Theory of Motivation Theoretical Description .1 Theory of Literature

12 are accomplished. Therefore, the key to be a good personality is a balance between the id, ego, and superego. Theory of Motivation

Theory of motivation is used to analyze Allison’s motivation in order to exercise her motherly love. Allison’s motivation directs her to think about the ways she should behave in order to achieve her goal. In fact, her behavior cannot be separated from her emotions. This theory is one of the ways to show the relation between physical conditions, emotion, and motivation as seen in See Mommy Run. According to Jung 1978: 4, a simple but accurate definition of motivation is not easy. It must be able to include terms that refer to such diverse states as desire, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. Emotion is related to motivation because it sometimes operates as motivated factors, and influenced motivations in the process of response to something. Moreover, in the book entitled Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research, and Applications by Hjelle 1981: 368-374, Maslow states that most human behavior can be explained by the individual’s tendency to seek personal goal states that create life rewarding and meaningful. The concept of motivation is also used to explain differences in the intensity of behavior. More intense behaviors are considered to be the result of higher levels of motivation. Furthermore, human motivation could be classified in a level of needs. The needs are divided into five: psychological need, safety, belongingness and love, esteem and self-esteem, and self-actualization. 13 The first need is physiological need. It becomes the basic, powerful and obvious of all human needs. It deals with the biological maintenance of organism and must be gratified in minimal level before the individual is motivated by higher-order needs. The physiological need refers to the biological needs such as food, water, oxygen, activity and sleep, sex, protection from extreme temperature, and sensory stimulation. The second need is safety. This need deals with one’s need for protection, security, stability, freedom from fear and anxiety. On the other hand, the one needs to be secured and out of the danger. The third need is love and belongingness. It is very important because every individual needs someone else in her or his life. As shehe could not live alone, shehe has to build a good relationship with others. The fourth is self-esteem and esteem needs. This need deals with self- respect self value and esteem of others other-value. Self-esteem includes self- confidence, competency, control, sufficiency, achievement, independence, and freedom. On the other hand, Esteem needs are the need to achieve, be competence, and gain approval and recognition. Therefore, everyone will do something that deal with competencies, achievement, personal adequacy, and mastery. The last need is self-actualization needs. It is the highest level because in this need an individual explores his or her talent, capacity, and full potential. According those aspects, to self-actualize is “to become the kind of person who wants to become-to reach the peak of one’s potential.” It means that what people can be, they must be. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 Finally, some theorists have emphasized the idea that the basic motive of all human is to become a personally fulfilled as one can. These actualization approaches stress the positive nature of behavior and argue for understanding motivation from the point of view that one strive to control or affect an environment. Theory of Love