Action Observation The Procedure of the Study

learning, the method of learning activities and the media needed. The researcher starts his activities by conducting a pre-test to measure how far the students understand the English texts. After giving the pre-test to the students, the researcher plans to divide the activities into three phases of reading, pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

3. Action

In this action phase, the researcher implements the teaching-learning process based on the previous plan. In teaching-learning process, the researcher will take the following steps: 1 Pre-reading phase: the researcher asks questions to introduce and arouse interest in the topic, to motivate students by giving reasons for reading and to provide some language preparation for the text. 2 While-reading phase: in this phase, the students are grouped into groups of 5 or 6. While-reading phase is done to help the understanding of the writer’s purpose, to help the understanding of the text organization and to clarify text content. 3 Post-reading phase: it is done to consolidate or reflect upon what has been read, to relate the text to the learners’ own knowledge, interest and views. Post-reading activity is also used to evaluate the students’ understanding of the materials. The researcher asks the students to submit their groups’ works. The works can be the summary and the results their discussion in groups. The classroom has 37 students. They are divided into groups of 5 or 6, so there are 6 groups of discussion. However, its realization is often not as simple as the planning, because the reality in the field is much more complicated than what has been in the mind of researcher when he develops the planning. What he can do is to anticipate what is going on in the future and to adapt the planning of the action.

4. Observation

The researcher and his collaborative teacher observe how students are active in trying to understand and to discuss the materials. He also interviews students what their opinion about the text is and whether the text is too difficult, interesting or not. In this case, this step is to monitor the effect of the action. He also considers the fact that there are some actions whose effect can be immediately seen, but there are some actions whose effects can be seen much later. Therefore, the observation is carried out while he takes the action or some time after he does it. It depends upon the nature of the problems.

5. Reflection