Subjects and Objects Research Operational Definitions

4. Enthusiastic in learning Enthusiastic in learning is a surge, a passion, an interest, feelings of pleasure and spirit of a person students were very big on cognitive processes in terms of a change in behavior as a result of experience and interaction with the environment. 5. Trading company Trading company is a company whose business activities make purchases of merchandise for resale later without changing its shape. The main characteristic of is a trading company: its business activities purchase goods for resale without the production process process change form, and income principally derived from sales of merchandise.

E. Research Procedure

This research procedure adapted ADDIE development model, the model of development that consists of five stages that included the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. ADDIE Model developed by Dick and Carry 1996 to design a learning system Endang Mulyatiningsih, 2013: 200. This Research and development procedures can be developed from a summary of the activity in the ADDIE model of Endang Mulyatiningsih 2013: 201-202 as follows: descriptions each stage of the development of models ADDIE: 1. Analysis Stage Analysis stage include: a The analysis included necessity and characteristics of students the proper as targeted use of the media. b Analysis of competencies that included an analysis of Competency Standards SK and the Basic Competency KD which had published in this media. c Analysis of instructional that included the elaboration of Basic Competency KD, which have been at the analytical stage competencies are indicators that allow for the presentation of learning in learning media documentary film. 2. Design stage Design stage included: a Preparing a accounting trading company material that will be loaded in the documentary film b Prepare a script to easier when take the film. 3. Development stage Development stage included: a Developed documentary film learning media based on the information that obtained from a previous stages. Developers modify an existing model in the form of media documentary film.