research is same using the film as learning media, while the difference is research Bayu Seno Aji test the effectiveness of film media in learning to write short stories and this study tested the effectiveness of film media in improving student learning enthusiastic. 2. Farida Triana Sari 2012 in The Effect of Use of Learning Media Documentary Film in Social History Lesson Of Interests Student Learning Class 8 SMPN 13 Malang. There are significant differences between interest in learning students who are taught using the media documentary and does not use the media documentary film, this proved in the t-test is to be obtained t-count equal to 3.481 and the t-table is 1.666. t-count larger than t-table, so that H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Thereby learning media documentary film proven to improve interest in student learning. Equation Farida Triana Sari’s research with this study is using the same documentary film. While the difference Farida Triana Sari’s research is measure interest in student learning and this research measure enthusiastic student learning. 3. Varida Kurniasih 2012 with Development of Documentary Film Learning Media For Support Highlights Accounting Trading Company For SMK Students of Class X. Test the feasibility of media documentary film developed by matter expert obtained result of equal to 93, learning media experts obtained result of equal to 88, and the test results of students obtained 84. Based on the results of the feasibility test, we can conclude that the media documentary that was developed by matter expert, learning media experts, and students are very feasible. Equation Farida Kurniasih’s research and this research are are equally develop media documentaries in accounting learning trading company. While the difference is, in this study to test the effectiveness learning media documentary film to improve student learning enthusiastic.

C. Conceptual Framework

D. Research Questions and Hypotheses

Based on the study of theory and conceptual framework above, the research questions and hypotheses put forward as follows: 1. How to developed documentary film learning media to improve student learning enthusiastic of vocational senior high school PGRI 1 Sentolo grade X on accounting trading company ? Basically enthusiastic student learning can be created and caused by something new aspect of the learning process. At a certain moment decline enthusiastic in learning because students are always participating in learning activities that tend to be the same and less varied in methods and media. In this case the documentary film was rarely used as learning media, especially in the learning process accounting activities in domionasi with direct practical activities. So the documentary film learning media considered can improve the enthusiastic student who declined due to lack of variety learning methods and media used by teachers. 2. How the feasibility of documentary film learning media to improve student learning enthusiastic of vocational senior high school PGRI 1 Sentolo grade X on accounting trading company ? Furthermore, the hypothesis proposed in this research is documentary film learning media can improve student learning enthusiastic of vocational senior high school PGRI 1 Sentolo grade X on accounting trading company.