds of report text such as: textbooks, scientific magazines, government reports, reference books, environment programs, magazines and newspaper articles, science programs on media, local information texts about health and services, encyclopedias, historical texts, factual reading books, classroom lessons, television documentaries, and information about important issues.

c. Explanation

Explanation text tells how and why thing occurs in scientific and technical fields. They may include social image, such as flow charts and diagrams, which need to be carefully examined. The purpose of this text type is to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural or social-cultural phenomena. It usually has the schematic structures a general statement to position the reader, a sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs, and closing. This factual genre also has the language features such as: focus on generic, non human participant, use of simple present tense, use of temporal and casual conjunctive relations, use of mainly material or action clauses, and use of passive sentences.

d. Analytical Exposition