Human capital models Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:S:Structural Change and Economic Dynamics:Vol11.Issue4.Dec2000:

correlation between these two indices of educational achievement. Instead, the correlation coefficients are rather low for example, 0.54 between MEAN-EDUC 75 and BL-EDUC 75 . It appears more likely that differences in sources and methods used to construct the two series are responsible for the discrepancy in econometric results. The results are quite similar when SCIENG, the number of scientists and engineers engaged in RD per 10 000 population, is substituted for RDGNP, as shown in Panel B of Table 8. The coefficients of the variable SCIENG are generally somewhat less statistically significant than RDGNP, as are the coefficients of INVRATE. However, the coefficients of the education variables are essentially unchanged. 12 An anonymous referee suggested that the use of cross-sectional regressions, where variables are averaged over time, might cause relatively low variability of the education variables and thus result in low significance levels. In Table 9I use pooled cross-section, time-series data for the 24 OECD countries and periods 1960 – 1973 and 1973 – 1990. Due to data limitations, the only education variables that could be used are the enrollment rates. The regression results are similar to those in the cross-section analysis of Table 8. The coefficients of the enrollment rates remain insignificant. In fact, for the secondary and tertiary levels, the coefficients are negative. The catch-up term is less significant than before because of the shorter time period, as are the R 2 and adjusted R 2 statistics, but the investment rate variable is stronger. There is little change in the RD variables.

4. Human capital models

I next turn to the human capital model, which posits a positive relation between the rate of productivity growth and the rate of change of schooling levels. For this, I use the same specification as Eq. 1, except that I substitute the change in educational level for the educational level itself. The model becomes: lnRGDPW 1 RGDPW t 1 − t = b + b 1 RGDPW + b 2 INVRATE + b 3 RDGNP + b 4 DEDUC+o 2 where DEDUC is the change in level of schooling. Results are shown in Table 10 for all OECD countries over the 1960 – 1990 period. I have used this shorter period instead of 1950 – 1990, since data on schooling levels are not available for the 1950s for the full set of OECD countries. The results are again disappointing. Of the 12 forms used, the coefficient of the change in schooling is positive in all cases but statistically significant in only two: the change in university enrollment rates at the 10 level and the change in 12 When both RDGNP and SCIENG are omitted from the equation, both the coefficients and significance levels of the educational variables remain relatively unchanged. Various combinations of the educational variables were also included in different regression specifications, with no material difference in results. 460 E .N . Wolff Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 11 2000 433 – 472 Table 9 Pooled cross-section, time-series regressions of the annual growth in real GDP per worker RGDPW on initial RGDPW, the investment rate, RD, and educational enrollment levels, all OECD countries, 1960–1973 and 1973–1990 a R 2 Adjusted R 2 Standard error Sample size Education variable RD Relative RDGPW 55 Education variable INVRATE A RD 6ariable : RDGNP 0.45 0.41 0.0145 46 − 0.032 d 0.145 d 0.691 b 4.77 1.72 3.01 0.46 0.41 0.0146 46 PRIM-ENRL − 0.032 d 0.149 d 0.723 b 0.021 3.06 1.78 4.69 0.80 0.52 0.157 d 0.0132 46 SCND-ENRL 0.591 − 0.013 0.56 − 0.021 d 2.80 3.58 1.62 1.54 − 0.024 d 0.0142 0.103 b 44 UNIV-ENRL 0.818 b − 0.031 0.51 0.46 1.53 1.96 2.01 2.96 B RD 6ariable : SCIENG 0.43 0.38 0.0150 46 PRIM-ENRL 0.029 − 0.027 d 0.021 0.127 c 0.89 4.23 0.76 2.57 0.0131 46 SCND-ENRL 0.53 0.57 − 0.018 d − 0.011 0.052 b 0.137 d 3.18 2.83 1.80 1.61 0.0143 44 UNIV-ENRL 0.46 − 0.019 d 0.51 0.058 b 0.064 b − 0.028 2.87 1.07 1.83 1.45 a Note: The sample consists of pooled cross-section, time-series data for periods 1960–1973 and 1973–1990. The absolute value of t-ratios are shown in parentheses below the coefficient estimate. See Table 8 for definitions of the variables. b significant at the 10 level, two-tail test. c significant at the 5 level, two-tail test. d significant at the 1 level, two-tail test. 461 E .N . Wolff Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 11 2000 433 – 472 Table 10 Regressions of the growth in GDP per worker RGDPW on initial RGDPW, the investment rate, RD intensity, and the change in educational enrollment and attainment levels, all OECD countries, 1960–1990 a Standard error Sample size Relative RDGPW 65 Education variable INVRATE RD Education variable R 2 Adjusted R 2 A RD 6ariable : RDGNP 0.0048 23 0.369 c DSCND-ENRL 91–65 0.325 0.055 c − 0.018 d 0.85 0.82 8.49 2.21 2.17 1.65 0.0047 22 DUNIV-ENRL 91–65 0.83 − 0.022 d 0.058 c 0.86 0.489 b 0.467 c 2.36 2.57 1.87 8.10 0.74 0.050 0.0052 21 DSCND-ATTN 96–60 0.187 0.127 0.80 − 0.017 d 0.53 0.74 5.82 1.65 0.76 0.052 b 0.0050 21 DUNIV-ATTN 96–60 0.131 0.877 0.81 − 0.015 d 4.98 1.93 0.55 1.27 0.80 0.060 c 0.0050 23 DMEAN-EDUC 85–65 0.347 b 0.037 0.83 − 0.018 d 8.21 2.30 0.93 1.94 0.79 0.061 c 0.0051 23 DBL-EDUC 85–60 0.324 b 0.019 0.83 − 0.019 d 2.29 1.82 0.58 7.90 B RD 6ariable : SCIENG 0.0048 23 0.045 c DSCND-ENRL 91–65 − 0.017 d 0.031 b 0.454 c 0.85 0.82 8.69 2.11 2.14 2.09 0.0052 22 DUNIV-ENRL 91–65 0.79 0.83 − 0.019 d 0.353 0.022 0.044 1.49 7.30 1.26 1.54 0.0052 21 DSCND-ATTN 96–60 0.74 − 0.014 d 0.045 0.79 0.210 0.016 1.56 0.59 0.96 3.84 − 0.011 d 0.0049 0.054 b 21 DUNIV-ATTN 96–60 0.026 0.967 0.82 0.77 1.65 0.96 3.16 2.04 0.77 0.052 b 0.0052 24 DMEAN-EDUC 85–65 0.014 b 0.026 0.81 − 0.017 d 8.09 1.85 1.10 0.64 0.83 0.79 0.0051 23 DBL-EDUC 85–60 0.018 − 0.017 d 0.015 0.049 b 1.22 1.78 0.45 7.60 a Note: The dependent variable is lnRGDPW 90 RGDPW 60 30. The absolute value of t-ratios are shown in parantheses below the coefficient estimate. See Table 8 for definitions of the variables. In addition, a ‘D’ indicates the annual change in the variable over the period. b significant at the 10 level, two-tail test. c significant at the 5 level, two-tail test. d significant at the 1 level, two-tail test. secondary school attainment rates at the 5 level with SCIENG as the RD variable. One possibility, at least for the educational attainment rate and the Kyriacou mean schooling level data, is that the anomalies in the basic data are undermining the regression results the enrollment rate data seem sensible, as do the Barro-Lee mean schooling levels. I eliminated all observations that seemed to be unreasonable and reran the regressions. The results were virtually unchanged. Another possibility is that there is both a threshold effect, as well as a positive influence of the growth in human capital on labor productivity growth. The same 6 equations were re-estimated with initial level of schooling also included results not shown. In all twelve cases, the change in schooling remains insignificant including the case of the university enrollment rate. A second dataset covering the period from 1950 to 1989 for six OECD countries France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the U.K. and the U.S. was also used, derived mainly from data provided in Maddison 1987 Maddison 1991 Maddison 1993a,b. These sources provide figures on actual capital stocks, as opposed to investment rates. As a result, following Mankiw et al. 1992, it is possible to use a Cobb-Douglas production function, augmented with human capital, as follows: LPRGRTH t h = b + b 1 RELTFP t h + b 2 KLGRTH t h + b 3 EDUCGRTH t h + o t h 3 where LPRGRTH t h is country h’s annual rate of labor productivity growth, RELTFP t h is country h’s total factor productivity TFP relative to the U.S. level at the start of each period, KLGRTH t h is country h’s rate of capital-labor growth, and EDUCGRTH t h is the annual rate of growth in mean education in country h, and e¨ is a stochastic error term. 13 The regression analysis is conducted as a pooled cross-section covering six countries and four time period — 1950 – 1960, 1960 – 1973, 1973 – 79 and 1979 – 1989. As with the Penn World Table Mark 5.6 data, the results see Table 11 generally show no statistically significant effect of the growth in mean education on the growth in labor productivity. Indeed, the coefficient of educational growth is negative in the first two specifications. When a term for initial education is included the third specification, the coefficient on educational growth turns positive but remains insignificant. However, one surprise is that the coefficient on initial education EDUC is negati6e and significant at the one percent level. Even when the variable for the growth in mean education is dropped, the coefficient on initial education remains negative and significant at the one percent level result not shown. One possible reason is that the variable for initial education picks up part of the catch-up effect note that the coefficient and significance level of RELTFP both fall when EDUC is included in the equation. In other words, a low initial schooling level is directly associated with a low initial TFP level. I next included a 6intage effect in Eq. 3. This is measured by AGEKCHG t h , the annualized change in the average age of country h’s capital stock over period t see 13 TFP is defined as ln TFP t h = ln Y t h − a ln L t h − 1 − aln K t h , where Y h is the total output of country h, L h is labor input, K h is capital input, and a is the international average wage share. 463 E .N . Wolff Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 11 2000 433 – 472 Table 11 Regressions of annual labor productivity growth LPGRTH on the relative TFP level, capital-labor growth, RD intensity, and the growth in mean education, six OECD countries, 1950–1989 a R 2 Adjusted R 2 RELTFP Standard error KLGRTH Sample size EDUCGRTH EDUC AGEKCHNG RDGDP 0.68 0.65 0.011 24 0.300 c − 0.051 d 3.96 2.64 0.68 0.63 0.011 24 − 0.051 d 0.304 c − 0.107 3.68 2.57 0.18 0.46 0.41 0.014 24 − 0.716 0.534 d 4.20 0.96 0.80 0.75 0.009 24 0.289 d − 0.031 c − 0.007 d 0.353 2.97 0.68 3.30 2.39 0.202 d 0.80 0.75 0.009 24 0.597 b − 0.045 d − 0.049 d 6.74 7.33 1.79 3.17 − 0.042 d 0.202 0.94 0.92 0.005 18 − 0.027 b 0.372 d 0.558 0.33 1.64 1.99 3.05 4.97 a Note: t-ratios are shown in parentheses below the coefficient estimate. Observations are for France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the U.K. and the U.S. for four time periods: 1950–1960, 1960–1973, 1973–1979, and 1979–1989. The data source is Maddison 1991, unless otherwise indicated. Key:RELTFP: percentage difference of country’s TFP from U.S. TFP at the beginning of the period.KLGRTH: country’s annual rate of capital-labor growth.EDUCGRTH: country’s annual rate of growth in mean education. Sources. 1950 and 1973: Maddison 1987. 1989: Maddison 1991. 1960 interpolated from data from Christensen et al. 1980. 1979: interpolated from data in Maddison 1987.EDUC 0: country’s level of mean education at the beginning of the period.AGEKCHNG: annualized change in the average age of country’s capital stock over the period.RDGDP: Ratio of RD expenditures to GDP, averaged over the period. The data are not available before 1960. Sources. 1960–1983: Maddison 1987; 1984–89: UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, various years. b significant at the 10 level. c significant at the 5 level. d significant at the 1 level. Wolff, 1994, for more details. The results specification 5 do show a very strong vintage effect the coefficient of AGEKCHG is negative and significant at the one percent level. Moreover, the coefficient of the growth in mean education is positive and now significant at the 10 level. Moreover, when initial education is included, its coefficient, while still negative, is no longer statistically significant results not shown. In the final specification, I included RD intensity, though this variable is available only for 1960 and later. In this case, the coefficient of the growth in mean education becomes insignificant. 14

5. Interactions with technical change

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