Technique of Analyzing Data Introduction to Data Analysis

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E. Technique of Analyzing Data

The way of analyzing data can be seen as follows: 1. Making category of the data by differentiating slang type in which dialogue occurred. 2. Conducting analysis on the data by describing the setting, participants, topic, and social distance of characters in which conversations containing slang come about. This step uses Ramona and Bezuss movie as the reference. 3. Interpreting the slang functions. 4. Comparing the slang variant with some standard variant if possible. The purpose of comparing in slang variant with some standard variant is to prove that slang influenced not only by social conditions but also the topic and the aims of the speaker in which conversation occurred. 5. Describing the most dominant type and the most dominant function in discussions. 6. Making conclusion commit to user 35 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

A. Introduction to Data Analysis

Data analysis is the most essential part of this research since it has function to answer the problem statements in order to show the result of the research. I perform these several steps in conducting this research, they are: Firstly, making category of the data by differentiating slang type in which dialogue occurred. Secondly, conducting analysis on the data by describing the setting, participants, topic, and social distance of characters in which conversations containing slang come about. Thirdly, interpreting the slang functions. Fourthly, comparing slang variant with some standard variant. The purpose of comparing in slang variant with some standard variant is to prove that slang influenced not only by social conditions but also the aims of the speaker in which conversation occurred. However, only few of slang variant can be compared with standard language since there are limited data of standard variant in Ramona and Bezuss movie. Lastly, describing the most dominant type, the most dominant function and making conclusion. This research uses Allan and Burridge ’ theory about slang type as guideline in classifying the slang words. Meanwhile, to interpret the slang functions I use the theory of Ethnography of Speaking by Dell Hymes in order to make guideline in analyzing data. I find 51 dialogues containing slang and find 179 slang data employed commit to user 36 by characters in Ramona and Bezuss movie in conducting the research. In referring to the first problem statement, there are five types of slang which is employed by the characters in this movie. They are categorized into fresh and creative type, flippant type, imitative type, acronym type, and clipping type. Meanwhile, in referring to the second problem statement about the slang functions of each type, there are seven different slang functions distributed differently in each type in Ramona and Bezuss movie. The functions of slang words are to address, to form intimate atmosphere, to initiate relax conversation, to show impression, to show intimacy, to reveal anger, and to humiliate. The result of analyzing slang data can be seen in the next sub chapter.

B. Classification of The Data